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寒冬季节,气温偏低,万物收藏,冬生阴冷,猪只抵抗力下降,集约化饲养条件下,呼吸道传染病成为重要疾病,PRDC(呼吸道综合症)是由多种病原、细菌、病毒混合感染和继发感染所致。加上环境因素、营养因素、应激反应等因素的共同作用,大大增加了本病的复杂性和诊病防控上的难度,务必正确诊断,综合治理,才能使猪少病少死乃至不病不死,提高养殖效益。  相似文献   

<正>寒冬季节,气温偏低万物收藏,冬生阴冷,猪只抵抗力下降,集约化饲养条件下,呼吸道传染病成为重要疾病,PRDC(呼吸道综合征)是由多种病原、细菌、病毒混合感染和继发感染所致。加上环境因素、营养因素、应激反应等因素的共同作用,大大增加了本病的复杂性和诊病防控上的难度,  相似文献   

冬季天气寒冷,气温偏低,风、雨、雪及寒流随时都有可能发生,侵袭鸡群,使得肉鸡易发生呼吸道疾病,这无疑给肉鸡饲养者的经济效益带来损失。因此,在冬季对肉鸡呼吸道疾病必须采取综合性防制措施,降低其发病率,减少损失。一.做好防寒保温和环境卫生当气温急骤下降,防寒保温工作跟不上时,往往易使肉鸡外感风寒,发生咳嗽、喷嚏、气管罗音及呼吸困难等症状为特征的呼吸道疾病。因而,饲养者要掌握好气候的变化,做好防寒保温工作。鸡舍要维修好,防止贼风,穿堂风侵袭鸡群。平地饲养的肉鸡群要加厚垫料,利用垫料来提高室内温度。但是…  相似文献   

本文重点阐述了猪上呼吸道和下呼吸道的微生物群组成,以及影响微生物群落发展和呼吸道疾病发病的因素。猪上呼吸道的微生物群组成在分娩后改变明显,在断奶前后趋于稳定,并受到抗生素使用、饮食管理和饲养环境等因素的影响。一些研究对猪下呼吸道微生物群的相对丰度报告了不同的结果,且对肺部微生物群组成的研究结果差异更大。猪呼吸系统微生物多样性的减少和结构失衡,会导致呼吸系统疾病患病率的升高。  相似文献   

近年来,猪呼吸道疾病在猪场流行非常广泛,给养猪户带来了重大的经济损失,笔者根据十多年来在猪场工作的实践经验,就猪呼吸道疾病的特点与防制进行详细分析及探讨,望能给同行有所帮助。  相似文献   

猪呼吸道疾病综合症的综合防制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪呼吸道疾病综合症(PRDC)是一种多因子性疾病,即由病毒性、细菌性和非病原性,如温和型猪瘟、支原体肺炎、蓝耳病毒(PRRS)、伪狂犬病毒、猪圆环病毒、猪流感病毒、支气管败血性波氏杆菌等原发病原和猪链球菌属2型、副猪嗜血杆菌病、猪肺疫、放线杆菌胸膜肺炎以及猪蛔虫等继发病原以及不良的饲养管理条件和易感猪群等综合因素相互作用而引起的疾病综合症。猪以出现咳嗽、呼吸困难等上呼吸道症状  相似文献   

猪呼吸道疾病是一类以气喘病(即霉形体肺炎)为主的广泛而又严重的疾病,不但在集约化饲养的商品猪场中较为普遍,而且在种猪场也不同程度地存在。主要侵害猪的上下呼吸道,对肺脏产生不同程度的病理变化。根据欧洲及美国等国的调查表明,在屠宰场中猪酮体肺脏病变率占屠宰量的40%~80%。由于呼吸道疾病引起的症状及肺部病变直接影响猪的生长和饲料利用率,损失是巨大的。猪的呼吸道疾病是一种综合症,引起疾病的原因既有主要病原的致病作用,也有其他微生物的混合感染或继发感染;既有饲养中的营养因素,也有饲养环境中的不良条件,…  相似文献   

猪呼吸道疾病综合征的防制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作者阐述了猪呼吸道疾病综合征是一种多因子复合类型疾病,其病原分为原发性病原、继发性或并发性病原且该病与养猪不良环境条件有关,根据患病猪的临床症状、剖检变化,提出了综合防制措施。  相似文献   

冬季为呼吸道疾病高发的季节,养殖户应该注意呼吸道疾病的暴发,无论从饲养管理还是保健方面都应该提前做好准备,未雨绸缪,以免给养猪事业带来大的损失。1做好第一个关键措施:保暖保暖工作在北方地区是每年冬天都必须做的,也是必不可少的一项工作,可是每年都出问题。冬季扣棚养猪是北方很多养殖户采取的一种常见方式,扣棚是非常讲究的工作,  相似文献   

随着冬季的来临,养鸡生产过程中,经常遇到鸡呼吸道病,鸡只不仅生长发育受影响,而且因死亡及耗用药物造成经济上严重损失。引起鸡群出现呼吸道病症的原因很多,鸡舍的通风、温度及湿度之间的矛盾,使鸡在冬季长期处于缺氧、低温、高湿、高氨、高二氧化碳的恶劣环境之中,导致鸡抵抗能力降低、易患疾病,特别是呼吸道疾病。养鸡者在作出诊断和类似病症鉴别时往往感到困难。现就冬  相似文献   

Polymicrobial respiratory disease in pigs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Respiratory disease in pigs is common in modern pork production worldwide and is often referred to as porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC). PRDC is polymicrobial in nature, and results from infection with various combinations of primary and secondary respiratory pathogens. As a true multifactorial disease, environmental conditions, population size, management strategies and pig-specific factors such as age and genetics also play critical roles in the outcome of PRDC. While non-infectious factors are important in the initiation and outcome of cases of PRDC, the focus of this review is on infectious factors only. There are a variety of viral and bacterial pathogens commonly associated with PRDC including porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), swine influenza virus (SIV), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (MHYO) and Pasteurella multocida (PMULT). The pathogenesis of viral respiratory disease is typically associated with destruction of the mucocilliary apparatus and with interference and decrease of the function of pulmonary alveolar and intravascular macrophages. Bacterial pathogens often contribute to PRDC by activation of inflammation via enhanced cytokine responses. With recent advancements in pathogen detection methods, the importance of polymicrobial disease has become more evident, and identification of interactions of pathogens and their mechanisms of disease potentiation has become a topic of great interest. For example, combined infection of pigs with typically low pathogenic organisms like PCV2 and MHYO results in severe respiratory disease. Although the body of knowledge has advanced substantially in the last 15 years, much more needs to be learned about the pathogenesis and best practices for control of swine respiratory disease outbreaks caused by concurrent infection of two or more pathogens. This review discusses the latest findings on polymicrobial respiratory disease in pigs.  相似文献   

Proinflammatory cytokines and viral respiratory disease in pigs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Swine influenza virus (SIV), porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) are enzootic viruses causing pulmonary infections in pigs. The first part of this review concentrates on known clinical and pathogenetic features of these infections. SIV is a primary respiratory pathogen; PRCV and PRRSV, on the contrary, tend to cause subclinical infections if uncomplicated but they appear to be important contributors to multifactorial respiratory diseases. The exact mechanisms whereby these viruses cause symptoms and pathology, however, remain unresolved. Classical studies of pathogenesis have revealed different lung cell tropisms and replication kinetics for each of these viruses and they suggest the involvement of different lung inflammatory responses or mediators. The proinflammatory cytokines interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha), tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) have been shown to play key roles in several respiratory disease conditions. The biological effects of these cytokines and their involvement in human viral respiratory disease are discussed in the second part of this review. The third part summarises studies that were recently undertaken in the authors' laboratory to investigate the relationship between respiratory disease in pigs and bioactive lung lavage levels of IFN-alpha, TNF-alpha and IL-1 during single and combined infections with the above viruses. In single SIV infections, typical signs of swine "flu" were tightly correlated with an excessive and coordinate production of the 3 cytokines examined. PRCV or PRRSV infections, in contrast, were subclinical and did not induce production of all 3 cytokines. Combined infections with these 2 subclinical respiratory viruses failed to potentiate disease or cytokine production. After combined inoculation with PRCV followed by bacterial lipopolysaccharide, both clinical respiratory disease and TNF-alpha/IL-1 production were markedly more severe than those associated with the respective single inoculations. Taken together, these data are the first to demonstrate that proinflammatory cytokines can be important mediators of viral respiratory diseases in pigs.  相似文献   

冬季是鸡病的多发季节,气候寒冷、干燥,给肉仔鸡饲养管理带来一定的难度。现将冬季肉仔鸡饲养管理技术要点作一简单介绍,仅供同行参考。1改“地面平养”为“网上架养”冬季气候寒冷,鸡舍地面较凉,采用地面平养的饲养方式容易使鸡受凉而引起腹泻等症状,不利于肠道疾病的控制,尤其是大肠杆菌病、球虫病难以控制。采用“网上架养”具有节省垫料、降低球虫病、大肠杆菌病等疾病的发生、减少应激、易于环境控制等优点,并且使鸡供温均匀,有利于生长。因此,在冬季最好采用塑料棚网上架养。2处理好温度与通风的关系温度是鸡生长发育的主…  相似文献   

猪呼吸道病种类繁多,致病因素复杂,临床症状不一,病程长,疗程久,是养猪专业户和集约化猪场冬、春季节最常见、最棘手的疾病,防治不当往往会造成严重损失[1].  相似文献   

Prevention of edema disease in pigs by passive immunization.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of treatment with verotoxin 2e (VT2e) specific antiserum was evaluated in 3 Danish pig herds with edema disease (ED). The antiserum was prepared by immunizing horses with a VT2e toxoid. The study was performed as a randomized blind field trial with parallel treatment and control groups. There were approximately 50 piglets in each group in each of the 3 herds and 741 piglets were included in the study (244 from herd A, 249 from herd B, and 247 from herd C). Treatment groups received 2, 4, or 6 mL anti-VT2e serum intramuscularly the day before weaning. Control groups were treated with 6 mL normal horse serum or 6 mL RPMI 1640 medium as placebo. All pigs that died in the trial period (1 d before weaning to 44 d after weaning) were examined pathologically and microbiologically. Mortality due to ED, mortality due to other causes, and adverse effects due to treatment were recorded. As there was no mortality due to ED, herd B was excluded from statistical calculations on mortality. The content of horse antibodies specific to VT2e in serum from pigs was analyzed in an indirect ELISA. A higher dose of anti-VT2e serum was reflected in higher optical density values in the indirect ELISA. Transient adverse reactions, seen as vomiting, ataxia, and cyanosis, occurred shortly after the injection of horse serum in 1.5% of the pigs, and one pig died. There were no statistically significant differences in mortality due to other causes among the 3 treatment groups in herds A and C. Only pigs from which F18+, VT2e+, ST-, LT- hemolytic E. coli (0139 or O-rough) was isolated were diagnosed as dead due to ED. Deaths due to ED in the control groups were 8.1% and 12.0% in herds A and C, respectively, compared with 0% and 0.7% in the corresponding serum groups. The difference between treatment and control groups was statistically significant (P<0.0001). It was not possible to establish an effect of dose (2, 4, or 6 mL) of anti-VT2e serum, because only one pig died of ED in the treatment groups. It was concluded that passive immunization by intramuscular injection of a VT2e-specific antiserum can be used for protecting piglets against ED.  相似文献   

冬季气温低,日照少,农户养猪又多以敞圈饲养,常饲养6~7个月乃至10个月以上才能出栏,给生猪安全越冬以及快速育肥带来了一定难度,以下的一些措施希望能为广大养殖户提供参考,使您的生猪平安渡过寒冷的冬季。  相似文献   

鸡慢性呼吸道病是由鸡毒支原体引起的一种慢性呼吸道传染病。病鸡以咳嗽、鼻窦肿胀、流鼻液、气喘和呼吸罗音为特征,病情发展缓慢,病程较长,可在鸡群中长期蔓延,造成雏鸡生长发育不良、母鸡产蛋减少,常并发或继发其他病毒性、细菌性传染病而使病情加剧,死亡增多。虽然有多种高效药物对该病有较好疗效,但很难根治,容易复发,使病情处于时起时伏、时轻时重的状态,给养鸡生产造成重大损失。  相似文献   

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