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To evaluate indices of renal function in healthy, growing Beagle puppies from 9 to 27 weeks of age and to determine whether indices change with age during this period. Animals-6 healthy Beagle puppies. PROCEDURE: Urine collections were performed at 2-week intervals in puppies 9 to 27 weeks old. Daily excretion of urinary creatinine, protein, sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphorus, and calcium were determined, as were quantitative urinalyses including endogenous creatinine clearance, urine protein-to-creatinine ratios (UPr/C), and fractional clearances of sodium (FNa), potassium (FK), chloride (FCI), calcium (FCa), and phosphorus (FP). RESULTS: Significant differences among age groups were detected for endogenous creatinine clearance, and daily urinary protein, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus excretion. Significant differences also existed among age groups for UPr/C, FNa, FK, FCI and FP. Age-related effects fit a linear regression model for FNa, UPr/C, daily phosphorus excretion, and daily protein excretion. Quadratic regression models were judged most appropriate for endogenous creatinine clearance, FK, daily chloride excretion, and daily potassium excretion. Endogenous creatinine clearance measurements higher than adult reference ranges were observed from 9 to 21 weeks of age. The FNa, FK, FCI, FCa, and FP were slightly higher than those reported for adult dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Selected results of quantitative urinalyses in healthy 9- to 27-week-old Beagle puppies differ with age and differ from those measured in adult dogs. Diagnostic measurements performed in puppies of this age range should be compared with age-matched results when possible.  相似文献   

In order to investigate local immune defence mechanisms in the dog, the concentration of immunoglobulins (Ig) G, A and M in nasal secretions (NS) and serum of 42 healthy, neonatal Rottweiler puppies was determined. Ig were measured with a commercially available, dog-specific ELISA during the first six weeks of life. On average, IgG was the predominant Ig isotype during the first three days of life. The IgA:IgG ratio changed between weeks 1 and 3 due to markedly decreasing IgG concentrations. Between the fourth and sixth week, IgG predominated again. During the first week, only 21-39% of puppies had measurable amounts of IgM in NS, in week 2, this percentage increased to 69%. Marked differences between litters and between individual puppies within litters were found. No puppy diseased during the observation period and all developed normally.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of juvenile pubic symphysiodesis (JPS) on hip joint conformation, hip laxity, gait, and the development of degenerative joint disease (DJD) in dysplastic puppies operated at 15 and 20 weeks of age. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized controlled prospective study. ANIMALS-Eighteen female hound puppies with increased hip laxity. METHODS: Puppies were randomized to 1 of 4 treatment groups: JPS at 15 weeks of age (n = 6), sham-operated control at 15 weeks of age (n = 3), JPS at 20 weeks of age (n = 6), and sham-operated control at 20 weeks of age (n = 3). Hip extension with pain scoring, Ortolani palpation, hip reduction angle measurement (HRA), PennHIP radiography (University of Pennsylvania) with measurement of distraction index, Norberg angle measurement, and transverse computed tomographic imaging to measure acetabular angle (AA) and dorsal acetabular rim angle (DARA), were tested preoperatively, and at 1 and 2 years of age. RESULTS: JPS resulted in significant changes in AA, HRA, DARA, and conversion to Ortolani negative status. Larger and more rapid changes in hip conformation were seen when surgery was performed at 15 weeks of age. No significant changes were identified in control dogs. Twenty-five percent of JPS dogs developed DJD whereas 83% of control dogs developed DJD. CONCLUSIONS: JPS resulted in significant improvements in hip joint conformation and hip laxity in dysplastic puppies treated at 15 and 20 weeks of age. Improvements in conformation were significantly greater when surgery was performed at 15 weeks of age. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: JPS appears to be a promising treatment for hip dysplasia and is a safe and technically simple procedure to perform.  相似文献   

To ensure an optimal growth is crucial in raising healthy dogs, especially in large and giant breeds. Dogs with a moderate growth velocity tend to have lesser problems with developmental orthopaedic diseases than those with forced or maximum weight gain. In this study, the energy needs of growing dogs from two different breeds (Beagles as a medium‐size breed and Foxhound crossbreds as a large‐size breed) to ensure a growth development as recommended by the National Research Council (NRC) were determined at the age of 6–28 weeks. After weaning at the age of 6 weeks, the food rations sufficient to meet the energy requirements of each individual puppy were adjusted every other day according to growth level, guaranteeing a development consistent with the recommended weight curve for the respective breed size. The food and therefore energy intake of the puppies was registered daily; it ranged from 0.72 to 2.34 times the maintenance requirements with little effect of age. During the whole period, however, there was a consistent breed difference: Foxhound‐Boxer‐Ingelheim Labrador crossbreds (FBIs) had higher energy intakes expressed as multiples of maintenance than Beagles, suggesting that during the major period of growth, the energy requirement is not a function of age. Adult Beagles and FBIs showed similar differences in energy requirements as already during growth as shown in this study. This indicates that breed differences in energy requirements have already to be taken into account during growth. On the other hand, the results showed clearly lower energy needs for growth in these two different breeds than recommended in the NRC.  相似文献   

Intake energy (IE), metabolizable energy intake (MEI), energy retention (ER) and heat production (HP) were estimated in twelve male and six female suckling lambs from birth to 4 wk of age and in nine of these male lambs after weaning from 9 to 24 wk of age. Intake energy and MEI were estimated from the milk intake and combustible energy of the milk in the suckling lambs and from digestibility trials and energy content of feed and feces in the weaned lambs. Energy retention was estimated from body composition changes and HP was calculated from MEI - ER and from the rate of O2 consumption. The O2 consumption of the ewes was also measured during late pregnancy and during lactation. In the suckling lambs, daily MEI was 277 kcal/kg.75 and ER was 112 kcal/kg.75 and as calculated from O2 consumption was 168 kcal/kg.75. Daily HP as calculated by MEI - ER was 165 kcal/kg.75. Daily maintenance HP was equal to 121 kcal/kg.75 and the efficiency of utilization of energy for ER was 70.7%. In the weaned lambs, HP as measured from O2 consumption was 10% lower than that estimated using MEI and ER. Comparison of 9- to 16-wk-old with 17- to 24-wk-old lambs, showed daily increases in MEI from 212 to 228 kcal/kg.75, in ER from 54 to 95 kcal/kg.75 and in HP from 158 to 194 kcal/kg.75, whereas there was a daily decrease in maintenance HP from 101 to 90 kcal/kg.75. Efficiency of utilization of energy for production was similar in the two postweaning periods (48.8 and 46.5%, respectively). The O2 consumption of the ewes (/kg.75) was increased over that of nonpregnant, nonlactating controls by 30% in late pregnancy, by 62% in the first month of lactation and by 50% in the second month of lactation.  相似文献   

0~8周龄澳洲驼鸟的行为学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
澳洲驼鸟属鸟纲鹤驼目,鸸鹋科、鸸鹋属,为草食动物,体形较非洲驼鸟小,成年体重80千克左右,高约1.8m,性情温驯,对人亲近,粪便无臭味,适合家庭养殖;适应范围广,抗病力强,易于饲养;生长繁殖快,饲料转化率高,规模化养殖成本低,见效快;再加上其全身是宝,皮、羽毛、肉、驼油、蛋均有较高的经济价值.  相似文献   

In 37 healthy pups and seven pups with congenital pulmonic stenosis ECG were recorded and the heart rate determined. Between the first week of life in healthy pups (mean = 230/min) and the twelfth week of life the heart rate in both groups at six weeks was 195/min and 180/min. At the end of the investigation the averaged heart rate was 167/min or 166/min respectively. In single weeks during the investigation a slightly increased heart rate occurred in a few dogs between the fourth and sixth week of life owing to an increased restlessness during this time span. The heart rate of newborn pups at the first day (mean = 215/min) was a little lower than the average in the first week of life.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of ovariohysterectomy performed at 10 weeks of age on body weight, behaviour, bone length, serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations and gonadal hormone (progesterone and oestradiol) levels until 24 weeks of age in 31 clinically healthy mixed-breed female puppies. The littermates were randomly assigned to three groups. Group I (n=11) was completely ovariohysterectomised, Group II (n=10) was incompletely ovariohysterectomised with one ovary left intact, and Group III (n=10) was sham operated. No significant differences were found between the groups for any of the parameters evaluated. It was determined that, except for two measurements of two animals in Group II at 20 and 24 weeks of age, all animals had undetectable concentrations of oestradiol 17-beta. These findings suggest that an ovariohysterectomy performed on a mixed-breed dog at 10 weeks of age does not affect her skeletal, behavioural or physical development in the period studied, i.e. until 24 weeks of age.  相似文献   

Reference values were determined for blood plasma concentrations of albumin, total protein, glucose, total bilirubin, urea, creatinine, cholesterin, triglycerides, total calcium und anorganic phosphate as well as the activities of alkaline phosphatase, alanine-amino-transferase (ALT) and glutamate-dehydrogenase based on 109-124 healthy puppies at different times (1st-3rd, 8th-10th, 28th-33rd, and 50th-58th day of life). In addition, all the results were calculated separately for the breeds involved in this study (Beagle [n = 34-40], German Shepherd [n = 32-35] and Golden Retriever [n = 43-53]). Furthermore, male and female puppies were compared. All examined parameters showed remarkable dynamics during the suckling period. Often the values exceeded respectively fell below the reference ranges for adult dogs. Significant systematic breed influences as for instance a significantly lower glucose concentration for the German Shepherd puppies were also found for other parameters, especially for alkaline phosphatase and ALT. However, differences between male and female animals were only present sporadically and were of minor clinical relevance. The gathered breed differences show that it is worthwhile not only to acquire age specific reference ranges but also breed specific reference ranges for selected parameters. On the other hand, reference ranges without the definition of the breed can only be used for orientation.  相似文献   

Objective-To assess effects of foods fortified with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich fish oil on cognitive, memory, psychomotor, immunologic, and retinal function and other measures of development in healthy puppies. Design-Evaluation study. Animals-48 Beagle puppies. Procedures-Puppies were assigned to 3 groups after weaning (n = 16/group) and received 1 of 3 foods (low-DHA, moderate-DHA, or high-DHA food) as their sole source of nutrition until 1 year of age. Visual discrimination learning and memory tasks, psychomotor performance tasks, and physiologic tests including blood and serum analysis, electroretinography, and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry were performed at various time points. Anti-rabies virus antibody titers were evaluated 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks after vaccination at 16 weeks of age. Results-Foods had similar proximate analysis results but varied in concentration of DHA from fish oil; the high-DHA food also contained higher concentrations of vitamin E, taurine, choline, and l-carnitine than did other foods. The high-DHA group had significantly better results for reversal task learning, visual contrast discrimination, and early psychomotor performance in side-to-side navigation through an obstacle-containing maze than did the moderate-DHA and low-DHA groups. The high-DHA group had significantly higher anti-rabies antibody titers 1 and 2 weeks after vaccination than did other groups. Peak b-wave amplitudes during scotopic electroretinography were positively correlated with serum DHA concentrations at all evaluated time points. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Dietary fortification with fish oils rich in DHA and possibly other nutrients implicated in neurocognitive development following weaning improved cognitive, memory, psychomotor, immunologic, and retinal functions in growing dogs.  相似文献   

泰和丝毛乌骨鸡早期(0~12周龄)蛋氨酸需要量研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
泰和丝毛乌骨鸡(以下简称泰和鸡)是我国最具特色的、古老的地方鸡品种。2001年已列为农业部首批公布的国家级畜禽保护品种之一。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate total baseline plasma cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) concentrations, and ACTH-stimulated cortisol concentrations in foals from birth to 12 wk of age. Plasma (baseline) cortisol and ACTH concentrations were measured in 13 healthy foals at birth and at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28, 42, 56, and 84 d of age. Each foal received cosyntropin (0.1 μg/kg) intravenously. Plasma cortisol concentrations were measured before (baseline), and 30, and 60 min after cosyntropin administration at birth and at 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28, 42, 56, and 84 d of age. Compared with baseline, cortisol concentration increased significantly 30 min after administration of cosyntropin on all days. Cortisol concentration was highest at birth, measured at 30 and 60 min after cosyntropin administration, compared with all other days. With the exception of birth measurements, cortisol concentration was significantly higher on day 84, measured at 30 and 60 min after cosyntropin administration, when compared with all other days. Baseline plasma ACTH was lowest at birth when compared with concentrations on days 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, 42, 56, and 84. Administration of 0.1 μg/kg of cosyntropin, IV, reliably induces cortisol secretion in healthy foals. Differences in the magnitude of response to cosyntropin are observed depending on the age of the foal. These data should serve as a reference for the ACTH stimulation test in foals and should be useful in subsequent studies to evaluate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in healthy and critically ill foals.  相似文献   

Postnatal growth, steroid hormone profiles and response to steroid hormone treatment were studied in 18 freemartins and one normal female born co-twin with a bull. They were either treated postnatally with testosterone or estrone at one week of age, or left untreated until 50 weeks of age when they received silastic implants calculated to release either 12.9 microgram of estrone or 2.6 microgram of estradiol per day per kg of body weight. Later a dihydrotestosterone-treated group was added. Reproductive development was studied by palpation per rectum and by examination when animals were slaughtered at 79 weeks of age. Treated animals grew slightly faster than untreated animals. Testosterone in untreated freemartins averaged 76 and 87 pg/ml of blood plasma during weeks 1 to 48 and 52 to 56. Corresponding values for those animals with small testosterone implants (weeks 1 to 48) and with larger implants (weeks 52 to 56) were 130 and 272 pg/ml. Estrone and estradiol values appeared to fluctuate between 10 and 50 pg/ml but values are uncertain because they were below the sensitivity of the assay then available. Thus, circulating steroid hormone concentrations were similar to those reported for castrates. Testosterone stimulated clitoral development prenatally and postnatally. None of the treatments influenced vaginal depth, which averaged 4.0, 9.0 and 10.9 cm at 1, 24 and 52 weeks of age. Vaginal depth at birth was not a reliable indicator of freemartinism. Androgen may have inhibited udder development, whereas estrogen appeared to be stimulatory. The reproductive organs of the freemartin were characterized by differences in underdevelopment and the general presence of seminal vesicles. The latter structures, plus clitoral development at birth in 3 animals and postnatal response of the clitoris to testosterone is interpreted to indicate that the presence of androgens is one factor in abnormal development. Otherwise, gross morphology of the reproductive tract was not related to hormone treatment, postnatal gonadal histology, endocrinology or lymphocyte chromosomal karyotypes.  相似文献   

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