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Objective To determine the effect of applying plastic clips to the breech and tail of lambs on the perineal and tail bare areas, breech wrinkle, dag (faecal) accumulation, urine stain, body weight and survival of lambs, compared with unclipped, unmulesed lambs and mulesed lambs. Method The study was conducted on five commercial wool‐growing farms in southern Australia. On each study site lambs (2–12‐weeks‐old) were divided into three groups: (1) unclipped, unmulesed control (tail dock only); (2) treated with clips; and (3) treated with the mules operation. Evaluations of effects, including visual scoring, bare area measurements and body weight, were performed before treatment and on or approximately days 30, 60, 90 and 180 after treatment. On each occasion, lambs were recorded as either present or absent to allow estimates of survival. Results The clip treatment increased the size of the perineal and tail bare areas compared with the unclipped, unmulesed control lambs (P < 0.05), although the increases were less than in mulesed lambs (P < 0.05). The clips reduced breech wrinkle, dag and urine stain to levels partway between those recorded in the unclipped, unmulesed controls and the mulesed lambs (P < 0.05). Clipped lambs weighed more than mulesed lambs after treatment (days 30–90 P < 0.001; day 180 P < 0.01) and had higher cumulative percentage survival to 90 days after treatment (P = 0.03). Conclusions The clips successfully modified the breech region of lambs, although the changes were less than with mulesing. The clips did not reduce the body weight of lambs, compared with the unclipped, unmulesed control lambs, and improved 90‐day cumulative percentage survival compared with mulesed lambs.  相似文献   

Background A two‐part study examined wound healing and contraction occurring after mulesing and two alternative methods of preventing breech flystrike in sheep. Objective To quantify wound healing using a scoring system and to assess the contractility of the wound bed of the breech after mulesing, cetrimide‐intradermal treatment and application of clips. Method The study group of 30 mulesed, 30 cetrimide‐intradermal treated, 30 control and 10 clip‐treated sheep were humanely killed at six time points from 3 to 47 days after each treatment. Wound healing post treatment was assessed using a scoring system, and contractility was assessed by the quantification of myofibroblast expression. Statistical analyses allowed comparisons of temporal wound healing and contraction between treatment groups. Results Mulesing wounds healed faster in the first 11 days, but by 19 days wound healing was similar between the mulesing and cetrimide‐intradermal groups. By 32 days, all three treatment groups had similar wound healing scores. There was greater myofibroblast expression in the mulesing group in the first 11 days after treatment, but by 19 days expression was similar in both the mulesing and cetrimide‐intradermal groups. The clip group had significantly less myofibroblast expression from 32 days after treatment. Conclusion Wound healing is initially most rapid after mulesing, but there are similar wound healing scores in the mulesing and cetrimide‐intradermal treatment groups by 19 days. Both mulesing and the cetrimide‐intradermal treatment induce a similar amount of wound bed contraction, with less contraction observed after application of clips.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the prevalence of breech flystrike (‘breech‐strike’) on 12–20‐month‐old Merino hoggets that were mulesed, had breech and tail clips applied (‘clipped’) or were left unmulesed but treated strategically with long‐acting insecticide. Design A cohort study on three farms in southern Victoria. Methods Three treatment groups were established at lamb marking on each farm. The unmulesed group was treated with dicyclanil when 12 months old in September or October (‘early‐season treatment’). The prevalence of breech‐strike and key risk factors, including soiling of the breech with faeces (‘dag’) and urine (‘stain’), and breech wrinkle, were compared between the groups. Results Over all the farms, breech‐strike occurred on 1.1% of mulesed sheep and 7.7% of clipped sheep. Clipped sheep had a relative risk of breech‐strike of 18.2‐, 16.8‐ and 3.0‐fold that of mulesed sheep on the three farms. Unmulesed sheep treated with dicyclanil had a similar prevalence of breech‐strike to that of mulesed sheep (overall 0.9%, range 0–2.5%), but had significantly more dag, stain and wrinkle. Conclusion Early‐season treatment of unmulesed sheep prevented most breech‐strikes during the spring and early summer, and offers a short‐ to medium‐term option for the control of breech‐strike in south‐eastern Australia. There were some benefits associated with using clips, namely less dag and stain, and a shorter time spent crutching. However, to control breech‐strike the clipped sheep should be treated the same as unmulesed sheep. Reducing the prevalence and severity of dag will be a major component of strategies to control breech‐strike of Merinos in this region.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of two long-acting non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) at reducing the pain and stress responses to mulesing in lambs. PROCEDURES: Merino lambs (n = 60) were allocated at 5 weeks of age to six treatment groups: (1) sham mules; (2) mules; (3) tolfenamic acid-sham mules; (4) tolfenamic acid administered 45 min before mulesing; (5) tolfenamic acid at the time of mulesing; (6) meloxicam at the time of mulesing. Plasma cortisol was measured at -0.75, -0.25, 0, 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h relative to mulesing. Beta-endorphin concentrations in plasma were determined at 0, 0.5, 1, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h. Haematology was performed on blood samples taken at -0.75, 0, 24, 48 and 72 h. Plasma haptoglobin was measured at 0, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h. Rate of wound healing was determined 72 h post mulesing, and animal behaviour, including posture, was measured for 6 h after mulesing. RESULTS: The mulesed lambs exhibited large increases in plasma concentrations of cortisol, beta-endorphin and haptoglobin. All mulesed animals lost weight significantly in the week after mulesing, regardless of analgesic administration, but the difference in weight between mulesed and unmulesed lambs was less at the final measurement, 2 weeks after mulesing. Mulesed lambs spent significantly less time lying ventrally than control lambs. All lambs that were mulesed, including those administered NSAIDs, spent more time standing with a hunched posture and less time walking normally than control lambs. CONCLUSIONS: The NSAID treatments applied 45 min before or at the time of mulesing at the dose levels used in this study were not effective in reducing the acute response of lambs to mulesing.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the effects on physiology and behaviour of intradermal injection of sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) as an alternative to mulesing. Procedures Three groups of Merino lambs were studied: Control (n = 10), SLS (n = 11) and Mulesed (n = 11). The SLS group received SLS (7% w/v) and benzyl alcohol (20 mg/mL) in phosphate buffer, and the Mulesed group received 6 mL topical local anaesthetic as a wound dressing. Haematology, cortisol, beta-endorphin and haptoglobin concentrations, rectal temperatures, body weight and behaviours were monitored for up to 42 days post treatments. Results SLS treatment induced mild swelling followed by thin scab formation. Fever (>40°C) was observed at 12 and 24 h, cortisol concentration was elevated on days 1 and 2, haptoglobin concentration was highly elevated on days 2–7, white blood cell count was elevated on days 2 and 4 post treatment, but average daily gain was not affected. Fever at 12 h was significantly higher in the SLS than in the Mulesed group, whereas maximum temperature, temperature area under the curve (AUC), occurrence of fever, cortisol profile, cortisol AUC, white blood cell counts and haptoglobin concentrations until day 7 were comparable. The behaviours of normal standing, total standing and total lying were modified for 2 days by SLS treatment, but changes were less marked and of shorter duration than in the Mulesed group. On day 1, the SLS group spent <5% of time in total abnormal behaviours compared with 18% in the Mulesed group. The SLS group tended to spend more time in abnormal behaviours on day 1 than the Controls. Conclusions The behaviour of the SLS group was similar to that of the unmulesed Controls and their physiological responses were intermediate between the Mulesed lambs receiving post-surgical analgesia and the Controls.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the pain responses of lambs to mulesing, and the effectiveness of potential analgesic treatments. PROCEDURES: Merino lambs (n=64) were allocated at 5 weeks of age to eight treatment groups: 1) sham mules; 2) conventional mules; 3) topical anaesthetic, incorporating lignocaine, bupivicaine, adrenaline and cetrimide, applied immediately after mulesing; 4) flunixin + topical anaesthetic, with flunixin administered 2.5 mg/kg s.c. 90 min before mulesing; 5) carprofen + topical anaesthetic, with carprofen administered 4 mg/kg s.c. 90 min before mulesing; 6) carprofen, administered as above; 7) flunixin, administered as above; and 8) carprofen + flunixin, administered as above. Plasma cortisol was measured at 0, 0.5, 6, 12 and 24 h relative to mulesing. Animal behaviour, including posture, was recorded for 12 h after mulesing. RESULTS: The conventional mules lambs exhibited large increases in plasma cortisol, reduced lying and increased standing with a hunched back compared with sham mules animals. Topical anaesthetic reduced the cortisol peak to mulesing and hunched standing, and increased lying compared with the conventional mules treatment, but generally did not result in values equivalent to sham mules animals. Carprofen, flunixin, and carprofen + flunixin treatments did not reduce the cortisol response to mulesing but substantially ameliorated some changes in behavioural postures. Flunixin + topical anaesthetic reduced the cortisol peak following mulesing and substantially ameliorated most changes in behavioural postures. Carprofen + topical anaesthetic abolished the cortisol peak following mulesing and substantially ameliorated most changes in behavioural postures. All mulesed animals lost weight in the week after mulesing regardless of analgesic administration, but there were no significant differences in growth rate between any of the eight treatments over the 3 weeks after mulesing. CONCLUSIONS: Analgesics can moderate the pain response of lambs to mulesing. The welfare outcome for lambs of mulesing could be improved by use of a combination of local anaesthetic and long acting non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究法国夏洛莱羊与中国美利奴羊(新疆型)杂交对其杂交后代生产性能的影响。本试验以法国夏洛莱羊为父本、中国美利奴羊(新疆型)为母本进行杂交试验,通过杂交试验初步研究对其杂交1代(F1)、回交1代(B1)体增重及毛品质的影响。结果表明,3月龄时,夏洛莱羊×中国美利奴羊(新疆型)F1代体重分别比B1代(试验2组)和中国美利奴羊(新疆型)提高2.8%(P>0.05)和46.5%(P<0.01);6月龄时,体重分别提高4.0%(P<0.01)和28.6%(P<0.01);3月龄、6月龄时B1代(试验2组)的体重分别比中国美利奴羊(新疆型)(对照组)提高42.5%(P<0.01)、23.7%(P<0.01)。在产毛量方面,夏洛莱羊×中国美利奴羊(新疆型)F1代的产毛量与B1代差异不显著(P>0.05),但与中国美利奴羊(新疆型)相比,夏洛莱羊×中国美利奴羊(新疆型)F1代、B1代的产毛量分别极显著降低了20.4%(P<0.01)和20.1%(P<0.01);从增重和产毛总的经济效益来看,与中国美利奴羊(新疆型)相比,夏洛莱羊×中国美利奴羊(新疆型)F1代和B1代总的经济收益分别提高了14.80%、10.88%。因此,法国夏洛莱羊与中国美利奴羊(新疆型)杂交可用于杂交优势生产羊肉,但不宜用于羊毛的生产。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of tail amputation and treatment with albendazole controlled-release capsule (CRC) on the health and productivity of prime lambs. DESIGN: Field trials on three farms. ANIMALS: About 551 Coopworth-Poll Dorset cross, 588 Border Leicester-Merino-Poll Dorset cross and 575 Corriedale-Poll Dorset cross lambs. PROCEDURE: On three farms, lambs with amputated tails were compared with an equal number of lambs with tails left entire. In both of these groups half the lambs were treated with an albendazole CRC 13 weeks after the start of lambing. Faecal soiling of the breech and flystrike of the breech were recorded. Lambs were weighed and body condition scored at each visit and carcase weights and fat score of each lamb at slaughter. Procedures on the slaughter chain were monitored to determine whether the retention of the tail caused any problems. RESULTS: There were no observed benefits of treatment with an albendazole CRC on the farms in the study. There was no strong evidence that tail amputation had any long-term effect on the growth rate of lambs or carcase traits. No detrimental effects were observed during processing of lambs with long tails in the abattoir. Lambs with entire tails had significantly greater mean dag scores than lambs with amputated tails. On one farm lambs with entire tails were at about twice the risk of requiring crutching and on another farm were at three times the risk of breech strike compared with lambs with amputated tails. CONCLUSION: This study provides evidence that amputating the tail is not an absolute requirement to maintain the health and welfare of prime lambs, but leaving the tail of prime lambs entire is likely to increase chemical usage to control flystrike, and to increase the frequency of crutching.  相似文献   

Objective   To determine the effectiveness of a topical anaesthetic formulation (Tri-Solfen) with or without the administration of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (carprofen) on the pain and distress response associated with ring or surgical castration of ram lambs.
Procedures   Merino ram lambs (n = 78) were allocated to 10 treatment groups: 4 groups of knife-castrated lambs and 4 groups of ring-castrated lambs received carprofen (4 mg/kg SC) and Tri-Solfen; 2 control groups (sham) received carprofen at 0 or 4 mg/kg SC. Measurements included plasma cortisol and haptoglobin concentrations, haematology, and behaviour, including posture.
Results   Knife-castrated lambs had higher peak cortisol and integrated cortisol responses for the first 6 h after treatment and greater concentration s of circulating acute phase proteins than ring-castrated lambs, both of which were significantly different from the sham controls. Tri-Solfen applied to the knife castration wound significantly reduced both the peak plasma cortisol concentration and the integrated cortisol response for the first 6 h and improved lying behaviour in the first 12 h. Carprofen reduced the cortisol response to knife castration at 30 min, but elevated the cortisol responses at 24 and 48 h. Carprofen nearly halved the number of acute pain behaviours associated with ring castration. There were no significant additive or synergistic effects from combining the analgesic treatments. Tri-Solfen applied to the tail wound provided no detectible benefits during ring castration + tail docking.
Conclusions   The physiological and behavioural responses suggest that ring castration has less impact on the lamb than knife castration. The specific analgesic treatments can provide modest amelioration of the pain and discomfort associated with castration. Alternative doses or application methods may enhance their efficacy.  相似文献   

Wool‐biting behavior in housed sheep is a serious animal welfare problem and is difficult to control. Since we have found that sheep fed on rolled hay performed less post‐feeding wool‐biting than those fed on baled hay, here we mixed these two kinds of hay in four different proportions (0%, 33%, 67% and 100% of rolled hay) to test the effect of rolled hay on repressing wool‐biting behavior. We also measured the pulling force needed to remove a piece of rolled hay, baled hay, wool and fresh grass. Wool‐biting occurred most frequently in the treatment containing 0% rolled hay; however, there was no significant difference between the other three treatments. The pulling force needed to remove a piece of baled hay was significantly weaker than that for the other three objects; no other significant differences in pulling force were found. Our results suggest that the wool‐biting behavior of sheep was due to feeding frustration, which arises when they lack the appropriate oral stimulation from performing their normal foraging movement; this then redirects to the wool on their pen‐mates. Feeding sheep rolled hay, even in low quantities, can provide them with appropriate oral stimulation and was effective in repressing wool‐biting behavior.  相似文献   

The effects of yeast culture (YC) supplementation and the dietary ratio of non‐structural carbohydrate to fat (NSCFR) on growth performance, carcass traits and fatty acid profile of the longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle in lambs were determined in a 2 × 3 full factorial experiment. Thirty‐six Small‐tailed Han lambs were randomly divided into six groups with six replicates per group. The lambs were fed one of the six pelleted total mixed rations (TMRs) for 60 days after 15 adaption days. The six rations were formed by two NSCFRs (11.37 and 4.57) and three YC supplementation levels (0, 0.8 and 2.3 g/kg dietary dry matter). The average daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) data of each lamb were recorded and calculated. All the lambs were slaughtered for determining carcass traits and fatty acid profile of the LD muscle. DMI was significantly increased (p < 0.05) in a quadratic fashion with 0.8 g/kg of YC supplementation. Carcass weight (CW) and dressing percentage (DP) were significantly increased (p < 0.05) in a linear fashion with 2.3 g/kg of YC supplementation. Animals fed with high‐NSCFR diet had higher (p < 0.05) contents of myristoleic acid (C14:1), pentadecanoic acid (C15:0) and cis‐10‐heptadecenoic acid (C17:1), and lower (p < 0.05) stearic acid (C18:0) content in LD muscle than those fed with low‐NSCFR diet. Moreover, ADG, growth rate (GR), backfat thickness (BFT), percentages of crude fat (CF) and crude protein (CP), SFAs, MUFAs and PUFAs in LD muscle, were significantly affected (p < 0.05) by interaction of dietary NSCFR and supplemental YC level. Overall, YC not only improved the growth performance and carcass traits of the animals but also modified the fatty acid profile of the LD muscle. Furthermore, the effects of YC supplementation may depend on dietary compositions.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to determine the efficiency of supplementation of ram semen extender with caffeine on chilled storage and frozen capacity of spermatozoa. In the first experiment, eighty ejaculates were collected by an artificial vagina from five adult Barki rams, aged 2–3 years and weighted 45.0 ± 2.0 kg throughout the experimental period (January to February 2017). The ejaculates were pooled and diluted (1:10) with tris‐citric egg yolk extender and were split into five groups. Group 1 served as control, whereas groups 2‐5 were supplemented with 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 mM caffeine. All diluted semen specimens were evaluated for physical characteristics immediately after dilution (T0) and throughout preservation period of 48 hr at 4°C. Simultaneously, oxidative stress and indices such as total antioxidant capacity (TAC), malondialdehyde concentrations (MDA) and alkaline transaminase (AKP) concentrations and value of resazurin reduction test (RRT) were determined. In the second experiment, the raw pooled ejaculates were diluted (1:10) with glycerolated tris‐citric egg yolk extender, receiving the previously mentioned caffeine levels. The post‐thaw assessment of cryopreserved spermatozoa, in all groups, was conducted by a computer‐assisted sperm analysis (CASA) system. The results revealed that adding caffeine to ram semen extender at low (0.1 mM) or medium (0.2 mM) levels had positive impact on both physical characteristics of ram sperm and the enzymatic activities compared to the other semen groups. Caffeine supplementation also enhanced post‐thaw sperm dynamics, which implies its potential as an exogenous antioxidant supplement.  相似文献   

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