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In order to accurately predict the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity for forest soils, we evaluated the tortuosity parameter for forest soils and investigated the relationships between the tortuosity parameter and parent materials and soil sampling depths. Undisturbed forest soil samples were taken from three parent material types: the granite group, Mesozoic-Paleozoic, and Quaternary. Samples taken from layers corresponding to the A-horizon were categorized as topsoil and others as subsoil. After retention parameters were fitted, the tortuosity parameter was optimized using the Mualem-van Genuchten conductivity model. No significant differences were found in the average values of the tortuosity parameter among depths or among parent materials. Optimized values of the tortuosity parameter varied from 3.20 to −5.23 with a high frequency in the range of about 0 to −2. The average value was −0.94. This means that, for most forest soils, the predicted hydraulic conductivity tends to be underestimated when the most common value (0.5) of the tortuosity parameter is used. Modifying this parameter value to −0.77, as explained in this study, corrected the underestimation tendency and reduced prediction errors. When the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity for forest soils is predicted from water retention, the tortuosity parameter should thus be modified to an appropriate value for more accurate prediction.  相似文献   

Soil hydrological properties like infiltration capacity and hydraulic conductivity have important consequences for hydrological properties of soils in river catchments and for flood risk prevention. They are dynamic properties due to varying land use management practices. The objective of this study was to characterize the variation of infiltration capacity, hydraulic conductivity and soil organoprofile development on forest sites with comparable geological substrate, soil type and climatic conditions, but different stand ages and tree species in terms of the effects of forest transformation upon soil hydrological properties. The Kahlenberg forest area (50 km northeast of Berlin in the German northeastern lowlands) under investigation contains stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica) of different age structures forming a transformation chronosequence from pure Scots pine stands towards pure European beech stands. The water infiltration capacity and hydraulic conductivity (K) of the investigated sandy-textured soils are low and very few macropores exist. Additionally these pores are marked by poor connectivity and therefore do not have any significant effect on water infiltration rate. Moreover, water infiltration in these soils is impeded by their hydrophobic properties. Along the experimental chronosequence of forest transformation, the thickness of the forest floor layer decreases due to enhanced decomposition and humification intensities. By contrast, the thickness of the humous topsoil increases. Presumably, changes in soil organic matter storage and quality caused by the management practice of forest transformation affect the persistence and degree of water repellency in the soil, which in turn influences the hydraulic properties of the experimental soils. The results indicate clearly that soils play a crucial role for water retention and therefore, in overland flow prevention. There is a need to have more awareness on the intimate link between the land use and soil properties and their possible effects on flooding.  相似文献   

Mountainous forest soils usually contain a large number of rock fragments (particle diameter >2?mm), which influence soil properties. Data characterizing hydraulic properties of these soils usually describe only the fine soil fraction (particle diameter <2?mm) properties. To quantitatively describe soil water movement in stony soils, it is necessary to evaluate effective hydrophysical characteristics, involving the influence of stones, that is, the effective hydraulic conductivity and retention capacity should be known. Properties of evaporating surface (plant canopy) also play important role in formation of soil water movement and retention. This work presents results of the study of rock fragments (stoniness) effect on soil water content profiles and soil water dynamics during the season. Stony and homogeneous soil behavior is compared. The effect of different canopies (spruce forest, low vegetation) and bare soil in both types of soils on soil water dynamics is also studied. Stones as a part of soil are decreasing its water capacity and hydraulic conductivity as well. This is expressing in the decrease of stony soil water content retention capacity. High interception capacity of trees, followed by the low undercanopy precipitation, leads to the decreased soil water content of the upper soil layer. Combination of stony soil and dense forest canopy led to the low undercanopy precipitation, to relatively low infiltration totals into soil, and to decreased outflow.  相似文献   

The relationships between hydraulic and photosynthetic properties in plants have been widely studied, but much less is known about how these properties are linked to water-source partitioning, the spatial and temporal separation of water sources in ecosystems. Plant water-source partitioning is often influenced by the proximity of groundwater from the natural surface. We studied the water acquisition strategy and hydraulic and photosynthetic properties of Tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala D.C.), a large coastal tree species that occupies seasonally dry habitats underlain by superficial aquifers. Our goal was to quantify water-source partitioning as the proportion of xylem water derived from the vadose and saturated zones with respect to stage of development and proximity of groundwater. We then sought to associate the proportional contribution of a given water source with xylem hydraulic and photosynthetic properties, thus conferring a linkage. Seedlings were more inclined to use surface soil water when rainfall recharge of the upper profile occurred, suggesting that they maintained or rapidly developed a proportionally high amount of functional roots in the upper, seasonally dry, soil profile. This strategy was associated with a lower xylem-area-specific hydraulic conductivity (K(S)), leaf-area-specific hydraulic conductivity (K(L)) and maximum photon yield of photosystem II (F(V)/F(M)). In contrast, trees acquired water from a variety of sources in different seasons and had a higher K(S), K(L) and F(V)/F(M). Despite the higher K(S) and K(L) in trees, the midday hydrodynamic water potential gradient from soil to leaves, ΔΨ, was similar. We conclude that there was a linkage between hydraulic and photosynthetic properties with the partitioning of water sources and that this adaptation to long-term hydrological regimes accommodated the different hydraulic characteristics and hydrological environments of trees versus seedlings.  相似文献   

Soil physical properties and water movement within soil were investigated using dyes in a tropical rain forest, the Bukit Tarek Experimental Watershed of Peninsular Malaysia. The saturated hydraulic conductivity (K s) decreased with increasing soil depth. TheK s values were higher than those reported for other tropical soils. The geometric means of theK s values ranged from 4.69×10−3 (80 cm) to 4.07×10−2 cm s−1 (10cm). This suggests saturation overland flow may not be dominant but that subsurface flow must play an important role in stormflow generation. The shapes of the soil moisture characteristic curves resembled those of forest soils which have large changes in volumetric water content at pressure heads <30 cmH2O. The relatively high conductivities were due to the presence of a porous zone of decomposed root channels which existed continuously in vertical direction. Besides decayed roots, living roots also encourage preferential flow in vertical and lateral (downslope) directions. Termite activities may also form water flow pathways in tropical regions. These detailed results help us analyze water flow within the soil in tropical rain forests.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区乔灌木叶水分利用效率及与水力学特性关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黄土丘陵区植被演替过程中的7种典型乔灌木(乔木:山杨、油松、辽东栎;灌木:山桃、荆条、黄刺玫和狼牙刺)和人工种植种刺槐为研究对象,研究其叶水分利用效率(WUE)和水力学特性(比导水率Ks、比叶导水率Kl、Huber值HV、导水率损失50%所对应的木质部负压P50、木材密度WD)的变化。结果表明:1)4种灌木的WUE明显高于4种乔木。4种乔木中,以刺槐的WUE为最高,演替早期种山杨的WUE高于演替后期种油松和辽东栎。2)4种乔木的平均Ks明显高于4种灌木,但HV明显低于4种灌木,其Kl与灌木相比差异不大。演替早期种山杨的Ks和Kl明显高于演替后期种油松和辽东栎,但木材密度则小于后两者。山杨的P50高于油松而低于辽东栎和刺槐。人工种植种刺槐具有低Ks和Kl,且对木质部栓塞的抵抗能力弱。3)叶片的长期WUE和水力学特性之间并无显著的相关性,表明演替过程中水分利用效率的变化可能主要受水力学特性以外的其他生理过程的影响。  相似文献   

Comparison of the root system growth and water transport of southern pine species after planting in different root-zone environments is needed to guide decisions regarding when, and what species to plant. Evaluation of how seed source affects root system responses to soil conditions will allow seed sources to be matched to planting conditions. The root growth and hydraulic conductivity of three sources each of shortleaf, loblolly and longleaf pine seedlings were evaluated for 28 days in a seedling growth system that simulated the planting environment. Across species, an increase in root-zone temperature alleviated limitations to root growth caused by water stress. In the coldest temperature, longleaf pine maintained a higher hydraulic conductivity compared to shortleaf and loblolly pine. Without water limitation, the root growth and hydraulic conductivity of shortleaf and loblolly pine were superior to that of longleaf pine, but as water availability decreased, the root growth of longleaf pine surpassed that of loblolly pine. Hydraulic conductivities of the seed sources differed, and differences were attributed to either new root growth, or an increase in the efficiency of the root system to transport water.  相似文献   

以宁夏盐池沙区退化沙地为研究对象,探讨其在营造人工柠条灌木林后,对土壤水分运动参数的影响,研究结果显示:退化沙地营造人工柠条林后,0~40 cm土层的土壤水分扩散率呈现增加的趋势;0~40 cm土层的土壤基质势明显低于对照天然草地;0~40 cm土层的土壤比水容量随造林密度的增加测定值降低;0~40 cm土层的土壤比水容量林地明显低于对照天然恢复草地;人工柠条林土壤非饱和导水率显著低于对照天然草地,其大小排序为天然草地>2 490丛.hm-2柠条林>1 665丛.hm-2柠条林>3 330丛.hm-2柠条林。  相似文献   

Logging operations can cause soil profile disturbance and compaction. Soil profile disturbance and compaction change soil physical properties, which may reduce site productivity, increase soil erosion and degrade catchment water quality. This study was undertaken to measure the effect of logging on physical properties of the 0–100 mm surface soil in the Victorian Central Highlands, southeastern Australia. Soil physical properties were measured in the snig tracks, log landings, general logging areas (disturbed areas which were not occupied by snig tracks or log landings) and undisturbed areas. Within the general logging areas, measurements were made for three levels of soil profile disturbance: litter disturbed, topsoil disturbed and subsoil disturbed.

The results indicated that logging significantly increased bulk density and decreased organic carbon and organic matter content, total porosity and macroporosity on over 72% of the coupe area. However, on 35% of the coupe area, the snig tracks, log landings and subsoil disturbed areas of the general logging area, bulk densities and macroporosities reached critical levels where tree growth could be affected. On these areas, organic carbon decreased between 27 and 66%, bulk density increased between 39 and 65% and macroporosity decreased between 58 and 88%.

Saturated hydraulic conductivities decreased to critical levels for runoff to occur on over 72% of the coupe area (topsoil and subsoil disturbed areas of the general logging area, snig tracks and log landings). On this area, the reduction in saturated hydraulic conductivity varied between 60 and 95%.  相似文献   

Water and nutrient dynamics and tree growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The balance in the investment of assimilate at any time into leaves and roots may depend on whether water, nutrients or radiation are limiting to growth. Also, for the same investment of assimilate into roots, the root configuration may range from intensive to extensive in both space and time, to take best advantage of the distribution and amount of water and nutrients. Intensive root configurations, which include mycorrhizas and proteoid roots, assist in the uptake of nutrients (such as phosphorus) which are rate-limiting in soil. Mycorrhizas may assist in water uptake in dry or coarse textured soils with low unsaturated hydraulic conductivities.

Adaptations which assist trees to survive in dry and nutrient-deficient environments are discussed. These mechanisms may reduce, maintain or increase growth. In production forestry, it is desirable to exploit those mechanisms which increase growth. When soil water and nutrients limit tree growth, productivity may be improved by increasing the amount of uptake of water and nutrients, or by increasing the efficiency by which they are used in growth. Maximizing water-use efficiency when soil water supply is limiting may be dependent on whether the trees are in mixed stands or in monoculture. Selecting trees with relatively less root may improve productivity in monocultures when weeds are controlled and fertilizer is added. It is well known that trees can ‘re-use’ nutrients by retranslocating them within the tree to zones of demand. Relatively little is known, though, about differences in the biochemical involvement of nutrients at the cellular and subcellular level which contribute to differences in nutrient-use efficiency in trees.  相似文献   

在太行山石灰岩中山区,以侧柏、油松2年生苗为研究对象,选择地膜、石块等材料覆盖,进行水分胁迫试验,每天3次用TDR测定土壤含水量,记录苗木严重萎蔫时的时间。结果表明:地膜覆盖盆植侧柏苗各层土壤温度均高于对照,而在生态垫覆盖下均低于对照;两种覆盖处理均能明显增加侧柏苗的土壤体积含水量,且延长侧柏苗存活天数10 d以上;覆盖处理盆植油松苗各层土壤温度与对照间均无显著差异;地膜和生态垫覆盖下油松苗的土壤体积含水量显著高于对照,石块覆盖下的土壤体积含水量与对照间无显著差异;地膜、生态垫、石块覆盖的油松幼树存活天数明显长于对照,以地膜覆盖延长的时间最多;侧柏苗和油松苗的致死土壤体积含水量分别为6.7%和7.8%。  相似文献   

Improved fallows have been used to reduce time required for soil fertility regeneration after cropping in low input agricultural systems. In semi-arid areas of Southern Africa, Acacia angustissima and Sesbania sesban are among some of the more widely used improved fallow species. However the residual effects of improved fallows on soil hydraulic properties during the cropping phase is not known. The aim of this study was to quantify the residual effects of fallows and tillage imposed at fallow termination on soil hydraulic properties (infiltration rates, hydraulic conductivity and soil porosity) during the cropping phase. Treatments evaluated were planted fallows of Acacia angustissima, Sesbania sesban and natural fallow (NF) and continuous maize as a control. Steady state infiltration rates were measured using a double ring infiltrometer and porosity was calculated as the difference between saturated infiltration rates and tension infiltration measurements on an initially saturated soil. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (Ko) and mean pore sizes of water conducting pores were measured using tension infiltrometer at tensions of 5 and 10 cm of water on an initially dry soil. While there was no significant difference in steady state infiltration rates from double ring infiltrometer measurements among the fallow treatments, these were significantly higher than the control. The steady state infiltration rates were 36, 67, 59 and 68 mm h-1 for continuous maize, A. angustissima, S. sesban and NF respectively. Tillage had no significant effect on steady state infiltration rate. Pore density at 5 cm tension was significantly higher in the three fallows than in maize and varied from 285–443 m−2 in fallows, while in continuous maize the pore density was less than 256 m−2. At 10 cm tension pore density remained significantly higher in fallows and ranged from 4,521–8,911 m−2 compared to 2,689–3,938 m−2 in continuous maize. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivities at 5 cm tension were significantly higher in fallows than in continuous maize and were 0.9, 0.7, 0.8 cm and 0.5 cm h−1 for A. angustissima, S. sesban, NF and continuous maize, respectively. However there were no significant treatment differences at 10 cm tension. Fallows improved infiltration rates, hydraulic conductivity and soil porosity relative to continuous maize cropping. Through fallowing farmers can improve the soils hydraulic properties and porosity, this is important as it affects soil water recharge, and availability for plant growth  相似文献   

通过对广东省蕉岭长潭省级自然保护区针阔混交林、马尾松林、杉木林、毛竹林、阔叶混交林等5种不同森林类型土壤理化性质状况的比较,研究了不同森林类型对土壤肥力状况的影响。结果表明:(1)广东省蕉岭长潭省级自然保护区表层表土呈酸性,石砾含量、土壤容重、总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度和非毛管孔隙度分别为4.0%、1.11 g/cm3、58.01%、37.73%和20.28%;自然含水量、最大持水量、最小持水量分别为296.02,442.95,321.38 g/kg;土壤阳离子交换量为5.99-8.20 cmol(+)/kg,电导率为57.87-97.44,全氮、碱解氮、全磷、速效磷和速效钾分别为1.88 g/kg、105.20 mg/kg、0.19 g/kg、2.22 mg/kg和130.53 mg/kg。(2)土壤孔隙度、土壤自然含水量、最小持水量、阳离子交换量、电导率、全磷、速效磷在不同林分类型间差异不显著,但土壤容重、石砾含量、最大持水量、土壤pH值、全氮、碱解氮、速效钾在不同林分类型间差异显著。马尾松林的石砾含量与针阔混交林、毛竹林、阔叶混交林有显著差异(p=0.003,p=0.009,p=0.01),全氮与针阔混交林差异显著(p=0.025),碱解氮与针阔混交林差异显著(p=0.028),速效钾与阔叶混交林差异显著(p=0.012);毛竹林pH值和杉木林、针阔混交林和阔叶混交林差异显著(p=0.026,p=0.030,p=0.035)。(3)从土壤理化性状来看,阔叶混交林、毛竹林的土壤质量和肥力要比马尾松林和杉木林好。  相似文献   

对鼠茅草覆盖条件下的油茶林地土壤理化性质及土壤酶活性等指标进行测定与分析.结果表明,覆盖鼠茅草的油茶林地土壤电导率、pH值、土壤含水率与无覆草林地(对照)间均存在显著差异,且其土壤全碳(TC)、全氮(TN)和钠元素含量及碳氮比均高于对照,土壤脲酶活性和酸性磷酸酶活性也均显著高于无覆草的油茶林地,说明覆盖鼠茅草不仅能提高...  相似文献   

森林流域坡地壤中流模型与模拟研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
本文以水量平衡原理、动力学假设以及饱和导水率与有效孔隙度的对数递减模型为基础,提出了一个形式简单的森林流域坡地壤中流模型(以下称为改进模型)。并以二道白河森林流域内阔叶红松林土壤为背景制作模拟坡面,在模拟坡面上用两场不同强度的降雨对该模型进行了验证;同时,本文也分别用Sloan所提出的贮水泄流模型(以下称Sloan模型)与Robinson所修改后的贮水泄流模型(以下称Robinson模型)对这两场降雨进行了预测,并将这3个模型预测的结果与实测结果进行了比较。结果表明,改进模型精度比其它两个模型高。  相似文献   

We investigated hydraulic constraints on water uptake by velvet mesquite (Prosopis velutina Woot.) at a site with sandy-loam soil and at a site with loamy-clay soil in southeastern Arizona, USA. We predicted that trees on sandy-loam soil have less negative xylem and soil water potentials during drought and a lower resistance to xylem cavitation, and reach E(crit) (the maximum steady-state transpiration rate without hydraulic failure) at higher soil water potentials than trees on loamy-clay soil. However, minimum predawn leaf xylem water potentials measured during the height of summer drought were significantly lower at the sandy-loam site (-3.5 +/- 0.1 MPa; all errors are 95% confidence limits) than at the loamy-clay site (-2.9 +/- 0.1 MPa). Minimum midday xylem water potentials also were lower at the sandy-loam site (-4.5 +/- 0.1 MPa) than at the loamy-clay site (-4.0 +/- 0.1 MPa). Despite the differences in leaf water potentials, there were no significant differences in either root or stem xylem embolism, mean cavitation pressure or Psi(95) (xylem water potential causing 95% cavitation) between trees at the two sites. A soil-plant hydraulic model parameterized with the field data predicted that E(crit) approaches zero at a substantially higher bulk soil water potential (Psi(s)) on sandy-loam soil than on loamy-clay soil, because of limiting rhizosphere conductance. The model predicted that transpiration at the sandy-loam site is limited by E(crit) and is tightly coupled to Psi(s) over much of the growing season, suggesting that seasonal transpiration fluxes at the sandy-loam site are strongly linked to intra-annual precipitation pulses. Conversely, the model predicted that trees on loamy-clay soil operate below E(crit) throughout the growing season, suggesting that fluxes on fine-textured soils are closely coupled to inter-annual changes in precipitation. Information on the combined importance of xylem and rhizosphere constraints to leaf water supply across soil texture gradients provides insight into processes controlling plant water balance and larger scale hydrologic processes.  相似文献   

Spearman rank-correlation analysis and grey relational grade analysis were used to study infiltration characteristics of water in different forest soils in the Simian mountains, Chongqing City. The results indicate that the soil bulk density, contents of coarse sand, and porosity of macropores were significantly correlated with saturated hydraulic conductivity. Porosity of macropores and contents of coarse sand were positively correlated with soil saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil bulk density negatively. Based on the initial infiltration rate, the stable infiltration rate, time required for infiltration to reach a stable state, and cumulative infiltration, all of which are crucial parameters determining soil infiltration capacity, the results of grey relational grade analysis showed that the grey relational grades of the different forest soils were listed from high to low as broad-leaved forest (0.8031) > Phyllostachys pubescens forest (0.7869) > mixed conifer-broadleaf forest (0.4454) > coniferous forest (0.4039). Broadleaf forest had the best ability to be infiltrated among the four soils studied. The square roots of the coefficients of determination obtained from fitting the Horton infiltration equation, simulated in our study of forest soils, were higher than 0.950.We conclude that soils of broad-leaved forests were the best suited for infiltration processes of forestry in the Simian mountains. __________ Translated from Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2008, 22(4): 95–99 [译自: 水土保持学报]  相似文献   

土壤水分-物理性质是衡量土壤质量的重要指标。本文测定了岷江上游理县云杉人工林、灌木林、经济林和农耕地的土壤物理性质。结果表明:(1)云杉人工林的土壤容重最小,土壤毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、田间最大持水量、毛管持水量显著高于其余3种植被类型;(2)灌木林与经济林的非毛管孔隙度、毛管持水量、田间最大持水量差异不显著,但灌木林的土壤容重显著小于经济林;(3)农耕地的土壤容重显著高于其余3种植被类型,非毛管孔隙度、毛管持水量、田间最大持水量显著低于其余3种植被类型。研究结果说明4种植被类型的土壤物理性质存在较大差异,选择合理的植被类型和减少人为干扰对于岷江上游地区植被恢复和生态功能改善具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

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