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Abstract. Previous industrial and waste disposal activities and natural processes have led to elevated concentrations of harmful substances in soil. Risk-based land management requires the risk posed by such substances to be managed. Generic assessment criteria offer a simple and efficient but often over-cautious approach to human health risk assessment. Site-specific assessment criteria reduce over-conservatism but require extra time and effort to determine. Generic assessment criteria should represent contaminant concentrations below which there is no unacceptable risk to human health. Consistent definitions, application and interpretation are essential prerequisites for fostering and maintaining stakeholder confidence in risk-based land management.  相似文献   

植物对污染土壤修复作用的研究进展   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
利用植物修复污染土壤是一种被人们认为安全可靠的方法.植物修复技术不仅能修复被石油污染的土壤,而且对更多品种污染的土壤修复有效,植物降解高分子有毒化合物的基础是根际环境及根际微生物,与无植物土壤不同.对根际区微生物降解和转化有机化合物的研究,更多的集中于植物对杀虫剂和除草剂的降解.事实证明,生物修复污染土壤是一项实用性和有效性很强的技术.  相似文献   

For the assessment of contaminated or remediated soils, in addition to chemical analyses, ecotoxicological tests are performed which focus on the retention function of soils (determined by tests with aqueous soil extracts) and on the habitat function (determined by tests with soil). While numerous standardized test guidelines exist to investigate effects by chemical substances, respective test procedures for soil assessments are lacking. To close this gap, a round robin test was performed to support standardization. Four contaminated soils were tested using a total of fifteen test systems including ecotoxicological and genotoxicological tests with soil extracts and soil. The results obtained from the tests with soil extracts are presented in this article.  相似文献   

汶川地震灾毁耕地灾度评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汶川地震与洪灾相伴对灾区耕地产生了巨大的破坏作用。该文从灾后农业生产恢复重建的角度出发,基于综合集成的灾害系统观,以江油市乡镇为统计单元,选取耕地承灾体灾情、孕灾环境、恢复重建压力10项指标,利用R型因子分析方法,建立耕地灾度综合指数模型;在ArcGIS技术支持下,将江油市划分为不同的耕地灾度区。研究结果表明,江油全市40个乡镇中,有18个乡镇(占全市面积的45.31%)的耕地重度受损,主要分布在市域的中部和西部山地与丘陵的过渡地带和丘陵地带,其中,无法复垦的耕地占受灾面积的7.76%;有10个乡镇(占全市面积的22.17%)的耕地中度受损,主要分布在西北部山地以及轻度和重度受损的过渡区,其中,无法复垦的耕地占受灾面积的4.39%;有12个乡镇(占全市面积的32.52%)的耕地轻度受损,主要分布在东部平坝以及平坝与丘陵的过渡地带,其中,无法复垦的耕地占受灾面积的0.76%。研究结果以期为地震灾区分类指导开展灾毁耕地复垦和农业生态系统恢复重建提供科学依据。  相似文献   

红壤坡地不同土地利用方式土壤蒸发和植被蒸腾规律研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
为明确红壤坡地土壤水分耗散特征,通过田间定位观测,分析了农作区、茶园和桠柑园土壤水分蒸发和蒸腾过程。结果表明:蒸发、蒸腾与土壤表层含水率和植被叶面积指数关系密切,不同利用方式日蒸发量大小顺序为遮荫茶园〈对照茶园〈桠柑园〈农作区。茶树和桠柑蒸腾速率日变化曲线均呈现单峰型,桠柑日蒸腾速率比对照茶树弱,这两种土地利用方式下6—10月均以蒸腾耗水为主。遮荫可有效削弱茶园土壤蒸发及植被蒸腾。茶园蒸发受微地形条件影响较大,梯地蒸发比梯坎蒸发弱,而农作区和桠柑园土壤蒸发更多受水分条件的影响。合理的土地利用方式和适度遮荫可以有效降低红壤坡地土壤水分散失,提高水分利用效率和防治季节性干旱。  相似文献   

This paper describes the laboratory development of a microbial treatment for soil contaminated with oil hydrocarbon residues at a disused refinery site and the application of this technology in a pilot scale treatment bed in the field. Micro-organisms isolated from the site capable of utilizing a number of normal and branched chain alkanes were tested in a series of soil microcosms, together with various permutations of commercially available surfactants and nutrients for stimulating the activities of hydrocarbon-utilizing micro-organisms. Amongst the most effective reagents were: a the fertiliser ‘PurisolR’ 110(11 per cent N, 11 per cent P205, 11 per cent K20, ‘Chafer, Brit. Ag,’ Ltd.), which in combination with other supplements resulted in reductions of total oil hydrocarbons and associated polar products (TOHP) from 24,100 to below 16,000 mg kg−1 after five weeks (compared to 21,200 mg kg−1 in the control); (b) a hexadecane degrading Acinetobacter sp., which in combination with nutrients, reduced TOHP from 21,400 to 13,200 mg kg−1, in seven weeks compared to 16,800 mg kg−1 in the control and 15,100 mg kg−1 in the treatment with nutrients only and; (c) brewer's yeast which in combination with other supplements reduced TOHP from 16,300 to 7,600 mg kg−1 in 14 weeks. These reagents, together with other supplements were applied to a pilot-scale treatment bed consisting of 200 m3 of contaminated soil. Reductions in TOHP from 25,500 to 9,400 mg kg−1 were achieved in 15 months. Corresponding reductions in total oil hydrocarbons (TOH) from 22,600 to 2,000 mg kg−1 were achieved in the same period. After this time little further degradation was observed. The requirements for: (a) a critical evaluation of analytical methodology for assessing the bioremediation of oil contaminated soil, and; (b) considering the overall chemical stability of the asphaltene-like residue remaining after biodegradation of the primary oil has taken place when setting meaningful targets for restoration of oil-contaminated land, are highlighted in this study.  相似文献   

Abstract. Soils contaminated with organic chemicals are now widespread in industrialized and developing countries, and the risk assessment and remediation of such contaminated sites is a priority. However, containment and remediation strategies are complicated in many cases by the range of contaminants present and the historical nature of the contamination. Research has increased our understanding of the behaviour of organic contaminants in soil and the factors that control their behaviour. There is a fundamental need to understand and, where possible, quantify the bioavailable fraction as well as the total concentration of contaminant present in soil: the bioavailable fraction is key to toxicity or biodegradation. To quantify these fractions, a large number of techniques have been employed, ranging from organic and aqueous based solvent extractions to the use of biota. Many studies have been carried out investigating the use of chemical techniques to describe bioavailability, which could be used in the assessment and remediation of contaminated land. The aim of this review is to consider the behaviour of organic contaminants in soil, highlighting issues of bioavailability, and then to discuss the relevance of the various methods for assessing risk and potential remediation of organic contaminants in soil.  相似文献   

对我国典型滴滴涕(DDT)废弃生产场地的疑似重污染区进行环境调查、污染土壤人体健康风险评估和土壤修复建议目标值计算。结果表明,该场地污水处理池周边的关注污染物主要为p,p’-DDT、p,p’-DDD、p,p’-DDE、1,4-二氯苯、氯仿和氯苯,临近污水处理池北侧和东侧的区域土壤中污染物垂向迁移明显,其他区域土壤污染物主要分布于0~50 cm土层。前5种关注污染物的致癌风险均超过10-6,部分点位p,p’-DDT和氯苯的非致癌危害指数大于1。不确定性分析表明,半挥发性有机物p,p’-DDT、p,p’-DDD和p,p’-DDE经口腔摄入土壤和皮肤接触土壤暴露途径对总风险的贡献率超过98%,挥发性有机物氯苯、1,4-二氯苯和氯仿经吸入室内空气暴露途径对总风险的贡献率高达99%以上。土壤颗粒密度、土壤容重和土壤含水率是敏感参数。p,p’-DDT、p,p’-DDD、p,p’-DDE、氯苯、1,4-二氯苯和氯仿的土壤修复建议目标值分别为5.84、6.19、4.36、36.2、0.55和0.02 mg kg-1。  相似文献   

土地整理项目实施后影响评价   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
土地整理项目后评价是土地整理事业可持续发展的重要条件,在经济、社会、生态等效益分析的基础上,土地整理项目的社会影响日益受到关注。选取重庆市19个已实施的土地整理项目组成评判对象集合,在跟踪调查和资料梳理的基础上,将AHP、熵权法与模糊综合评判方法相结合对项目实施后的社会影响进行了分析。结果表明,重庆市土地整理项目的实施取得了一定社会效果,但并不显著。分析认为,调整完善目前土地整理的政策安排必要而迫切。  相似文献   

以丹江口水库以上的汉江流域为例,利用植被覆盖度、坡度加权的上游有效汇流面积空间分布型式和驱动-阻力耦合空间分布拟合函数2个指标,评价水蚀流域土地覆被格局土壤保持能力,并基于研究区14个子流域水文站泥沙资料进行验证.结果表明:汉江干流沿岸河谷盆地和丹江口水库周边丘陵区子流域是研究区城镇和农田的主要分布区,植被覆盖度低,距离汉江较近,当前覆被格局土壤保持能力相对较低,是河流泥沙的主要直接来源地;有效汇流面积空间分布型式和驱动-阻力耦合空间分布拟合函数能有效反映流域泥沙输出,可作为评价流域土地覆被格局土壤保持能力的指标.该评价方法基于土地覆被格局与土壤侵蚀的作用机制,简单易行,可为评价土地覆被格局土壤保持能力、土地覆被格局变化的土壤侵蚀效应提供一种简捷的途径.  相似文献   

Abstract. Scientific land and soil resource surveys have had only limited impacts locally on development and extension practice in the tropics. They are thought to have little relevance for subsistence farmers. Their failure to accommodate local social and cultural priorities is a factor. Soil scientists have, until recently, given little attention to others' understanding of soil or 'ethnopedology'. The incorporation of indigenous soil and land resource knowledge has recently been advocated to improve their relevance. But a common error is uncritically to impose a western scientific model, which may distort understanding. The ill-informed, decontextualised knowledge that results may even promote negative interventions. This paper criticises the narrow idea of 'indigenous technical knowledge', citing evidence from Papua New Guinea, Bangladesh and Indonesia. While we find farmers consistently use some of the same information as scientists to assess soils, their definitions of soils and land types are often at odds. Scientists identify classes by a range of technically assessed properties, whereas farmers may not. Their more holistic approach also accounts in part for the disjunction, frequently incorporating exotic social and cultural aspects. The wider use of indigenous soil notions in agrotechnology transfer may be limited too by some of their intrinsic characteristics, inclined to be location specific, and culturally relative.  相似文献   

利用土壤改良剂固定污染土壤中铅、镉的研究进展   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Since the inception of industrial revolution, metal refining plants using pyrometallurgical processes have generated the prodigious emissions of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd). As the core target of such pollutants, a large number of soils are nowadays contaminated over widespread areas, posing a great threat to public health worldwide. Unlike organic pollutants, Pb and Cd do not undergo chemical or microbial breakdown and stay likely in site for longer duration after their release. Immobilization is an in-situ remediation technique that uses cost-effective soil amendments to reduce Pb and Cd availability in the contaminated soils. The Pb and Cd contamination in the soil environment is reviewed with focus on source enrichment, speciation and associated health risks, and immobilization options using various soil amendments. Commonly applied and emerging cost-effective soil amendments for Pb and Cd immobilization include phosphate compounds, liming, animal manure, biosolids, metal oxides, and biochar. These immobilizing agents could reduce the transfer of metal pollutants or residues to food web (plant uptake and leaching to subsurface water) and their long-term sustainability in heavy metal fixation needs further assessment.  相似文献   

Soils are an effective sink for carbon storage and immobilization through biomass productivity and enhancement of soil organic carbon (SOC) pool. The SOC sink capacity depends on land use and management. Degraded lands lose large amounts of C through SOC decomposition, erosion, and leaching. Thus, restoration of disturbed and degraded mine lands can lead to increase in biomass productivity, improved soil quality and SOC enhancement and sequestration. Reclamation of mined lands is an aggrading process and offers significant potential to sequester C. A chronosequence study consisting of 0‐, 5‐, 10‐, 15‐, 20‐ and 25‐year‐old reclaimed mine soils in Ohio was initiated to assess the rate of C sequestration by pasture and forest establishment. Undisturbed pasture and forest were used as controls. The SOC pool of reclaimed pasture sites increased from 15·3 Mg ha−1 to 44·4 Mg ha−1 for 0–15 cm depth and from 10·8 Mg ha−1 to 18·3 Mg ha−1 for 15–30 cm depth over the period of 25 years. The SOC pool of reclaimed forest sites increased from 12·7 Mg ha−1 to 45·3 Mg ha−1 for 0–15 cm depth and from 9·1 Mg ha−1 to 13·6 Mg ha−1 for 15–30 cm depth over the same time period. The SOC pool of the pasture site stabilized earlier than that of the forest site which had not yet attained equilibrium. The SOC sequestered in 0–30 cm depth over 25 years was 36·7 Mg ha−1 for pasture and 37·1 Mg ha−1 for forest. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Land use and land cover change (LULCC) directly affect the temporal and spatial change of soil erosion. As a typical governance watershed in the hilly and gully area of the Loess Plateau, the Jiuyuangou watershed has experienced significant LULCC in the past 10 years due to conversion of farmland to forests, economic construction, and cropland abandonment. However, the evolution process of soil erosion change and LULCC in the watershed is unclear, as is the relationship between the two. This study used satellite images to extract information on LULCC in the watershed and the Chinese soil loss equation (CSLE) model to evaluate the temporal and spatial evolution of soil erosion in the watershed from 2010 to 2020. The main results showed that (1) the continuous vegetation restoration project in the watershed reduced soil erosion from 2010 to 2015; however, the increased frequency of extreme rainfall events after 2015 reduced its impact. The annual average soil erosion modulus decreased from 10.85 t ha−1 year−1 in 2010 to 8.03 t ha−1 year−1 in 2015 but then increased to 10.57 t ha−1 year−1 in 2020; (2) the main land use and land cover (LULC) type in the Jiuyuangou watershed is grassland, accounting for 62% of the total area, followed by forestland, cropland, buildings, and water. Cropland has the largest multi-year average soil erosion modulus, followed by grassland and buildings, with forestland having the smallest; (3) significant spatial correlations occurred between soil erosion change and LULCC for common ‘no change’ and common ‘gain’ in the settlements, roads, and areas near the human influences with good soil and water conservation, but not other regions due to the influence of climatic factors (heavy rain events). Thus, we should repair terraces, control dams in the watershed, and actively conserve water and soil. This study provides a scientific reference for planning and managing water and soil conservation and ecological environment construction in the watershed.  相似文献   

Soil degradation threatens sustainable food production and accelerates global warming. Poorer countries, whose agricultural sectors are highly dependent on their natural resource bases, are hit particularly hard by declining soil productivity. Calls for soil‐quality monitoring are therefore, justified and this could inform decision‐makers on the preparation of appropriate interventions. However, the provision of monitoring methodologies is not an easy task. Soil degradation affects several soil characteristics that at larger scales cannot be evaluated with models or remote‐sensing techniques. Therefore, this study focuses on investigating the use of field‐based soil assessment methodologies to differentiate degrees of soil degradation. Specifically, we test the Visual Soil Field Assessment Tool (VS‐Fast) for detecting and monitoring soil degradation using a cross‐section of 71 sites in Senegal, the soil quality of which were classed by local experts. We found low correlation between VS‐Fast classes and expert assessments. By using an ordered logit model to quantify class boundaries, we show that experts categorized areas as ‘degraded’ for a wider range and higher VS‐Fast scores than the corresponding VS‐Fast class. Yet, from general linear models and analysis of variance procedures we found that areas classed by experts as ‘degraded’ had statistically significant lower VS‐Fast scores compared to those that were judged as ‘normal’ and ‘good’, while differences of the VS‐Fast scores between the latter two were negligible. It is remarkable that the visual assessment, the cheaper component of the VS‐Fast score, performs better in differentiating degradation status than its measured counterpart. The results support the need to investigate the applicability of other VSA methodologies that only use field observations and tactile methods.  相似文献   

广东省典型土壤类型和土地利用方式对土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过野外调查与室内分析,研究了广东省韶关红壤、广州赤红壤、雷州砖红壤3个典型地带性土壤分布区4种不同土地利用方式(包括林地、果园、草地和农田)对表层(0~20 cm)土壤几种主要酶活性(过氧化氢酶、纤维素酶、蔗糖酶、脲酶、蛋白酶活性)的影响。结果表明,不同土壤类型和不同土地利用方式对土壤酶活性均有一定影响,其中土地利用方式影响更为明显。土壤酶活性多表现为果园和林地较高,农田和草地较低;而土壤过氧化氢酶对土地利用方式和土壤类型的响应均较其它几种酶弱。典范相关分析结果表明,全磷、速效磷、速效氮含量是土壤养分因子中影响土壤酶活性的最重要因素,5种酶中纤维素酶和蛋白酶活性与土壤养分因子关系最大,而土壤酶活性之间也存在着一定的共性关系。  相似文献   

Background and Scope  Information on a potential contamination of soils or soil materials are derived by chemical analysis which takes place specifically for a given substance. For a comprehensive assessment, information on the bioavailable and mobile contaminant fraction, including all metabolites, is desirable. During the last years several research projects were initiated in Germany, to supplement the chemical analyses and to elaborate a suitable testing strategy. The main goal of this contribution is to elucidate the results of these research projects and to summarize the test strategy, which is recommended based on these results. Results and Conclusion  Ecotoxicological tests, which are standardized for the assessment of chemicals, were regarded as a suitable starting basis for a cost effective, pragmatic approach. Aquatic tests (testing of aqueous soil extracts) focus on the retention function of soils and terrestrial tests (testing of soil) on the habitat function. Suitable reference systems for the terrestrial tests and assessment criteria for both test types (terrestrial and aquatic) were elaborated. On the basis of a round robin test and a laboratory comparison test, a minimal test battery was established. This minimal test battery can be supplemented by further tests if more or specific information is required. Outlook  The recommendations should encourage the discussion regarding the application of biological methods for the assessment of soil quality. Such an assessment is or at least can be required by soil protection laws which have been adopted in some European countries within the last years.  相似文献   

关于中国农地整理中预测性环境影响评价问题   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
农地整理作为中国现阶段土地整理的主要形式,对其进行环境影响评价是必要的。在此背景下,该文对农地整理中环境影响评价进行综合分析,指出了农地整理中环境影响评价现状及存在的问题等,并从景观、土壤、生物多样性、水资源、植被、大气等几个方面,对农地整理存在的潜在环境影响进行了分析,在此基础上提出了建立农地整理环境影响评价制度、农地整理环境影响评价的内涵和方法体系,以期对农地整理中环境影响评价有所借鉴。  相似文献   

采用室内盆栽实验,以小麦为供试植物,研究重金属镉(Cd)和吐纳麝香(AHTN)复合污染对小麦植株生物量的影响以及Cd对土壤中AHTN生物有效性的影响,并应用聚2,6-二苯基对苯醚(Tenax-TA)、固相微萃取纤维(SPME)和三油酸甘油酯-醋酸纤维素复合膜(TECAMs)对土壤中的AHTN进行提取,以评价Cd污染土壤中AHTN对小麦的生物有效性。结果表明:AHTN-Cd复合污染土壤中的小麦植株生物量低于单一AHTN污染土壤;当AHTN浓度为5 mg·kg-1时,共存重金属Cd抑制AHTN在小麦地上和地下部的累积,其抑制作用随Cd浓度的增大而增强,抑制率最高达39.1%,AHTN在小麦体内从地下到地上的迁移随着Cd浓度的增加受到抑制,且浓度越高抑制作用越强,抑制率可达到19.0%;当AHTN浓度为10 mg·kg-1时,共存重金属Cd则促进AHTN在植物体内的累积,其促进率高达38.4%,AHTN从地下到地上的迁移受到诱导,促进率高达68.5%;在AHTN和Cd单一及复合污染土壤中,Tenax 24 h、SPME 12 h和TECAMs 12 h单点提取AHTN的量与小麦根部AHTN富集量显著相关,表明Tenax 24 h、SPME 12 h以及TECAMs 12 h对土壤中AHTN的提取量可以用来评价其生物有效性。  相似文献   

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