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细小病毒感染犬猫是如今困扰饲主的主要问题,目前无特效药,治愈率低,主要治疗原则为对症治疗和支持疗法。采用评分制记录治疗过程中犬猫体况,比较犬猫达到呕吐评分=0,腹泻评分≤1,开始进食及完全采食的时间,为临床治疗及护理提供理论依据。在细小病毒感染犬猫的治疗过程中,犬的重点护理期不小于3 d,猫的重点护理期不小于1周,且护理幼猫时,需人工强饲。调整犬猫治疗方案,减少呕吐时间和腹泻时间,可有效提高治愈率。  相似文献   

益生菌、益生元作为宠物食品添加剂,可调节肠道菌群结构及相关代谢产物而有益于宿主健康。本文对益生菌、益生元等在宠物食品中的应用进行综述,并探讨益生菌、益生元、合生元在宠物营养中的作用,以期为提高犬猫肠道健康及宠物食品合理配制提供参考。  相似文献   

Five livers of equine fetuses, aborted due to the action of equine abortion virus, five livers from men, two of whom died of epidemic hepatitis and three obtained by needle biopsies, 5 livers of dogs with infectious canine hepatitis and 7 livers of ducklings that had hepatitis, were studied histopathologically.

The foals' livers were studied by several staining methods and the others by H. E. only.

The results indicate that the lesions are quite similar in the four species with the appearance of nuclear inclusion bodies only in foals and dogs. The strong staining properties of the nuclear inclusion bodies in infectious canine hepatitis and the weak staining properties of the equine virus abortion reveal that the protein-DNA association is different resulting in a different electropolarity.

The lesions in foals are of two main types, one a Necrotic-Mosaic Type in which the hepatocyte degeneration is irregularly distributed within the hepatic lobules and the other an Hyperplastic Type in which marked regeneration occurs.

In the Hyperplastic Type the practical absence of plasmocytes in foals' livers might suggest that if the newborn is a female, abortions may occur later in life because the virus remained alive in colts which were born in an immune tolerance state.

Histologically the picture in the livers of aborted foals assume features of a viral hepatitis similar to the viral hepatitis in men, dogs and ducklings.


使用 5月龄和 7月龄的蓝孔雀和火鸡及成年公鸡比较了饲料纤维成分的消化性能在月龄及 3种动物之间的差异。结果表明 :蓝孔雀在两个月龄段对饲料纤维的消化率显著高于火鸡和公鸡 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;蓝孔雀对粗纤维(CF)、中性洗涤纤维 (NDF)及酸性洗涤纤维 (ADF)的消化率因月龄的增加而显著提高 (P <0 .0 5 )。本试验结果表明 ,蓝孔雀、火鸡及成年公鸡在各月龄段对CF、NDF及ADF均有不同程度的消化 ,蓝孔雀对各纤维组分的消化率显著高于火鸡和成年公鸡 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,特别随着月龄的增加蓝孔雀对纤维组分的消化能力显著提高 (P <0 .0 5 )。  相似文献   

~~朱鹮与鸡消化器官的形态学比较(上)@吴美玲$内蒙古农业大学动物科学与医学学院!内蒙古呼和浩特010018,1999级本科生~~~~  相似文献   

猫鼓泡息肉是起源于鼓泡的非肿瘤性炎性增生,目前临床上最常用于治疗该病的手术方法是腹侧鼓泡切开术(VBO)和内镜下经鼓泡牵引术(PTT).为了探究这两种手术方法治疗猫鼓泡息肉的临床疗效、预后以及相关并发症的差异,回顾性分析了 2018年1月至2020年4月共15例猫鼓泡息肉的医疗记录,根据采用的手术方法将其分为VBO组(...  相似文献   

Limb wounds of three horses were managed by delayed wound closure. In each, the wound was such that it was unlikely that healing would occur following primary closure and that second intention healing would have been unsatisfactory. Wounds were cleaned and debrided at the time of admission and maintained under sterile pressure bandages until free of infection and devitalized tissue. Suture closure of the wound at that time resulted in satisfactory healing in each case.  相似文献   

The elastic system fibres of the female urethra were investigated in seven dogs of different breeds. The fibres were stained and differentiated with orcein, Verhoeff's iron hematoxylin, and pararosanilin-based aldehyde fuchsin, with and without previous oxidation. Orcein and aldehyde fuchsin revealed some subepithelial longitudinally orientated delicate fibres (elaunin fibres) and numerous coarse longitudinal fibres (elastic fibres) in the deeper subepithelial connective tissue containing the vascular plexus, as well as a network of fibres of different calibers in the periurethral connective tissue. Elastic system fibres were also found in association with the sinusoids of the vascular plexus and the urethral smooth musculature. Verhoeff's iron hematoxylin only reacted distinctly with coarse (elastic) fibres. When applied following oxidation, aldehyde fuchsin disclosed an extensive meshwork of additional delicate fibres (oxytalan fibres) in the subepithelial connective tissue adjacent to the basement membrane. Oxytalan fibres were also discernible in the sinusoidal adventitia of the vascular plexus, as well as between smooth and striated muscle fibres. Due to the predominantly longitudinal orientation of the elastic system fibres and the low urethral resistance to manual expression of urine from the bladder post mortally, when the elasticity of the urethra is still intact and the activity of other continence factors can be excluded, the elastic tissue is not judged to be a major contributory factor to urinary continence.  相似文献   

Equine synovial fluid aliquots were inoculated with Salmonella enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Actinobacillus equuli, Staphylococcus aureus , and Streptococcus zooepidemicus to obtain approximate concentrations of 1000, 100, 10, and 1 colony forming U/mL. Synovial fluid aliquots were also inoculated with an unquantitated inoculum of Bacteroides fragilis and Clostridium perfringens. Inoculated synovial fluid was incubated in trypticase-soy broth or Columbia broth for approximately 12 hours. Then aliquots were removed for DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis for detection of a 531 base-pair segment of bacterial DNA corresponding to a region of the 16S ribosomal gene. Duplicate samples of inoculated synovial fluid were prepared for microbial culture. Bacteria were detected in all samples inoculated with bacteria but not in control synovial fluid samples. Under experimental conditions there was no difference between microbial culture and PCR analyses for detection of bacteria. Experimentally, PCR was able to detect bacteria in synovial fluid within 24 hours of inoculation.  相似文献   

以几种颜色不相同的彩色蚕茧和普通白色蚕茧为原料,采用高温水煮提取各种样茧的丝胶蛋白,并以无水乙醇纯化。通过测定丝胶蛋白清除自由基的能力,判定丝胶蛋白是否具有抗氧化能力,同时比较彩色蚕茧和普通白色蚕茧丝胶蛋白抗氧化能力的大小。结果表明,彩色蚕茧与白色蚕茧丝胶蛋白均具有较强抗氧化能力,且差异不显著。  相似文献   

对圈养条件下各5例的朱鹮与鸡标本材料进行比较解剖.通过对它们各自的消化系统进行解剖、列表、比较,发现它们的消化系统发育差别主要体现在嗉囊、腺胃、肌胃、盲肠等4个消化器官上.其中最突出的是朱鹮的嗉囊、肌胃、盲肠都不如鸡的发达,而腺胃却比鸡的发达.  相似文献   

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