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不同饲喂方法对种用母猪繁殖性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
母猪膘情与其繁殖性能及仔猪出生成本存在密切关系,我们选用同批次、出生时间在±15d,对猪瘟、蓝耳病、伪狂犬、口蹄疫抗体检测为阴性(-)的健康后备猪30头,分为3组。在相同条件下,对3组母猪分别饲喂质量相同但重量不同的饲料来控制各组母猪的膘情,通过配种时间、母猪淘汰率、分娩情况等指标来比较各组的优劣。结果表明:后备母猪(空怀母猪)过肥过瘦都会造成很大的经济损失,过肥比过瘦更为严重。只有使后备母猪(空怀母猪)维持合理膘情(7~8成膘)才能提高母猪的繁殖性能,且每头仔猪生产成本较其他饲喂方法可降低约50元人民币。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate further the role of chlamydiae as pathogens in the genital tracts of sows at slaughter. Genital tracts of 101 randomly selected sows were collected and specimens of genital tract localizations were systematically examined for chlamydiae using immunohistochemistry and PCR. In the genital tracts of 10 sows, Chlamydia psittaci DNA was detected by PCR, and was further typed as 'serotype 1' in nine cases and as avian strain 6 BC in one animal. However, all specimens examined by immunohistochemistry were negative for chlamydiae. Pooled samples of scalding tank water were additionally investigated for 95 animals. Of these samples, 63.2% contained chlamydial DNA, mostly C. trachomatis, and in one sample C. psittaci 'serotype 1'. Although in most cases contamination through influx of faecally contaminated scalding water is a possible reason for the positive PCR results in the genital tract, latent infection cannot be excluded. In conclusion, the results obtained suggest that chlamydiae are of no or only minor importance in the examined group of Swiss breeding sows. Nevertheless, the role and significance of chlamydiae as pathogens in porcine reproductive disorders remain unresolved and require further investigation.  相似文献   

In a Slowakian indoor pig production unit (2423 sows), from June to December 2002 all culled sows with excessive vulval discharge at culling, and with vulval discharge and periparturient disease in their previous history were subjected to retrospective lifetime production analysis. The sows were assigned to nine groups according to parity (parity 1-9). Average total litter size, average live-born litter size, average stillbirth rate, average mummy rate, and average litter weaning weight were evaluated retrospectively for all births. Non-culled sows represented the control animals. The percentage of animals with periparturient disease and vulval discharge in their history differed between parities. Parity 2, 3, and 4 sows had a significantly lower percentage of vulval discharge and periparturient disease in their history than sows of other parities. Compared to parity 1-6 sows, parity 7-9 sows had significantly lower (P < .001) conception rates, farrowing rates, and adjusted farrowing rates. Compared to parity 1-2 and 7-9 sows, parity 3-6 sows had a significantly larger (P < .001) lifetime average total born and live-born litter size. Compared to parity 1-3 and 7-9 sows, parity 4-6 sows had a significantly lower (P < .001) rate of stillbirths over all parities. No differences in mummy rates were detected between the sows of different parities. Compared to parity 1-2 and 7-9 sows, parity 3-6 sows had significantly higher (P < .001) weaning litter weights over all parities. Sows without a history of vulval discharge and periparturient disease had higher (P < .001) production levels in parity 7-9. IMPLICATIONS: The present results indicate that parity markedly influences the production level of sows that have a history of periparturient disease and vulval discharge.  相似文献   

Although zearalenone-induced reproductive disorders and the clinical appearance of hyperestrogenism were reproduced and documented quite often the role of zearalenone-contaminated fodder as a cause for fertility problems in sow breeding is still discussed controversial. Therefore the correlation of zearalenone and zearalenone-derivatives in bile (n = 794) and feed (n = 158) with fertility problems of unknown origin was investigated in this study. For the analysis of zearalenone and its derivatives in bile a HPLC/EIA combination was used. On the one hand, this procedure guaranteed the quantitatively reproducible detection, on the other hand, the investigation expenditure could be kept small with regard to a later effort in the routine diagnostics. The detection limits for zearalenone, alpha- and beta-zearalenol in bile were at 1.0 ng/ml, 1.0 ng/ml, and 3.0 ng/ml, respectively. Results were confirmed by GC-MS. Zearalenone and zearalenone-derivatives were detected in almost every bile analysed. The contamination rate was 96.2%. In opposition to recent investigations beta-zearalenol was perceived as a relevant metabolite in swine. The contamination rate of feeding stuffs was 25.9%. Incubation of samples with beta-glucosidase did not elevate the detected amounts of zearalenone. As the measurable concentrations in bile and fodder were only slightly correlated the analysis of bile represents a reasonable alternative for fodder investigation. However, a correlation between the occurrence of zearalenone, alpha- and beta-zearalenol in bile of sows and non-infectious reproductive disorders could not be established at the loading level found. These results are in line with those statements obtained in feeding experiments regarding the risk evaluation of zearalenone in sow reproduction.  相似文献   

后备母猪饲养新概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通常较合理的母猪群体的胎龄结构为1~2胎母猪占生产母猪数量的30~35%,3~6胎母猪占60%,7胎以上母猪占5~10%。一个新建猪场从第三年开始每年母猪淘汰更新比例为25~33%,繁殖母猪群中应经常保持17%的青年母猪。一般来说猪群平均产次不超过4产才能使猪场保持高水平的繁殖成绩。  相似文献   

A total of 208 sows and 288 gilts (PIC line C29) were used to determine the influence of feeding frequency (2 vs. 6 times/d, floor fed) on performance and welfare measurements on a commercial sow farm. Treatments consisted of feeding similar amounts of feed to each sow (2.5 kg) or gilt (2.05 kg) over 2 (0700 and 1530) or 6 times daily (0700, 0730, 0800, 1530, 1600, and 1630). There were 8 sows or 12 gilts in each pen. Gilts and sows were moved to pens 1 to 4 d after breeding. In sows, there were no differences (P > 0.10) in ADG, backfat change, or variation in BW. There was a trend (P < 0.08) for sows fed twice daily to farrow more total pigs born, but number born alive or other reproductive performance traits were not different (P > 0.10) among treatments. Sows fed 6 times per day had increased vocalization during the morning (P < 0.07) and afternoon (P < 0.01) feeding periods compared with sows fed twice daily. Sows fed twice daily had more skin (P < 0.01) and vulva (P < 0.04) lesions as well as a small increase in feet and leg (P < 0.01) and hoof (P < 0.02) problems. In this commercial facility, the standard management protocol required moving gilts to a different gestation facility on d 42. On d 42, two pens of gilts with similar breeding dates and treatment were combined and moved to another facility with larger pens until farrowing. Gilts fed 6 times daily had a tendency for greater ADG (P < 0.07) from d 0 to 42 and a tendency for greater (P < 0.09) backfat on d 42. After movement to the larger groups from d 42 to farrowing, ADG was similar (P > 0.10) for gilts fed 2 or 6 times daily. Gilts fed twice daily had lower BW variation at d 42 (P < 0.04) and tended to at farrowing (P < 0.10). In gilts, there were no differences (P > 0.10) for reproductive performance, skin and vulva lesions, and feet and leg scores. In conclusion, there were few growth, farrowing, or aggression differences among gilts fed 2 or 6 times daily. This suggests that either feeding method is suitable for group-housed gilts. Among sows, feeding frequency resulted in few growth or farrowing performance differences. Feeding 6 times daily resulted in a small but significant reduction in skin and vulva lesions and structural problem scores while increasing vocalization. Increasing the feeding frequency from 2 to 6 times daily does not appear to have a negative or positive impact on performance or welfare of group-housed gilts and sows.  相似文献   

Folic acid and reproductive performances of sows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two-hundred nine sows were used in a 2 X 2 split-plot unbalanced design to measure the effect of folic acid against control, and flushing against a normal level of feeding, between weaning and mating on the following variables: serum folates at weaning and at 60 d of gestation, blood hemoglobin (Hb) and hematocrit (Ht) after 15 wk of gestation and reproductive performance at farrowing. Folic acid was administered im according to a schedule that maintained serum folates at approximately the same level between weaning and 60 d of gestation. The treatments had no effect on Hb or Ht after 15 wk of gestation. Average live litter size was 12.0 piglets/litter for sows receiving the folic acid and flushing treatments as compared with 10.5 for sows without any treatment; the main effect of folic acid was significant (P less than or equal to .04). Intralitter variation in birth weight and total litter weight tended to be increased by folic acid administration. Results showed that the administration of folic acid during gestation could appreciably improve the reproductive performance of sows.  相似文献   

In two herds that used different breeding and housing schemes, altrenogest (15 mg/d) was fed for 14 d to gilts or 10 d to sows in .45 kg of a diet formulated to meet or exceed their nutrient requirements. In Herd 1 (five breeding seasons per year), 63 of 123 gilts and 40 of 70 sows in seven replications were fed in individual crates to ensure proper intake. In Herd 2 (continuous breeding), 244 of 484 gilts in 20 replications received the treated feed in individual feeding stalls to which animals had free access. Average and median days to estrus were reduced (P less than .01) for treated gilts and sows compared with controls in both herds. Of 29 treated gilts that did not mate or become pregnant, three had cystic follicles, compared to 1 of 14 controls. There were no statistically significant treatment differences in litter size born or number of stillborn pigs in either herd, but farrowing rates of cycling gilts were 8% lower (P less than .05) in Herd 2 for treated gilts than for controls. Overall, altrenogest could be a valuable tool for improving reproductive efficiency by allowing producers to better control the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

夏季气温高,湿度大,若不采取防范措施,会造成妊娠母猪食欲减退,采食量减少、体温升高、呼吸次数增加,并由此引发妊娠母猪机体营养不良、产奶量降低,更为严重的还会出现死胎。因此,搞好夏季饲养管理,可有效提高妊娠母猪的生产性能,增加饲养户的经济效益。(一)提供适宜的温、湿度  相似文献   

<正>仔猪断奶后多系统衰竭综合症(Post-weaning Multi-systemicWasting Syndrome,PMWS)首次发现在1995年和1996年,分别在加拿大和欧洲,该病为一种全球性的猪病,也是由猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)引起的疾病综合征(也被统称为猪圆环2型病)之一。除了PMWS外,PCV2也被视为母猪繁殖障碍的病因之一。本文的目的是简要地回顾该主题的可用数据和已经公布的从接种Circovac疫苗(一种PCV2灭活苗)的母猪中获得的数据。  相似文献   

母猪繁殖障碍疾病的诊断及防制   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
近几年来我国各地种猪场发展较快 ,但母猪繁殖障碍疾病困扰着各个种猪场。据调查母猪繁殖障碍疾病在各种猪场有不同程度存在。母猪繁殖障碍病因多而复杂 ,有非传染性因素 ,也有传染性的因素。本文主要叙述由病原微生物导致的母猪繁殖障碍疾病 ,也是当今重要致病因素。包括有猪伪狂犬病、猪细小病毒感染、母猪繁殖与呼吸综合征、猪乙型脑炎、猪瘟、猪布鲁氏菌病和猪衣原体病等。重点阐述各种疾病的流行特点、特征性的临床症状和病理变化 ,以及各种疾病的诊断方法 ,并且提出综合防制方法  相似文献   

对黑龙江省22个规模化种猪场的16 510头生产猪以EL ISA,LAT IF等方法进行了猪繁殖障碍性疾病--猪瘟,猪生殖-呼吸综合征,猪伪狂犬病,猪细小病毒病,猪乙型脑炎,猪布鲁氏菌病的血清学监测,结果表明其感染率从高到低分别为猪生殖-呼吸综合征,猪伪狂犬病,猪细小病毒病,猪乙型脑炎,猪瘟,猪布鲁氏菌病.  相似文献   

昌捷  邢孔萍  卢秋咏 《猪业科学》2021,38(6):104-106
便秘是指排便频率减少,粪便量少且干结.在工业化养殖场,母猪便秘并不罕见,其直接或间接地影响母猪的繁殖性能,给猪场带来损失.关于母猪便秘的研究,绝大多数集中在妊娠阶段;事实上,即使在人类,产后便秘都是一种不可忽视的疾病.早在东汉末年,张仲景在《金匮要略》中就提出,大便难是产后三大疾病之一.目前,几乎看不到关于论述围产期母...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether cell-mediated immunity against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus is correlated with protection against reproductive failure in sows during clinical outbreaks of PRRS in commercial herds. DESIGN: Outbreak investigation in 4 swine breeding herds. ANIMALS: 97 sows. PROCEDURES: On each farm, blood samples were collected from sows with clinical signs (abortion or increased fetal death; case sows) and from clinically normal sows (control sows). The intensity of the cell-mediated immune (CMI) response was determined by use of an interferon-gamma enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay. Multiple logistic regression analyses and t tests were used to compare ELISPOT assay values between case and control sows. Multiple linear regression was used to investigate associations between cell-mediated immunity and the magnitude of clinical signs. RESULTS: In 2 farms, case sows had lower ELISPOT assay values than control sows. A negative association between the intensity of the CMI response and the number of pigs born dead per litter was detected on 1 farm. In 1 farm, no association was detected between the intensity of the CMI response and protection against reproductive failure. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Evidence that a strong CMI response was correlated with protection against clinical PRRS was detected in 3 of 4 farms. However, farms and sows within farms varied considerably in their immune responsiveness and in the degree to which they were protected clinically. Increasing cell-mediated immunity within infected herds has the potential to decrease clinical reproductive disease, but only if the sources of intra- and interfarm variation in the intensity of cell-mediated immunity to PRRS virus can be identified.  相似文献   

Delaying the onset of estrus after weaning and adding fat to the postweaning diet were studied for their effects on estrus and fertility in 232 crossbred primiparous sows on a commercial swine farm. Sows were assigned randomly to the following treatments after weaning in June, July, August, or September, 1983: 1) altrenogest (20 mg/d) was fed for 7 d after weaning (n = 76), 2) altrenogest was fed for 7 d plus .53 kg dried animal and vegetable fat product (.45 kg actual fat/d) for 14 d after weaning (n = 78), or 3) no treatment (controls, n = 78). While a similar proportion of sows came into heat after weaning (lactation length = 4 wk), sows fed altrenogest (14.4 +/- .2 d) returned to estrus about 9 d later (P less than .01) than controls (5.6 +/- .2 d). Serum progesterone concentration was assayed in blood samples collected from a subgroup (74%) of the cows not observed in estrus by 3 wk after weaning to determine possible causes of anestrus. If serum progesterone (greater than 5 ng/ml) was elevated, we assumed that sows had ovulated without expressing estrus (behavioral anestrus) or ovulated with undetected estrus (less overt estrus or error in estrous detection), whereas low progesterone (less than or equal to 5 ng/ml) indicated that sows were anovulatory. About 53% of the sows not observed in estrus across all treatments had luteal function, probably resulting from post-weaning ovulation. Incidence of anovulation without estrus was 47%. Farrowing rate was higher (P less than .05) for sows fed only altrenogest (64%) compared with controls (46%), but similar to fat supplemented, altrenogest-treated sows (52%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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