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Abstract. Two groups of 0+ brown trout, Salmo trutta L., one pond-reared and one hatchery-reared (fish length 32-80mm), were released in eight small streams in three different areas of Norway between 1984 and 1987. Hatchery and pond fish were reared at different sites, but releases were made both near the rearing site and in the home area of the other group. A total of 2550 fish were recaptured by electrofishing the year after stocking. We found great variations in the recapture rates of pond and hatchery fish in one stream between years, and between streams in different areas the same year. These results indicate that the rearing method is not essential to the recapture rate. Both pond and hatchery fish generally had higher recapture rates in streams near their rearing site than in the distant areas. Thus factors associated with transportation seem to influence the survival of stocked fish. The results also indicate that size at stocking may be an important factor for the recapture rate.  相似文献   

Abstract The post-stocking behaviour of hatchery-reared juvenile European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), with in-stream acclimatization in a pool for 4, 8, and 12 days before release was compared with fish released directly into a 370-m long seminatural stream during 1995 and 1996. The behaviour of these groups was compared with fish acclimatized for 16 h in a holding pen (0.7 m3) in a more fast-flowing part of the stream. All fish were released in the experimental stream at the same time. Initially groups of 30 individuals were compared, but this was reduced because of the mortality during acclimatization. Temporal and spatial distribution, feed intake in relation to sex and size of fish were followed for 7 days after release. Between 33 and 59% of all groups of fish released into the pool left the experimental area and were recaptured in a trap at the downstream end of the experimental stream. The acclimatization period had no significant influence on the percentage of fish moving downstream. Significantly more grayling left the stream from the holding pen (76.7%) than fish released in the pool (47.2%). Of the recaptured fish, 77% had been feeding. Fish recaptured within a week had lost more than 10% of their initial weight measured at the hatchery. Fish recaptured more than 2 weeks after release had lost a significantly smaller percentage of their initial weight compared with fish recaptured in the first 2 weeks. No differences were found in spatial distribution or feeding activity between sexes.  相似文献   

Hatchery-reared, juvenile European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., were each stocked six times into an area of a semi-natural stream. The order in which the two species were released was switched after every second experimental stocking. Temporal and spatial post-stocking dispersal, effects of previously stocked species, feeding behaviour and the influences of sex and size were studied. During each 48-h experimental release period, some fish were recaptured in a trap situated 200 m downstream from the stocking site, and fish remaining in the stream after each experimental release were caught by electric fishing. Significantly more grayling than trout moved downstream and left the semi-natural stream. Proportions of stocked grayling recaptured in the trap within 2 h and from 2 to 48 h post stocking in the stream were 36.4% and 10.0%, respectively. Corresponding recapture rates for brown trout were both 1.5%. Most of the grayling and brown trout that did not leave the stream early were recaptured in deep, slow-moving water at low velocities in the release area. The presence of grayling at the time that the brown trout were stocked resulted in significantly fewer brown trout staying in the upper part of the stream. Within 48 h of their release, 33.3% and 22.8% of the grayling and brown trout, respectively, had eaten natural food items. The mean length of brown trout recaptured in the upper part of the stocking area was significantly lower than that of fish recaptured in the lower part and in the trap. Among brown trout, males showed a significantly greater propensity to eat and to stay in the upper part of the stream near the stocking site compared with females . Brown trout with natural food items in their stomachs had significantly lower mean length than trout without such items. No sex- or size-related differences were found in the spatial distribution or feeding activity of grayling.  相似文献   

Weirs and traps were used to monitor the movement of two strains of stocked brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Within 24 h of stocking, 15% ( n  = 13) of a Danish strain and 21% ( n  = 19) of a hybrid strain moved at least 100 m from their release site. In the following 5–6 days, no further movement was found for Danish fish, but hybrid fish continued to move, totaling 32% ( n  = 29) of the fish stocked. During this same period, 36 wild brown trout (≈ 3.5% of the population) were captured, moving over the weirs. Two weeks later, and one week after a flood, 70% ( n  = 59) of the Danish strain were recovered within their release sites and 89% ( n  = 76) were recovered during an electric fishing survey within the 3.5-km-long experimental area. In contrast, 43% ( n  = 31) of the hybrid strain were recaptured in their release sites and 49% ( n  = 45) within the experimental area. The total recapture of wild adult fish was only 16% ( n  = 41). The flooding event was insignificant in comparison with strain-specific behaviours in determining patterns of movement and residency.Austria, brown trout, floods, movement, stocking.  相似文献   

Movement and recaptures of two hatchery-reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L., stocks and landlocked salmon, Salmo salar L., released at different sites in regulated Lake Oulujärvi, were studied in relation to release site. Five groups of fish from each stock were released in approximately equal numbers. Most of the fish released in June and July were recaptured within 3 months, whereas the majority of the fish released in early winter (October and November) were caught the following spring, about 7–9 months after stocking. The release site had a significant effect on recapture rate. The results showed that fishing restrictions targeted mainly at gill net fishing are needed to preserve the stocked fish from overfishing. Significantly fewer recaptures were observed from the landlocked salmon stocking compared with brown trout. The recaptures from the landlocked salmon stocking indicated more active movement and less clumping compared with the two brown trout stocks.  相似文献   

The River Dalälven Baltic salmon, Salmo salar L., population has been maintained by stocking reared fish since the early 1920s. Initially, all rearing was carried out at one hatchery, but since the late 1980s two have been used. Both hatcheries are situated 9–10 km from the river mouth but some 600 m apart. All broodfish were caught in a single fish trap situated some 700 m upstream of the upper hatchery. The salmon smolts were released just below the water outlets of each hatchery, respectively. About 2% of the released smolts from each hatchery were tagged annually with Carlin tags. Total recapture rates were higher for smolts from the lower hatchery. A higher proportion of recaptured fish was reported from the home river for salmon from the upper hatchery. The migration within the river to the fish trap was more precise for fish from the upper station. Strays were very late in the season and of a higher number from the lower hatchery. Observations of jumping salmon by the outlet from the lower station indicated that salmon returned to that point. The lower recaptures in the trap were considered a result of a shorter river migration of salmon from the lower hatchery.  相似文献   

Abstract  Stocking is undertaken in the River Suldalslågen, western Norway, to compensate for an estimated annual loss of 20 000 Atlantic salmon smolts, Salmo salar L., caused by regulating the river for hydropower production. The annual contribution to angling catches from stocked hatchery fish varied from 7 to 334 kg, or <15% of the total number caught. Between 160 000 and 250 000 one-summer old fish were stocked, but only between 6 and 10 (<0.005%) were recaptured as adults in the river. Recaptured stocked fish never exceeded 0.03% by number, despite smolts dominating the stocking material in recent years. It is not certain whether the slight increase in catches comes in addition to or at the expense of natural reproduction. In most years more adults were used as parent stock than were caught as offspring. The lack of positive response to stocking is possibly due to lesser age, smaller size and later migration of hatchery smolts, and that seawater tolerance of hatchery smolts is poorly developed, all factors increasing mortality at sea.  相似文献   

Abstract Rate of recapture (gill netting), habitat use, and diet of three strains of stocked brown trout, Salmo trutta L., were compared with resident brown trout in a Norwegian lake. The strains originated from an alpine lake, from a boreal lake, and from the native brown trout population in the lake. Overall recapture rate was 5–8% for all strains. The low recapture rate could be due to the relatively small size at stocking; mean fish length varied between 13.1 and 14.5 cm with strain and stocking method. Two years after release, the frequency of the different strains decreased from about 12% in the first year to stabilize at about 1%. The alpine strain showed the highest overall recapture rate, whereas the native strain was recaptured at an intermediate rate. The overall recapture rate of scatter-planted brown trout was higher than that of spot-planted brown trout. Immediately after being stocked, introduced fish ate less and had a less-varied diet than resident trout; however, stocked fish adopted a natural diet within the first summer. The distribution of trout between the pelagic and the upper epibenthic habitat was similar for both the resident and the stocked brown trout. Results indicate that the habitat use of stocked brown trout is adaptive and becomes similar to that of indigenous fish.  相似文献   

Abstract Artificially hatched and reared juvenile European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), from three natural populations were released into an experimental stream. Two of the populations were from lakes and the third population was from a river. Post-stocking dispersal was studied by recapturing fish in traps and by electric fishing after each of the stocking exercises. On all three occasions the first fish to be recaptured were caught in a trap about 400 m downstream from the release site, within 5–12 min of release. Proportions of stocked grayling juveniles recaptured by electric fishing in the fast-flowing section of the experimental stream (the rapids) were 9.9%, 46.7% and 16.6% after the first, second and third stocking, respectively. No significant population-specific difference was found between fish caught in the downstream trap and fish recaptured in the rapids. The uppermost part of the rapids (stretch 1) and the catch in the upstream trap was dominated by fish of riverine origin. Post-stocking migration was influenced by sex but not by body size. Females showed a greater propensity to stay in the rapids compared with males. Implications of the results for stocking grayling in natural streams and regulated rivers are discussed.  相似文献   

European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), were reared by four different techniques: (A) in a natural pond without a supply of artificial diet; (B) in a net pen fed artificial dry diet; (C) in tanks fed artificial dry diet; (D) in tanks, and for 16 days before stocking, transferred to a diet based on mixed frozen natural food exclusively. Fish within groups C and D were also split into subgroups of large and small fish. Feeding, growth and survival of fish in the different groups were compared after stocking into three different stocking sites during the spring of 1994. The stocking sites consisted of a barren lake (Lake L), a second lake (Lake N) containing an allopatric perch, Perca fluviatilis L., population, and a barren man-made pond. In Lake L, higher recapture rates and mean weights of stomach contents were obtained in fish reared in the natural pond and in the net pen. There were no differences in total recapture rate, or mean condition factor between small and large fish within groups C and D. In Lake N only five (0.5%) stocked grayling from rearing groups A and B were recaptured during the experiment and more fish from categories C and D were recaptured. This was probably related to size-selective predation. In the pond, there were no differences in recapture rates or in mean weight of stomach contents between fish from any of the groups. In sample 1 (Lake N, 22 days after stocking), mean weight of stomach contents was higher in the larger fish within categories C and D but there was no difference in condition factor between the groups. In sample 1, mean condition factor of fish from the different groups varied markedly, being highest in Lake L followed by Lake N and the Pond. Fourteen out of 26 dead fish in the pond showed clinical symptoms of the bacterial disease ASA. Mortality was related to low initial condition factor at the time of stocking. No stocked grayling were recaptured from the two lakes in the last sample (June 1995).  相似文献   

Stocking is an important management tool for enhancing fisheries resources, but its actual contribution to fisheries resources is controversial, taking into consideration both the positive and negative effects. This study compared density and biomass of hatchery (otolith thermal marked) and wild masu salmon parr between stocked and unstocked rivers to evaluate the contribution of stocking with hatchery‐reared fish. Density and biomass of all fish did not differ between stocked and unstocked rivers. Moreover, density and biomass of wild fish in the stocked rivers were lower than those of the unstocked rivers. Density and biomass of hatchery fish in a non‐natural reproducing river were similar with those of all fish in natural reproducing rivers. These results indicate that hatchery stocking does not have positive effects on population density or biomass but replaces wild fish with hatchery fish and that non‐natural reproducing areas are more suitable as stocking sites.  相似文献   

The anadromous whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus (L.), is the most numerous fish species stocked in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea. One-summer-old-whitefish fingerlings are mostly 8–10 cm long when released annually in September–October, whereas the wild whitefish are 10–12 cm at that time. About 6 million, one-summer-old, spray-marked, whitefish were released in the northern and central parts of the Gulf in 1995–1998. To study the effect of the stocking length on the survival of the marked fish, the length of the recaptured whitefish as 1-year-olds was back-calculated. Altogether 1106 whitefish recaptured in the Gulf of Bothnia were analysed. The back-calculated length was slightly greater than the stocking length but not as large as the length of the wild fish. In the central part of the Gulf of Bothnia, where the mean stocking length was more than 10 cm, the back-calculated length was 10.5–11.1 cm. In the northern part of the Gulf the mean stocking length varied between 8.8 and 10.0 cm annually, and the corresponding back-calculated mean lengths were 9.3–9.7 cm. It also seemed that bigger fingerlings started their feeding migration earlier or they migrated faster than the smaller ones to the southern parts of the Gulf of Bothnia.  相似文献   

Abstract –  This study aimed to evaluate otter predation on stocked trout. Large hatchery-reared trout (16–30 cm) were stocked into two Danish rivers with different fish populations. Otter diet before and after trout stocking was determined by analysing 685 spraints, collected regularly during the 35-day study period. Fish composition in the rivers before stocking was assessed by electrofishing. In River Trend, a typical trout river, the proportion of trout in the otter diet increased from 8% before stocking to 33% a few days after stocking. Moreover, trout lengths in the diet changed significantly towards the lengths of stocked trout, indicating that newly stocked trout were preferred to wild trout. In River Skals, dominated by cyprinids, there was no change in otter diet after stocking of hatchery trout, i.e., these were ignored by otter. Otter predation should be taken into account together with fish and bird predation, when stocking is used as a measure for conserving endangered salmonid populations.  相似文献   

Abstract In January 2004, 46 wels catfish, Silurus glanis L., between 51 and 135 cm total length were tagged and released into a 0.4 ha recreational, catch and release, lake fishery in the UK, and their recapture by anglers monitored throughout the year. Of the 46 tagged fish, 16 were recaptured by anglers during 170 capture events. Some individual fish were captured up to 26 times. Catfish <75 cm appeared to be the least susceptible to capture and fish >100 cm most susceptible. Frequency of captures increased with temperatures >10 °C and peaked between June and August. Selected recapture weight data were used to produce a mass specific growth equation and revealed specific growth rate was a decreasing function of body mass over the size range of the recaptured fish. Their growth was slower than fish from elsewhere in their distribution range.  相似文献   

During 1985-88, a total of 17500 under-yearling (0+) brown trout. salmo trutta L., were released in Låktabäcken Creek in Swedish Lapland. Of these, 15500 had been reared in a pond adjacent to the creek during their first summer, where they fed on natural prey. The other 2000 were conventionally reared hatchery fish fed dry food pellets. All fish were released in the autumn (size 6O-70mm) at the confluence of the pond outlet and the creek. Electrofishing revealed that the stocked fish gradually spread downstream from the point of release at the expense of the resident wild trout population. In 1989, stocked fish accounted for 70-90% and 30-50% of the trout population in the upper and lower stretches of the creek respectively. No long-term changes in total trout densities or standing crop occurred as a result of stocking. First-year survival of fish released in the creek varied between 15 and 30% over the 4 years. After 3 years, 5% of the stocked fish remained in the creek. Planted fish grew less rapidly than wild fish during the first year in the creek. Pond fish had a higher survival rate than hatchery fish and showed a greater propensity to disperse from the point of release.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Spotted halibut Verasper variegatus hatchery juveniles produced in 2002 were genotyped using three microsatellite DNA markers (msDNA) and then released into natural waters. Subsequently, recaptured individuals were examined using msDNA. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the stock enhancement program, from the genetic point of view, a pairwise F ST test was implemented to estimate the genetic divergence between the wild captive broodstock, the hatchery offspring and the recaptured samples. The analysis showed significant differentiation between the broodstock and recaptured samples. Pedigree determination using msDNA was used to calculate the effective population size of the recaptured stock, which was found to be very low ( N e ≈ 8). Equal family survivability was observed between the two recaptured stocks, but not between the released and recaptured stock. The number of identified families was higher and more equalized in the hatchery offspring compared to the recaptured samples, where the number of families declined. This fact was caused by an unequal family survivability just before or just after release. Separately, the number of contributing parents to the hatchery offspring was lower than the broodstock census number. Consequently, these two facts caused the genetic divergence of the recaptured stock from the broodstock.  相似文献   

Hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr and wild smolts which were microtagged and released into rivers in north-east England were recaptured by the fisheries at West Greenland, Faroes and on the Irish west coast, by the homewater net fisheries and by rod fisheries in rivers in north-east England. No significant differences were observed in the patterns of exploitation of hatchery-reared and wild fish in the distant water fisheries. The distribution of tag recoveries in coastal waters was strongly influenced by the pattern of fishing effort which was concentrated in the middle of the fishery area, but recaptures tended to be biased towards the river of release. There were significant differences in the distribution of recaptures of fish released in different rivers and between hatchery-reared and wild fish from the River Wear. There were also differences in the timing of recaptures of hatchery and wild fish from this river in the coastal net fishery. Very few fish were recaptured in rivers other than the one in which they were released, and there was no significant difference between straying rates for hatchery and wild fish. The relative numbers of recaptures in the coastal fishery and in the home river was the same for translocated hatchery fish and wild fish, thus refuting the suggestion that hatchery-reared fish have a reduced ability to home. The distribution of recaptures within fresh water provides clear evidence of tributary-specific homing of hatchery-reared fish.  相似文献   

A mark and recapture study of cod in the western Gulf of Maine was conducted to study the seasonal movements of fish, particularly as they related to areas closed to commercial fishing. A total of 27,772 cod were tagged, and 1334 (4.8%) were recaptured with sufficiently detailed recapture location and date to be included in the study. Results indicated that the group is resident to the area and sedentary. Although there were a small percentage of fish (2.5%) that traveled long distances (>100 km), most were recaptured near their release location. There was no linear relationship between fish length and linear distances traveled, and linear distance traveled was only weakly related to days-at-large. For all groups of cod tagged and released in particular areas and months, mean distances traveled were small (<65 km), rates of travel were slow (<0.2 km/day), and rates of group dispersion were <50 km2/day. There were no recognizable spatial or temporal patterns in the mean angles of travel for groups released in various month/area combinations, and the angular deviations associated with the mean angles were quite large. Although there seems to be little pattern in the movement of cod in our study area, temporal and spatial changes in abundance indicate that movements are occurring.

The general pattern was a concentration of large cod into one small, inshore area (Area 133) in both the spring and winter, and dispersion from this area in the ensuing months. Monthly percentages of ripe cod in Area 133 provide evidence for two spawning groups; a winter group that spawns from November through January, and a spring group that spawns from April through July. Thus it is likely that the observed spring and winter concentrations of fish in Area 133 were associated with spawning. Fish in the spring group were the largest encountered in the study. The study also provided some evidence of natal homing, i.e. a return to the same spawning grounds year after year, for the spring spawning group. Although there is some exchange of fish between most of the closed areas, the timing of the closures appears to protect the largest aggregations of cod.  相似文献   

A tag-release-recapture study was conducted to evaluate size-at-release impacts upon recruitment of cultured, juvenile striped mullet, Mugil cepahlus released in inshore habitats of Oahu, Hawaii, USA. In June and July 1990, 85,848 juvenile mullet were graded into five size groups (ranging from 45 to 120 mm in length), identified with binary-coded wire tags, and released into two estuaries (2×5 factorial design). Of the tagged fish, 42,822 were released into Kaneohe Bay on the east (windward) coast of Oahu; 43,026 were released into Maunalua Bay on Oahu's dryer south shore. The fish were released into both bays simultaneously. Releases were blocked in time across 5 release lots. To evaluate growth and survival rates of released mullet, both bay systems were sampled monthly with cast nets over a ten-month period after release. Overall, 733 tagged M. cephalus were recaptured, 277 from Kaneohe Bay and 456 from Maunalua Bay. Overall proportions of tagged fish in samples declined from 33.4% (±25.2%) of the total M. cephalus catch at week 5 to 1.88% (±0.95%) by week 23. From week 23 on, tagged fish averaged 2.09% (±0.23%) of the striped mullet in monthly samples. Within 9 wk after releases, recapture frequencies were clearly skewed in favor of fish that were larger at the time of release. Fish smaller than 70 mm when released were rare or absent in collections within 18 wk after release. This confirms results of a smaller-scale pilot study in Maunalua Bay and shows that fish size-at-release can have a major impact on the success of hatchery releases in marine habitats. Pilot studies to identify minimum fish size-at-release should be conducted at all sites targeted for full-scale marine hatchery releases.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The genetic diversity of wild and hatchery-released Pacific herring Clupea pallasii collected from three brackish lakes and two bays in Honshu and Hokkaido, Japan was examined with five microsatellite loci. All loci showed high genetic variability with expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.815 to 0.945. Significant differences in genotypic and allelic distributions were detected among all locations except for between the two bays in Honshu Island. Pairwise population analysis based on the F ST values showed close genetic relationships among the locations in Hokkaido Island, and the hierarchical analyses of molecular variance showed significant genetic difference between the two islands. Those results suggest the existence of subpopulations due to natal homing. In addition, stocked fish showed as much genetic diversity as the wild fish. The pairwise population analyses also showed close relationships between the hatchery fish and the wild fish in respective stocking areas, showing that no effects of stocking programs on genetic diversity of wild populations were detected.  相似文献   

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