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Purpose  To determine the effects of a standardized intravenous dose of an α-2 agonist (Domitor®, Orion Pharma, distributed by Pfizer Animal Health, Exton, PA) on the electroretinogram (ERG) response in normal dogs.
Methods  Twenty-five normal dogs were used to collect ERG responses including a- and b-wave implicit times (IT) and amplitudes (AMP) before and after administration of medetomidine. Dogs were dark adapted for 20 min and ERGs were obtained using the HMsERG (RetVetCorp Inc., Columbia, MO). The QuickRetCheck protocol (Narfström) was employed to provide the following flash intensities: 10 mcd s/m2, 3 cd s/m2, and 10 cd s/m2. ERGs were repeated after 375 µg/m2 of medetomidine intravenously. Statistical analysis of the difference between the responses before and after medetomidine at all flash intensities was performed using a mixed effects model for anova .
Results  The P value for the effect of medetomidine on each of the ERG responses was < 0.01. The estimates of the effect of medetomidine were (+)1.35 ms, (–)23 µV, (+)3.16 ms, and (–)47 µV for the a-wave IT, a-wave AMP, b-wave IT, and the b-wave AMP, respectively.
Conclusions  Medetomidine significantly prolongs the implicit time and lowers the amplitude response of both the a- and b-waves in normal dogs at all flash intensities examined. Clinically, however, medetomidine only minimally affects the retinal responses and is a viable choice for use in dog ERGs.  相似文献   

Electroretinography (ERG) is a reliable diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of retinal disease. It measures electric potentials occurring in the retina in response to light stimulation. In this study, we examined the normal electroretinogram using the Handheld Multispecies ERG (HMsERG) in Shih Tzu dogs. ERG recordings were performed in twelve eyes of six healthy Shih Tzu dogs. Dogs were anesthetized with a combination of medetomidine and ketamine. Proparacaine eye drops were also applied as a topical anesthetic. Tropicamide eye drops were applied for mydriasis. After 20 min of dark adaptation, we recorded the amplitudes and implicit times of the b-waves of the rod, standard rod and cone (Std R&C), high-intensity rod and cone (Hi-int R&C), and cone systems, and responses of the cones and inner retina by flicker light stimulation (cone flicker). Results showed that mean the amplitudes of a-waves of Std R&C, Hi-int R&C, and the cone responses were 141.25 µV, 173.00 µV, and 12.92 µV, respectively. The b-waves of the rod responses ranged from 141.58 to 155.25 µV; the Std R&C was 314.75 µV, the Hi-int R&C was 329.42 µV, the cones were 37.75 µV, and the flicker responses were 64.08 µV. The b/a ratios for the Std R&C, Hi-int R&C, and the cone response were 2.29, 1.94, and 3.71, respectively. Mean implicit time of the a-wave of the Std R&C was 15.12 ms, of Hi-int R&C was 13.42 ms, and of the cone response was 7.22 ms. The b-wave of the rod responses ranged from 68.12 to 72.68 ms, of Std R&C were 37.28 ms, of Hi-int R&C were 41.90, of the cone responses were 38.12 ms, and of the cone flicker responses were 22.80 ms. We believe that these parameters can be used as reference "normal" ERGs ranges for Shih Tzu dogs using the HMsERG under medetomidine and ketamine anesthesia.  相似文献   

A new selective alpha 2-adre-noreceptor agonist, medetomidine hydrochloride was combined with low dosage ketamine hydrochloride and vecuronium bromide for d.c. (direct current) recordings of fast electroretinographic (ERG) components in nine ophthalmoscopically healthy dark adapted dogs. The dogs were tracheally intubated and manually ventilated. They were given full field single flash stimuli of different intensities starting with near b-wave threshold blue light (tests 1-3), followed by white light (tests 4-6) and 30 Hz photopic flicker (test 7). The a- and b-wave amplitudes and flicker responses were measured from the base line. The latencies were measured from the stimulus moment to the highest point of the different waves.Statistical analysis of results gave individual differencies which had a good constancy. This showed that the dogs had an individual ERG profile according to the standardized method. The latencies varied very little as expected, but the amplitudes differed individually and showed a good constancy as seen by reproducibility tests made nine to ten days later on three of the dogs’ ipsilateral eyes. The combination of drugs used in this study was considered suitable for short term (10-12 minutes) stable d.c.–ERG recordings in dogs as the rod and cone responses had higher amplitudes when compared to an identical examination made with other anaesthetic combinations on the same dogs.Involuntary eye movements and other involuntary muscular activity caused by ketamine in dogs were negligible when using medetomidine premedication and was completely absent when using vecuronium.The anaesthetic method described can be recommended for ambulatory ERG recordings in dogs because of the above mentioned advantages.  相似文献   

To distinguish age-related changes in hematology and clinical chemistry values from those resulting from disease, hematology, and clinical chemistry values of healthy, age-matched Beagle dogs 3 to 14 years of age were analyzed. Serum potassium, total protein and globulin concentration, and lactic dehydrogenase activity increased with age, while urea nitrogen, creatinine and albumin concentration, and gamma-glutamyl transferase activity decreased. The 12-year-old group had some distinct differences from the other age groups: glucose concentration was lower, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activity and triglyceride concentration were higher. No significant age-related differences were found in the hematology parameters analyzed. This report extends the documented, age-related changes in normal Beagle dogs to 14 years of age. The age-related changes in organ-specific serum chemistries such as urea nitrogen and creatinine (kidney), and alanine aminotransferase (liver) noted here suggest that 12 years may be a pivotal age for determining longevity in the Beagle dog.  相似文献   

In the dog, creatine kinase (CK) is mostly present in the skeletal muscles, myocardium, brain and intestine. The MM isoenzyme predominates in muscles and myocardium. In plasma, reference values depend on the technique used and CK-MB accounts for about 30–45% of total CK activity. Sex has no influence on plasma CK activity, which is higher in young dogs than in adults. Plasma CK is elevated after physical exercise. After its release from the cells, CK reaches the plasma mostly via the lymphatic route and then remains in the plasma compartment. It is rapidly cleared with a half-life of about 2 hours. Muscle diseases are the main source of plasma CK elevations: inherited myopathies, malignant hyperthermia, hypothyroidism, vitamin E-selenium deficiency, prolonged decubitus, intramuscular injections, surgery, etc. Plasma CK is also increased in experimental myocardial infarction, for which the dog is an interesting model, allowing quantification of the damage by measuring the total CK activity released.Abbreviations ADP adenosine diphosphate - ATP adenosine triphosphate - CK creatine kinase - DGKC Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Chemie - IM intramuscular - IV intravenous - K m Michaelis constant - poly(A) polyadenylate - RNA ribonucleic acid - mRNA messenger RNA  相似文献   

Earlier studies of canine lipoprotein metabolism have frequently not taken into account such variables as age, gender, lifestyle or feeding status. In the last years, many changes to lifestyle and feeding of dogs have occurred. In this study, C-tot, C-HDL, C-LDL, triglycerides and lipoprotein fractions were determined in 251 healthy dogs by means of enzymatic methods and through the electrophoretic technique. All data were analysed by multifactor anova test to determine which factors (age, gender, breed and diet) have a statistically significant effect (p < 0.05) on the determined parameter and subsequently Bonferroni’s test was applied where necessary. Gender, age, breed and diet can significantly affect lipid metabolism, in particular lipoproteins involved in cholesterol plasma transport; on the contrary, triglycerides are not influenced by the same factors. The most important observation about age is the high level of C-LDL in puppies under 1 year of age. The highest cholesterol concentrations are found in Rottweiler but high values of plasma cholesterol are found also in Pyrenees Mountain dog and a great level of C-LDL in Labrador. Diet has shown a great influence on lipidic metabolism: dogs fed with different high-quality dry foods had significant differences in plasma cholesterol values (C-tot, C-HDL, C-LDL,), in particular, dogs fed with a diet rich in fish and fish-by-products have shown the lowest levels of C-tot, C-HDL and C-LDL.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of cataract stage, lens-induced uveitis and cataract removal on the electroretinogram (ERG) of dogs with cataract. ANIMALS STUDIED: Fifty-seven dogs diagnosed with unilateral or bilateral cataract whose ERG was recorded at Rakuno Gakuen University Teaching Animal Hospital from 2001 to 2004. PROCEDURES: Four responses were recorded during the ERG: rod ERG, standard combined ERG, single-flash cone ERG and 30-Hz flicker ERG. Cataracts were divided into four stages: incipient, immature, mature and hypermature, and with or without lens induced uveitis (LIU). Noncataractous eyes of dogs with unilateral cataract were used as the control. We compared ERG amplitude, implicit time, and the b- to a-wave amplitude ratio of cataractous vs. noncataractous eyes, preoperative vs. postoperative cataractous eyes, and cataractous eyes with and without LIU. RESULTS: No significant difference was found in ERG amplitude between incipient, immature and hypermature cataractous eyes, while in mature cataractous eyes decreased amplitude was confirmed in all responses compared with control eyes. However, no significant difference in b/a ratio was found at any stage of cataract. In postoperative eyes, increased amplitude was recorded in all responses compared to preoperative values. In eyes with LIU a decreased amplitude in the rod ERG and b-wave of standard combined ERG was recorded and, furthermore, a significant decline was confirmed in b/a ratio. CONCLUSION: ERG values were influenced by cataract stage and LIU. LIU was associated with a reduction in the b/a ratio.  相似文献   

Cutaneous mastocytosis, which resembles a subset of urticaria pigmentosa in humans, is rare in dogs. We herein report unrepresentative neoplastic proliferation of mast cells in ventral skin removed routinely from a nine-month-old female laboratory beagle dog at necropsy. A histological examination revealed diffuse extensive cellular infiltration from the superficial to deep dermis in most parts of the skin around the fourth and fifth mammary papilla without nodule formation. Tumor cells were fairly monomorphic, well-differentiated mast cells with round nuclei of small distinct nucleoli and moderate to abundant, slightly eosinophilic and granular cytoplasm. A perivascular arrangement of mast cells was noted at the margin of the lesions. Infiltration of eosinophils and degeneration of collagen were not observed in the dermis. Cutaneous mastocytosis was diagnosed based on these features. A sequence analysis of lesions revealed the deletion of Gln555 to Ile570 within the juxtamembrane domain of c-kit (exon 11).  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo perform preliminary evaluations into the ocular analgesic effect of topical 1% morphine in a clinical setting and to determine onset, duration and complications.Study designProspective, randomised, blinded clinical study.AnimalsTwenty six dogs and seventeen cats, all client‐owned.MethodsDogs and cats with corneal ulceration requiring medical treatment or corneal conditions requiring surgery were included and randomly assigned to receive one drop of topical morphine (group M) or base solution (group B). Recordings were made prior to application and at 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes, then 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. Corneal aesthesiometry, blink rates and scores for blepharospasm (BLEPH), conjunctival hyperaemia (CH) and lacrimation (LAC) were recorded. Statistical analyses used anova,t‐tests and Mann–Whitney U tests as relevant.ResultsNo significant effect of treatment group on any recordings was found at any time point in either dogs or cats. Adverse effects of increased BLEPH, CH or blink rate were observed in six animals (three cats from group M and three dogs from group B), occurring within 5 minutes of drop application and lasting for between 10 minutes and 6 hours.Conclusions and clinical relevanceTopical ocular morphine showed no measurable analgesic effect against corneal pain in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

A beagle dog treated with saline as a control animal in a preclinical study was euthanized due to sudden systemic deterioration. On histopathological examination, contraction band necrosis of myocardial cells was observed widely in the left ventricular wall, including the papillary muscle and apex, and observed slightly in the ventricular septum and left atrium. In the brain, necrosis was observed in neurons and glia of the cerebral cortex, hippocampal pyramidal cells, glial cells of the rostral commissure and Purkinje cells of the cerebellar vermis. It is highly probable that the marked systemic deterioration was caused by cardiac dysfunction due to the spontaneous contraction band necrosis of the myocardial cells, although the pathogenesis of the myocardial lesions remains unclear. Given the distribution of neuronal necrosis in the brain, it is likely that these lesions resulted from the ischemia responsible for acute cardiac failure.  相似文献   

This report describes the pathological characterizations of a rare case of necrosis of the femoral head that was spontaneous, bilateral, avascular and nontraumatic. A 14-month-old beagle dog was presented with pain in the hind limbs. At necropsy, the articular surface in the bilateral femoral head was markedly irregular. There were no gross abnormalities other than in the hip joints. Microscopically, a wide range of trabecular bone necrosis localized in the subchondral area was observed in both femoral heads. In the right femoral head, fibrosis and proliferative vessels were noted in the subchondral area. The articular cartilage was thickened irregularly, but there was no evidence of cartilage necrosis. The bone marrow adjacent to the affected area showed severe depression. In the metaphysis, atrophic bone marrow, but not bone necrosis, was observed. This was a rare case of spontaneous necrosis of the femoral head in an experimental beagle dog.  相似文献   

Isolated ectopic brain tissue within the orbit is an extremely rare finding and has never been reported in dogs or other domestic species. In this case, a focal choristoma of ectopic grey matter-like tissue was present within the retina of a mature female beagle dog, and consisted of neurons and astrocytes as demonstrated respectively by microtubule-associated protein 2 and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunohistochemistry. The lesion was located within the optic fundus adjacent to the optic disk and surrounded by dysplastic retina. The case is presented with a review of literature on this rare entity.  相似文献   

Irisin is mainly secreted by heart and skeletal muscle cells. It is an exercise‐induced protein that converts white adipose tissue to brown. Increased irisin expression was lead to weight loss and improved glucose tolerance. We investigated irisin immunoreactivity in various tissues of the dwarf hamsters (Phodopus roborovskii). Tissues were processed, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 5 μm and stained immunohistochemically for irisin. In the retina, irisin was found almost all layers, except outer nuclear layer. Also, irisin immunoreactivity was observed in the skin, cornea, striated muscle, parotid gland, tongue, oesophagus, stomach and small intestine. The findings from this study support the notion that skeletal muscle is not the primary source of irisin.  相似文献   

A recent study demonstrated that 47.7% of dogs with Malassezia dermatitis had a subepidermal linear alignment of mast cells (SLAM). A retrospective histopathological study was conducted on 419 canine skin biopsies to determine if a SLAM was present in other inflammatory diseases. Cases examined included dogs with demodicosis, sarcoptic mange, dermatophytosis, pemphigus foliaceus, pemphigus erythematosus, discoid lupus erythematosus, systemic lupus erythematosus, erythema multiforme, dermatomyositis, staphylococcal pyoderma, primary seborrhea, arthropod bites, contact hypersensitivity, flea bite hypersensitivity, atopy, and food hypersensitivity. Three cases (3/419, 0.7%) were identified with SLAM. The diagnoses for these cases were atopy (1/23, 4%) with a secondary bacterial folliculitis (1/136, 0.7%), pemphigus erythematosus (1/18, 6%), and discoid lupus erythematosus (1/16, 6%). Based on this study, SLAM is significantly more common in Malassezia dermatitis than in other inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

The sedative and analgesic effects of medetomidine were evaluated in heartworm-infected (HW+) and uninfected (HW–) beagle dogs by intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) administration of 30 µg/kg and 40 µg/kg doses, respectively. Posture, response to noise and the pedal reflex were monitored. A procedure for mock radiographic positioning was performed to evaluate its overall clinical use. Observation times were 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 min. In addition, the times from injection until the dog could not stand on its feet (down time), from lateral to sternal recumbency (sternal recumbency time), and from sternal recumbency to rising again (rising time) were also noted.Medetomidine produced rapid sedation and analgesia by both routes. Down times for the IM and IV routes were similar, which verified the manufacturer's recommended doses. The HW+ dogs had shorter down times, probably owing to increased blood flow to the brain caused by adrenergic alpha-2 activity. Sternal recumbency and rising times did not differ between the groups, suggesting a similar metabolism. Sedation and analgesia were adequate for performing the procedure in all dogs. HW– dogs showed less resistance to handling during the procedure than HW+ dogs. Overall, medetomidine seems to be a suitable agent for short-term chemical restraint in dogs, even with subclinical heartworm infestation.  相似文献   

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