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Previous studies documented that most desert plants can be colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi,however,little is known about how the dynamics of AM fungi are related to ephemerals in desert ecosystems.The dynamics of AM fungi with desert ephemerals were examined to determine the effects of host plant life stages on the development of AM fungi.Mean colonization of ephemeral annual plants was 45% lower than that of ephemeral perennial plants.The colonizations were much higher in the early part of the growing season than in later parts,peaking at flowering times.The phenology of AM fungi in root systems varied among different ephemerals.The density of AM fungal spores increased with the development of ephemeral annual plants,reached its maximum at flowering times,and then plateaued about 20 days after the aboveground senescence.A significant positive correlation was found between AM fungi spore density and biomass of ephemeral annual plants.The life cycles of AM fungi associated with desert ephemerals were very short,being about 60-70 days.Soil temperature and water content had no direct influence on the development of AM fungal spores.We concluded that the development of AM fungi was in response to desert ephemeral phenology and life history strategy.  相似文献   

Lang QIU 《干旱区科学》2019,11(1):135-147
In semi-arid region of northwestern China, underground mining subsidence often results in decreased vegetation coverage, impoverishment of soil fertility and water stress. In addition, the physical-chemical and biological properties of soil also change, resulting in more susceptible to degradation. In particular, subsidence causes disturbance of the symbioses of plant and microbe that can play a beneficial role in the establishment of vegetation communities in degraded ecosystems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of revegetation with exotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF) inoculum on the chemical and biological properties of soil over time in mining subsidence areas. Soils were sampled at a depth up to 30 cm in the adjacent rhizosphere of Amorpha fruticose Linn. from five reclaimed vegetation communities in northwestern China. In August 2015, a field trial was set up with five historical revegetation experiments established in 2008(7-year), 2011(4-year), 2012(3-year), 2013(2-year) and 2014(1-year), respectively. Each reclamation experiment included two treatments, i.e., revegetation with exotic AMF inoculum(AMF) and non-AMF inoculum(the control). Root mycorrhizal colonization, glomalin-related soil protein(GRSP), soil organic carbon(SOC), soil nutrients, and enzyme activities were also assessed. The results showed that mycorrhizal colonization of inoculated plants increased by 33.3%–163.0% compared to that of non-inoculated plants(P<0.05). Revegetation with exotic AMF inoculum also significantly improved total GRSR(T-GRSP) and easily extracted GRSP(EE-GRSP) concentrations compared to control, besides the T-GRSP in 1-year experiment and the EE-GRSP in 2-year experiment. A significant increase in SOC content was only observed in 7-year AMF reclaimed soils compared to non-AMF reclaimed soils. Soil total N(TN), Olsen phosphorus(P) and available potassium(K) were significantly higher in inoculated soil after 1–7 years of reclamation(except for individual cases), and increased with reclamation time(besides soil Olsen P). The exotic AMF inoculum markedly increased the average soil invertase, catalase, urease and alkaline phosphatase by 23.8%, 21.3%, 18.8% and 8.6%, respectively(P<0.01), compared with the control. Root mycorrhizal colonization was positively correlated with soil parameters(SOC, TN and soil available K) and soil enzyme activities(soil invertase, catalase, urease and alkaline phosphatase) in both AMF and non-AMF reclaimed soils(P<0.05), excluding availableK in non-AMF reclaimed soils. T-GRSP(P<0.01) and EE-GRSP(P<0.05) were significantly correlated with the majority of edaphic factors, except for soil Olsen P. The positive correlation between root mycorrhizal colonization and available K was observed in AMF reclaimed soils, indicating that the AMF reclaimed soil with a high root mycorrhizal colonization could potentially accumulate available K in soils. Our findings concluded that revegetation with exotic AMF inoculum influenced soil nutrient availability and enzyme activities in the semi-arid ecosystem, suggesting that inoculating AMF can be an effective method to improve soil fertility and support restoration of vegetation communities under poor conditions like soil nutrient deficiency and drought.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF) are known to facilitate the growth and vigour of many plants, particularly in arid ecosystems. In a survey of AMF in a date palm plantation and two natural sites of a desert in Oman, we generated many single spore-derived cultures of AMF. We identified a number of these isolates based on spore morphotyping and molecular phylogenetic analysis using the sequence of the LSU-rDNA. Here, we presented the characteristics of four species of AMF recovered, namely Claroideoglomus drummondii, Diversispora aurantia, Diversispora spurca and Funneliformis africanum. The four species have been described previously, but for the Arabian Peninsula they are reported here for the first time. Our endeavor of isolation and characterization of some AMF habituated to arid sites of Arabia represents a first step towards application for environmental conservation and sustainable agriculture in this region.  相似文献   

采用二因素二水平完全试验设计,研究了砂培条件下磁化处理(分别为0.3T磁场强度处理的磁化蒸馏水和蒸馏水处理)对不同土壤水分条件下(正常水分处理:田间持水量的80%~85%;干旱处理:田间持水量的40%~45%,于黄瓜4~5叶期维持7 d)黄瓜幼苗生长、水分关系、光合作用和养分吸收的影响。结果表明,磁化水浇灌显著降低黄瓜幼苗的生长和水分利用,其中茎粗、地上部生物量、根生物量、总生物量、根体积、根表面积、整株耗水量和整株水分利用效率分别降低6.7%、8.9%、19.1%、9.9%、22.1%、18.5%、6.2%和10.9%;磁化水浇灌导致黄瓜幼苗叶SPAD值降低了3.7%,叶气孔导度和蒸腾速率则分别增加了21.8%和17.5%,叶瞬时水分利用效率降低了17.7%,但对净光合速率影响不大;磁化水浇灌使PSII最大光化学效率和电子传递速率分别降低了5.2%和18.6%,同时增加叶片中K含量。除叶片K含量外,干旱条件下磁化水对黄瓜生长和生理代谢影响不大,表明磁化水的作用依赖于土壤水分条件。  相似文献   

利用温室盆栽试验研究水分胁迫下接种丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌和根瘤菌(Rhizobium meliloti)对沙打旺(Astragalus adsurgens Pall.) 生长和养分吸收的影响。在土壤相对含水量65%和35%条件下,分别设不接种(对照)、单接根瘤菌、单接摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae)和双接根瘤菌与摩西球囊霉等4个处理。结果发现:干旱胁迫显著抑制沙打旺AM真菌侵染率(P<0.05),而接种根瘤菌在两种水分条件下均显著促进摩西球囊霉对沙打旺根系的侵染(P<0.05)。接种AM真菌不仅显著提高沙打旺对P的吸收(P<0.05),而且明显促进根瘤的生长。无论是在干旱条件下或是在正常供水条件下,双接根瘤菌与摩西球囊霉处理对沙打旺生长及养分吸收的效应显著高于单接菌处理,植株地上部、地下部生物量以及N、P、K等吸收量均为最大。结果表明:AM真菌与根瘤菌双接种技术在干旱、半干旱区受损生态系统的植被恢复中具有一定的应用潜力。  相似文献   

为探究不同水分条件下真菌接种和氮肥施加对小麦生长、水分利用效率及营养吸收的影响,以小麦品种Superb为材料,选取丛枝菌根接种(接种和不接种)和氮肥施加(0 kg·hm-2和180 kg·hm-2)在两个水分处理(拔节期开始,水分充足95%(WW)和水分胁迫40%田间持水量(WD))的温室条件下进行试验,分析开花期生长及叶片气体交换参数和成熟期产量及籽粒、茎秆氮磷含量的变化,最后对水分利用效率和籽粒、茎秆氮磷含量作了相关性分析。结果显示:两种水分条件下接种丛枝菌根(AMF)均显著提高旗叶的比叶面积(SLA),其中,水分胁迫处理施氮显著降低叶片SLA,AMF接种显著增大叶片的相对含水量(RWC);两种水分条件下,菌根接种和氮肥(N)施加均显著提高叶片净光合速率(Pn)和蒸腾速率(Tr),其中,水分胁迫处理下,AMF接种对Pn的影响显著,N肥施加和AMF接种后的Pn比CK高31%;两种水分处理下,N肥施加和AMF接种后小麦WUE和瞬时水分利用效率(WUEi)值升高,其中,水分胁迫环境下,AMF接种和N肥施加下小麦WUE分别提高了13.02%和1.17%,且不同处理下叶片稳定性碳同位素分辨率(CID)也有所升高。水分胁迫处理下,施N和AMF接种均显著提高小麦茎和籽粒氮含量、株高、生物量和产量,茎秆和籽粒的磷含量也显著升高。WUE与籽粒、茎秆氮、磷含量呈显著的正相关,CID与籽粒、茎秆氮磷含量呈显著负相关关系。总的来说,N肥施加和AMF接种可显著改善小麦在干旱条件下的生长及生理变化。  相似文献   

The vertical diversity and distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi were investigated in the Mu Us Desert, northwest China. Soils were sampled to 50?cm in depth in the rhizospheres of Hedysarum laeve, Artemisia ordosica, and Psammochloa villosa and 44 AM fungal species belonging to 10 genera were isolated. Several of these species have peculiar morphological features, which are distinct from other habitats. AM fungal diversity and distribution differed significantly among the three host plants and the five soil layers. Spore density, species richness, and the Shannon-Wiener index of AM fungi were 0.55–4.3 spores g?1 soil, 7–36 and 1.78–2.89, respectively. Spore density and species richness had a significant positive correlation with soil total phosphorus content (0.0377–0.1129?mg?g?1), and a negative correlation with soil pH (7.19–7.64). Nonmetric multidimensional scaling, PerMANOVA, and structural equation model analysis demonstrated that host plant species and soil depth significantly and directly influenced the structure of AM fungal communities. We concluded that diversity and distribution of AM fungi might be influenced by plant species, soil depth patterns, and soil nutrient availability in desert ecosystems. This research into AM fungal communities may lead to the development of AM fungi treatment for the mitigation of soil erosion and desertification using mycorrhizal plants, such as H. laeve, A. ordosica, and P. villosa.  相似文献   

干旱沙区滴灌条件下水盐运移过程试验研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
通过田间滴灌试验,研究了在不同滴头出水流量条件下干旱沙地土壤水分,盐分运移与分异过程,并调查作物的根系分布,结果表明,微灌系统仅给作物根际分布区以内的小面积土壤供水,并未使整个土表面均匀湿润,对于大多数农田而言,其优点是有限的湿润表面积能够限制杂草生长,减少土壤表面无效蒸发,但干旱区潜在蒸发量大,滴灌条件下水分运移的过程将引起和支配耕作层盐分的移动的重新分配,当水盐混合溶液(无机肥料溶液:N:P:K.=12:6:6)在3种处理中(0.3L/h,0.8L/h,2.0L/h)由滴头流动至根系湿润区内,水分,养分被作物根系吸收,部分水分直接蒸发至大气后,过剩盐分将留存下来,并在土体表面和土体内湿润边界层逐渐积聚,形成高盐分聚集区,由作物根系分布特点看出,处理I,处理Ⅲ有利于提高根系单位土体分布密度,处理Ⅱ次之。  相似文献   

The relationship between the residual phytotoxic activity of pethoxamid (2-chloro- N -[2-ethoxyethyl]- N- [2-methyl-1-phenyl-1-propenyl] acetamide) on rice ( Oryza sativa cv. Kiyohatamochi) seedlings and its behavior in soil was investigated under different moisture conditions. The phytotoxic activity of pethoxamid on the shoot growth of rice seedlings in soil was higher in 80% soil moisture content than in 70% and 60% soil moisture contents. The phytotoxic activity in soil in 70% and 80% soil moisture conditions decreased with the increasing time after application, but the phytotoxic activity was slight in 50% soil moisture conditions at any given time after application. The residues of pethoxamid in soil water, the amount adsorbed on soil solid, and the amount in total soil was reduced with the time after application in a similar manner among these soil moisture conditions. The residual phytotoxic activity of pethoxamid on the shoot growth of rice seedlings in soil was more highly correlated with the concentration in soil water than with the amounts adsorbed on soil solid and in total soil. The partition coefficients between the amounts of pethoxamid adsorbed on soil solid and its concentration in soil water were similar among the soils with different moisture conditions at each day, and the partition coefficient increased with the time after application. These results suggested that the residual phytotoxic activity of pethoxamid in soil depends on the decreasing concentration of pethoxamid in soil water with time, except in low soil-moisture conditions, which were insufficient for seedling growth.  相似文献   

采用LSD法对华北平原不同灌水条件下(设4个水分处理:0水、1水、2水和3水)两品种(科麦一号和石家庄8号)冬小麦田土壤水分动态变化进行了观测,并对产量、产量构成要素及其生态指标进行了定量分析,以探讨品种间的差异.研究发现:所有灌水处理0~140 cm土层土壤水分变化较大,而0水处理的0~40 cm和80~140 cm土层含水量变化比较活跃,其幅度低于灌水处理.品种间相同水分处理的土壤含水量变化趋势一致,除1水处理科麦一号变幅较大外,其他3个处理均以石家庄8号变幅较大.科麦一号与石家庄8号均以3水处理的产量最高,比0水处理分别增产44.44%、42.88%,但由于该处理灌水充足,小麦相对晚熟耗水量大,致使收获前土壤含水率急剧下降.在各水分处理中,产量构成要素穗数皆以3水最高;穗粒重皆以1水最高(两个品种穗粒重1水与2水差异不显著);千粒重皆以0水最高.穗粒数以1水最高.收获指数皆以0水最高.科麦一号对水分较为敏感,但耗水量明显小于石家庄8号.要达到经济高产的目标,科麦一号灌2水较为合适,石家庄8号需灌3水.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi,AMF)对植物抗旱、养分吸收等有重要作用,但在特定环境胁迫下不同生活型植物对AMF的响应存在差异.本文以塔里木河下游荒漠河岸林的优势灌木多枝柽柳(Tamarix ra-mosissima)和常见半灌木疏叶骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia...  相似文献   

为了探究荒漠草原优势植物对水分和养分输入的响应特征和适应规律,通过设置2个水分水平(自然降雨、水分添加)和3个养分水平(无养分添加、N添加、NPK添加),共6个处理,研究水分与养分添加对荒漠草原优势植物沙生针茅(Stipa glareosa)生长、生理及其敏感性的影响.双因素方差分析结果表明:水分主效应、养分主效应及水...  相似文献   

A minimal amount of information is currently available concerning arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal associations with crops in semi-arid zones on Leptosols in Turkey. Therefore, using molecular ecological techniques, we studied the effects of different management practices (without fertilization, chemical fertilization, farmyard manure, and plant compost amendments) on AM fungal communities associated with wheat roots. Experiments were conducted in a field established in 1996 in southern Mediterranean Turkey where soil productivity is low owing to unfavorable climatic effects and soil characteristics. We determined 201 partial sequences of AM fungal nuclear ribosomal large subunit genes. The higher AM fungal richness was found in the control treatment without fertilization and plant compost treatments compared with the chemical fertilization and farmyard manure treatments. Clones related to Rhizophagus were found in all treatments and accounted for 37% of the total AM fungal clones, whereas those of Funneliformis were dominant under chemical fertilization. Redundancy analysis based on the frequency of operational taxonomic units revealed that AM fungal communities were divided into three groups, namely, the control treatment, the chemical fertilization treatment, and the organic treatments (farmyard manure and plant compost treatments). Although different organic amendments supported relatively similar AM fungal communities, plant compost induced higher AM fungal richness than farmyard manure fertilization.  相似文献   

通过培养和盆栽试验,向灌漠土土壤中加入等量磷和不同添加比例的硫磺S(0.05%、0.15%、0.45%)、生物菌肥B(0.25%、0.50%、1.00%)、有机肥OM(0.50%、1.00%、2.00%)和小麦秸秆WS(1.00%、2.00%、4.00%),研究不同改良材料配施磷肥土壤微生物量磷的变化特征,及其与Olsen P、小麦吸磷量之间的关系。结果表明,添加不同改良材料处理的土壤微生物量磷含量均显著高于对照(不添加改良材料),且随着添加比例的增大而增加。在第16天时,各处理土壤微生物量磷含量达到最大值,OM2.00、B1.00、WS4.00和S0.45处理分别较对照显著增加了34.66%、34.52%、28.19%和23.89%;经过30 d的培养,硫磺、生物菌肥、有机肥和小麦秸秆处理的土壤微生物量磷含量较对照分别增加了19.51%、43.08%、47.92%和41.68%。在一定范围内(Olsen P约90 mg·kg-1),土壤微生物量磷随土壤Olsen P提高而增加...  相似文献   

大田条件下丛枝菌根真菌对西瓜生长和枯萎病的影响   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
 在大田条件下研究丛枝菌根(AM)真菌对西瓜(Citrullus lanatus)生长和枯萎病的影响。接种AM真菌能显著降低西瓜枯萎病的发病率、病情指数、根内和根围土壤中镰刀菌繁殖体的数量,促进植株对N、P、B和Zn等矿物质的吸收,提高西瓜叶片中叶绿素的含量、叶片净光合速率、气孔导度和水分利用效率,促进植株生长,增加西瓜产量。  相似文献   

Potatoes were grown under a permanent rain shelter in mobile containers in soil with and without potato cyst nematodes (Globodera pallida). The plants were either subjected to an early drought stress period from planting until 43 days after planting, to a late drought stress period during tuber bulking or to a drought control. Leaf water potentials, stomatal diffusion resistances for water vapour, transpiration rates, dry matter accumulation and water use efficiencies of the plants were determined periodically. Both drought and nematodes decreased leaf water potential and increased stomatal resistance.Drought led to a higher water use efficiency, cyst nematode infection, however, reduced the water use efficiency at early stages of growth, and increased it at later stages. It is concluded that at least two main growth reducing mechanisms exist of which the relative importance varies with time. Firstly, reduced apparent assimilation rates, which are unrelated to a change in the water balance caused by the initial attack by the cyst nematodes. Secondly, a reduced dry matter accumulation resulting from a decrease of water uptake. Effects of drought and cyst nematode infection on plant growth and water relations were not always additive mainly because infected plants used up less water leading to less drought stress.  相似文献   

不同土壤水分处理对冬小麦根冠生长的影响   总被引:36,自引:4,他引:36  
通过温室冬小麦不同水分处理(土壤含水量分别为田间持水量的75%~100%,65%~55%,35%~45%)盆栽试验,研究了冬小麦根冠对水分的响应。试验结果表明:不同供水量并不影响冬小麦根系、冠层干物质累积过程的总趋势,但随胁迫的增强,根、冠干物质累积速率、干物质累积总量降低,且二者并不呈线性相关关系;根冠比(R/S)随胁迫的增强而增大;水分供应量的减少缩短了冬小麦的生育周期,随胁迫的增强,根冠生物量最大值出现的时间提前;充分供水的处理则有最大的根冠比(R/S)。这可能是由于水分胁迫发生,大量的同化产物运往根系,分配于根系的同化干物质增加,调整了根系的结构,改善其功能以增大水分的吸收量,缓减植株由于缺水造成的损失,导致根系干重增加,根冠比增加。对于供水超过75%的植株,根冠比达到所有处理的最大,可能原因为过量水分促使庞大根系的建成,从而消耗较多的同化产物,使根重增加,冠重减少。  相似文献   

为明确丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌对加拿大一枝黄花Solidago canadensis与本地菌根植物和非菌根植物种间竞争格局的调控作用,采用温室盆栽试验,通过接种摩西球囊霉Glomus mosseae(GM)、根内球囊霉G. intraradices(GI)及其混合菌种(GM+GI)3种处理,分析AM真菌对加拿大一枝黄花与本地菌根植物玉米Zea mays和非菌根植物油菜Brassica campestris种间作用的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,接种AM真菌均显著提高了加拿大一枝黄花和玉米的菌根侵染率,菌根侵染率为13.720%~50.015%,且前者的菌根侵染率明显高于后者。单独种植时,与对照相比,接种AM真菌尤其是接种混合菌种显著提高了加拿大一枝黄花的株高、叶片数和总干重。在加拿大一枝黄花与玉米混合种植时,与单独种植相比,加拿大一枝黄花的株高、叶片数、根长和总干重均较低;同时,与对照相比,接种AM真菌显著提高了玉米的相对竞争强度而对加拿大一枝黄花的相对竞争强度没有显著影响。在加拿大一枝黄花和油菜混合种植时,与对照相比,接种AM真菌则显著提高了加拿大一枝黄花的株高、叶片数、净光合速率和总干重;同时,接种AM真菌促进了入侵种的竞争优势而抑制了非菌根植物油菜的生长。说明加拿大一枝黄花与本地种的竞争格局受到与之混生物种的菌根依赖性强度以及AM真菌的种类差异影响。  相似文献   

以小偃22为材料,采用Hoagland营养液进行分根培养试验,研究了局部根区水分胁迫下,钙对冬小麦幼苗生长及养分吸收的影响。设置2个钙水平处理(正常供钙和不供钙)、3种水分处理(正常水分、局部根区水分胁迫和全部根区水分胁迫),共6个处理。结果表明:不论是否水分胁迫,缺钙处理冬小麦幼苗的株高、主根长、生物量、叶绿素相对含量(SPAD值)、相对含水量及地上部N、P、Ca含量和根系N、P、K、Ca含量均显著低于正常供钙处理(P0.05)。正常供钙条件下,局部根区水分胁迫使株高增加4.4%,正常水分、局部根区水分胁迫和全部根区水分胁迫的植株生物量分别为1.54、1.66 g·株-1和0.97 g·株-1,比缺钙处理分别高19.4%、25.8%和4.3%;全部根区水分胁迫下,冬小麦的株高及主根长均显著降低。缺钙条件下,植株对N、P、Ca等养分的吸收显著降低。正常供钙条件下,正常水分、局部根区水分胁迫和全部根区水分胁迫处理地上部全氮含量分别为36.54、36.65g·kg-1和32.70 g·kg-1,比缺钙处理分别高9.5%、6.5%和6.9%;全磷含量分别为7.48、7.51 g·kg-1和6.54 g·kg-1,比缺钙处理分别高3.0%、13.1%和22.7%;全钙含量分别为8.35、8.37 g·kg-1和5.53 g·kg-1,比缺钙处理分别高26.5%、24.4%和19.7%。结果说明钙显著影响冬小麦幼苗生长发育和养分利用,钙可促进局部根区水分胁迫下冬小麦幼苗的生长及其对养分的吸收,缓解全部根区水分胁迫的抑制效应。  相似文献   

利用5种不同的土壤改良剂,对矿化度在2~3 g·L-1的微咸水灌溉棉田土壤进行改良效果研究。结果表明:五种改良剂均降低土壤p H值和总盐含量,并能有效控制土体Na+、Ca2+、SO42-、HCO3-积累;其中,磷石膏能显著降低土体Na+、Ca2+、SO42-总含量(P<0.05),DS1997能显著降低土体Na+、HCO3-总含量(P<0.05),酸碱平衡剂显著降低土体Ca2+、SO42-总含量(P<0.05),禾康改良剂有效控制土体SO42-、HCO3-含量;改良剂对土体中Cl-改良效果不显著(P>0.05)。研究得出:微咸水灌溉导致土壤p H值升高和含盐量增加,造成土壤盐分的积累;土壤改良剂可有效减少微咸水灌溉引起的盐分积累,改善土壤理化特性和盐分离子分布。  相似文献   

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