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李光华 《热带农业科技》2012,35(1):22-25,28
云南普洱市是我国咖啡主要产区之一。分析认为农村咖啡资源分散和咖啡企业多、小、散、弱是该市咖啡产业发展的两大机制性障碍;提出组建农民咖啡专业合作组织,整合咖啡企业将会形成新的、充满活力的运行机制,实现普洱咖啡新一轮的快速、健康发展。  相似文献   

指出了林下经济是一种绿色经济,通过发展林下经济可以获得良好的经济效益、社会效益及生态效益。在目前的现代林业发展过程中,林下经济的作用越来越突出,已成为现代林业产业发展的一种主流形式。阐述了思茅区林下经济产业发展有利条件和林下经济产业发展潜力,并对思茅区林下经济产业发展作出了相应的效益评价,希望为其他地区的林下经济发展提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

普洱茶文化旅游作为边境民族地区农民脱贫致富的重要途径,扮演着越来越重要的角色。基于此,对普洱市思茅区茶旅融合发展的现状与制约因素进行分析,提出思茅区茶旅产业高质量发展的相关举措,如深入挖掘文化、打造精品项目、广拓宣传渠道、引入高端人才、坚持联农兴农等,为边境民族地区深化落实乡村振兴发展战略与茶旅产业高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

绿色发展已经是世界各国发展的一个重要趋势。普洱市的咖啡产业是当地特色产业,不仅带动当地农民致富,同时也促生了许多相关产业发展。由于生产技术落后、绿色发展理念滞后等原因,普洱市咖啡初加工企业在加工过程中产生了大量污染。文章分析了普洱市咖啡初加工企业对绿色初加工技术的采纳意愿,并给出相应建议。  相似文献   

埃塞俄比亚是咖啡原产地,经实地调研、访问专家、查阅资料等多种方式考察了埃塞俄比亚的咖啡生产情况,扼要介绍了埃塞俄比亚咖啡生产的历史和现状.旨在为我国咖啡产业的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

概述国际咖啡产业行业方向转变和技术革新的形势,并对普洱市咖啡产业如何与国际接轨,实现咖啡产业持续、稳定发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

从考察角度介绍了越南咖啡产业发展现状,越南咖啡产业在生产、加工、贸易和科研中取得的成就及存在的主要问题,为我省与越南在今后咖啡产业方面更好地合作及交流提供参考。  相似文献   

论述云南普洱市热区资源的特点和咖啡产业发展现状,对咖啡产业发展前景和当前制约咖啡竞争能力提升的主要因素进行探讨,并提出建议。  相似文献   

咖啡产业一直以来都是临沧市农民增收的重要支柱产业之一,近年临沧市加大发展力度,咖啡累计种植面积达4.101万hm2,位居云南省第二位,先后获得“中国临沧精品咖啡豆示范区”“中国精品咖啡核心产区”称号。2017/2018季,全市咖啡产量2.05万t,实现综合产值6.3亿元。本文通过对临沧咖啡产业发展现状的分析,找出咖啡产业发展中存在的问题,提出强化咖啡产业基地建设、推进产品精深加工、打造临沧精品咖啡品牌等发展对策。  相似文献   

咖啡产业是保山市的一大特色农业,大力发展咖啡产业是繁荣山区经济和实现乡村振兴的一条有效出路。从自然条件、政府政策、产业体系、市场前景等方面梳理保山咖啡产业发展现状。研究发现,虽然咖啡产业在保山市具有一定规模,成为特色产业,国内市场前景看好,但其存在易受国际期货价格波动影响,种植端粗放,加工端配套不足,销售端推广不成熟等问题。藉此,提出标准化生产,健全咖啡产业保险机制,提升管理和科技水平,强化品牌营销等策略。  相似文献   

Coffea arabica shrubs are indigenous to the understorey of the moist evergreen montane rainforest of Ethiopia. Semi-forest coffee is harvested from semi-wild plants in forest fragments where farmers thin the upper canopy and annually slash the undergrowth. This traditional method of coffee cultivation is a driver for preservation of indigenous forest cover, differing from other forms of agriculture and land use which tend to reduce forest cover. Because coffee farmers are primarily interested in optimizing coffee productivity, understanding how coffee yield is maximized is necessary to evaluate how, and to what extent, coffee production can be compatible with forest conservation.Abiotic variables and biotic variables of the canopy were recorded in 26 plots within 20 forest fragments managed as semi-forest coffee systems near Jimma, SW Ethiopia. In each plot, coffee shrub characteristics and coffee yield were recorded for four coffee shrubs. Cluster and indicator species analyses were used to differentiate plant communities of shade trees. A multilevel linear mixed model approach was then used to evaluate the effect of abiotic soil variables, shade tree plant community, canopy and stand variables, coffee density and coffee shrub size variables on coffee yield.Climax species of the rainforest were underrepresented in the canopy. There were three impoverished shade tree communities, which differed in tree species composition but did not exhibit significant differences in abiotic soil variables, and did not directly influence coffee yield. Coffee yield was primarily determined by coffee shrub branchiness and basal diameter. At the stand level a reduced crown closure increased coffee yield. Yield was highest for coffee shrubs in stands with crown closure less than median (49 ± 1%). All stands showed a reduced number of stems and a lower canopy compared to values reported for undisturbed moist evergreen montane rainforests.Traditional coffee cultivation is associated to low tree species diversity and simplified forest structure: few stems, low canopy height and low crown closure. Despite intensive human interference some of the climax species are still present and may escape local extinction if they are tolerated and allowed to regenerate. The restoration of healthy populations of climax species is critical to preserve the biodiversity, regeneration capacity, vitality and ecosystem functions of the Ethiopian coffee forests.  相似文献   

在云南热区合理的间作能为小粒咖啡提供适度荫蔽,改善生态环境,有利于咖啡生长发育,减轻寒害、病虫和草害影响,为咖啡丰产、稳产,提高园地产出率,降低成本创造条件;橡胶+咖啡,香蕉+咖啡,澳洲坚果+咖啡,龙眼、荔枝+咖啡是小粒咖啡间作的优势组合。  相似文献   

Quality is an important attribute of coffee. Therefore it is important to understand the effect of overstory trees not only on the environment and long-term coffee production, but also on the quality of coffee grown underneath the trees. This study compared coffee quality of Coffea arabica L. vars. Caturra and Catimor 5175 under different levels of shade in a low-elevation, sub-optimal environment for coffee in Costa Rica. Fruit weight and bean size increased significantly when shade intensity was increased from 0% to more than 80% under unpruned Erythrina poeppigiana. While large beans (diameter > 6.7 mm) accounted for 49 and 43% of the coffee from unshaded Caturra and Catimor, respectively, these proportions increased to 69 and 72% under dense permanent shade. This suggested a stronger shade benefit for Catimor than for Caturra. The conversion percentages from fresh-weight coffee fruits to dry-weight green coffee for export were not affected by the treatments. A blind tasting experiment showed consistent shade-induced improvements in appearance of green and roasted coffee as well as in acidity and body of the brew for both varieties. The effect of shade on aroma of the brew was neutral for Caturra and slightly negative for Catimor. It is hypothesized that, in the sub-optimal (low-altitude) coffee-zone studied, shade promotes slower and more balanced filling and uniform ripening of berries, thus yielding a better-quality product than unshaded coffee plants. Shade experiments along environmental gradients should help to validate this conjecture and its relative importance in different coffee-zones.  相似文献   

Both model and field estimations were made of the damage inflicted to coffee plants due to the harvest of timber shade trees (Cordia alliodora) in coffee plantations. Economic analyses were made for different coffee planting densities, yields, and both coffee and timber prices.Damage due to tree felling and log skidding should not be a major limitation to the use of timber shade trees in coffee plantations. The timber price that would balance all discounted losses and benefits to zero, for scenarios with and without trees ranged between 8–20 US $/m3 (current overbark log volume at the saw mill yard is US$ 66/m3). There will be lower margins for coffee damage in high yielding plantations, specially in years of good coffee prices. Nevertheless, the use of timber shade trees is recommended even in these scenarios.  相似文献   

Coffee leaf rust (CLR), caused by Hemileia vastarix, is one of the most serious diseases of coffee plantations and cause great losses in coffee production. We aimed to examine coffee varieties, shade, age of coffee plants, coffee plant density and soil properties in relation to CLR infection. To do this, we established a total of 75 plots in three agroforestry coffee plantations in the central Peruvian Amazon. We gathered data there in 2011 (dry season) on the presence/absence of CLR; coffee variety; age and density of coffee plants, and also took hemispherical photographs to determine canopy openness. In 2014 (wet season), we again gathered data on the same variables. In 2012, we collected soil samples from a subset of the plots. At all plantations, coffee variety had a significant effect on CLR incidence, with the Catimor variety infected less frequently than Caturra. Coffee plant age had a significant positive effect on CLR incidence. Increasing coffee density also increased CLR incidence for some of the studied plantations/seasons. Comparing those plots from which data were collected in the dry and wet seasons, we found that CLR presence was significantly higher in the wet season. The effect of shade on CLR incidence was not clear. Catimor and Caturra varieties showed opposite trends of CLR incidence in response to shade quantity in most cases (Caturra variety CLR incidence was decreasing with shading increase and Catimor CLR incidence decreasing with decreasing shading). Finally, the soil properties did not affect CLR incidence.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted from 1984 to 1994 in the North of Paraná State, Brazil (23°45′ S, 52°30′ W), to evaluate the effect of Grevillea robusta (grevillea) on interplanted coffee. Grevillea was planted in five densities (26, 34, 48, 71, and 119 trees per ha). Compared with open grown coffee, there was no decline in the yield of coffee under grevillea at densities of 26, 34, and 48 trees per ha; however, total economic productivity (including the value of both coffee and grevillea) was higher for combinations of coffee and grevillea at 34, 48, and 71 trees per ha. The severe radiative frost of June 1994 that damaged most coffee plants did not damage coffee plants interplanted under grevillea trees at densities of 71 and 119 trees per hectare. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Coffee consumption is worldwide spread with few side effects. Interestingly, coffee intake has been inversely related to the serum enzyme activities gamma-glutamyltransferase, and alanine aminotransferase in studies performed in various countries. In addition, epidemiological results, taken together, indicate that coffee consumption is inversely related with hepatic cirrhosis; however, they cannot demonstrate a causative role of coffee with prevention of liver injury. Animal models and cell culture studies indicate that kahweol, diterpenes and cafestol (some coffee compounds) can function as blocking agents by modulating multiple enzymes involved in carcinogenic detoxification; these molecules also alter the xenotoxic metabolism by inducing the enzymes glutathione-S-transferase and inhibiting N-acetyltransferase. Drinking coffee has been associated with reduced risk of hepatic injury and cirrhosis, a major pathogenic step in the process of hepatocarcinogenesis, thus, the benefit that produces coffee consumption on hepatic cancer may be attributed to its inverse relation with cirrhosis, although allowance for clinical history of cirrhosis did not completely account for the inverse association. Therefore, it seems to be a continuum of the beneficial effect of coffee consumption on liver enzymes, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. At present, it seems reasonable to propose experiments with animal models of liver damage and to test the effect of coffee, and/or isolated compounds of this beverage, not only to evaluate the possible causative role of coffee but also its action mechanism. Clinical prospective double blind studies are also needed.  相似文献   

Fruit set and quality of highland coffee (Coffea arabica) have been experimentally shown to be higher with bee-mediated or manual pollen supplementation than with autonomous self-pollination. Based on extrapolation from these small-scale experiments, very substantial monetary values for the pollination service have recently been suggested. However, previous research has not included direct measurement of coffee yield at a farm level in relation to pollinator activity, testing if pollinators are not only limiting fruit set and quality, but also coffee yield and farm profit. The extrapolations from small-scale experiments may be subject to error, because resource reallocation during fruit development, associated with enhanced pollination, was neglected, and many studies were restricted to a single coffee farm, limiting the validity of extrapolation. Here, we investigate the relationship between coffee yield and the community of coffee flower-visiting bees on 21 farms in Ecuador, where coffee is grown under tree shade. Our data show, for the first time on a farm-scale, that coffee yield was positively related to the density of non-managed, social flower-visiting bees per coffee shrub, but not to the number of inflorescences per shrub. Our data revealed that a fourfold increase in bee density was associated with an 80% increase in yield and an 800% increase in net revenues. Consequently, in our study higher yield associated with increased pollination generated higher revenues per hectare, so that farm profit was higher when bees were abundant.  相似文献   

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