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广东黄皮蔗组织培养技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广东黄皮蔗茎梢部作为外植体进行培养,M S 2,4-D 2.5mg/L对诱导愈伤组织效果较佳;MS BA1.0mg/L KT1.0mg/L NAA0.3mg/L对分化绿苗及其增殖效果最好;选用1/2MS IBA1.5mg/L NAA1.5mg/L附加活性炭0.05%,对促根的效果最好;具有根系的完整植株的组培苗移到苗圃假植,待苗高18-20cm以上,分单株定植大田,成活率可达95%以上.  相似文献   

Background:Bioactive glasses 58S, are silicate-based materials containing calcium and phosphate, which dissolved in body fluid and bond to the bone tissue. This type of bioactive glass is highly biocompatible and has a wide range of clinical applications. Methods:The 58S glass powders were synthesized via sol-gel methods, using tetraethyl orthosilicate, triethyl phosphate, and calcium nitrate, as precursors. Upon the analyses of phase and chemical structures of bioactive glass in different gelation times (12, 48, and 100 h), the appropriate heat treatment (at 525, 575, and 625 °C) was performed to eliminate nitrate compounds and stabilize the glass powder samples. The in vitro assay in SBF solution revealed the bioactivity of the synthesized 58S glass through the morphological (SEM), chemical structure (FTIR), release of calcium, phosphorous and silicon elements, pH variations, and weight loss measurements. The behavior of MSCs in the presence of bioactive glass powders was studied by MTT cytotoxicity, cell staining, ALP activity and biomineralization tests, as well as by the evaluation of ALP, osteocalcin, osteonectin, collagen I, and RUNX2 gene expression. Results: The results confirmed a gelation time of 100 h and a calcination temperature of 575 °C at optimal conditions for the synthesis of nitrate-free bioactive glass powders. Conclusion:The glass spherical nanoparticles in the range of 20-30 nm possess the improved bioactivity and osteogenic properties as demanded for bone tissue engineering. Key Words: Bioactive glass 58S, Gene expression, Mesenchymal stem cells  相似文献   

本文是对红麻茎发育进行解剖研究的结果。研究表明:红麻茎韧皮纤维层、木质部的发育均以旺长期最快;束纤维横切面积是后分化大于先分化的纤维束,而单纤维横切面积则是先分化大于后分化的纤维;红麻茎木质部发育的速度往往数倍于韧皮部;不同肥料对麻茎生长的影响,N肥以生长前期影响最大,而K肥对麻茎发育的影响以旺长期效果最为明显,作为选纸原料的红麻更应重施K肥。  相似文献   

Background:Mesenchymal stem cells enhance tissue repair through paracrine effects following transplantation. The versican protein is one of the important factors contributing to this repair mechanism. Using MSC conditioned medium for cultivating monocytes may increase versican protein production and could be a good alternative for transplantation of MSCs. This study investigates the effect of culture medium conditioned by human MSCs on the expression of the versican gene in PBMCs under hypoxia-mimetic and normoxic conditions. Methods:The conditioned media used were derived from either adipose tissue or from WJ. Flow cytometry for surface markers (CD105, CD73, and CD90) was used to confirm MSCs. The PBMCs were isolated and cultured with the culture media of the MSC derived from either the adipose tissue or WJ. Desferrioxamine and cobalt chloride (200 and 300 µM final concentrations, respectively) were added to monocytes media to induce hypoxia-mimetic conditions. Western blotting was applied to detect HIF-1α protein and confirm hypoxia-mimetic conditions in PBMC. Versican gene expression was assessed in PBMC using RT-PCR. Western blotting showed that the expression of HIF-1α in PBMC increased significantly (p < 0.01). Results:RT-PCR results demonstrated that the expression of the versican and VEGF genes in PBMC increased significantly (p < 0.01) in hypoxia-mimetic conditions as compared to normoxia. Conclusion:Based on the findings in the present study, the secreted factors of MSCs can be replaced by direct use of MSCs to improve damaged tissues.Key Words: Adipose tissue, Hypoxia, Mesenchymal stem cells, Wharton’s jelly  相似文献   

江燕  黎星辉  浦滇  蓝增全  吴田 《茶叶科学》2020,40(4):492-500
以茶树为研究对象,采用茶树茎材切片及染色技术,在生物数码显微镜的普通光和荧光下,对未处理的茶树茎材切片、番红染色茶树茎材切片及吖啶橙染色茶树茎材切片进行比较与分析。结果表明,茶树茎材切片使用吖啶橙染色后在普通光和荧光下确定树龄的效果较好。这种基于数字图像确定茶树树龄的吖啶橙染色法,具有快速、准确、简单和成本低等特点,对大茶树和古茶树活体生长锥取样年轮条的年轮识别具有科学参考意义。  相似文献   

以EM菌堆肥作底肥,探讨了其对马铃薯生长及产量的影响。结果表明:施用EM菌作底肥后,马铃薯长势良好,植株增高,茎叶粗壮,叶色浓绿,较对照增产25.20%~38.03%,且能大大降低发病率。  相似文献   

离子注入甜菜种子生物效应研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验表明:N+离子注入甜菜种子后,叶片过氧化物酶同功酶的活性与离子注入的剂量有关,低剂量的离子注入有利于酶的活化并产生新的酶带;植株生长量和生长势也有明显提高,尤以注入剂量4×1016和60次脉冲处理为佳。本文还探讨了离子注入在诱变育种中辐照损伤及其机理。  相似文献   

The genoprotective effect of American and Asian ginseng on human lymphocytic DNA was studied. Using the comet assay, aqueous extracts of both types of ginseng were shown to diminish hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage. In contrast, and in accordance with traditional Chinese medicine beliefs, addition of the juice from Chinese turnip counteracted the beneficial effect of ginseng. Results showed that incubating ginseng along with turnip juice abolished the DNA protective effect of both American and Asian ginseng. Although the exact mechanism has not been elucidated, the counteracting effect of turnip on ginseng seems unlikely to be mediated by enzymatic action as the effect was seen with boiled as well as unboiled turnip extract.  相似文献   

利用实验室制备的一种生物诱抗剂(Biological resistance inducer,BRI)成功诱导玉米对圆斑病菌(Cochliobolus carbonum)的抗性,BRI对玉米圆斑病菌孢子萌发及菌丝生长无明显影响.温室接种试验结果表明,BRI浓度在10 ~ 100 μg/mL范围内,随着BRI浓度提高,其诱导玉米抗圆斑病的效果也相应提高.当BRI处理玉米后1h再接种玉米圆斑病菌,能诱导玉米产生抗性、减轻病害;随着病菌接种时间的推移,其诱导抗性逐渐加强,控病效果逐渐提高;在接种前5h喷施BRI,其防病效果达峰值(77.46%);接种前6h喷施BRI,防病效果缓慢下降.当接种孢子在1×103~5×104个/mL时,BRI防病效果达60.95% ~ 71.46%;当接种孢子达1x105个/mL时,防病效果仅达18.08%.  相似文献   

合适的采胶强度对于橡胶树持续高产稳产至关重要。最近的大田试验表明,阻断乳管伤口堵塞物积累的一种新型排胶调节剂具有明显的增产效应。以橡胶树无性系热研8-79为材料,通过分析胶乳的几个生理参数,评价该增产效应的采胶强度。结果表明,在8月和10月,新型排胶调节剂处理的第一刀具有明显的增产效应。在测定的几个胶乳生理指标中,胶乳产量显著高于对照,硫醇、蔗糖和无机磷含量以及10月的干胶含量与对照无显著差异,但8月的干胶含量显著低于对照,表明其增产效应主要与胶乳产量增加有关。与0.5%乙烯利相比,施用新型排胶调节剂的不同刀次胶乳生理参数的变化更接近对照,表明采胶强度小于乙烯利。  相似文献   

一种水稻光温敏核不育系提纯繁殖方法的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对水稻光温敏核不育系高世代提纯繁殖过程中起点温度漂变的问题,利用生产用安农810S、P88S和C815S 3个光温敏核不育系种子,通过建立2个遗传背景完全相同的不育系大群体,实现核心单株筛选与繁殖同步进行,研究一种不育系提纯繁殖的方法.  相似文献   

玉米株型性状的遗传参数研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择玉米株型性状时应以GCA为主,重点考虑亲本自身的性状特点。株高GCA与穗位GCA、叶面积GCA,穗位GCA与叶面积GCA,叶长GCA与叶面积GCA〈叶面积GCA与叶片数GCA之间相关显著或极显著,相互间选择有促进作用。辽76、辽87、辽5088、沈137等自交系可根据育种目标加以利用。  相似文献   

花生缺锰症及锰肥喷施效果初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验表明,花生叶面喷施锰肥.能减轻甚至避免因缺锰引起的生理性病害发生.平均增产3.8%~20%。适宜喷施时期与用量:以在初花期用0.2%MnSO4溶液叶面喷施一次为宜.用量为L8kghm^2,  相似文献   

[目的]探索施用配方肥对粳稻经济性状及土壤化肥使用减量的影响。[方法]在大关镇畈村开展了粳稻施用配方肥生产示范试验。[结果]粳稻施用配方肥A,可减施化肥(折纯)64.5 kg/hm^2,增产694.5 kg/hm^2;施用配方肥B可减施化肥(折纯)42.0 kg/hm^2,增产633.0 kg/hm^2。[结论]水稻生产可大面积推广使用配方肥,对粳稻而言,配方肥A效果最佳。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨施用有机无机复合肥对水稻经济、生产性状的影响。[方法]在大关镇继发家庭农场开展了水稻施用有机无机复合肥生产示范试验。[结果]施用"丰仙"有机无机复合肥水稻产量最高,达到10 896 kg/hm^2,分别比常规施肥及施用"嘉有"复合肥处理增产11.1%、27.3%。[结论]"丰仙"有机无机复合肥在水稻生产中可以大面积推广应用。  相似文献   

水稻新资源光温敏雄性核不育系育性转换特性的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
雷开荣 《杂交水稻》1997,12(5):7-9,22
在籼型后代渝85-1A-4/IR8 F3代中发现光温敏雄性核不育新-CQPGMS,经定向选择,育出101S,3001S,7646S等3个两用核不育系。它们的不育临界起点温度低,在重庆有40d以上稳定完全不育期,制种安全可靠。3001S,101S有较好的光敏性,在重庆自然条件下,9月初能转为可育,易于繁殖。  相似文献   

利用水稻温敏核不育系核心单株筛选时的花粉镜检结果,分段统计水稻温敏核不育系群体染色花粉率的分布,设计了染色花粉率变幅、平均染色花粉率、染色花粉率为0的株率、株率峰值及其染色花粉率区段5个指标来分析判断不育系的育性转换特性和群体育性稳定性。结果表明,该方法可以更深入了解水稻温敏核不育系的群体育性表现。  相似文献   

浙江冬闲田亚麻栽培技术初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对浙江冬闲田种植亚麻的高产栽培技术进行了试验。结果如下:选择排灌方便的田块,选种高产抗寒品种阿里安,晚稻收割后,及时早播,一般在12月上中旬播种;做好杂草防治工作,芽前封土处理以72%都尔乳油的效果较好,持效期长,施用量为130ml/666.7m^2。苗后防治的药剂可选择10.8%高效盖草能乳油、5%禾草杀星、17.5%快刀乳油,用药量为60ml/666.7m^2,在亚麻出苗20—30天(此时杂草约在2—3叶期)兑水50kg喷雾;肥料(复合肥)施用总量为30kg/666.7m^2,合理分配基追肥的比例,可为2:1;后期要防止倒伏,及时收获。  相似文献   

本文对浙江冬闲田种植亚麻的高产栽培技术进行了试验.结果如下选择排灌方便的田块,选种高产抗寒品种阿里安,晚稻收割后,及时早播,一般在12月上中旬播种;做好杂草防治工作,芽前封土处理以72%都尔乳油的效果较好,持效期长,施用量为130ml/666.7m2.苗后防治的药剂可选择10.8%高效盖草能乳油、5%禾草杀星、17.5%快刀乳油,用药量为60ml/666.7m2,在亚麻出苗20-30天(此时杂草约在2-3叶期)兑水50kg喷雾;肥料(复合肥)施用总量为30kg/666.7m2,合理分配基追肥的比例,可为21;后期要防止倒伏,及时收获.  相似文献   

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - Obesity is an important public health concern and is directly related with chronic noncommunicable diseases that affect the health of millions of people around the...  相似文献   

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