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Understanding the acid-base chemistry of soil and the soil processes related to the release or retention of sulfate and nitrate is important in order to predict watershed recovery from long-term acid deposition. Soils were sampled from the Noland Divide Watershed (NDW), a small, high-elevation watershed in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park receiving high rates of acid deposition over several decades. Soil samples were measured for chemical properties related to acidification and used to conduct sulfate adsorption and nitrogen (N) incubation experiments. Shallow soil was higher in acidic and basic ions than deeper soils, and the mean effective cation exchange capacity was 8.07, 5.06, and 3.57 cmolc kg−1 in the A, Bw, and Cb horizons, respectively. In all three soil horizons, the base saturation was equal to or below 7% and the ratio of Ca/Al was below 0.01, indicating that the NDW is very sensitive to acid deposition. Based on results from sulfate adsorption isotherms, the NDW has not reached its maximum sulfate adsorption saturation and is likely able to retain further additions of sulfate. Desorption of sulfate from NDW soils is expected if sulfate concentrations in soil solution drop below 50 μeq L−1 but is highly dependent on soil pH and organic carbon content. Total soil organic N was 500 times greater than inorganic N in the A soil horizon, and net N mineralization and nitrification remained constant during a 28-day incubation indicating a large reservoir of N substrate for soil microbes. Nitrogen experiment results suggest that nitrate export from the watershed is largely controlled by biological processes rather than by nitrate deposition flux. Soil data collected in this study contributes to our understanding of biogeochemical processes affecting the response of acid-impacted ecosystems such as the NDW to future changes in atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

The effect of acidic deposition on the soil under red pine forest in Chunchon, Korea was investigated. Precipitation, stream water, and soil solution chemistry were monitored at the watershed from 1997 to 1998. Acidity of the open-bulk precipitation was often neutralized by large amounts of ammonia (NH3) that might have originated from livestock farming and fertilization. Estimated elemental budget at the watershed showed a positive correlation between loss of base cations and proton (H+) production due to nitrogen transformation in soil (ΔH+ NT: ([NH4 +]in-[NH4 +]out)- ([NO3 ?]in-[NO3 ?]out)). When ΔH+ NT increased, concentrations of nitrate in soil solutions also increased. Consequently, pH values of soil solutions decreased, although ion exchange with base cations contributed to buffer reaction. Since acid buffering capacity of the red pine forest soil was small, it was concluded that the input of ammonium nitrogen enhanced nitrification in soil thus causing soil acidification represented by loss of base cations from the watershed.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of acid deposition on the long-term sustainability of nine oak, pine and spruce stands on sandy to loamy sandy parent material in Sweden, Denmark and The Netherlands, a dynamic soil acidification model (ReSAM) was applied. Two deposition scenarios for the period 1990–2090 were used: a business as usual scenario (BAU) and a restrictive critical load scenario (CL). The BAU scenario leads to a strong decrease in both Al concentrations and pH in the topsoil of the Dutch and the Danish sites due to a decrease in the amount of amorphous Al compounds. The decline in pH leads to an enhanced release of base cations by silicate weathering. Despite the ongoing acidification, base saturation increases during the simulation period, due to both the increase in base cation weathering and an increased input from mineralization with the ageing of the tree stands. No change in Al concentration is predicted for northern Sweden as deposition levels are below critical loads. Soil chemistry at the recently replanted Swedish sites is dominated by changes in N cycling instead of by deposition. The CL scenario leads, especially after 2010, to a stronger decline in Al concentration compared with the BAU scenario, which is mainly caused by a reduction of the acid input. Up to 2010, a considerable acid input to the soil system is maintained as N supply is larger than the consumption of N by the trees. Despite the reduction of the deposition of S and N to critical loads, the readily available cation pools are still declining on the Danish and Dutch sites in 2090. It is concluded that deposition levels above critical loads lead to exhaustion of the pool of amorphous Al compounds and a decline in pH. Base saturation does not decline due to an increase in mineralization with stand age and an increase in weathering rate due to the decline in pH.  相似文献   

本文概述了淡水资源及其产业在加拿大经济中的重要性、酸沉降对加拿大渔业资源造成的损失。通过现场调查、生物测定和试验研究探索了酸沉降对湖泊等水域酸化的影响。〔H~+〕是危害鱼类的主要毒物。提出利用模型评价酸沉降对生物损害是今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

In the pilot study ESQUAD the impact of atmospheric deposition of three heavy metals (cadmium, copper and lead) and two persistent organic pollutants (benzo(a)-pyrene and lindane) on the quality of European soils and seawater has been calculated. Calculations have been made of atmospheric transport and deposition using a detailed emissions database for Europe. This enabled deposition maps to be produced to a resolution of approximately 50 km. The distribution of pollutant concentrations in forest soils was calculated for each grid cell using a database of soil property parameters in Europe. For the North Sea, a model was used to map long-term concentrations in water and sediment, which are due to atmospheric deposition and other, non-atmospheric sources. The model calculations allowed detailed comparisons of deposition fluxes and concentrations of the substances studied with critical loads and environmental quality threshold values, including critical loads. Although significant uncertainties were identified, the study gives insight in how threshold exceedance rates in Europe relate to pollutant type, threshold type, environmental compartment and chemophysical phase (adsorbed, dissolved). For all pollutants and for all compartments exceedances were calculated for at least some of the quality thresholds that were chosen.  相似文献   

SW Sweden has very acidic forest soils because of deposition ofair-borne pollutants. Large-scale liming and fertilization have been proposed as countermeasures against a possible future development of forest decline. To test the effects of suggested treatments, liming (3 or 6 t ha1) and fertilization with easily soluble PK (25 or 50 kg P, 80 or 160 kg K ha1) or N(20 kg N ha1 annually in the form of NH4 NO3) were applied in different combinations in four experiments in 30–60 yr-old Picea abies forests in SW Sweden. Four yearsafter the initial application of the fertilizers, samples were taken from the O-horizon and the two uppermost 5 cm thick layersof the mineral soil. Their pH(H2O) and easily extractable Ca, Mg, K, P and inorganic N contents were analyzed. Samples werealso incubated to estimate net N mineralization and potential nitrification rates. Liming increased the pH by 0.6–1 unit in the O-horizon, and by 0.1 unit in the mineral soil. The Ca + Mg content increased by 15–25 kmolc ha1 (4–8 foldincrease) in the O-horizon of the limed plots, while an increaseof 5 kmolc ha1 (two-fold increase) was observed in theuppermost 5 cm of the mineral soil. Liming did not affect extractable P, K or inorganic N contents. Net N mineralization and potential nitrification rates in the O-horizon were enhanced 1.5- and 6-fold, respectively, by liming, but it had no apparenteffect in the mineral soil. N fertilization caused a slight increase (1.5 kg ha1) in the content of inorganic N, buthad no effects on the other variables measured. The amount ofextractable P was raised by 16 kg ha1 in plots given the high P dose (50 kg ha1), but no other effects of PK fertilization were detected.  相似文献   

The potential for sulfate retention is an important soil feature for buffering of atmospheric acid deposition. We studied the effects of increasing additions of different neutral salts and acids on mobilization and retention of SO4 2- in acid forest soils. Soils containing up to 11 mmol SO4 2- kg-1 were equilibrated with H2O, NaCl, MgCl2, and HCl. Release of SO4 2- was highest with H2O and NaCl additions and lowest when HCl was used. Increasing the ionic strength of the added solutions caused decreasing SO4 2- concentrations in equilibrium solution. Decreasing pH in equilibrium solution was found to be the reason for the decrease in release. Even when the pH was < 4, the SO4 2- release decreased. We assume that this finding resulted from the fact that in the soils studied the SO4 2- sorption was controlled by the high contents of Fe oxides/hydroxides. Experiments with Na2SO4, MgSO4, and H2SO4 demonstrated that the B horizons already containing high amounts of SO4 2- were still able to retain SO4 2-. Sulfate retention increased in the order Na2SO4 < MgSO4 < H2SO4, which corresponds to increasing H+ availability. The higher SO4 2- retention along with MgSO4 compared to Na2SO4 may be caused by higher potential of Mg to mobilize soil acidity compared to Na.  相似文献   

High nitrogen, especially ammonium, input has been observed in Shichinohe, Aomori Prefecture, northeastern Japan. The monitoring study on soil and soil solution has been carried out to determine soil acidification status since 1996. Soils and soil solutions in Minamitonai and Haginosawa are not strongly acidic. Fluctuations in nitrate concentrations coincided with sodium (Na+) or calcium (Ca2+). Produced protons due to nitrification were exchanged with Ca2+ or neutralized by weathering process. Exchangeable Ca2+ accumulated in surface layers, particular in the older Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) stand (42 years old). Exchangeable Ca2+ affected soil solution chemistry and the Ca2+ concentration was significantly higher in the older Japanese cedar stand than that in the younger stand (22 years old). Base cations, especially Ca2+, accumulation prevented soil (solution) acidification in Shichinohe site.  相似文献   

The majority of Scottish upland soils are particularly sensitive to acid deposition because of their low weathering rates. The compositions of the exchangeable base cations of such soils in the United Kingdom are dominated by sea salt inputs rather than by mineral weathering inputs of base cations. Catchments with low mineral weathering rates are also those particularly susceptible to freshwater acidification. Therefore, catchments exhibiting a high sea salt effect should also exhibit the most acid waters under base flow and storm flow conditions. A field evaluation study based on 61 catchments in NE Scotland has shown that this is indeed the case. River water pH under both base flow and high flow conditions is correlated stronhly with the relative contribution of Na+ to the sum of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+. From these results, an attempt is being made to produce a quantitative signature of weathering for the soils within the catchment upstream of the sampling point. Representative soil samples from the LFH, AE, B and C horizons and on 4 different parent materials have been obtained from the surrounding catchments to validate the above results for associated soil solutions. Sampling took place on upland moorland podzols under Calluna vulgaris. Tension lysimeters were used to sample the soil solutions so that their chemistry could be compared with that of the relevant river water.  相似文献   

Ionic fluxes in a semi-mature stand of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), on a spodosol in eastern Ireland, were monitored over an eight-year period, 1991–1998. The paper focuses on the long-term viability of forests in this region. Input-output balances, proton budgets and critical loads suggest that the long-term sustainability of forests in the region is threatened unless atmospheric emissions of anthropogenic substances can be controlled.  相似文献   

Twenty plots (20 m2 each) were selected in coniferous and mixed forests of the industrial Vologda district and the Vytegra district without developed industries in Vologda region. In March, snow cores corresponding to the snow cover depth were taken on these plots. In August, soil samples from the 0- to 20-cm layer of litter-free soddy-podzolic soil (Albic Retisol (Ochric)) were taken on the same plots in August. The content of mineral nitrogen (Nmin), including its ammonium (NH+4) and nitrate (NO-3) forms, was determined in the snow (meltwater) and soil. The contents of total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and elements (Al, Ca); pH; particle size distribution; and microbiological parameters―carbon of microbial biomass (Cmic) and microbial respiration (MR)―were determined in the soil. The ratio MR/Cmic = qCO2 (specific respiration of microbial biomass, or soil microbial metabolic quotient) was calculated. The content of Nmic in meltwater of two districts was 1.7 mg/L on the average (1.5 and 0.3 mg/L for the NH+4 and NO3 forms, respectively). The annual atmospheric deposition was 0.6–8.9 kg Nmin/ha, the value of which in the Vologda district was higher than in the Vytegra district by 40%. Reliable correlations were found between atmospheric NH+4 depositions and Cmic (–0.45), between NH+4 and qCO2 (0.56), between atmospheric NO-3 depositions and the soil NO-3 (–0.45), and between NO-3 and qCO2 (–0.58). The content of atmospheric Nmin depositions correlated with the ratios C/N (–0.46) and Al/Ca (–0.52) in the soil. In forests with the high input of atmospheric nitrogen (>2.0 kg NH+4/(ha yr) and >6.4 kg Nmin/(ha yr)), a tendency of decreasing Cmic, C/N, and Al/Ca, as well as increasing qCO2, was revealed, which could be indicative of deterioration in the functioning of microbial community and the chemical properties of the soil.  相似文献   

模拟氮沉降对森林土壤酚类物质和可溶性糖含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用野外原位试验模拟氮沉降,研究其对福建建瓯万木林自然保护区杉木林(CUL)、浙江桂(CIC)和罗浮栲林(CAF)3种林分土壤多酚、单宁和可溶性糖含量的影响。每个林分设置对照(CK,0 kg/(hm2·a))、低氮(LN,30 kg/(hm2·a))和高氮(HN,100 kg/(hm2·a))3个处理。结果表明:针叶杉木林土壤多酚含量最高,单宁和可溶性糖含量最低,且均与另两个阔叶树种林分差异显著。杉木和罗浮栲林土壤多酚含量随着氮添加量的增加而显著降低,浙江桂多酚受HN处理影响不大,仅LN处理显著降低49.4%。氮沉降主要表现为降低土壤单宁含量,LN处理分别显著降低杉木林、浙江桂和罗浮栲林单宁含量43.5%、70.0%和79.5%;而HN处理仅降低阔叶林土壤单宁含量。然而,氮沉降增加土壤可溶性糖含量,与对照处理相比,LN处理分别显著增加杉木、浙江桂和罗浮栲林土壤可溶性糖48.8%、19.2%和19.8%。各林分凋落物中多酚、单宁和可溶性糖含量受氮沉降的影响不显著。  相似文献   

大气沉降对土壤和作物中重金属富集的影响及其研究进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
刘鹏  胡文友  黄标  刘本乐  周怡 《土壤学报》2019,56(5):1048-1059
以我国农田土壤-作物-大气系统为研究对象,综述了近年来大气沉降中重金属的来源及时空分布规律以及大气沉降对农田土壤和作物中重金属富集的影响及其研究进展。人为活动产生的重金属进入大气后,受多种自然和人为因素及环境保护政策等综合因素的影响,导致大气沉降中的重金属具有明显的时空分异特征:从时间分异来看,大气重金属含量呈现出冬季高于其他季节,供暖期高于非供暖期的特点;从空间分异来看,工业发达地区较高,燃煤为主的城市高于其他城市,城区高于郊区及远郊地区。大气沉降不仅会使土壤重金属含量上升,也会对农作物造成直接和间接的影响。大气中的重金属会通过气孔进入作物细胞,在细胞壁、液泡中积累,当含量过高时会影响作物正常生长或引起作物重金属超标风险,不利于农业安全生产。未来的研究应将传统分析方法与空间和地统计技术、多元同位素示踪技术、数学模型模拟等多种技术手段相结合,在区域尺度和田间自然条件下开展土壤-作物-大气系统重金属循环过程的研究,为区域农田重金属污染防控和环境管理提供科学依据和决策支撑。  相似文献   

我国红壤区大气氮沉降及其农田生态环境效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔键  周静  杨浩  何园球 《土壤》2015,47(2):245-251
大气氮沉降作为营养源和酸源,沉降数量的急速增加,将严重影响生态系统的生产力和稳定性,对农田生态系统的影响日益显现。本文简要介绍了大气氮沉降的概念、来源和研究方法,梳理了近年来我国红壤区大气氮沉降的形态、数量及其对农田生态系统的影响,提出了红壤农田生态系统大气氮沉降当前存在的问题及今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Prescribed fires are likely to re-emit atmospherically deposited mercury (Hg), and comparison of soil Hg storage in areas affected by prescribed fire to that in similar unburned areas may provide cross-validating estimates of atmospheric Hg deposition. Prescribed fires are common in the southeastern United States (US), a region of relatively high Hg deposition compared to the rest of the US, and are thus a potentially significant source of re-emitted atmospheric Hg. Accordingly, Hg was determined in soil layers of a prescribed fire experiment in a Florida longleaf pine forest. The Hg deficit in the annually burned forest floor relative to the forest floor unburned for 46 years (0.180 g ha?1?yr?1) agreed to within 5% of an independent estimate of Hg deposition for this site based on a regional monitoring network and computer model (0.171 g ha?1 yr?1). Consideration of other potential inputs and outputs of Hg suggested that atmospheric deposition was the primary input of Hg to the site. If extrapolated, these results suggest that prescribed fires in the southeastern US mainly re-emit atmospherically deposited Hg and that this re-emission is less than 1% of total US anthropogenic emissions. However, emissions at other sites may vary due to the possible presence of Hg in underlying geological strata and differences in fire regime and levels of atmospheric Hg deposition.  相似文献   

In spite of numerous experimental studies, it has, sofar, not been possible to link historic changes inforest growth to acid deposition at regional scales,partly due to difficulties in modeling the ecologicalcomplexity of forests. We analyzed radial incrementdata from increment cores from >31 000 spruce forestplots in southern Norway from 1954–1996. Using acombination of a bio-stratification model to controlconfounding factors, and a catchment model foracidification, we demonstrate for the first time aspatial and temporal co-variation between forestgrowth and both nitrogen deposition and acidification,as indicated by acidity critical loads exceedances.Increases in growth during the 1960–1970s, followed bya subsequent decline in the 1980–1990s, were bestexplained by combined actions of acidification,nitrogen deposition and climatic stress on forestgrowth. While forest conditions varyprimarily with natural growing conditions, the resultssuggest that boreal forests are sensitive to moderatelevels of nitrogen and sulphur deposition whereacidity critical loads are low, and that effects maybe observed over relatively short time scales.  相似文献   

In addition to strong natural stresses forest ecosystems in the Kola Subarctic, Russia, receive high loads of sulphur and heavy metals from the nickel smelter. To estimate soil response to acid deposition we compared the soil field data along a pollution gradient and simulated time effects. Multivariate technique was applied to investigate spatial distribution of soil field data. Time response of soils to acid deposition was evaluated with the SMART model. According to field observations there is no evidence for strong soil acidification effects close to the smelter. Concentrations of exchangeable Ca and base saturation increase, while acidity decrease in lower soil mineral horizons towards the pollution source. However, some features seem to reflect the early stages of the started acidification. Most soil profiles have low pH values. Despite increasing of exchangeable Ca and Mg towards the smelter in lower mineral horizons due to geological inheritance, they do not reveal the same trends in the upper ones. Concentration of exchangeable K in organic horizons decreases towards the smelter, thus confirming the starting acidification. As result, exchangeable base cations are depleted in the considerable part of shallow soil profiles. According to model simulation the present acid load does not effect considerably on forest soils in background areas, however, dramatic shift in soil chemistry near the smelter is expected within several decades. Due to low pool of exchangeable base cations and low weathering rate continued acid deposition can lead to increased soil acidification and nutrient imbalance.  相似文献   

A plot with a high aluminum (Al) concentration in soil solution was found in Kumagaya, central Japan; the maximum was 4.0 mg L−1 as total dissolved Al (TD-Al) at a depth of 10 cm in August 2000. The soil type was Dystric Andosols with three horizons, A/Bw1/Bw2, which contained a considerable quantity of Al extracted by dithionite-citrate and acid-oxalate extractants. The upper two horizons were acidic with soil pH (H2O) of 4.4 and 4.6. The fundamental cause of the high TD-Al concentration was the low pH with a very low base saturation of less than 2%. The seasonal change in TD-Al concentrations in soil solution at a depth of 10 cm was significantly and positively correlated with the nitrate concentrations but weakly and rather negatively correlated with the sulfate concentrations. Nitrification functioned as the direct acid source to cause the TD-Al concentrations to fluctuate strongly, whereas sulfate adsorption onto the soil at the research plot functioned as a sink of proton.  相似文献   

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