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The purpose of this study was to provide a detailed computed tomographic (CT) anatomic reference for the dromedary camel tarsus. Six cadaver pelvic limbs, obtained from three clinically and radiographically sound dromedary camels, were scanned in both soft tissue and bone windows starting from the calcaneal tuber towards the proximal metatarsus. Limbs were frozen at ?20°C and sectioned transversely via an electric bone saw. The CT images were evaluated and correlated with their corresponding cryosections. The resulting images provided detailed anatomic features for bones, joints and soft tissue components of the tarsus and are intended to serve as a basic reference for the CT scanning of the dromedary camel tarsal pathology.  相似文献   

Traumatic and infectious diseases of the eye and orbit can occur in horses. For diagnosis and monitoring of such diseases, medical imaging is useful including computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The aim of the current study was to describe CT and MRI anatomy of the equine orbit and ocular globe. The heads from four adult horses were scanned with a 6‐slice Emotion 6 CT (Siemens, Erlangen), and a 3.0 Tesla Siemens Verio 6 MRI using T1 and T2‐weighted sequences. To validate CT and MR reference images, these were compared with anatomical models and gross anatomical sections. The bony limits of the orbital cavity, the relationship of the orbit with sinuses and foramina of the skull were well identified by CT. MRI was useful to observe soft tissues and was able to identify adnexae of the ocular globe (eyelids, periorbital fat, extraocular muscles, lacrymal and tarsal glands). Although MRI was able to identify all components of the eye (including the posterior chamber), it could not differentiate sclera from choroid and retina. The only nerve identified was the optic nerve. Vessels were not seen in this series of cadaver heads. This study showed that CT and MRI are useful techniques to image the equine orbit and eye that can have clinical applications.  相似文献   

This study was performed to provide a detailed atlas of the normal arterial and venous canine vasculature in the cranial abdomen by dual‐phase computed tomographic angiography. Five adult beagles were positioned in dorsal recumbency on a multislice helical CT scanner. An unenhanced survey CT scan from the diaphragm to the pelvic inlet was performed. Bolus‐tracking software was used for the dual‐phase angiogram, and contrast medium was administered in a cephalic vein. The arterial phase was scanned from the mid‐abdomen to the cranial aspect of the diaphragm; the portal phase was scanned a few seconds after the arterial phase in the opposite direction. The DICOM studies from all dogs were analysed. Representative images were selected and anatomic structures labelled. Maximum intensity projections and three‐dimensional images were generated using software techniques. A detailed atlas of the venous and arterial vasculature of the cranial canine abdomen was created with the help of bolus‐tracking dual‐phase computed tomographic angiography (CTA). Practitioners can use this anatomic atlas with its detailed venous and arterial phase CT angiograms of the canine cranial abdomen to compare normal versus abnormal vascular anatomy.  相似文献   

Six cadaver pelvic limbs were obtained from clinically sound dromedary camels and examined radiographically and ultrasonographically using a 7.5 MHz convex transducer. Radiographic examination was performed in dorsoplantar, lateromedial, dorsolateral‐plantaromedial oblique and plantarolateral‐dorsomedial oblique projections, and the bony structures and articulations of the tarsal joint were outlined. The tarsus was ultrasonographically investigated in four planes (dorsal, medial, lateral and plantar), and each plane was scrutinized in four levels (calcaneal tuber, tibial malleoli, base of calcaneus and proximal end of metatarsus) in both transverse and longitudinal views. Limbs were examined grossly, frozen at ?20°C and sectioned. Radiographic and ultrasonographic findings correlated well with the gross anatomy and frozen sections. The normal appearance of bony and soft structures of the tarsus described in this study provided basic reference data for ultrasonographic and radiographic investigations of tarsal disorders in the dromedary camel.  相似文献   

采用7.5MHz的线扫探头对4个奶牛尸体跗关节和6头活体奶牛的8个跗关节的正常结 构进行了超声检查。一般骨骼的回声为光环或光线,关节囊呈明显的液怀暗区,腱质呈实性强回声。跗关节背侧的腓骨第三肌、趾长伸肌和趾内侧伸肌腱均可风到,下方为宽大的胫距关节囊,外侧为腓骨长肌和趾外侧伸肌腱,该腱周围有液性暗区的腱鞘。趾关节内侧超声影像图不清楚,后方是片状的趾浅屈肌和发达的趾深肌腱。  相似文献   



Contrast‐enhanced multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) allows high spatial and temporal resolution imaging of cardiac, thoracic, and abdominal structures. Accurate determination of the cause of pericardial effusion (PE) is essential to providing appropriate treatment and prognosis. Echocardiography and pericardial fluid analysis may not differentiate between causes of PE and cannot identify extracardiac metastasis.


Describe the thoracic and abdominal MDCT findings and evaluate the utility of MDCT to differentiate between neoplastic and nonneoplastic causes of PE in dogs.


Eleven client‐owned dogs with PE diagnosed by echocardiography.


Prospective observational study. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), 3‐view thoracic radiography, and contrast‐enhanced thoracic and abdominal MDCT images were evaluated for the presence of cardiac masses, pulmonary metastases, and abdominal masses. Histopathology in 5 dogs and survival analysis in all dogs were evaluated.


A neoplastic cause was identified in 6/11 dogs and a nonneoplastic cause was identified in 5/11. Cardiac MDCT findings were consistent with TTE findings in all dogs with right atrial (5/5) and heart base masses (1/1). Pulmonary metastases were identified in 1/11 dogs by thoracic radiography and in 2/11 dogs by MDCT. MDCT identified splenic or hepatic lesions consistent with neoplasia in 6/11 and 5/11 dogs, respectively. Focal MDCT pericardial changes at the pericardiocentesis site were noted in 3/11 dogs.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Multidetector computed tomography did not improve the detection of cardiac masses in dogs with PE over echocardiography. The benefit of MDCT was primarily in the detection of pulmonary metastases and extracardiac lesions using a single imaging modality.  相似文献   

The anatomical and clinical studies of computed tomography (CT) in Camelidae are scarce. The use of CT in large animal medicine is currently limited by the logistic problems of acquiring computed tomographic images. Several CT studies exist on adult llamas, but not in camels. Accurate interpretation of the planimetric CT normal anatomy is necessary for the study and evaluation of pathological tissues. The purpose of our work was to evaluate the thorax of the newborn camel and related structures by means of CT images and macroscopic sections. One newborn camel of one week was used. It was euthanized for medical reasons unrelated to disease of the thorax. CT images were obtained and detailed anatomy of the thorax was acquired. Different CT windows, soft‐tissue and pulmonary windows, were applied in order to obtain detailed attenuation shades of the thoracic structures. The camel was frozen and sectioned using an electric saw, and we obtained high quality images of the thorax compared with CT images. Clinically relevant anatomic structures of the thorax cavity were identified and labelled in the corresponding CT and gross‐section photographs. The information presented in this paper should serve as an initial reference to evaluate CT images of the newborn camel thorax.  相似文献   

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