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Man and beast     

I appreciate the honour of being asked to address the annual meeting of a sister professional organization. I think these mutual contacts are very valuable, and should be made at every opportunity. In the case of veterinarians, the task should be easy, for our material interests are so closely interwoven. We both deal with living stuff, and the realms of plants and minerals bear the same relation to us, both as medium of life and source of subsistence. How closely the tissues lie, in structure, in function, in derangement, I think we do not always realize. But we argue constantly from human to animal and vice versa, and we are both at bottom trying to understand that amazing enterprise of animal life started by the amoeba. Who could have foreseen it—the ineffably complicated chemical structure, the use of water, oxygen, light, and heat—the endless experiments into larger, fresher, and more complicated fields. Sometimes beautiful and successful, sometimes failures, or at least non-survivors—until we come to Homo sapiens, with his brain and self-knowledge and self-determination. We tremble as we watch him teetering along on his tight-rope above the abyss which is littered with the remains of the dinosaurs and the megatheria, and hope he will gain his haven.  相似文献   

Man and his food     

There are many specific aspects of developments in the food industries that could be discussed, such as artificial meats, single cell protein production, the direct extraction and utilization of protein from plant material, the lack of adequate research on human nutrition, the increasing importance of food technology, or on a more national scale, the steps we in New Zealand must take to continue to market high-quality, wholesome food products, after weeks of transport, so that they can retain their appearance and quality, and compete with other countries' products in the premium price range. In helping New Zealand to make the transition from the “mass production of cheap food for the one or two markets” philosophy, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the veterinary profession share strong common interests. Between us we must try for greater effectiveness in caring not only for animal populations, but for the individual animal which has to be bred, reared, transported and processed with the major and continuous aim of seeing that the final food product that results can induce individual consumers to purchase the same premium product again and again. In this whole process the veterinary, agricultural and economic professions in New Zealand must improve their capacity to integrate their activities with those of the farmer as far as necessary while retaining the specialist independence that makes effective team work possible.  相似文献   


又是一年硕果累累的初秋季节,我们来到了公安部南昌警犬基地。欧式建筑,草坪油绿,流水萦绕。移步换景,精神抖擞的带犬民警和威风凛凛的罗威纳警犬,越发得和谐生动。  相似文献   

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