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浙江省是我国渔业大省之一 ,渔业产值占大农业产值比重近 30 % ,年出口创汇达 6亿多美元。 2 0 0 1年 ,全省水产养殖面积 33980 0hm2 ,产值 16 6 17亿元 ,养殖产值首次超过海洋捕捞产值。浙江省有“新安江—富春江”、“乌溪江—黄坛口”、“紧水滩—石塘” 3座大型二级电站 ,其一级电站常年发电下泄冷水 ;有相当多水深 1m以下、常年水温低于 2 0℃的冷水性水库 ;还有资源丰富的深水水库底排水、山涧溪流水和涌泉水。这些水域冬季不结冰 ,养殖鲑鱼的条件甚至优于北方地区。发展鲑鳟渔业是加快发展我国渔业经济的重要组成部分 ,市场前景看好…  相似文献   

渔业资源经济混沌分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以Schaefer剩余产量模式作为研究起点,分析了渔业资源经济的混沌现象,得出了Schaefer扩展模式的资源经济混沌的判别结果,指出了资源-价格-成本综合效应因子k=ap/c是导致混沌的主要因素。并应用福建海区带鱼资源评估和闽南渔场鲐鲹鱼类资源评估数据进行混沌分析探讨。  相似文献   

保险保障制度是防范风险的重要手段,但是并不是所有的风险都可以用保险的方式来进行处理,保险人承保的风险是有一定条件和范围的。文章主要讨论了渔业风险的可保性,并对渔业风险的可保性进行了评价。  相似文献   

国外生计渔业概念辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生计渔业是国外渔业分类的一种基本类型,近些年我国渔业管理研究领域也在探讨生计渔业管理问题。为厘清生计渔业的概念,本文对美国等国家以及FAO等国际组织有关生计渔业的概念界定进行了辨析,得到以下基本结论:(1)生计渔业在不同国家的界定不同,但传统作业习惯是各国界定生计渔业的共同基础;(2)渔获物主要用于个人或家庭消费是将生计渔业区别于商业渔业的主要内涵依据,但如何确定个人或家庭消费的范围存在差异性,且在管理上需要复杂、缜密和庞大的监测系统;(3)有诸多内涵性指标和外部表征可以用来界定生计渔业。但考虑到管理上的适用性,没有哪一种依据可以唯一性地明确、严格地将生计渔业区别于商业渔业,要界定生计渔业需要将多种依据综合起来考虑。  相似文献   

文章通过问卷调查等方式从消费观、价值观等角度分析了人文因素与渔业资源衰竭的关系;分析了社会机制问题与渔业资源衰竭的关系。文章指出,渔业资源环境的消耗与我国人口、经济、社会机制等问题有着直接的相关性,应该从渔业资源修复的社会机制、增强人们保护资源的意识、提倡节约等方面加以完善和提高。  相似文献   

This paper describes a computer program for the analysis of catch returns from put-and-take fisheries that can be operated by personnel with minimal computer training. The program was developed for the Toft Newton fishery in Lincolnshire and the method of collecting the data is illustrated. The advantages of using computer analysis for assessing the state of a fishery are outlined. A completed listing of the program can be obtained from the authors.  相似文献   

本文根据有关太平洋金枪鱼委员会的资料,着重对2001年中西太平洋金枪鱼围网、延绳钓和竿钓渔业从经济角度进行回顾和分析,同时也介绍了200l年和2002年上半年世界各金枪鱼市场销售价格趋势。  相似文献   

渔业补贴是一个备受争议的概念。WTO虽然在主持渔业补贴纪律的谈判,但是目前没有给出一个广为接受的渔业补贴定义。渔业补贴在国际社会被广泛运用,作为扭曲贸易流动的重要因素,应当予以规制。有害的渔业补贴应当予以禁止,取消或限制使用渔业补贴是WTO成员的共识。我国应积极参与WTO渔业补贴新纪律的谈判,表达我国的立场与关切。  相似文献   

The recent glut of both wild and farmed salmon in world markets has forced producers to become aware of the need to expand their marketing efforts to ensure that demand is not outpaced by supply resulting in a further decline in prices. Japan has been a major market for wild salmon, particularly sockeye salmon from North America, since the introduction of the 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone. As farmed supplies have continued to increase, exporters such as Norway and Chile have turned their attention to this market as well. Up until now, most of the farmed salmon exported to Japan has been targeted to the restaurant market. If exporters wish to expand their market in Japan, they may focus also on the retail market. Prior to any assessment of the potential of the retail market for fresh farmed salmon, it is useful to understand the role that salmon plays in Japanese household seafood consumption.
This paper examines household consumption patterns of salmon in Japan. An econometric model is presented which estimates household demand for fresh and salted salmon focusing specifically on the effects of seasonality, regional location, and prices of other seafood products. Two systems of demand equations, one for each of two regions of Japan, are specified and estimated using monthly data on prices and expenditures to capture the effects on household demand for 12 seafood products. Results indicate that seasonality plays a significant role in the demand for many seafood products, particularly fresh and salted salmon. In addition, these seasonal effects are not necessarily the same between regions of Japan. Salmon competes with different seafood products during different times of the year. A rich variety of factors should be considered when marketing fresh aquacultured salmon in the Japanese retail market.  相似文献   

我国远洋渔业自新中国成立后有了长足发展,但是,仍然面临着严重的问题。尤其是《国际海洋法》生效后,我国远洋渔业的发展环境将更加严峻。因此,政府应该通过加大投资力度、开展渔业外交、寻找新的合作伙伴等措施来积极推动远洋渔业的发展。  相似文献   

舟山休闲渔业发展浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
休闲经济、体验经济背景下的海洋旅游是舟山最具发展潜力的产业之一。基于此,文章对舟山休闲渔业的发展状况作了深入分析,指出当前舟山休闲渔业发展存在整体规划缺陷、产品单一、市场化程度低、资源保护不到位等不足。最后,有针对性地提出了若干发展对策,为有效解决舟山休闲渔业发展问题提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

渔业资源的产权分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
渔业资源具有枯竭性、联系性和不可排他性,必然产生“公地悲剧”问题。文章对渔业资源进行了产权分析,讨论了渔业资源为什么不是私有而是国有,政府对渔业捕捞应采取哪些管理制度。在中国渔业资源所有制的基础上,文章认为个人可转让配额制度可能是一种值得借鉴的做法。  相似文献   

本文根据1998-2003年福建海区拖网渔业资源监测以及1995-1997年间闽南台湾浅渔场单拖渔业资源调查、1998年和2000-2001年福建海区拖网定点调查的资料,论述和分析福建海区单拖渔业的现状。结果表明:目前整个单拖渔业虽然船数削减,实际却加大渔船功率,作业时间延长,促使年产量、单位产量不断提高,导致渔获组成发生很大变化,由低质小型鱼类、生命周期短的头足类、虾蟹类支撑,渔获鱼类质量较差,经济效益下降;另一方面头足类、虾蟹类资源量年间波动性较大,易受捕捞过渡影响,很难长时间承担目前捕捞压力。为此,文中提出加强严格实行"双控制度"及控制网目规格等管理建议和意见,为有关渔业管理和生产部门提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The operation of a put-and-take trout fishery at Toft Newton reservoir is analysed from detailed studies of the 1978 and 1979 seasons. Toft Newton is only a small reservoir but the large number of anglers that utilize the fishery mean that the stocking rates per hectare of water have to be very high. As a result of these high densities and a short average residence time in the reservoir, rainbow trout which were the predominantly stocked species do not grow after release. Brown trout, however, which were stocked at lower densities do grow after release. The success rate of the 8–9% of anglers not returning their catch data was examined using a postal survey. Partial correlation analysis indicated that the numbers of fish in the reservoir, the number of anglers fishing and the number of hours of sunshine significantly affected the catch rate. A regression between catch rate and number of fish in the reservoir only explained 35% of the variability but the addition of the other two factors did not significantly improve the accuracy of the model. The market area of the fishery was studied from the register of anglers. Most anglers attending Toft Newton travel a considerable distance to the fishery, the peak number driving from 98–129 km (61–80 miles) round trip. The present and future management policy of the fishery is discussed in the light of this analysis and many of the recommendations may also apply to other small put-and-take trout fisheries.  相似文献   

近海养殖对海洋渔业环境的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近海养殖业是海洋经济的重要增长方式,已成为海洋经济新的增长点。但是由于其自身生态结构的缺陷,近海养殖正日益成为海洋渔业环境的重要污染源。近海养殖业正面临着资源与环境的双重制约。文章从分析近海养殖污染源入手,在理论上阐明近海养殖影响海洋渔业环境的形成过程和作用机理,在实践上提出近海养殖可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

湖北省渔业结构变化与渔业产出关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水产品种类繁多,按照不同的标准可以分为内陆水产品和海洋水产品,养殖水产品和捕捞水产品,水生动物产品和水生经济植物产品等.具体细分后,水产品还可以分为鱼、虾蟹、贝类、莲子、莲藕、菱角、芡实以及莼菜等.  相似文献   

上海市闵行区浦江镇界内的大治河渔业资源丰富,水质环境较好,是我区重要的渔业水域.通过2007~2009年对该水域渔获种类的监测,初步了解了该水域渔业资源变化情况.与前两年相比,2009年该水域主要经济种类和渔获比例明显上升,主要的渔获经济种类为鲢、鳙、鲫、鲤、日本沼虾和中华绒螯蟹,其中鲢、鳙、日本沼虾的资源状况优于前两年.  相似文献   

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