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蚯蚓作用下土壤化学组成和性状的动态变化 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
通过室内培养试验研究赤子爱胜蚓(Eiseniafoetida)和威廉环毛蚓(Metaphire guillelmi)对土壤化学组成和性状的动态影响.结果表明:接种蚯蚓可显著提高土壤pH和电导率;蚯蚓作用49 d后土壤化学组成也发生明显变化,接种赤子爱胜蚓和威廉环毛蚓处理的土壤碳水化合物含量分别比对照增加43.22,44.76 mg/kg,酸解氨基酸含量分别增加15.34,12.52 g/kg,植物激素GA3含量分别增加11.21,13.68mg/kg,IAA含量分别增加8.99,8.81mg/kg,而多酚含量却显著降低了7.79,7.48mg/kg.不同处理土壤化学组成和性状随时间变化趋势各有不同,2种蚯蚓作用下,土壤pH和碳水化合物含量均在前7d急剧增加,之后变化趋于平缓;而土壤多酚含量在前7d显著降低,此后也趋于平缓;土壤植物激素GA3含量在前35 d持续增加,而后无显著变化;土壤植物激素IAA、电导率和氨基酸含量随培养时间增加而持续增长,直至培养结束(49 d). 相似文献
蚯蚓和蚯蚓粪的机械化分离是目前蚯蚓规模化养殖业亟需解决的瓶颈问题之一,针对目前最常用的蚯蚓光分离工艺方法在实际养殖分离中全凭人为经验、效率低、无机械化参数等问题,探究了不同光质条件:白光、黄光、绿光、蓝光、红光、白炽灯光在10~270 lx不同光照强度下,对照实际自然环境场景:室内光照、室外阴处光照和太阳光直射光照条件下的蚯蚓避光应激行为,并结合光线辐射在蚯蚓粪多孔介质内的衰减规律分析了蚯蚓堆肥物料表层一定之内厚度无蚯蚓的原因。结果表明:光照强度10 lx时,蚯蚓不受光照影响;光照强度10~30 lx时,蚯蚓的避光反应显现;光照强度30~210 lx时,蚯蚓的避光应激程度随着光照强度增加缓慢加强,消失时间不断缩短;光照强度210 lx时,光照引起的蚯蚓的避光反应程度趋于最大。白光和太阳光引起蚯蚓避光反应最显著,蚯蚓蠕动消失时间分别为6.5和5 min,蚯蚓消失5 min后堆料表层无蚯蚓层厚度在10~15 mm之间。蚯蚓对红色光应激程度极低,平均消失时间20 min;除了红光,随着光照强度增加,蚯蚓在堆料表面的消失时间呈现对数曲线趋势下降。该研究量化分析了蚯蚓对光质、光照强度的应激响应时间,以期为蚯蚓养殖分离,机械自动化逐层、定时、定量、定光强分离表层蚯蚓粪提供工艺参数。 相似文献
通过对经不同途径形成的新鲜蚓粪和老化蚓粪进行35d的CO2呼吸动态测定,比较两种蚓粪有机碳呼吸的差异,从而加深对蚯蚓影响土壤有机碳库周转的理解。新鲜蚓粪由过1mm筛的潮土与红壤在不同植物残体施用下经蚯蚓(Metaphire guillelmi)48h作用形成,湿润老化的蚓粪也由上述两种土壤经同种蚯蚓30d培养生成。结果表明:新鲜蚓粪中有机碳的呼吸量均大于相应土壤中的,特别是施用玉米残体形成的蚓粪;老化蚓粪中,除红壤不施植物残体形成的老化蚓粪的呼吸量低于相应土壤外,其它老化蚓粪的呼吸量均大于相应土壤的。蚓粪的呼吸与土壤质地、有机碳含量、植物残体及蚓粪老化程度等有关。 相似文献
不同含水率蚯蚓粪颗粒物料流动性研究 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
蚯蚓粪是有机固体废弃物经蚯蚓过腹处理后排出的特殊物料,由于含水率高达40%~60%的同时又能够保持散体细小颗粒的状态,导致流动性参数难以通过常规测试手段得到。为给蚯蚓粪收集、分离、运输等不同阶段机械化作业提供有效的运动摩擦参数,探究含水率变化对蚯蚓粪颗粒流动性参数的影响。研究通过堆积角试验与离散元仿真(Discrete element method,DEM)堆积角虚拟试验相结合的方法,从数值上量化分析了基于牛粪转化后不同含水率25%~65%蚯蚓粪物料的滚动摩擦参数与物料黏结能力。结果表明,显著影响蚯蚓粪堆积角的因素为蚯蚓粪-蚯蚓粪滚动摩擦系数,蚯蚓粪-不锈钢滚动摩擦系数,蚯蚓粪的JKR表面能(Johnson Kendall Roberts surface energy)。随着含水率的增加,蚯蚓粪-蚯蚓粪的滚动摩擦系数由0.135下降至0.110,蚯蚓粪-不锈钢滚动摩擦系数由0.116下降至0.102,两者呈现小幅度下降,内摩擦角由45.81°降至26.10°,而JKR表面能由0.179 J/m~2增加至0.345 J/m~2,增幅显著。含水率低于50%时,随着含水率增加,物料滚动摩擦系数减小,内摩擦角减小,一定程度上有利于物料滚动流动;含水率超过50%时,由于表面能增高,内聚力增大,蚯蚓粪物料之间易发生物料黏结团聚,一定程度上又会阻碍蚯蚓粪的翻滚运动。 相似文献
以两种常见的有机废弃物牛粪和稻秆为原料,利用Eisenia foetida生产蚓粪,采用室内培养试验,研究了蚓粪在重金属污染的酸性土壤中对有机碳含量和形态、土壤酸度及Cu、Pb形态的影响。结果表明:在2.5%~10%的蚓粪用量下,土壤总有机碳含量增加了25%~83%,除牛粪蚓粪组的可溶性有机碳显著高于稻秆蚓粪外(P0.05),其余形态两种蚓粪间土壤有机碳含量无显著差异。蚓粪使土壤pH(H2O)值提升0.38~1.13个单位,同时交换性氢和铝的含量分别降低41%~77%和57%~94%,显著降低了土壤酸度,且较对照高出0.35~4倍;牛粪蚓粪仅在10%用量下降低土壤酸度的效果高出稻秆蚓粪22%。蚓粪使土壤中水溶-交换态Cu和Pb含量分别降低22%~70%和29%~70%,使有机结合态Cu和Pb含量分别提高19%~56%和10%~40%,表明蚓粪可以显著降低土壤中Cu和Pb的活性。蚓粪降低土壤Cu、Pb活性的效果分别较对照物料高出0.58~9.6倍和0.16~3.4倍。稻秆蚓粪降低土壤Cu、Pb活性的效果分别比牛粪蚓粪高出11%~61%和1%~32%。综上所述,蚓粪降低土壤酸度和Cu、Pb活性的效果优于对照,牛粪蚓粪降低土壤酸度的效果较好,稻秆蚓粪降低土壤Cu、Pb活性的效果更佳。在降低土壤酸度和Cu、Pb活性方面,蚓粪中的总有机碳、微生物量碳、胡敏酸碳和富里酸碳均具有重要作用,并且蚓粪中有机碳的作用效率高于对照中等量的有机碳。 相似文献
评估牛粪及其蚓粪磷素生物化学特性,为合理利用牛粪及其蚓粪,提高畜禽粪便磷利用效率提供理论依据。利用扩增子测序技术,研究腐熟牛粪及其蚓粪中磷含量、磷酸酶活性和解磷微生物的差异。与牛粪相比,蚓粪pH、电导率、有效磷含量、全碳含量、全氮含量、碳磷比和氮磷比均显著降低,其中pH降低0.46个单位,电导率、有效磷含量、全碳含量、全氮含量分别降低63.86%、20.99%、28.51%、45.57%,牛粪的碳磷比和氮磷比分别为蚓粪的4.20和5.52倍;但蚓粪全磷含量和碳氮比显著提高,全磷含量提高196.40%,碳氮比为牛粪的1.31倍。蚓粪中碱性磷酸酶活性较牛粪低,而酸性磷酸酶二者间无显著差异。蚓粪的细菌和真菌α-多样性均显著高于牛粪。蚓粪中解磷细菌节细菌属(Arthrobacter)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)的相对丰度较牛粪显著降低;相反,其他解磷细菌和大多数解磷真菌丰度较牛粪均呈升高趋势。蚯蚓堆肥对有效磷含量的衰减作用主要取决于牛粪的化学性质和解磷微生物的丰度。 相似文献
蚓粪施用方式对不同品种番茄生长和土壤肥力的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
肥料的施用方式会影响有机肥料的分解和养分释放过程,且不同作物品种在养分需求方面也各有差异。蚓粪是一种能够改善土壤和促进植物生长的新型替代肥料。采用盆栽试验研究了蚓粪施用方式对不同番茄品种生长和土壤肥力的影响,盆栽试验设置为:两个番茄品种:金棚三号和艾瑞尔;4种施肥方式:单施化肥(CF);蚓粪表施(VS),即蚓粪与盆钵上部8 cm厚土壤混施;蚓粪中施(VL),即蚓粪均匀平铺紧邻8 cm处下方;蚓粪全土混施(VM),即蚓粪与所有土壤混合。结果表明:相比全土混施,蚓粪表施和中施更能增加番茄的茎叶生物量并且促进其对氮、钾的吸收;与单施化肥相比,蚓粪的效果更依赖于施用方式,蚓粪表施和全土混施比中施更能提高土壤pH和有机碳含量。在盛花期,无论番茄品种,土壤有效磷、速效钾含量都在蚓粪表施时最高;而在收获期,蚓粪表施和全土混施的有效磷含量高于中施处理。相比蚓粪中施和全土混施,表施降低了艾瑞尔的土壤矿质氮含量。总之,蚓粪的集中施用如表施和中施,能促进番茄生长及养分吸收,并且在不同品种之间效应一致。 相似文献
蚯蚓对锌污染土壤养分状况及锌形态的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以长江冲积物形成的高沙土为供试土壤,分别加入4个浓度的Zn (100、200、300、400 mg/kg)以模拟Zn污染土壤,设置了接种蚯蚓(Pheretima sp.)处理与不接种蚯蚓的对照处理,以研究蚯蚓活动对Zn污染土壤的养分状况及土壤Zn形态的影响。培养试验结果表明,供试蚯蚓能存活于设定浓度的Zn污染土壤中,对Zn的富集系数为:0.21 ~ 0.29,但蚯蚓生长率随污染浓度升高而下降,表明重金属污染仍对蚯蚓生长有一定的抑制作用。蚯蚓活动降低了土壤pH,而显著提高了土壤DTPA-Zn含量,使土壤Zn形态从残渣态、有机态向铁锰氧化态和交换态转变,提高了重金属植物有效性。另外,蚯蚓活动增加了各处理土壤的速效氮、磷以及NO3--N含量,而对土壤速效钾和NH4+-N含量无显著影响。 相似文献
N. Bernier 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》1998,26(3):215-223
Earthworm casts and digestive tract contents were simultaneously examined, using the same methods, in a recently formed humus
profile in a mountain spruce forest. Earthworm species had distinct diets and an earthworm foodweb could be distinguished.
Lumbricus terrestris and Aporrectodea icterica were distinct from the other species examined: the former to some extent as a litter consumer, and both species because they
excavated mineral material which was deposited within new top layers of the mull humus. Aporrectodea nocturna and Aporrectodea caliginosa both had a non-specific soil feeding mode. Most of the species enriched the humus profile with amorphous organic matter finely
incorporated within a mineral matrix. Besides different food selection, a network of burrows was produced as a consequence
of the different burrowing behaviour of each earthworm species.
Received: 2 January 1997 相似文献
In south-eastern Australia, strips of planted native trees and shrubs (shelterbelts) are frequently established to restore ecosystem services altered by agriculture. Despite their wide use, little is known about the effects of establishing shelterbelts on soil macro invertebrates, especially earthworms, which are of major importance in soil processes. We assessed earthworm composition, diversity and biomass in three land use systems: native shelterbelts dominated by Acacia and Eucalyptus species, agricultural pastures and native remnant woodland fragments dominated by Eucalyptus blakelyi and/or Eucalyptus melliodora. Earthworm communities differed significantly among systems, with abundance, biomass and diversity greatest under pasture. Within shelterbelts we saw a shift from high earthworm biomass and density to low with increasing time after establishment. Soil edaphic variables did not correlate strongly with earthworm biomass or density, but were correlated with earthworm community composition. Overall the introduction of native woody vegetation was associated with a decline in density and biomass of earthworms, including a decrease in the relative abundance of exotic species. As such shelterbelts can be used to promote native earthworm relative abundance, which may be important for local diversity, soil function and landscape connectivity. 相似文献
蚯蚓对As污染土壤酶活性及其P养分的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从湖南石门县的As矿区附近采集不同程度As污染的农田土壤,分别设置添加秸秆、接种蚯蚓等处理,研究蚯蚓对As污染土壤酶活性及其P养分供给的影响。结果发现,高浓度As土壤的脱氢酶活性显著低于中、低浓度As土壤,而酸性磷酸酶活性及有效P含量则与之相反。蚯蚓+20g秸秆处理在50d时脱氢酶活性最高,而酸性磷酸酶活性则是秸秆处理在100d时最高,且接种蚯蚓和施用秸秆有利于土壤P素的释放。结果表明在施用秸秆条件下接种蚯蚓有利于改善As污染土壤的养分供给,从而改善根际营养。 相似文献
Earthworms are important soil animals in grassland ecosystems and are considered to be important to soil quality. The overall impact of earthworms on soil properties and plant diversity, however, depends on earthworm species, functional group and the type of ecosystem. The primary purpose of this study was to document the relationship among earthworms, key soil properties and native and exotic plant diversity in the little studied, Palouse prairie grassland (Idaho, USA). A secondary objective was to determine the effectiveness of three methods commonly used to sample earthworms. A hillslope characterized by Palouse prairie vegetation, well-expressed, hummocky (mounded) topography and known to support both exotic and native earthworm species was selected for study. The hillslope was divided into three zones [annual-dominated (AD), mixed (MX) and perennial-dominated (PD)] based on characteristics of the inter-mound plant communities described in previous research. Total earthworm biomass in the MX zone (53.5 g m−2) was significantly greater than in the PD zone (14.7 g m−2) (P = 0.0384), but did not differ from the AD zone. Earthworm density ranged from 52 to 81.1 individuals m−2 but was not significantly different across zones. Total C and N at 0 to 10 and 30 to 50 cm depths were significantly greater in the AD and PD zones as compared to the same depths in the MX zone. Soil textural class was silt loam within all zones and the soil silt fraction was positively correlated with total exotic earthworm density (R = 0.783, P = 0.0125) and biomass (R = 0.816, P = 0.0072). Native earthworms were only found in the zone with the greatest total and native plant diversity (PD). Total soil C and N were not correlated to earthworm density, but soil total C and N were significantly negatively correlated with exotic plant density, which indicates that invasive plants may be decreasing soil total C (R = −0.800) and N (R = −0.800). Calculated earthworm densities using data from the electroshocker were generally lower than those based on the hand-sorting method. Electroshocking, however, created lower disturbance and was the only method that resulted in the collection of the deep-burrowing, native species Driloleirus americanus. 相似文献
生化制备证明,蚯蚓纤溶酶为一组含有10个以上同工酶组分的混合酶。为了研究这些组分的DNA和蛋白质序列的异同,本文通过对数据库中已报道的28条蚯蚓纤溶酶基因按相似性进行归类,将它们分为4组(基因型)。同一组中的序列具有共同特征,即保守的N-末端、C-末端和相同的结构域,而且这些结构域在序列中分布的位置也相同;但它们之间在中间部分存在明显差异,这些差异说明了基因型中存在多态性。这种多态性可能是它们在体内溶栓的药理药效作用存在差异的结构基础。 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(1-2):269-281
Abstract The objective of the present work was to investigate the corresponding uptake and assimilation of nitrate (NO3 ?) in leafy radish and effects on soil chemical properties by foliar application of amino acid fertilizer (AAF). The activity of the enzymes related to the process of NO3 ? reduction (NR: nitrate reductase; NiR: nitrite reductase; GS: glutamine synthetase) and the content of NO3 ?, total N, and the end products of this process (amino acids and proteins) were analyzed. The soils were sampled twice, and some chemical properties were analyzed. The results of this study showed that application of AAF increased biomass production, and nitrogen (N) utilization in the treatment of a low rate of AAF increased 55% over the control. In addition, the activities of the enzymes were affected differently depending on applied rate of AAF. Furthermore, the NO3 ? content was reduced 4–24%, and total N content was increased 14–32% by AAF treatments. Finally, application of AAF improved uptake efficiency of N from soil and prevented N loss by leaching. 相似文献
Bruno Cerabolini Rossella De Andreis Roberta M. Ceriani Simon Pierce Barbara Raimondi 《Biological conservation》2004,117(3):351-356
Physoplexis comosa and Primula glaucescens, endemic to calcareous grasslands of the Lombardy Prealps, northern Italy, are protected under Annex IV of European Community Directive 92/43/EEC. Seed germination dynamics of these species were studied with the aim of producing appropriate germination protocols for use in ex situ conservation. Seeds were collected from Monte Barro (922 m a.s.l.) and for Primula glaucescens from three additional sites in a more central part of its range (1217-2521 m a.s.l.). Physoplexis comosa germinated only in sterile in vitro conditions, in which germination percentages were extremely low without a supply of gibberellic acid (GA3; 1.7%); the optimum GA3 concentration was 100 mg l−1 (> 90% germination), with lower germination at higher doses of 250-500 mg l−1. Primula glaucescens germinated in both sterile and non-sterile conditions and, although total germination was not affected by GA3 concentration, doses of 10-500 mg l−1 acted equally to prompt earlier and more rapid germination. Primula glaucescens from Monte Barro was characterised by slower and poorer germination than from central sites. 相似文献