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正跳蚤过敏性皮炎是一类常见的犬过敏性皮炎,是由于犬对跳蚤唾液中蛋白质过敏,引起的瘙痒性皮肤病。一、原因及临床症状并不是所有受跳蚤叮咬的犬都会发生过敏性皮炎,只有对跳蚤唾液中几种蛋白质过敏的犬才会发生过敏性皮炎。在受到跳蚤叮咬后,机体可以立即或迟发免疫介导反应,其本质是机体的变态反应。犬跳蚤叮咬过敏性皮炎,多发生在跳蚤流行季节。犬最常见的症状是瘙痒。多数犬会呈现中  相似文献   

陈丽利 《兽医导刊》2016,(2):158-158
警犬是由警察机关使用,具有一定警务用途的犬种。警犬承担着刑侦破案、安保安检、追踪搜索、巡逻、灾后救援等特殊勤务,保证警犬的身体健康、安全具有重要意义。真菌性皮肤病是警犬常见的疾病之一,但该病常常愈后不佳,且与过敏性皮炎存在密切联系,因此对二者的相关性研究对临床治疗起到一定作用。本文总结了警犬真菌性皮肤病及过敏性皮炎相关文献报道,对于警犬真菌性皮肤病与过敏性皮炎的相关性进行了探讨分析,旨在提高警犬皮肤病防治效果,为预防警犬皮肤病提供一些依据。  相似文献   

2007年6月17日,某猪场听信所谓的专家建议,用猪瘟兔化弱毒细胞苗对乳猪进行口服猪瘟疫苗1头份超前免疫,结果造成66.7%的乳猪过敏。由于该场兽医对其建议持怀疑态度,所以只对一窝乳猪进行试探性的免疫,所以没有造成大的经济损失。  相似文献   

2007年6月17日,某猪场听信所谓的专家建议,用猪瘟兔化弱毒细胞苗对乳猪进行口服猪瘟疫苗1头份超前免疫,结果造成66.7%的乳猪过敏.由于该场兽医对其建议持怀疑态度,所以只对一窝乳猪进行试探性的免疫,所以没有造成大的经济损失.  相似文献   

经笔者用四联疫苗对850只猫进行预防注射,免疫后发生过敏反应的有9例,约占免疫注射率的1.06%,其中发生严重过敏反应的一例,占免疫注射率的0.12%.  相似文献   

经笔者用四联疫苗对850只猫进行预防注射,免疫后发生过敏反应的有9例,约占免疫注射率的1.06%,其中发生严重过敏反应的一例,占免疫注射率的0.12%。  相似文献   

<正>高致病性禽流感不仅严重影响畜牧业的发展,给养禽业生产造成了巨大的经济损失,并且是人畜共患病,威胁着人类的生命安全。近年来的研究表明,水禽已成为禽流感的易感宿主,制订合理而有效的免疫程序是禽流感防控的关键。禽流感免疫时间和免疫次数的不同对抗体水平检测结果影响很大。为此开展了两种免疫程序对番鸭免疫效果的观察。  相似文献   

正过敏性皮炎是由免疫球蛋白E(IgE)参与的皮肤过敏反应,也叫特异性皮炎。其临床特征表现为搔痒,季节性反复发作,多为慢性经过,用类固醇治愈后可复发。其病因有内源性和外源性之分,1-3岁犬多发。为了探讨真菌感染与螨虫感染、湿疹和脓皮病等过敏性皮炎发病的相关性,我们检测了75例合并真菌感染的和25例无真菌感染的过敏性皮炎患犬的血清真菌特异性IgE(sIgE),探讨IgE在真菌感染的过敏性皮炎临床诊断的意义。  相似文献   

Therapy, control and prevention of flea allergy dermatitis in dogs and cats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article reviews contemporary concepts underlying the design of control strategies for the management of flea allergy dermatitis in dogs and cats. The limitations of palliative symptomatic approaches are noted, as is the fundamental requirement to differentiate simple pulicosis from true hypersensitivity. In the latter case, eradication of fleas from the affected animal and its surroundings has to be an essential aim. The different biological properties offered by modern chemotherapy are defined and the range of techniques for applying active compounds to the animal and its environment described. Factors for consideration when formulating control strategies and selecting chemotherapeutic agents are discussed in the context of the complexities of the flea life-cycle, the host-parasite relationship and client concerns.  相似文献   

Seven cats diagnosed as flea allergic by specific criteria and seven normal control cats were exposed to flea bites in a controlled manner and were given intradermal injections of 1:1000 w/v flea antigen. Subjective evaluation of gross lesions and documentation of histological changes at flea antigen intradermal skin test (IDST) and flea bite sites were performed at 15 min, 24 h and 48 h after IDST or flea exposure. Control cats did not develop an immediate gross reaction to either flea bites or the intradermal injection of flea antigen. All seven flea-allergic cats had an immediate gross reaction at the site of IDST with flea antigen; five of these cats also developed immediate gross reactions to flea bites. Three of seven flea-allergic cats developed a gross 24 h and/or 48 h delayed reaction at the flea antigen IDST sites. These three and one other cat had both an immediate and delayed gross reaction to flea bites. Histological examination of 15 min skin specimens from IDST and flea bite sites of flea-allergic cats were similar with a mild lymphocytic, histiocytic and mastocytic superficial perivascular dermatitis. Histological examination of 24 h and 48 h skin specimens from IDST and flea bite sites of flea-allergic cats showed that they were often indistinguishable. Histological features of IDST and flea bite sites of flea-allergic cats at 24 h consisted of a perivascular to diffuse predominately eosinophilic dermatitis and mural folliculitis with variable epidermal necrosis and ulceration.  相似文献   

Survival, egg production and egg viability of fleas allowed to feed on eight flea-allergic and six flea-naive cats were compared. Fifty fleas, in feeding cages or free roaming, were allowed to feed on the cats. Flea-allergic cats removed significantly more free-roaming fleas than did flea-naive cats. Female fleas produced fewer eggs on flea-allergic cats than on flea-naive cats regardless of feeding method. There was no significant difference in egg viability between the two groups. The data suggest that flea-allergic cats efficiently removed fleas by grooming and that they also produce unknown factor(s) that affect the fecundity of fleas.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to characterize the role of intermittent vs. continual flea exposure in the development of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) in cats, assess the accuracy of intradermal skin testing (IDST) and in vitro testing, and document the incidence and histopathological features of indolent lip ulcers. Ten flea‐naive cats were divided into two groups. One group received intermittent flea exposure for 120 days. Thereafter, both groups of cats received continuous flea exposure for 120 days. In vitro testing for flea salivary antibody and IDST utilizing both whole flea antigen and flea salivary antigen were performed. Eight of 10 cats developed clinical signs of FAD within 3 months and five of these eight cats developed lip ulcers which where characterized histopathologically by ulceration with predominantly neutrophilic inflammation and surface bacterial colonization. There was no association between the presence or absence of clinical signs and positive IDST or in vitro results, and no difference in the development of clinical signs was noted between the two groups of cats.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of in vivo and in vitro tests in the diagnosis of flea allergy dermatitis in comparison with history, clinical signs and response to flea control. Intradermal testing using four different sources of flea allergens and FcepsilonRIalpha-based immunoglobulin (Ig)E assays were performed in 15 flea-allergic dogs, 15 atopic dogs and 15 dogs infested with fleas but showing no clinical signs of skin disease. Sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value, positive predictive value and accuracy were calculated for all five tests and results varied greatly. Sensitivity, specificity and overall accuracy were 27, 83 and 64%, respectively, for one extract (Isotec), 67, 90 and 82% for another extract (Greer), 93, 90 and 91% for flea saliva, 40, 90 and 73% for the recombinant Cte f 1 both produced by Heska Corp. and 87, 53 and 64% for a FcepsilonRIalpha-based IgE assay. These results indicate that intradermal testing with flea extracts is more accurate in the diagnosis of flea allergy dermatitis than in vitro tests. Moreover, pure flea saliva used as a reagent for intradermal testing provided the best results in terms of sensitivity, specificity and overall accuracy although the Greer extract, a whole body flea extract, also allowed a good correlation between intradermal testing results and clinical approach to flea allergy dermatitis diagnosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is a common skin disease in dogs and can be induced experimentally. It often coexists with other allergic conditions. So far no studies have investigated the quantitative production of cytokine mRNA in skin biopsies and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in flea allergic dogs. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to improve the understanding of the immunopathogenesis of allergic dermatitis as a response to fleabites. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Allergic and non-allergic dogs were exposed to fleas. Before and after 4 days of flea exposure mRNA was isolated from biopsies and PBMC. Production of chymase, tryptase, IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma mRNA was measured by real-time RT-PCR. The inflammatory infiltrate in the skin was scored semi-quantitatively. The number of eosinophils, mast cells (MC) and IgE+ cells/mm2 was evaluated to complete the picture. RESULTS: FAD was associated with a higher number of MC before flea exposure and with a significant increase of eosinophils after flea exposure as compared to non-allergic dogs. The number of IgE+ cells was higher in allergic dogs before and after flea exposure. In allergic dogs mRNA for most cytokines and proteases tested was higher before flea exposure than after flea exposure. After exposure to fleas an increased mRNA production was only observed in non-allergic dogs. In vitro stimulation with flea antigen resulted in a decreased expression of most cytokines in allergic dogs before flea exposure. In contrast, in PBMC, only increased levels of IL-4 and IL-5 mRNA were observed in allergic dogs before flea exposure. However, after flea exposure and additional stimulation with flea antigen the production of mRNA for all cytokines tested was significantly increased in allergic dogs. CONCLUSION: We demonstrated that the response in biopsies and PBMC is different and that FAD is associated with a TH2 response.  相似文献   

Objective   To evaluate the treatment efficacy of a topical spray containing hydrocortisone aceponate (HCA) on dogs with flea-allergy dermatitis (FAD).
Design   A controlled clinical study was conducted on dogs with experimentally induced FAD. Sixteen laboratory beagles with mild to moderate clinical signs were divided into two groups. The test group received HCA by topical spray once daily for 7 days, while the control group did not. Pruritic events (time and frequency) were videotaped and then scored. Clinical signs (erythema, papules, excoriation and alopecia) present on four anatomical regions were monitored and their severity directly assessed.
Results   After 2 days, pruritus was reduced by 94% in the treatment group and by 24% in the control group (P = 0.014) in cumulative time, and by 86% versus 34% (P = 0.034) in frequency. The HCA spray also resulted in significant improvements in overall clinical signs: 23% versus 0% in the control group (P = 0.0006) on day 3 and 43% versus 15% in the control group (P = 0.0006) on day 7. During the 7-day trial, no drug-related adverse effects were observed.
Conclusions   Topical treatment with HCA showed a rapid and potent antipruritic effect on dogs with FAD. HCA also demonstrated significant overall therapeutic effects on FAD-associated skin lesions.  相似文献   

A spot-on metaflumizone formulation was evaluated to determine its adulticidal efficacy, effect upon egg production, and ovicidal activity when applied to flea infested cats. Eight male and eight female adult domestic shorthair cats were randomly assigned to either serve as non-treated controls or were treated topically with a minimum of 40mg/kg metaflumizone in single spot-on Day 0. On Days -2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, and 56, each cat was infested with approximately 100 unfed cat fleas, Ctenocephalides felis felis. On Days 1, 2, and 3, and at 48 and 72h after each post-treatment reinfestation, flea eggs were collected and counted. At approximately 72h after treatment or infestation, each cat was combed to remove and count live fleas. Egg viability was determined by examining hatched eggs after 5 days and adult emergence was determined 28 days after egg collection. Metaflumizone provided >/=99.6% efficacy against adult fleas from Days 3 to 45 following a single application. Following treatment, egg production fell by 51.6% within 24h and 99.2% within 48h. Following subsequent weekly infestations egg production from treated cats was negligible out to Day 38, with >/=99.5% reduction relative to non-treated cats. Where there were eggs to evaluate, metaflumizone treatment did not have any apparent effect on the hatching of eggs or on the development and emergence of adult fleas from the eggs produced by fleas from treated animals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether treatment with selamectin would reduce clinical signs of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) in dogs and cats housed in flea-infested environments. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. ANIMALS: 22 dogs and 17 cats confirmed to have FAD. PROCEDURE: Animals were housed in carpeted pens capable of supporting the flea life cycle and infested with 100 fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) on days -13 and -2 and on alternate weeks with 10 to 20 fleas. On day 0, 11 dogs and 8 cats were treated with selamectin (6 mg/kg [2.7 mg/lb]). Dogs were retreated on day 30; cats were retreated on days 30 and 60. All animals were examined periodically for clinical signs of FAD. Flea counts were conducted at weekly intervals. RESULTS: Throughout the study, geometric mean flea counts exceeded 100 for control animals and were < or = 11 for selamectin-treated animals. Selamectin-treated cats had significant improvements in the severity of miliary lesions and scaling or crusting on days 42 and 84, compared with conditions on day -8, and in severity of excoriation on day 42. In contrast, control cats did not have any significant improvements in any of the clinical signs of FAD. Selamectin-treated dogs had significant improvements in all clinical signs on days 28 and 61, but in control dogs, severity of clinical signs of FAD was not significantly different from baseline severity at any time. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that topical administration of selamectin, even without the use of supplementary environmental control measures and with minimal therapeutic intervention, can reduce the severity of clinical signs of FAD in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

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