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双峰驼胃底腺区黏膜组织学与组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用组织学和组织化学研究方法重点观察了双峰驼胃底腺的细胞组成、分布及其组织化学特性。结果表明,双峰驼胃底腺区有发达的黏膜皱襞和厚的黏膜层,固有层中充满长而直的分支管状腺,由颈黏液细胞、壁细胞、主细胞和亲银细胞组成。颈黏液细胞分布在腺颈部,为混合黏液细胞,以分泌酸性糖共轭物为主。壁细胞十分丰富,分布于整个腺体,以腺体体部最多,细胞内含有酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶以及活性较强的非特异性醋酶,糖共轭物呈色均为阴性。主细胞位于腺体体部和底部,胞质中有大量的嗜碱性颗粒,含非特异性醋酶,但无糖共轭物。在黏膜褶顶部腺体体部和底部常看到不成熟的主细胞,其形态同颈黏液细胞和主细胞相似,为矮柱状或立方状,胞质有大量细小的颗粒,糖共轭物呈色反应和颈黏液细胞相似。糖共轭物呈色结果还显示,胃底腺区黏膜表面上皮仅分泌中性糖共轭物,胃小凹上皮和颊部腺上皮可分泌混合糖共轭物,胃小凹浅层上皮以中性糖共轭物为主,而底部上皮和颊部腺上皮以酸性糖共轭物为主。此外,在网状纤维染色时我们发现颈黏液细胞有明显的嗜银现象,核上胞质可见大量的嗜银颗粒,不成熟的主细胞有类似表现,但较其弱,颊部腺上皮也有较弱的嗜银性,而成熟的主细胞则无此特点,建议将此法作为颈黏液细胞和主细胞的鉴别方法。虽然双峰驼胃底腺区黏膜的微观结构及组织化学特性同其他动物和人有差异。但基本结构相似。  相似文献   

The morphology of dorsal lingual papillae of the Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) was studied by using light and scanning electron microscopy. Filiform and lenticular papillae were considered as mechanical papillae but fungiform and vallate papillae were considered as gustatory papillae. Filiform papillae were distributed mostly in the anterior two-thirds region of the tongue. Each filiform papilla consisted of one primary papilla and a few smaller secondary papillae. Lenticular papillae were distributed on the torus linguae. The larger papillae were arranged in two parallel lines medially whereas the smaller papillae were laterally located. Most of the fungiform papillae were found on the lateral margins of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. These papillae were small and round. Intra-epithelial taste buds were located on the dorsal surface of each papilla. The vallate papillae were arranged in two rows on each rim of the torus linguae. Each round- and flat-shaped vallate papilla was surrounded by a prominent gustatory groove and an annular pad. A few taste buds were observed in the lateral epithelium of the papillae. The keratinization of the covering stratified squamous epithelium of the mechanical lingual papillae was relatively thicker than those of the gustatory papillae. The lingual papillae of the Bactrian camel exhibited some different characteristics from other domestic ruminants. These morphological characteristics of the tongue of the Bactrian camel might have evolved to assist the camel in prehension and manipulating of the inorganic stiff plants that grow in its environment and therefore might relate to the feed and feeding habits of the animal.  相似文献   

The Arterial Supply to the Eye of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The arterial supply to the eye of the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) was studied by gross dissection. The supply came from the external ophthalmic, external ethmoidal and malar and maxillary tubercular arteries, ophthalmic rete mirabile, and the rostral epidural rete mirabile. The external ophthalmic artery gave rise to branches to supply the dorsal oblique muscle, lacrimal gland, superior and inferior eyelids, and the lateral angle of the eye, and to take part in the formation of the rostral epidural rete and the ophthalmic rete mirabile. The external ethmoidal artery detached off some branches to supply the ventral and medial dorsal rectus oblique muscles, the conjunctiva of the superior eyelid and the fat body of the orbit. The branches of the malar artery supplied the inferior, superior and third eyelids, ventral oblique muscle, and the medial angle of the eye. The ophthalmic rete mirabile gave off many branches to supply the rectus muscles of the eye, dorsal oblique and retractor oculi muscles, levator muscle of the superior eyelid, and the choroid.  相似文献   

The arterial supply of the six metacarpophalangeal joints was studied in Bactrian camels. The arterial branches supplying the metacarpophalangeal joints were derived from the metacarpal distal perforating, medial and lateral branches of the palmar metacarpal artery III, medial and lateral branches of the palmar common digital artery III and the abaxial palmar proper digital arteries III and IV. These arterial branches were the proximal dorsoaxial distal metacarpal, distal dorsoaxial distal metacarpal, abaxial distal metacarpal, palmar distal metacarpal, interosseous distal metacarpal, dorsoaxial proximal proximal phalangeal, palmoaxial proximal proximal phalangeal, palmoabaxial proximal proximal phalangeal and dorsoabaxial proximal proximal phalangeal branches. They linked with each other around the metacarpophalangeal joint.  相似文献   

The arterial supply of the six cubital joints from bactrian camels was studied. There were 15 arterial branches supplying the joint. The branches that arose from the transverse cubital artery were the medial anterior, superior anterior, lateral anterior, middle anterior, inferior anterior, superior lateral, middle lateral, inferior lateral, superior posterior and superior lateral posterior cubital branches. The branches originating from the collateral ulnar artery were the medial, middle posterior, inferior posterior, medial posterior and inferior lateral posterior cubital branches. These arteries united with each other around the cubital joint.  相似文献   

双峰驼跖趾关节解剖结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用大体解剖学方法,研究了成年双峰驼的8个跖趾关节,并与马、牛、羊、猪、犬等动物的对等器官进行了比较。结果发现,双峰驼跖趾关节的形态结构有以下显著特征:(1)跖骨远端关节面后部有矢状嵴,近趾节骨近端关节面后部有与之相对应的矢状沟,这种结构与跖行动物和趾行动物相类似;(2)籽骨上没有对应近趾节骨近端的关节面;(3)籽骨间韧带只连接同一趾上的2个籽骨,与牛的将2趾的4个近籽骨连在一起的结构不同;(4)轴侧侧副韧带不像牛的那样与对侧的同名韧带共同起始于跖骨远端滑车间切迹,而是分别起始于此切迹的轴侧韧带窝及韧带结节;(5)轴侧侧副韧带仅为1层,而远轴侧侧副韧带分为2层;(6)籽骨直韧带、趾间趾节骨籽骨韧带及趾间近韧带均缺如。  相似文献   

Ovulation in the Bactrian camel depends upon ovulation-inducing factors in the seminal plasma. The present study was conducted to isolate and purify the bioactive fractions from the seminal plasma of these camels. The seminal plasma was fractionated by anion-exchange chromatography, and six fractions were obtained. The bioactive potential of each fraction was estimated from its effect on rat pituitary tissue cultured in vitro and by the effect of an intramuscular injection of the fraction into female camels in vivo. Both the third fraction (F3) and the fifth fraction (F5) stimulated the release of LH in vitro and in vivo. In addition, female camels ovulated within 48 h after intramuscular injection of F3. However, neither F3 nor F5 had any significant effect on the secretion of FSH, either in vitro or in vivo. When F3 was further fractionated into four subfractions, the third subfraction (F3-3) still stimulated the in vitro release of LH, but not of FSH. An attempt to further purify the ovulation-inducing factors in F3-3 failed owing to the similarity of the molecular characters.  相似文献   

Ovulation in the Bactrian camel ( Camelus bactrianus ) depends upon the ovulation-inducing factor in the seminal plasma; however, little research has been conducted to isolate and identify the factor. The current study attempts to isolate and identify the bioactive fractions from the seminal plasma of Bactrian camel. The seminal plasma was fractionated by diethylamino-ethylcellulose (DEAE)-cellulose chromatography and five protein fractions were obtained. The bioactive of each fraction was estimated by rat pituitary tissue culture in vitro and by the intramuscular injection of the bioactive fraction to the female camels in vivo . The concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the pituitary culture media before and 6 h after the addition of each fraction and in the peripheral blood plasma collected from the camel immediately before and hourly after the injection of the active fraction were measured by radioimmunoassay. The results demonstrated that the third fraction (L3) had the bioactive potential to stimulate the release of LH in vitro from 11.82 ± 1.77 to 25.63 ± 3.84 mIU/ml after the addition of L3 to the culture media. The in vivo concentrations of LH in the blood plasma of the camel increased from 6.43 ± 0.14 before to 15.50 ± 2.64 ng/ml 6 h after injection of L3. However, the concentrations of FSH did not show any significant changes either in vitro or in vivo . The results clearly demonstrated the existence of LH-releasing associated fractions in the seminal plasma that appears to be separated by DEAE-cellulose matrix and the isolated L3 fraction might be the ovulation-inducing factor or one of its components.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have indicated incidences of 32.9% and 27.8% for rickets and osteomalacia, respectively, in Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus), but there is an increased incidence under drought conditions, sometimes reaching 75%. We have found that concentrations of phosphorus and copper in forage and soil samples in a drought affected area were significantly lower than in a control area or normal reference values (P < 0.01) ; the mean Ca:P ratio in the forages was 50:1. The phosphorus content of blood and hair from affected camels was significantly less than that in controls (P < 0.01) and concentrations of copper in the liver and kidney were significantly lower in affected camels than control animals (P < 0.01); the concentrations of triiodothyronine (T(3)), thyroxine (T(4)) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the serum from affected animals were significantly higher than those from healthy controls (P < 0.01); serum inorganic phosphorus and ceruloplasmin levels were lower than those in the controls (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05); the concentrations of serum alpha-globulin and beta-globulin were significantly higher in the affected camels than in the healthy controls (P < 0.01). The pathological changes seen in camels affected with rickets included porous, brittle, light, osteoporotic bones that were susceptible to fractures and had less resistance to cutting and sawing. Wrist joints were enlarged with an apparent bowing of the long bones in forelimb and with typical broadening of the epiphyses. In adult female camels, many enlarged scars were often seen in ribs indicating earlier fractures. The disease could be cured with supplementary bone meal, phosphate or mineral mixtures and in field investigations clinical signs disappeared within 15 days. Over the same period, the concentrations of phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase in blood returned to normal. The disease may be effectively prevented by use of mineral blocks (block salt licks) or dosing orally with copper, selenium and cobalt soluble glass boluses. We conclude that rickets and osteomalacia are mainly caused by phosphorus and copper deficiencies in the pasture.  相似文献   

双峰驼脾脏的组织形态学观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
骆驼脾脏的形状和其它动物明显不同,为镰形,外缘呈锯齿状。其被膜很厚,富含平滑肌和弹性纤维,平滑肌层比结缔组织层厚,主要由相互垂直的两层构成。次级平滑肌性小梁发达,相互交织成网状,构成红髓的主要支架。白髓有典型的脾小结和动脉周围淋巴鞘,无边缘窦。边缘区明显,分布在脾小结、动脉周围淋巴鞘周围,可见大量吞噬含铁血黄素、ACP活性很强的巨噬细胞,开口于此的中央动脉分支十分丰富。鞘毛细血管主要分布在边缘区,其次是脾索的滤过区,白髓发达的个体更为多见,常见红细胞从椭球漏出,但胞质中未见含铁血黄素,ACP呈色反应呈阴性。脾索滤过区可见大量的毛细血管和吞噬有含铁血黄素、ACP活性很强的巨噬细胞。脾窦十分发达,窦壁细胞ACP和AKP均呈强阳性,窦腔中也有上述巨噬细胞。淋巴细胞在脾脏中的分布和其它动物及人相似。上述结果证实,骆驼脾脏属于免疫功能很强的防御性脾。  相似文献   

The arterial supply of the six carpal joints was studied in Bactrian camels. The arterial branches supplying the carpal joints were the proximal medial dorsal, middle medial dorsal, distal medial dorsal, proximal lateral dorsal, distal lateral dorsal, proximal medial palmar, distal medial palmar, lateral palmar, proximal palmar and dorsal palmar carpi and the dorsal interosseous antebrachium branches. Some small unnamed branches supplied the diverticulum and the antebrachiocarpal joint capsule. All these arteries arose from the lateral and medial branches of the radial artery.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The present study is aimed at comparing the fatty acid profiles, cholesterol, and atherogenicity index of Bactrian and dromedary camel meat by using...  相似文献   

Aggregated lymphoid nodules are an important part of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). They are mainly distributed in the ileum and appendix of animals and humans but their distribution in the cardiac glandular area has not been reported. A study of stomach histology in the Bactrian camel has revealed that the nodules are distributed as a band-like region along the ventral wall of the stomach neck, at the beginning of the cranial enlargement and on the lesser curvature. The mucous folds are thicker in these regions than where there are no aggregated lymphoid nodules. The nodules appeared similar to ileal aggregated lymphoid nodules found in other animals and consisted of typical polymorphological lymphatic nodules arranged in a single continuous row occupying the submucosa and forming mucosal folds together with the mucous membrane. The whole mucous membrane with cardiac glands, diffuse lymphatic tissue and solitary lymphoid nodules in the lamina propria were found to cover the aggregated lymphoid nodule regions, but some nodules with a typical corona extended into the lamina propria and were covered with follicle-associated epithelium devoid of cardiac glands. These findings indicate that the stomach of the Bactrian camel possesses not only a special structure of digestion but also has characteristic immunological morphology.  相似文献   

Animals are dependent on mutualistic microbial communities that reside in their gastrointestinal track for essential physiological functions such as nutrition and pathogen resistance. The composition of microbial communities in an animal is influenced by various factors, including species, diet and geographical location. In this preliminary study, the population structure of fecal methanogens in Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus) from two zoos was studied using separate 16S rRNA gene libraries for each zoo. While methanogen sequences belonging to the genus Methanobrevibacter were dominant in both libraries, they showed significant differences in diversity (p=0.05) and structure (p<0.0001). Population structure analysis revealed that only two operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were shared between libraries, while two OTUs were unique to the Southwick Zoo library and seven OTUs were unique to the Potter Park Zoo library. These preliminary results highlight how methanogen population structures can vary greatly between animals of the same species maintained in captivity at different locations.  相似文献   

Reference values were established for some haematological and serum biochemical constituents in Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus) in China. The contents of seven trace elements in the blood, hair, liver, kidney, heart, spleen, lung, cerebrum, cerebellum, rib, ovary, pancreas and gluteal muscle of Bactrian camels were also measured. Some of these values are reported for the first time for Bactrian camels in China. Most haematological and serum biochemical values were similar to those of cattle, yaks, sheep and dromedary camels, but the mean serum albumin concentration and the albumim/globulin ratio were significantly higher than those in other ruminants and the mean thyroxine concentration was half that in dromedary camels. The liver contained the highest concentrations of copper, zinc, manganese and iron, and the renal cortex contained the highest concentration of selenium. The concentrations of selenium, cobalt, zinc, manganese and molybdenum in the tissues were within the reference ranges for other ruminants, but the mean iron and copper concentrations in the liver were significantly higher than those in other ruminants.  相似文献   

The distribution, size, and appearance of Peyer's patches vary according to species. In order to determine the anatomical characteristics of Peyer's patches in small intestine of Bactrian camel, and age-related changes in the number of Peyer's patches, 40 Bactrian camels of the following four age groups were studied: young (0.5–2 years), pubertal (3–5 years), middle-aged (6–16 years), and old (17–20 years). The exact number of Peyer's patches was recorded, and the appearance of Peyer's patches was described in detail. The results indicated that Peyer's patches of Bactrian camels not only have a particular anatomical location and distinct appearance but also change with age. They were distributed in the whole small intestine and there were four distinct types of Peyer's patches: nodular, faviform, cup-shaped, and cystic form Peyer's patches. However, the nodular and cystic form Peyer’s patches are specific to Bactrian camel, which have not been found in other animals including Dromedary camel. In addition, the distribution density of Peyer's patches in ileum was the maximum, then was jejunum and duodenum. Further statistical analysis showed that the number of Peyer's patches was altered with age. The number peaked in 5-year-old camels and declined subsequently with age. However, there was little change in the size of Peyer's patches in different age groups; no age-related macroscopic variations in the shape or size of the Peyer's patches were found. Results obtained from this study provide the basic information to further study on the gastrointestinal mucosal immunity of Bactrian camel.  相似文献   

Thyrocalcitonin cells (C cells) were predominantly demonstrated in the ultimobranchial (UB) structures of the thyroid gland of one‐humped camels. The UB population was observed as clear cells, either singly distributed or as groups of cells between the component cellular elements lining the UB structures. They displayed various shapes: oval, pear‐like, rounded, cubical, columnar and or ellipsoid. Those populating the cell nests or solid cellular masses were almost polygonal or ovoid in shape. The cytoplasm contained well‐developed golgi complexes, several mitochondria and characteristically presented rounded or oval membrane‐bound electron dense granules of different sizes. The latter granules were irregularly distributed within the cytoplasm especially at the vascular pole. The nucleus of C cells was relatively large, indented, occupying a more or less central position in the cytoplasm. It presented various chromatin contents; the heterochromatin variety was predominantly demonstrated at the marginal zone. However, the euchromatin occupied a more central position within the nucleus.  相似文献   

采用组织学和组织化学研究方法对双峰驼贲门腺区黏膜的宏观和微观结构进行了详细观察,明确了二者之间的关系及黏膜上皮和腺上皮的糖共轭物性质。结果表明,双峰驼贲门腺区黏膜表面形态结构复杂,明显不同于其他动物,由网状黏膜褶区和高而密集的纵行黏膜褶区构成,前者面积小,后者面积大,它们约占皱胃面积的4/5。虽然贲门腺区宏观分两个区域,但二者微观结构相同。黏膜表面上皮、胃小凹上皮均为柱状上皮,二者均具有很强的分泌中性糖和酸性糖共轭物的功能,前者以中性为主。贲门腺由柱状上皮、亲银细胞和少量壁细胞构成(邻近胃底腺处),为少分支的单管腺,主要分泌酸性糖共轭物,并含有丰富的活性很高的非特异性酯酶。同时还发现在贲门腺区有一带状集合淋巴小结区,说明贲门腺区黏膜还是一个重要的免疫部位。此外,本文还对双峰驼胃有腺部不同区域糖共轭物呈色结果进行了比较和总结。  相似文献   

Tuberculosis infections caused by Mycobacterium (M.) pinnipedii in a South American sea lion, Bactrian camel, and Malayan tapirs kept in two zoological gardens spanning a time period of 5 years are reported. The zoos were linked by the transfer of one tapir. Conventional bacteriological and molecular methods were applied to detect the pathogen. Spoligotyping and MIRU/VNTR-typing performed to assess the genetic similarity revealed identical molecular characteristics of the isolates from all animals involved. Anti-tuberculosis antibodies were detected using ELISA and a recently developed serological rapid test. The study shows that: (i) using molecular methods, the assessment of the genetic relationship of infectious agents helps to confirm the routes of infection, and that (ii) immunological tests may help to detect tuberculosis infections ante mortem more reliably and early. This would prevent the transfer of tuberculosis by asymptomatic animals.  相似文献   

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