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Time-resolved sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy permits the study of hitherto neglected ultrafast vibrational dynamics of neat water interfaces. Measurements on interfacial bonded OH stretch modes revealed relaxation behavior on sub-picosecond time scales in close resemblance to that of bulk water. Vibrational excitation is followed by spectral diffusion, vibrational relaxation, and thermalization in the hydrogen-bonding network. Dephasing of the excitation occurs in 相似文献   

Molecular dynamics occurring in the earliest stages following photo-induced charge transfer were investigated. Femtosecond time-resolved absorption anisotropy measurements on [Ru(bpy)(3)](2+), where bpy is 2,2'-bipyridine, reveal a time dependence in nitrile solutions attributed to initial delocalization of the excited state over all three ligands followed by charge localization onto a single ligand. The localization process is proposed to be coupled to nondiffusive solvation dynamics. In contrast, measurements sampling population dynamics show spectral evolution associated with wave packet motion on the excited state surface that is independent of solvent. The results therefore reveal two important contributions to the evolution of charge transfer states in condensed phase, one that is strongly coupled to the surrounding environment and another that follows a potential internal to the molecule.  相似文献   

The microscopic pathway along which ions or molecules in a crystal move during a structural phase transition can often be described in terms of a collective vibrational mode of the lattice. In many cases, this mode, called a "soft" phonon mode because of its characteristically low frequency near the phase transition temperature, is difficult to characterize through conventional frequency-domain spectroscopies such as light or neutron scattering. A femtosecond time-domain analog of light-scattering spectroscopy called impulsive stimulated Raman scattering (ISRS) has been used to examine the soft modes of two perovskite ferroelectric crystals. The low-frequency lattice dynamics of KNbO(3) and BaTiO(3) are clarified in a manner that permits critical evaluation of microscopic models for their ferroelectric transitions. The results illustrate the advantages of ISRS over conventional Raman spectroscopy of low-frequency, heavily damped soft modes.  相似文献   

Nucleation, growth, and dissolution of crystals have been studied by stereochemical approach involving molecular recognition at interfaces. A methodology is described for using ;;tailor-made' additives designed to interact stereospecifically with crystal surfaces during growth and dissolution. This procedure was instrumental in controlling crystal morphology and in revising the concept of the structure and symmetry of solid solutions. Consequently, it was applied to the transformation of centrosymmetric single crystals into solid solutions with polar arrangement displaying second-harmonic generation and to the performance of asymmetric synthesis of guest molecules inside centrosymmetric host crystals. The method has led to a discovery of a new ;;relay' mechanism explaining the effect of solvent on crystal growth. Finally, it allowed for the design of auxiliary molecules that act as promoters or inhibitors of crystal nucleation that can be used to resolve enantiomers and crystallize desired polymorphs.  相似文献   

We demonstrated how the subcycle evolution of the electric field of light can be used to control the motion of bound electrons. Results are presented for the dissociative ionization of deuterium molecules (D2 --> D+ + D), where asymmetric ejection of the ionic fragment reveals that light-driven intramolecular electronic motion before dissociation localizes the electron on one of the two D+ ions in a controlled way. The results extend subfemtosecond electron control to molecules and provide evidence of its usefulness in controlling reaction dynamics.  相似文献   

The self-assembly of particles at fluid interfaces, driven by the reduction in interfacial energy, is well established. However, for nanoscopic particles, thermal fluctuations compete with interfacial energy and give rise to a particle-size-dependent self-assembly. Ligand-stabilized nanoparticles assembled into three-dimensional constructs at fluid-fluid interfaces, where the properties unique to the nanoparticles were preserved. The small size of the nanoparticles led to a weak confinement of the nanoparticles at the fluid interface that opens avenues to size-selective particle assembly, two-dimensional phase behavior, and functionalization. Fluid interfaces afford a rapid approach to equilibrium and easy access to nanoparticles for subsequent modification. A photoinduced transformation is described in which nanoparticles, initially soluble only in toluene, were transported across an interface into water and were dispersed in the water phase. The characteristic fluorescence emission of the nanoparticles provided a direct probe of their spatial distribution.  相似文献   

The electronic relaxation dynamics of size-selected (H2O)n-/(D2O)n[25 eaq-(s(dagger)) internal conversion lifetime.  相似文献   

The semiconducting properties of a wide range of minerals are often ignored in the study of their interfacial geochemical behavior. We show that surface-specific charge density accumulation reactions combined with bulk charge carrier diffusivity create conditions under which interfacial electron transfer reactions at one surface couple with those at another via current flow through the crystal bulk. Specifically, we observed that a chemically induced surface potential gradient across hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) crystals is sufficiently high and the bulk electrical resistivity sufficiently low that dissolution of edge surfaces is linked to simultaneous growth of the crystallographically distinct (001) basal plane. The apparent importance of bulk crystal conduction is likely to be generalizable to a host of naturally abundant semiconducting minerals playing varied key roles in soils, sediments, and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Electron transfer is used as a probe for angstrom-scale structural changes in single protein molecules. In a flavin reductase, the fluorescence of flavin is quenched by a nearby tyrosine residue by means of photo-induced electron transfer. By probing the fluorescence lifetime of the single flavin on a photon-by-photon basis, we were able to observe the variation of flavin-tyrosine distance over time. We could then determine the potential of mean force between the flavin and the tyrosine, and a correlation analysis revealed conformational fluctuation at multiple time scales spanning from hundreds of microseconds to seconds. This phenomenon suggests the existence of multiple interconverting conformers related to the fluctuating catalytic reactivity.  相似文献   

Feng S  Bein T 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1994,265(5180):1839-1841
Tubular aluminophosphate molecular sieve crystals were grown at an organic interface with their channels (7 angstroms in cross section) vertical to the substrate. To induce surface nucleation and oriented growth of AIPO(4)-5 crystals, organophosphonate layers cross-linked with Zr(IV) were assembled on a gold substrate and the modified substrate was immersed in a hydrothermal bath containing reagents for the synthesis of the molecular sieve. Reflection-absorption infrared studies demonstrated the stability of the phosphonate layers under these conditions. Drastic changes in the morphology of the surface-grown crystals from spherical agglomerates to vertical needles to thin tilted needles could be achieved by adjusting the water content of the synthesis bath. Nitrogen sorption in these structures on a piezoelectric device confirmed the presence of zeolitic microporosity.  相似文献   

Colloidal particles or nanoparticles, with equal affinity for two fluids, are known to adsorb irreversibly to the fluid-fluid interface. We present large-scale computer simulations of the demixing of a binary solvent containing such particles. The newly formed interface sequesters the colloidal particles; as the interface coarsens, the particles are forced into close contact by interfacial tension. Coarsening is markedly curtailed, and the jammed colloidal layer seemingly enters a glassy state, creating a multiply connected, solidlike film in three dimensions. The resulting gel contains percolating domains of both fluids, with possible uses as, for example, a microreaction medium.  相似文献   

Understanding the formation of sulfate particles in the troposphere is critical because of their health effects and their direct and indirect effects on radiative forcing, and hence on climate. Laboratory studies of the chemical and physical changes in sodium chloride, the major component of sea-salt particles, show that sodium hydroxide is generated upon reaction of deliquesced sodium chloride particles with gas-phase hydroxide. The increase in alkalinity will lead to an increase in the uptake and oxidation of sulfur dioxide to sulfate in sea-salt particles. This chemistry is missing from current models but is consistent with a number of previously unexplained field study observations.  相似文献   

The initial electron transfer dynamics during photosynthesis have been studied in Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centers from wild type and 14 mutants in which the driving force and the kinetics of charge separation vary over a broad range. Surprisingly, the protein relaxation kinetics, as measured by tryptophan absorbance changes, are invariant in these mutants. By applying a reaction-diffusion model, we can fit the complex electron transfer kinetics of each mutant quantitatively, varying only the driving force. These results indicate that initial photosynthetic charge separation is limited by protein dynamics rather than by a static electron transfer barrier.  相似文献   

In the paper "Pi electron systems at high pressure" [Science 156, 1183 (1967)] a mechanism is suggested for the high-pressure reactions of perylene and azulene complexes with tetracyanoethylene (Figs. lOb and lOc) which is clearly impossible as drawn. What I had meant to suggest is the reaction shown below (with Fig. lOb as an example), which is at least conceivable, if not very probable from the chemical viewpoint. A similar modification would apply to Fig. lOc. As indicated in the paper, any serious study of the reaction requires the synthesis of enough product for more complete analysis, as well as a fairly detailed knowledge of the crystal geometry of the unreacted complex. See pdf for figure.  相似文献   

Understanding and controlling the complex environment of solid-state quantum bits is a central challenge in spintronics and quantum information science. Coherent manipulation of an individual electron spin associated with a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond was used to gain insight into its local environment. We show that this environment is effectively separated into a set of individual proximal 13C nuclear spins, which are coupled coherently to the electron spin, and the remainder of the 13C nuclear spins, which cause the loss of coherence. The proximal nuclear spins can be addressed and coupled individually because of quantum back-action from the electron, which modifies their energy levels and magnetic moments, effectively distinguishing them from the rest of the nuclei. These results open the door to coherent manipulation of individual isolated nuclear spins in a solid-state environment even at room temperature.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c and cytochrome b5 form an electrostatically associated electron transfer complex. Computer models of this and related complexes that were generated by docking the x-ray structures of the individual proteins have provided insight into the specificity and mechanism of electron transfer reactions. Previous static modeling studies were extended by molecular dynamics simulations of a cytochrome c-cytochrome b5 intermolecular complex. The simulations indicate that electrostatic interactions at the molecular interface results in a flexible association complex that samples alternative interheme geometries and molecular conformations. Many of these transient geometries appear to be more favorable for electron transfer than those formed in the initial model complex. Of particular interest is a conformational change that occurred in phenylalanine 82 of cytochrome c that allowed the phenyl side chain to bridge the two cytochrome heme groups.  相似文献   

We analyzed the glassy-state structural relaxation of polymers near surfaces and interfaces by monitoring fluorescence in multilayer films. Relative to that of bulk, the rate of structural relaxation of poly(methyl methacrylate) is reduced by a factor of 2 at a free surface and by a factor of 15 at a silica substrate interface; the latter exhibits a nearly complete arresting of relaxation. The distribution in relaxation rates extends more than 100 nanometers into the film interior, a distance greater than that over which surfaces and interfaces affect the glass transition temperature.  相似文献   

When a chemical bond is broken in a direct dissociation reaction, the process is so rapid that it has generally been considered instantaneous and thus unmeasurable. However, the bond does persist for times on the order of 10(-13) seconds after the photon has been absorbed. Femtosecond (10(-15) second) laser techniques can be used to directly clock this process, which describes the dynamics of the chemical bond. The time required to break the chemical bond in an elementary reaction has been measured and the characteristic repulsion length for the potential governing fragment separation has been obtained.  相似文献   

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