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湖北省稻田草害发生、防治现状及治理对策湖北省植保总站农药(械)科(430070)熊先梅我省地处长江中游,既有平原湖区,又有丘陵山地,地貌类型多样,耕作制度复杂。据1997年统计,全省农作物总播种面积746.7万hm2,其中水稻播种面积240.9万hm... 相似文献
本地区稻田化学除草历史较长 ,但存在问题依然较多。首先 ,稻田草害仍较严重 ,个别田块草荒现象依然存在。据统计 ,每年因草害而造成的粮食产量损失在 1 0 %左右 ;其次 ,长期使用同一类型除草剂 ,引起草相变化 ,一些恶性杂草如千金子、扁秆草、水竹叶等发生数量逐年上升 ,危害逐年加剧。一些高活性、高残留、超长效除草剂的使用 ,给水稻生产和后茬作物安全性带来隐患 ,除草剂药害事故屡屡发生 ;第三 ,除草剂市场“三多一乱”(生产厂家多、品种多、名称多、销售渠道乱 )现象相当普遍 ,农民面对众多除草剂茫然失措 ,对药性不了解 ,使用技术… 相似文献
在温室蔬菜种植中,怎样做到科学施肥、用药、防病等,是种好温室蔬菜的重要技术措施。根据笔者近几年的实践,现介绍如下防治措施供参考: 相似文献
广东省稻田杂草控制效果及影响因素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解常规管理条件下对广东稻田杂草的控制效果及其影响因素,于2015年对粤东、粤西、粤北地区及珠江三角洲的早、晚季稻田杂草进行了调查分析。结果表明:在常规控制措施下稻田中综合草害指数与水稻产量呈负相关,推荐剂量的除草剂不能有效控制稻田杂草的危害,特别是在早季需要辅以人工措施对稻田杂草进行管理。稻田杂草对除草剂产生了不同程度的抗药性。化学除草剂成本低,水稻种植者目前仍可以通过更换除草剂品种和加大剂量对杂草进行控制。化感抑草品种的推广需要在品质和产量上进一步满足生产的需要。在杂草耐药性增加、环境和政策要求减少化学除草剂投入的双重压力下,选育具有化感抑草效果的水稻品种,结合农艺措施,应该成为今后稻田控草的发展方向之一。 相似文献
由于直播稻田干干湿湿 ,封行期推迟 ,对杂草的发生极有利 ,因而旱直播稻田杂草具有发生种类多、发生期长、数量大、危害严重等特点 ,若不及时进行化除 ,往往会形成草荒 ,对水稻高产丰收构成极大威胁。因此 ,寻求对旱直播稻田杂草防除效果好 ,对水稻秧苗安全可靠的除草剂是旱直播稻田杂草化除上亟需解决的难题。为了进一步明确丙草苄防除旱直播稻田杂草的化除效果、应用技术及对水稻的安全性 ,2000年在通州市进行了丙草苄防除直播稻田杂草试验 ,取得了理想的结果。现将试验结果整理如下 :一、材料与方法1.供试药剂及水稻品种。16%丙… 相似文献
稻鸭共育对稻田杂草和病虫害的生物防治效应 总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29
本文研究稻田全天放鸭对水稻病、虫、杂草的防治效果。试验结果表明,稻鸭共育后12和42d,共育田水稻基部飞虱、叶蝉的总量比不养鸭稻田平均减少63.8%和77.3%;稻鸭共育后10和40d,共育田杂草比不养鸭稻田平均减少50.6%和94.2%;分蘖高峰期和齐穗期的纹枯病病情指数,稻鸭共育田比不养鸭稻田分别低67.1%和52.5%。另外,稻鸭共育田的害虫天敌蜘蛛数量明显增加,比常规种稻田多1.66~2.61倍,这也显著改善了稻田的生态环境,抑制了水稻害虫的危害。 相似文献
本文对上高县2014年早稻纹枯病、稻瘟病、二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟和稻飞虱这几类水稻主要病虫害在防治与不防治条件下进行了田间试验对比,对不同处理病虫情况及产量情况进行调查,对防治效益进行了评估。结果表明,完全不防治产量损失最大,单一病虫害中纹枯病损失最大,其次是稻纵卷叶螟、稻飞虱、二化螟和稻瘟病;完全不防治的效益损失最大,单一病虫害中纹枯病损失效益最大,其次是稻纵卷叶螟、稻飞虱、二化螟和稻瘟病。2014年上半年雨水多,湿度大,造成纹枯病重发生,稻纵卷叶螟和稻飞虱中等发生,二化螟和稻瘟病轻发生。 相似文献
Allelopathy is a naturally occurring ecological phenomenon of interference among organisms that may be employed for managing weeds, insect pests and diseases in field crops. In field crops, allelopathy can be used following rotation, using cover crops, mulching and plant extracts for natural pest management. Application of allelopathic plant extracts can effectively control weeds and insect pests. However, mixtures of allelopathic water extracts are more effective than the application of single-plant extract in this regard. Combined application of allelopathic extract and reduced herbicide dose (up to half the standard dose) give as much weed control as the standard herbicide dose in several field crops. Lower doses of herbicides may help to reduce the development of herbicide resistance in weed ecotypes. Allelopathy thus offers an attractive environmentally friendly alternative to pesticides in agricultural pest management. In this review, application of allelopathy for natural pest management, particularly in small-farm intensive agricultural systems, is discussed. 相似文献
化学防治是防治农作物病虫害的一项主要技术措施。为了科学、合理、安全使用农药,必须针对现阶段施药时常见的错误,采取相应的措施,使农产品中农药残留量不超过规定的限量标准,同时达到保护环境,保障人们身体健康的目的。 相似文献
R. J. Hillocks 《Integrated Pest Management Reviews》1998,3(3):155-167
Weed control is one of the most important crop protection activities undertaken in both intensive and low-input farming systems. However, even under intensive systems, crop protection which is less dependent on pesticides may require that weeds be managed to obtain a balance between crop and non-crop vegetation to encourage an increase in natural enemies of crop pests. In the low-input farming systems which sustain much of the rural population of Africa, weed control is usually done by hand and clean weeding is often beyond the labour resources of the farming family. The vegetational diversity of peasant agriculture in Africa to which weeds make their contribution, helps to decrease the risk of disease and pest epidemics. In addition to the pest control benefits of a diverse agroecosystem, weeds contribute to the resource base of the rural community, providing a source of secondary foods, medicines and insecticides. Weed control within an integrated crop protection system appropriate to the needs of the resource-poor farmer, requires that weeds are managed in such a way that their biodiversity is maintained and the more useful species retained within the field or field margin. Those weeds with high food potential or which have pesticidal or medicinal properties might be deliberately encouraged within the crop or field margins. Certain weed species may harbour important pests or diseases of local crops and therefore should be selectively removed. The paper reviews and discusses the literature on the beneficial and deleterious effects of weeds and argues for a weed management strategy which balances the effects of weed competition on crop production with the ethnobotanical and pest control attributes of individual weed species and weed communities. 相似文献
栀子是我国常用中药之一,仅靠野生采集已难以满足市场需求,而实行人工规范化种植后则加重了栀子病虫害的发生,影响了产品的质量安全,故其病虫害防治已经成为栀子中药材生产的关键问题之一。本文就栀子苗期病害、地上部病害、地下部病害及主要虫害四个方面的发生特点与防治措施进行了综述,为栀子规范化种植提供参考。 相似文献