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Summary Two different soils were amended with 14C-labelled plant material and incubated under controlled laboratory conditions for 2 years. Half the samples were cropped with wheat (Triticum aestivum) 10 times in succession. At flowering, the wheat was harvested and the roots removed from the soil, and a new crop was started. Thus, the soil was continuously occupied by predominantly active root systems. The remaining samples were maintained without plants under the same conditions. The aim of the experiment was to study the effects of active roots on C-mineralization rates during different stages of decomposition and during long-term incubation. During the first 200 days, corresponding to the active decomposition stages, the roots weakly reduced 14C mineralization. With a lower level of decomposition, when more than 60% of the initial 14C was mineralized and when the available nutrients were markedly exhausted by plant uptake, the roots stimulated 14C mineralization.[/ p]  相似文献   

Distinct extractable organic matter (EOM) fractions have been used to assess the capacity of soils to supply nitrogen (N). However, substantial uncertainty exists on their role in the N cycle and their functional dependency on soil properties. We therefore examined the variation in mineralizable N and its relationship with EOM fractions, soil physical and chemical properties across 98 agricultural soils with contrasting inherent properties and management histories. Mineralizable N was determined by aerobic incubation at 20 °C and optimum moisture content for 20 weeks. We used multivariate statistical modelling to account for multi-collinearity, an issue generally overlooked in studies evaluating the predictive value of EOM fractions. Mineralization of N was primarily related to the size of OM pools and fractions present; they explained 78% of the variation in mineralizable N whereas other soil variables could explain maximally 8%. Both total and extractable OM expressed the same soil characteristic from a mineralization perspective; they were positively related to mineralizable N and explained a similar percentage of the variation in mineralizable N. Inclusion of mineralizable N in fertilizer recommendation systems should be based on at least one OM variable. The most appropriate EOM fraction can only be identified when the underlying mechanisms are known; regression techniques are not suitable for this purpose. Combination of single EOM fractions is not likely to improve the prediction of mineralizable N due to high multi-collinearity. Inclusion of texture-related soil variables or variables reflecting soil organic matter quality may be neglected due to their limited power to improve the prediction of mineralizable N.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of increased N deposition on new and old pools of soil organic matter (SOM). We made use of a 4-yr experiment, where spruce and beech growing on an acidic loam and a calcareous sand were exposed to increased N deposition (7 vs. 70 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and to elevated atmospheric CO2. The added CO2 was depleted in 13C, which enabled us to distinguish between old and new C in SOM-pools fractionated into particle sizes. Elevated N deposition for 4 yr increased significantly the contents of total SOM in 0-10 cm depth of the acidic loam (+9%), but not in the calcareous sand. Down to 25 cm soil depth, C storage in the acidic loam was between 100 and 300 g C m−2 larger under high than under low N additions. However, this increase was small as compared with the SOM losses of 600-700 g C g C 0.25 m−1 m−2 from the calcareous sand resulting from the disturbance of soils during setting up of the experiment. The amounts of new, less than 4 yr old SOM in the sand fractions of both soils were greater under high N deposition, showing that C inputs from trees into soils increased. Root biomass in the acidic loam was larger under N additions (+25%). Contents of old, more than 4 yr old C in the clay and silt fractions of both soils were significantly greater under high than under low N deposition. Since clay- and silt-bound SOM consists of humified compounds, this indicates that N additions retarded mineralization of old and humified SOM. The retardation of C mineralization in the clay and silt fraction accounted for 60-80 g C m−2 4 yr−1, which corresponds to about 40% of the old SOM mineralized in these fraction. As a consequence, preservation of old and humified SOM under elevated N deposition might be a process that could lead to an increased soil C storage in the long-term.  相似文献   


Mineralization is the main organic matter conversion process, which leads not only to preservation of organic matter in the soil but also to its sequestration. Soil organic matter has equal value as mineral part if we want to improve soil quality or increase the yield. Because of intensive farming, irresponsible use of mineral fertilizers and natural factors, soil organic matter is decreasing. To counteract this process, different soil-friendly management practices and techniques, such as shallow tillage, no-tillage or direct drilling and application of additional organic matter are used. The objective of the present study was to assess the changes in the intensity of soil organic matter mineralization as influenced by primary soil tillage of different intensity in combination with organic matter incorporation. Long-term studies showed that land management practices differentiated the soil into two layers: upper (0–10?cm) layer containing more moisture and nutrients and lower (10–20?cm) layer comprising less moisture and nutrients. The conditions of aeration in the arable soil layer did not change under the effect of ploughing. In this soil, the rate of mineralization was lower than that in the ploughless tillage treatment. The most active mineralization of soil organic matter in the ploughless tillage treatment occurred in the autumn period, when high level of rainfall promoted the loss of nutrients from the topsoil layer.  相似文献   

 We studied the influence of soil compaction in a loamy sand soil on C and N mineralization and nitrification of soil organic matter and added crop residues. Samples of unamended soil, and soil amended with leek residues, at six bulk densities ranging from 1.2 to 1.6 Mg m–3 and 75% field capacity, were incubated. In the unamended soil, bulk density within the range studied did not influence any measure of microbial activity significantly. A small (but insignificant) decrease in nitrification rate at the highest bulk density was the only evidence for possible effects of compaction on microbial activity. In the amended soil the amounts of mineralized N at the end of the incubation were equal at all bulk densities, but first-order N mineralization rates tended to increase with increasing compaction, although the increase was not significant. Nitrification in the amended soils was more affected by compaction, and NO3 -N contents after 3 weeks of incubation at bulk densities of 1.5 and 1.6 Mg m–3 were significantly lower (by about 8% and 16% of total added N, respectively), than those of the less compacted treatments. The C mineralization rate was strongly depressed at a bulk density of 1.6 Mg m–3, compared with the other treatments. The depression of C mineralization in compacted soils can lead to higher organic matter accumulation. Since N mineralization was not affected by compaction (within the range used here) the accumulated organic matter would have had higher C : N ratios than in the uncompacted soils, and hence would have been of a lower quality. In general, increasing soil compaction in this soil, starting at a bulk density of 1.5 Mg m–3, will affect some microbially driven processes. Received: 10 June 1999  相似文献   

Fine surface soil ( < 2 mm) from four sites in Oregon and Washington and three in Costa Rica was separated by repeated notation in NaI solution (sp. gr. < 1.2, 1.4, or 1.6 g cm?3) into a light and a heavy fraction. Most organic matter in the light fractions consisted of partly-decomposed root fragments and other plant and microbial remnants and most in the heavy fractions was adsorbed or deposited on mineral surfaces or was protected within organo-mineral microaggregates. The light fraction had a consistently wider C:N ratio than the heavy, and net N mineralization during anaerobic incubation was greater from the heavy than from the light fraction in five of six soils for which both fractions were incubated. Net N mineralization was greater from the heavy fraction than from the whole soil of most sites perhaps because the light fraction immobilized N released from the heavy fraction when they were incubated together. Correlation between net N mineralization (as a proportion of total N) and C:N ratio was negative for the light fraction (r2=0.74) but positive for the heavy fraction (r2 = 0.85), suggesting that the C:N ratio does not control the extent to which heavy-fraction N is mineralizable.  相似文献   

外加碳、氮对黄绵土有机质矿化与激发效应的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用14C标记的葡萄糖和麦秸,15N标记的(NH4)2SO4和Ca(NO3)2对生黄绵土、菜园黄绵土土壤有机质的矿化与激发效应进行了研究。结果表明,外加有机质,特别是外加易分解的葡萄糖,和外加氮源,特别是外加(NH4)2SO4,对两种黄绵土土壤的有机质矿化与激发效应都有明显的促进作用,土壤有机质的矿化是高肥力菜园黄绵土高于低肥力生黄绵土,而有机质矿化的激发效应却是低肥力生黄绵土高于高肥力菜园黄绵土。外加有机质与外加N同时施入土壤时,外加N对外加有机质的矿化与激发效应同样有明显的促进作用,并发现外加有机质与外加N在促进土壤有机质矿化与激发效应过程中表现出正交互作用。激发效应对土壤肥力的更新和培养有积极作用。  相似文献   

有机质对土壤光谱特性的影响研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
彭杰  周清  张杨珠  向红英 《土壤学报》2013,50(3):517-524
为了探明土壤有机质的光谱特征及其影响作用,从而为有机质土壤铁氧化物的定量反演提供理论依据。利用去有机质前后土壤的光谱数据,研究了有机质对土壤反射率、土壤线参数、土壤铁氧化物定量反演的影响。研究结果表明,去除有机质后,能明显提高土壤反射率,变化最明显的为可见光橙黄光波段,即570~630 nm。相关性分析也显示橙黄光波段反射率的相对变化量或差值与有机质去除量之间的相关系数要比其他波段高,相关系数最大值在600 nm。因此,建议采用570~630 nm的光谱数据进行有机质的反演;土壤线斜率在去有机质后明显降低,截距显著增大,二者变化量与有机质去除量呈极显著相关关系,可用土壤线参数预测有机质含量。有机质对铁氧化物的反演具有明显影响,特别是有机质大于20 g kg-1的土壤,在进行反演时应考虑有机质对反演精度的影响,需采取有效地技术手段消减其影响作用,才能达到较好的效果。  相似文献   

Soil invertebrates are important in nutrient cycling in soils, but the degree to which mesofauna such as Collembola are responsible for the direct movement of carbon (C) from the litter layer into soil has not yet been ascertained. We used naturally occurring stable C isotopic differences between a C4 soil and alder leaves (C3) to examine the effect of the collembolan Folsomia candida on C translocation into soil in laboratory microcosms. Collembolan numbers greatly increased in the presence of alder, but despite large collembolan populations there were no changes in decomposition rate (measured as litter mass loss, cumulative respired CO2 and alder C:N ratios). Small changes in the δ13C values of bulk soil organic matter were detected, but could not be assigned to collembolan activity. However, mean δ13C values of soil microbial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) were significantly lower in the presence of alder and Collembola together, demonstrating that collembolan activities resulted in greater availability of litter-derived C to the soil microbial community. Additionally, the presence of Collembola resulted in the translocation of alder-derived compounds (chlorophyll and its breakdown product pheophytin) into soil, demonstrating that Collembola modify soil organic matter at the molecular level. These results are consistent with deposition of collembolan faeces in underlying soil and demonstrate that despite their small size, Collembola contribute directly to C transport in the litter-soil environment.  相似文献   

A loamy sand was incubated with and without addition of carrot leaves at six different water contents ranging from 6% to 20% (g 100 g-1 dry soil) and N mineralization was monitored during 98 days. We calculated zero- and first-order rates for mineralization in the unamended soil and first-order rates for N mineralization in the residue-amended soil. Although N mineralization was strongly affected by soil moisture, rates were still important at 6% water content (corresponding to permanent wilting point), particularly in the residue-amended soil. Soil water content was recalculated as soil water tension and as percent water-filled pore space (%WFPS) and a parabolic, a logistic and a Gaussian-type function were fitted to the relation between N mineralization rates and water content, %WFPS or pF. Water potential was a less suitable parameter than either %WFPS or water content to describe the soil water influence on N mineralization, because N mineralization rates were extremely sensitive to changes in the water potential in the range of pF values between 1.5 and 2.5. In the residue-amended soil the Gaussian model yielded an optimum %WFPS of 56% for N mineralization, which is slightly lower than optimum values cited in literature. N mineralization in the unamended soil was more influenced by soil water than N mineralization from fresh crop residues. This could be explained by less water limitation of the microbial population decomposing the residues, due to the water content of the residues. The effect of the water contained in the residues was most pronounced in the lowest water content treatments. The water retention curves of both undisturbed and repacked soil were determined and suggested that extrapolation of results obtained during laboratory incubations, using disturbed soil, to field conditions will be difficult unless soil bulk density effects are accounted for, as is the case with the use of %WFPS.  相似文献   

The organic phosphorus components of leaf litter from a secondary forest in Nigeria were characterized as phospholipids, acid soluble esters, LiOH-extractable esters and residual phosphate. During incubation of the litter at 30°C for 8 months all four organic fractions were synthesized and the content of inorganic phosphate decreased.During cultivation of the same field site over a period of 22 months, the IP5 + 6, content of the soil did not change significantly, but there were significant decreases of phospholipids and of high molecular weight components. The high molecular weight components, which were not identified, represented the most important source of organic phosphorus that became available to plants, but phospholipids may also have been a source.The results indicate that the inositol phosphates in leaf litter were in too low concentration to have provided the amounts found in the soil.  相似文献   

To understand the dynamics of soil organic matter (SOM) in the Eurasian steppe, several soil and meteorological properties were tested in order to estimate the amounts of potentially mineralizable organic carbon (PMC) and nitrogen (PMN). Total 41 surface soil samples were collected in Ukraine and Kazakhstan from cropland, forest, grassland, and desert ecosystems. The fresh soils were incubated for 133 days under constant temperature and moisture conditions, and the CO2 emissions and the mineral N from the soils were monitored. PMC and PMN were determined by fitting models to the cumulative curves of the CO2 and the mineral N. Tested soil properties included soil pH, sand, silt and clay contents, carbon and nitrogen contents of light fraction (LF, <1.6 g cm?3) and heavy fraction (HF), and C/N ratio of LF and HF. The meteorological properties considered were mean annual temperature and precipitation. Using multiple regression analysis with the stepwise method, PMC was well estimated by carbon content of LF (LFC) and clay content, compared to the simple correlation with organic carbon (OC). Similarly, PMN was better determined by nitrogen content of LF (LFN) and clay content. These results suggest the partially labile nature of clay-associating OM and of LFC and LFN. The higher PMC and PMN in the forest and grassland sites would be attributed to the higher LFC and LFN, while the lower LFC and LFN in cropland sites would suggest the relatively higher contribution of clay-associating OM to PMC and PMN.  相似文献   

黑碳添加对土壤有机碳矿化的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过室内培养试验,向土壤中分别添加不同温度制备的黑碳,热解温度分别为350℃(T350)、600℃(T600)和850℃(T850),研究了黑碳添加对土壤有机碳矿化的影响。结果表明,不同温度条件制备的黑碳在15℃和25℃培养条件下,土壤CO2释放速率总的趋势是前期分解速率快,后期缓慢。在整个培养过程中(112天),随着培养时间的延长,土壤CO2释放速率下降趋势逐渐降低,CO2释放速率相对值的大小随着培养温度的的升高而增大。在不同温度培养条件下,添加黑碳后土壤CO2-C累计量均是T350>T600>T850,T350土壤CO2-C累计量最高分别为415.26 mg/kg和733.82 mg/kg。添加不同黑碳后,土壤有机碳矿化增加率存在极显著差异(p<0.01),表明不同温度制备的黑碳对土壤有机碳矿化的影响显著。  相似文献   

This work sets out to verify whether the application of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) or treated urban sewage sludge (USS) organic amendments efficiently promote organic matter (OM) increases in a Haplic Podzol (PZha) and in a Calcic Vertisol (VRcc). For that purpose, carbon (C) mineralization and C kinetic parameters were studied, using a laboratory experimental incubation setup. The results showed that the addition of the amendments to the soils increased their mineralization capacities, and that the highest C mineralization rate was reached at the end of the first 2 d of incubation. The different characteristics of the soils seem to have influenced the C mineralization rates during the 28-d incubation. The USS induced higher C mineralization than the MSWC, and the PZha soil gave rise to higher C mineralization than VRcc. For all treatments, C mineralization adjusted well to an exponential plus linear kinetic model, suggesting that the organic C of the amendments was made up of two organic pools of differing degrees of stability. With the exception of the application of USS 60 t ha−1, all the treatments increased the OM content on both soils, or at least the OM remained constant throughout the incubation.  相似文献   

Decomposing oak litter was incubated in laboratory microcosms and the effects of adding a variety of soil animals upon nitrogen and cation release were monitored. Various groups of macrofauna caused a marked increase in ammonium release with smaller increases in calcium, potassium and sodium leaching. Microfauna also had significant but much less marked effects upon nitrogen and cation release.The effects of different grazing intensities of the millipede Glomeris marginata on a variety of forest organic substrates show that the animals amplified existing patterns of nutrient release.  相似文献   

The mineralization of organic matter in the soils under the six main Siberian forest-forming species was studied. The nitrogen mineralization and nitrification were the most affected by the different tree species. The rate of the CO2 formation was similar in the soils under the different tree species. The factors affecting the variation of the data characterizing the microbiological processes were revealed. The nitrogen mineralization and nitrification correlated with the contents of the soil carbon, nitrogen, and NH4+ and the soil acidity, while the carbon mineralization correlated only with the NH4+ concentration and the C/N ratio.  相似文献   

干湿交替对土壤碳库和有机碳矿化的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
水分是影响土壤活性碳库和惰性碳库周转过程的主导因子,而土壤有机碳的周转速率会对气候变化造成潜在的重要影响。以农田水稻土为供试土壤,通过培育试验研究了干湿交替过程对土壤有机碳矿化的影响,并利用两库叠加模型对土壤不同碳库及其降解动力学进行初步评估。结果表明:干湿交替激发了土壤呼吸,增加了土壤微生物代谢活性。三次湿润过程对土壤呼吸的激发量分别为119.3%、159.5%和87.3%,激发效应随干湿交替频率的增加先升高后降低。多次干湿交替后,土壤累积CO2释放量低于恒湿土壤,湿润所引起的激发的矿化量不足以弥补干旱期降低的矿化量。在湿润的数小时内,土壤溶解性有机碳含量先升高后降低。干湿交替提升了土壤活性碳库的降解速率,降低了惰性碳库的降解速率,湿润后土壤活性碳库显著增加。多次干湿交替降低了土壤真菌/细菌比,使土壤微生物群落结构发生变化,细菌成为优势种群。  相似文献   

团聚体大小分布对孔隙结构和土壤有机碳矿化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤团聚体在外部和内部因素影响下发生团聚和破碎过程,形成不同大小分布的团聚体。团聚体大小分布的变化会改变土壤孔隙结构,影响各种土壤物理、化学和生物学过程,进而影响土壤有机碳(SOC)的周转。选择三种长期施用不同量有机肥的红壤(不施肥,CK;施低量有机肥,LM;施高量有机肥,HM),过不同大小孔径筛(5 mm,S5;2 mm,S2;0.5 mm,S0.5)改变团聚体的大小分布,然后填装土柱(直径2.9 cm、高度4 cm),填装容重为1.3 g·cm-3。利用X射线显微CT(Computed Tomography)成像技术分析土壤的孔隙结构,采用室内培养法测定土壤有机碳矿化量。结果表明,团聚体大小对孔隙结构有极显著的影响。相较于S5和S2处理,S0.5处理土壤的大孔隙度(>16μm)降低了83.0%~93.9%,孔隙连通性降低了95%以上。而S5和S2处理的大孔隙度和孔隙连通性只在HM土...  相似文献   

耕作对土壤有机物和土壤团聚体稳定性的影响   总被引:17,自引:8,他引:17  
Agricultural sustainability relates directly to maintaining or enhancing soil quality. Soil quality studies in Canada during the 1980‘s showed that loss of soil organic matter (SOM) and soil aggregate stability was standard features of non-sustainable land management in agroecosystems. In this study total soil organic carbon (SOC), particulate organic matter (POM), POM-C as a percentage of total SOC, and aggregate stability were determined for three cultivated fields and three adjacent grassland fields to assess the impact of conventional agricultural management on soil quality. POM was investigated using solid-state ^13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to determine any qualitative differences that may be attributed to cultivation. Results show a highly significant loss in total SOC, POM and aggregate stability in the cultivated fields as compared to the grassland fields and a significant loss of POM-C as a percentage of total SOC.Integrated results of the NMR spectra of the POM show a loss in carbohydrate-C and an increase in aromatic-C in the cultivated fields, which translates to a loss of biological lability in the organic matter. Conventional cultivation decreased the quantity and quality of SOM and caused a loss in aggregate stability resulting in an overall decline in soil quality.  相似文献   

Effect of cover crop management on soil organic matter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Characterization of soil organic matter (SOM) is important for determining the overall quality of soils, and cover crop system may change SOM characteristics. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of cover crops on the chemical and structural composition of SOM. We isolated humic substances (HS) from soils with the following cover crop treatments: (a) vetch (Vicia Villosa Roth.)/rye (Sesale cereale L.), (b) rye alone, and (c) check (no cover crops) that were treated with various nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates. CPMAS-TOSS (cross-polarization magic-angle-spinning and total sideband suppression) 13C NMR results indicated that humic acids (HA) from soils under rye only were more aromatic and less aliphatic in character than the other two cover crop systems without fertilizer N treatment. Based on the DRIFT (diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared) spectra peak O/R ratios, the intensities of oxygen-containing functional groups to aliphatic and aromatic (referred to as recalcitrant) groups, the highest ratio was found in the HA from the vetch/rye system with fertilizer N. The lowest ratio occurred at the vetch/rye system without fertilizer N treatment. The O/R ratio of fulvic acids (FA) can be ranked as: vetch/rye without fertilizer>vetch/rye with fertilizer>no cover crop without fertilizer>rye alone (with or without fertilizer) soils. Both organic carbon (OC) and light fraction (LF) contents were higher in soils under cover crop treatments with and without fertilizer N than soils with no cover crop. These chemical and spectroscopic data show that cover crops had a profound influence on the SOM and LF characteristics.  相似文献   

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