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System of rice intensification (SRI) is an alternate method of conventional puddled, transplanted, and continuously flooded rice cultivation for higher yield, water saving, and increased farmer’s income. The SRI may also have considerable impact on greenhouse gas emission because of difference in planting, water and nutrient management practices. A field experiment was conducted with three planting methods: conventional puddled transplanted rice (TPR), conventional SRI with 12-days-old seedling (SRI) and modified SRI with 18-days-old seedling (MSRI) to study their effect on methane and nitrous oxide emission. Seasonal integrated flux (SIF) for methane was highest in the conventional method (22.59 kg ha?1) and lowest in MSRI (8.16 kg ha?1). Methane emissions with SRI and MSRI decreased by 61.1 and 64 %, respectively, compared to the TPR method. Cumulative N2O–N emission was 0.69, 0.90, and 0.89 kg ha?1 from the TPR, SRI, and MSRI planting methods, respectively. An average of 22.5 % increase in N2O–N emission over the TPR method was observed in the SRI and MSRI methods. The global warming potential (GWP), however, reduced by 28 % in SRI and 30 % in MSRI over the TPR method. A 36 % of water saving was observed with both SRI and MSRI methods. Grain yield in the SRI and MSRI methods decreased by 4.42 and 2.2 %, respectively, compared to the TPR method. Carbon efficiency ratio was highest in the MSRI and lowest in the TPR method. This study revealed that the SRI and MSRI methods were effective in reducing GWP and saving water without yield penalty in rice.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - Optimization of land-use practices of rice cultivation for the mitigation of the most significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture methane (CH4) and...  相似文献   

缓释复合肥对免耕直播水稻生长和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在免耕直播条件下,水稻施肥明显不同于翻耕移栽,肥料撒施在土壤表层,流失、挥发严重,利用率低,而采用少量多次施肥,又消耗人力.通过对缓释肥料在水稻免耕直播栽培上的应用效果研究,表明使用缓释肥料具有提高免耕稻田土壤有效氮的含量16~45 mg/kg,满足水稻生长发育,减少水稻的无效分蘖,增加每穗粒数和产量的效果.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - The agricultural sector as a supplier of nutritional needs is becoming increasingly dependent on energy consumption. The present study was carried out to investigate...  相似文献   

总结了上茬日光温室青椒栽培技术要点,即选用优良品种、育苗、整地施肥、定植、田间管理;下茬水稻栽培要点是采用早熟品种、大密度、化控处理、节水灌溉等技术措施。应用此技术,两茬合计收入9000~11000元/667m2,效益可观。  相似文献   

蔗叶还田与焚烧对改良土壤效果试验   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
改良土壤是提高广西甘蔗产量的重要措施之一。本文以台糖22号第一年、第二年宿根为材料,采用蔗叶还田,焚烧蔗叶的方法,通过田问试验对比,调查出苗数、分蘖率、保水保肥力、有机质及速效N、P、K转化情况等。结果表明:蔗叶还田能有效的改良土壤,培肥地力,保持土壤中水分、养分,提高土壤有机质含量及速效N、P、K含量,是一种成本低廉且能提高甘蔗产量的有效途径,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

Early vigour is an important characteristic for direct-seeded rice systems. The genetic control of early vigour was studied using a population of 129 backcross lines derived from a cross between Vandana, an improved indica, and Moroberekan, a traditional japonica. Screening was conducted under controlled conditions in greenhouse and field conditions, and indicators of early vigour, including shoot length, shoot biomass, leaf area, number of roots, root biomass, partitioning coefficients, and growth rates, were measured. Phenotypic correlations suggested that traits that were related and combined could be used to define early vigour. Broad-sense heritability ranged from moderate to high. Many regions were identified containing more than one QTL, suggesting that these traits were controlled by pleiotropic and/or closely linked QTLs. Many QTLs were specific to one environment but G × E interaction analysis showed that the main effects of the environment were large. Differences in temperature between experiments resulted in large differences in seedling age when expressed in thermal time. Different genes (QTLs) may be expected to control growth at different time intervals and thus may partly explain the limited agreement between experiments. However, several regions showed co-location of QTLs from more than one experiment. Comparisons with published studies revealed that these regions were previously identified in different genetic backgrounds and could potentially be used as introgression targets in a marker-assisted breeding program to improve germplasm for direct-seeded environments.  相似文献   

有机稻米基地建设及生产过程控制技术简述   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
有机稻米生产 ,选择具有良好环境条件的生产基地并注重基地建设是其生产发展的重要基础。而强化生产过程控制技术 ,又是有机农业生产方式得以实施的关键。为此 ,笔者对有机稻米基地建设及生产过程控制技术参照有关国际标准和国内有关技术规范作一简述。一、有机稻米生产基地建设1.生产基地基本要求(1)田块必须集中连片 ,其内不能夹杂非有机田块。(2)基地产区应远离污染源 (如化工、电镀、水泥、工矿等企业 ;污水污染区 ;废渣、废物、废料堆放区 ;交通干线边 ;大型养殖场及生活垃圾等 )。(3)生产基地与常规农业区之间必须有隔离带 (山、河、…  相似文献   

Antitranspirants (AT) were applied to greenhouse, field research plots and commercial plantings of Norgold Russet potato plants. In the greenhouse AT (Folicote and Vapor Gard) reduced water uptake by plants by 20–40%. In field trials at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Halfway, similar concentrations increased yield of Norgold Russet potatoes by 21–45 cwts per acre (2352–5040 kg/ha). In a commercial trial on 20 acres of potatoes, 2% Folicote applied 5 and 3 weeks prior to vine kill increased total yield by 47 cwts per acre (5264 kg/ha) and increased yield of premium grade potatoes by 100%. Gross crop value at harvest was increased $500 per acre ($1125/ha). Significantly higher soil moisture levels existed in soils of treated plots between irrigations.  相似文献   

High‐quality grass silages may represent a mitigation option by reducing enteric methane production and by increasing productivity, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions per kg of product (emission intensity). Two previous studies found considerable effects of three different silage qualities cut at different maturity stages (very early [H1], early [H2] and normal [H3]) offered ad libitum with various levels of concentrate supplementation, on animal performances of growing/finishing bulls and dairy cows in early lactation, indicating that emission intensities may also vary. Based on results from these previous studies, the aim of this study was to estimate emission intensities for milk and beef carcasses for the included combinations of silage qualities and concentrate levels, by using the farm‐scale model HolosNor. The emissions intensities were lowest for the H1 silage, and highest for the H3 silage, independent of concentrate levels for both milk and beef. Thus, increasing concentrate levels did not compensate for lower grass silage quality. Improvements in silage quality from H3 silage to H2 is realistic and has the potential to reduce emission intensities with approximately 10% while keeping the milk yield per cow constant and reducing the use of concentrates considerably. For beef production, the potential is even larger, with a reduction in emission intensity of approximately 17%. We conclude that improving grass silage quality may be a mitigation option that will also reduce the dependence on concentrates.  相似文献   

稻鸭共育技术——鸭品种的选择及其疫病预防   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1999~2002年 ,浙江绍兴市越城区与中国水稻研究所协作 ,在皋埠镇、东湖镇等地 ,以种稻大户承包田为中心 ,累计示范推广稻鸭共育新技术面积4126.5hm2,放养绍鸭676897只 ,由于效益十分显著 ,深受农户欢迎。据统计 ,早晚稻实施稻鸭共育田增产以及稻米达到无公害标准而加价 ,使农民增收2389.1元/hm2 ;水稻种植过程中免施除草剂 ,少施化肥、杀虫剂 ,加上早晚两季平均省工节本为450.0元/hm2;早晚两季增加育鸭 (早稻平均每hm2 养鸭183只 ,晚稻160.5只 )收入4548.5元/hm2 ;比圈养鸭建舍节省投资费206.1元/hm2。以上四项合计增收节支7593.7元/hm2。…  相似文献   

Beef cattle producers seldom use fertilizers for their pastures in tropical regions of Brazil. Slowly, this is changing but because of the need for repeated applications, N fertilizer is rarely applied. The introduction of a forage legume is an appropriate solution for this problem, but until recently adoption has been very low as the legumes generally have not persisted in the sward. We report research on how grazing management can affect the persistence of stoloniferous legumes in pastures of Brachiaria spp. and the problems of establishing and maintaining crown-forming legumes such as Stylosanthes spp. With suitable management, milk or bovine carcass yields can be equal or greater from mixed than from grass-alone pastures fertilized with 120 or 150 kg Nha-1 year−1. In addition to savings in CO2 emissions from fossil fuels for the production and distribution of N fertilizers, nitrous oxide emissions from cattle excreta and legume residues are lower than those from N-fertilized brachiaria grass monocultures. Other studies indicate that enteric methane emissions from cattle may be mitigated when forage legumes are included in their diet. The use of forage legumes in mixed pastures for tropical regions is emerging as a feasible strategy to keep meat and milk production at acceptable levels with reduced greenhouse gas emission rates.  相似文献   

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