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低氧烟道环境制备污泥活性炭   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为降低污泥制备活性炭的成本,以高温低氧烟道气为媒介,研究了活化时间、温度、蒸气含量以及氧含量对污泥活性炭性能的影响规律,结果表明:活化温度、活化时间及水蒸气流量的最佳值分别为800°C、90 min和34.8%,该条件下污泥活性炭比表面积、产率、甲基橙及亚甲基蓝吸附值分别为:246.3 m2/g、46%、14.8 mg/g、18.1 mg/g。因而,高温低氧烟气直接用于物理活化法制备污泥活性炭,活化气量(水蒸汽)不够,产品活性炭的性能差,活化温度高达800°C,运行成本仍偏高。将湿污泥用ZnCl2按1∶1浸渍16 h后活化炭化,在活化温度、活化时间、氧含量分别为550°C、90 min、2%时,污泥活性炭的产率为59%,其比表面积和亚甲基蓝吸附值分别达516.1 m2/g和129.8 mg/g,孔体积为0.29 cm3/g,微孔体积为0.16 cm3/g,平均孔径为3.95 nm,性能较好。氧气能促进活性炭微孔的形成与发展,最佳的氧含量为2%~4%。与无氧条件下制备的污泥活性炭相比,氧含量为4%时制得的污泥活性炭的比表面积增加了6.82%,亚甲基蓝吸附值提高了2.75倍。该研究表明:高温烟气作为热源、保护气和活化气,结合化学活化法,可将脱水湿污泥直接制成污泥活性炭。该结果可为低成本制备污泥活性炭、实现污泥处理的资源化利用提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

高温蒸汽松木颗粒富氢气化试验   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
采用自制下吸式气化炉试验系统平台,以松木颗粒为原料,进行不同蒸汽流量及气化温度条件下的高温蒸汽气化试验。试验表明:随着气化温度升高,气化反应程度加剧,碳氢化合物与高温蒸汽的重整反应亦更剧烈。气化气中H2体积分数从气化温度为700℃时的23.38%升高到950℃时的44.79%,提高了近一倍,但由于CO和蒸汽的变换反应在900℃后受到抑制,H2体积分数略微下降,CO随温度升高先减少后增加,CO2呈缓慢减少趋势;蒸汽流量是高温蒸汽气化技术重要影响指标,在气化温度为850~950℃范围内,蒸汽流量由0.3增加到0.9 kg/h时,气化气中H2体积分数由37.06%增长到47.67%,CO变化较为稳定,CO2的含量先降低后上升,CnHm的体积分数呈下降趋势,气化气产率和氢气产率均随蒸汽流量的增加先增大后减小;特别是当蒸汽流量为0.6 kg/h,气化温度为900℃时,气化气产率和氢气产率分别为2.69 m3/kg和101.8 g/kg,达到试验工况条件下的最大值,此时反应加入的蒸汽量与生物质量的比值约为0.95,为试验较佳工况。  相似文献   

为了提高Geldart D类大颗粒物料在流化床中的流化效果,该文设计了一种结构简单的狭缝型气体分布板,进行了核桃壳颗粒(2~2.8 mm)的流态化试验,结果表明狭缝型分布板比传统多孔分布板提高床层膨胀率约5%,降低最小流化速率约8%。在欧拉-欧拉法的双流体模型和颗粒动力学理论基础上,建立流化床内气固两相流的数学模型并对模型进行验证,模拟值与试验值的误差在8%以内。利用数学模型对2种分布板流化床内大颗粒流化过程进行数值模拟,比较了2种分布板结构对流化床内床层压降、床层膨胀率、颗粒相体积分数及气固两相的流化速度的影响。模拟结果表明:狭缝型分布板的"V"型气流通道结构,使得气流易于集束向上运动,形成大气泡对床层造成扰动,从而增大床层压降波动幅度,提高床层膨胀率,并在流化床内形成4个小环流,促进气体相和颗粒相之间的混合,使得核桃壳颗粒流化均匀。该研究为大颗粒物料处理过程中流化床分布板的设计和选用提供参考。  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas emissions from farmed organic soils: a review   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Abstract. The large boreal peatland ecosystems sequester carbon and nitrogen from the atmosphere due to a low oxygen pressure in waterlogged peat. Consequently they are sinks for CO2 and strong emitters of CH4. Drainage and cultivation of peatlands allows oxygen to enter the soil, which initiates decomposition of the stored organic material, and in turn CO2 and N2O emissions increase while CH4 emissions decrease. Compared to undrained peat, draining of organic soils for agricultural purposes increases the emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, and N2O) by roughly 1t CO2 equivalents/ha per year. Although farmed organic soils in most European countries represent a minor part of the total agricultural area, these soils contribute significantly to national greenhouse gas budgets. Consequently, farmed organic soils are potential targets for policy makers in search of socially acceptable and economically cost-efficient measures to mitigate climate gas emissions from agriculture. Despite a scarcity of knowledge about greenhouse gas emissions from these soils, this paper addresses the emissions and possible control of the three greenhouse gases by different managements of organic soils. More precise information is needed regarding the present trace gas fluxes from these soils, as well as predictions of future emissions under alternative management regimes, before any definite policies can be devised.  相似文献   

旱地测土配方施肥温室气体减排碳交易量核算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
碳排放交易是促进全球温室气体减排,减少全球二氧化碳排放所采用的市场机制。测土配方施肥对于减少中国集约化农业生产区化肥施用量,减排温室气体(greenhouse gas,GHG)具有重要作用。该研究按照碳交易方法学的基本流程,撰写了基于DNDC(denitrification-decomposition)模型的测土配方施肥减排GHG的碳交易计量方法,并以山东省桓台为例,测算了该县实施测土配方施肥减排GHG的可交易碳贸易量。主要结论有1)桓台县麦-玉轮作系统施肥存在着氮、磷过量,钾基本适度的现象,氮、磷、钾平均施肥量达到了515.1、289.5和145.7 kg/hm2。2)山东省桓台县麦-玉轮作系统实施测土配方施肥可交易的碳贸易量为26 485.8 t(以CO2当量计,下同),其中农田减排占35.3%、氮肥生产减排占58.3%、磷肥生产减排占6.8%、钾肥增加排放0.01万t,占-0.4%。各个乡镇由于耕地面积及施肥量的不同,减排量存在一定的差异。3)按照2016年3月深圳碳交易市场中国核证减排量价格计算,桓台县实施农田测土配方施肥GHG减排项目可实现总收入1 286.4万元,满足小型碳交易项目要求。4)以DNDC模型为主要计量工具的测土配方施肥碳交易方法学,可以实现县域或更大区域实施测土配方施肥减排碳交易量核算,对未来测土配方施肥GHG减排碳交易项目的实施具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Molecular complexes based on proteins and ionic polysaccharides have considerable potential for encapsulation of functional food components, but their widespread utilization is limited because their structure is highly sensitive to pH and ionic strength. We have investigated the possibility of creating stable hydrogel particles by thermal treatment of protein (beta-lactoglobulin) and cationic polysaccharide (chitosan) mixtures. Mixed solutions of beta-lactoglobulin (0.5 wt %) and chitosan (0.1 wt %) were prepared at various pH's (3-8) and were heated (80 degrees C for 20 min). Prior to heating, the biopolymer mixtures formed molecular complexes at pH values where there was an electrostatic attraction between the protein and the polysaccharide: soluble complexes at pH 4.5; complex coacervates at pH 5.0 and 5.5; precipitates at pH>5.5. After heating, relatively small (d approximately 140 nm) and cationic (zeta>+20 mV) hydrogel particles were formed at pH 4.5, but much larger aggregates were formed at pH 5.0 and higher (d>1000 nm). The thermally treated hydrogel particles formed at pH 4.5 maintained their initial particle size when the pH was subsequently adjusted within the range pH 3-5, but they aggregated when the pH was adjusted to >pH 5 because of a reduction in the magnitude of their electrical charge. This study suggests that hydrogel particles can be formed by heating mixed protein-polysaccharide systems under controlled conditions. These hydrogel particles may be useful for encapsulation of functional food components.  相似文献   

A change in the European Union energy policy has markedly promoted the expansion of biogas production.Consequently,large amounts of nutrient-rich residues are being used as organic fertilizers.In this study,a pot experiment was conducted to simulate the high-risk situation of enhanced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions following organic fertilizer application in energy maize cultivation.We hypothesized that cattle slurry application enhanced CO2 and N2O fluxes compared to biogas digestate because of the overall higher carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) input,and that higher levels of CO2 and N2O emissions could be expected by increasing soil organic C (SOC) and N contents.Biogas digestate and cattle slurry,at a rate of 150 kg NH4+-N ha-1,were incorporated into 3 soil types with low,medium,and high SOC contents (Cambisol,Mollic Gleysol,and Sapric Histosol,termed Clow,Cmedium,and Chigh,respectively).The GHG exchange (CO2,CH4,and N2O) was measured on 5 replicates over a period of 22 d using the closed chamber technique.The application of cattle slurry resulted in significantly higher CO2 and N2O fluxes compared to the application of biogas digestate.No differences were observed in CH4 exchange,which was close to zero for all treatments.Significantly higher CO2 emissions were observed in Chigh compared to the other two soil types,whereas the highest N2O emissions were observed in Cmedium.Thus,the results demonstrate the importance of soil type-adapted fertilization with respect to changing soil physical and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Here we present results from a field experiment in a sub-arctic wetland near Abisko, northern Sweden, where the permafrost is currently disintegrating with significant vegetation changes as a result. During one growing season we investigated the fluxes of CO2 and CH4 and how they were affected by ecosystem properties, i.e., composition of species that are currently expanding in the area (Carex rotundata, Eriophorum vaginatum and Eriophorum angustifolium), dissolved CH4 in the pore water, substrate availability for methane producing bacteria, water table depth, active layer, temperature, etc. We found that the measured gas fluxes over the season ranged between: CH4 0.2 and 36.1 mg CH4 m−2 h−1, Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) −1000 and 1250 mg CO2 m−2 h−1 (negative values meaning a sink of atmospheric CO2) and dark respiration 110 and 1700 mg CO2 m−2 h−1. We found that NEE, photosynthetic rate and CH4 emission were affected by the species composition. Multiple stepwise regressions indicated that the primary explanatory variables for NEE was photosynthetic rate and for respiration and photosynthesis biomass of green leaves. The primary explanatory variables for CH4 emissions were depth of the water table, concentration of organic acid carbon and biomass of green leaves. The negative correlations between pore water concentration and emission of CH4 and the concentrations of organic acid, amino acid and carbohydrate carbon indicated that these compounds or their fermentation by-products were substrates for CH4 formation. Furthermore, calculation of the radiative forcing of the species expanding in the area as a direct result of permafrost degradation and a change in hydrology indicate that the studied mire may act as an increasing source of radiative forcing in future.  相似文献   

Many national and regional databases of soil properties and associated estimates of soil carbon stock consider organic, but not inorganic carbon (IC). Any future change in soil carbon stock resulting from the formation of pedogenic carbonates will be difficult to set in context because historical measurements or estimates of IC concentration and stock may not be available. In their article describing a database of soil carbon for the United Kingdom published in this journal, Bradley et al. [Soil Use and Management (2005) vol. 21, 363–369] only consider data for organic carbon (OC), despite the occurrence of IC‐bearing calcareous soils across a substantial part of southern England. Robust techniques are required for establishing IC concentrations and stocks based on available data. We present linear regression models (R2 between 0.8 and 0.88) to estimate IC in topsoil based on total Ca and Al concentrations for soils over two groups of primary, carbonate‐bearing parent materials across parts of southern and eastern England. By applying the regression models to geochemical survey data across the entire area (18 165 km2), we estimate IC concentrations on a regular 500‐m grid by ordinary kriging. Using bulk density data from across the region, we estimate the total IC stock of soil (0–30 cm depth) in this area to be 186 MtC. This represents 15.5 and 5.5% of the estimated total soil carbon stock (OC plus IC) across England and the UK, respectively, based on the data presented by Bradley et al. [Soil Use and Management (2005) vol. 21, 363–369]. Soil geochemical data could be useful for estimating primary IC stocks in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

针对农田生态系统中秸秆直接还田导致温室气体(CO2、CH4、N2O)增加的问题,在稻麦轮作、秸秆集沟还田模式下,利用外加微生物秸秆腐解菌的催腐特性在分解秸秆的同时会显著地改变秸秆的C/N及微生物生命活动的特点,考察该措施对秸秆还田固碳减排的效果.主要试验处理设置为液体菌剂作用下的秸秆集沟还田(LM+ST)、粉末菌剂作用...  相似文献   

Eight strains of Salmonellae were incubated in TSB culture medium at 37 degrees C for 24 h. Volatile compounds derived from the bacteria were collected using solid-phase microextraction fibers and then applied to gas chromatography (GC). Similarity analysis of the GC patterns thus obtained could separate these strains on principal component similarity (PCS) scattergrams. Five major food-related pathogenic bacteria and 10 other bacteria (including one Salmonella strain) were also classified by growing in the same medium. It is then proposed to utilize this approach to improve the GC/PCS method of Nakai et al. [Nakai, S.; Wang, Z. H.; Dou, J.; Nakamura, S.; Ogawa, M.; Nakai, E.; Vangerstoep, J. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1999, 47, 576-583] that has been developed for screening safe foods by detecting bacteria contaminated foods. Inoculating food samples pre-enriched through preliminary incubation into a culture medium and then subjecting to the GC/PCS method after secondary incubation enhances the detectability of pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

The gas phase oxidation of elemental mercury by ozone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The gas phase reaction between elemental mercury (Hg0) and ozone (03) has been studied in sunlight, in darkness, at different temperatures, and different surface-to-volume (s/v) ratios. At 03 concentrations above 20 ppm, a loss of Hg0 and a simultaneous formation of oxidized mercury (Hg(II)) was observed. The results suggest a partly heterogeneous reaction, with a gas phase rate constant of 3±2×10?20 cm3 molec.?1 s?1 at 20 °C. This corresponds to an atmospheric Hg half-life of about one year at a mean global 03 concentration of 30 ppb.  相似文献   

Consequent to the interest in converting degraded lands for cultivation of biofuel crops, concerns have been expressed about greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from changes in soil‐carbon (C) stock following land conversions. A literature‐based study was undertaken for estimating the magnitude of emission of GHGs, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), following an assessment of the extent and causes of land degradation and the nature of CO2 emission from soils. The study estimated the potential for CO2 emission resulting from changes in soil‐carbon stock following land conversions, using oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) as a case study. The analysis indicated that, overall, the magnitude of CO2 emission resulting from changes in soil C stock per se following opening up of degraded land would be low compared with other potential sources of CO2 emission. However, lack of data on critical aspects such as baseline soil C status was a limitation of the study. Soil respiration is the single best measure of GHG emission from soils. Fixation of C in additional biomass will compensate, over time, for C loss through soil respiration following a change in land use or land management, unless such changes involve conversion of existing large C stocks. Therefore, any net CO2 emission from soils resulting from changes in soil C stock following opening up of degraded land is likely to be a short‐term phenomenon. The estimations used in the study are based on various assumptions, which need to be validated by experimental field data. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高密度CO2对虾优势腐败菌的杀菌效果及机理   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了探讨高密度CO2(dense phase carbon dioxide,DPCD)对水产品腐败菌的杀菌效果和机制,以一株凡纳滨对虾优势腐败菌(Chryseobacterium sp. LV1)为研究对象,研究了DPCD处理温度(30~55℃)、压力(5~25 MPa)、时间(5~60 min)对杀菌效果的影响,分析了DPCD处理前后该菌理化性质的变化。结果表明:DPCD对其具有较好的杀菌效果,温度升高、压力增大、延长时间都会增强杀菌效果,而且超临界CO2比亚临界CO2的杀菌效果好。当在45℃、15 MPa和55℃、15 MPa下处理菌悬液30 min时,菌落总数均能下降5个对数;菌悬液的pH值从6.97分别下降至5.58和5.56;细胞外蛋白由最初的78.69 μg/mL分别增至151.91和157.40 μg/mL,200~800 nm范围内的吸光度值增大,这说明DPCD处理改变了其细胞膜的通透性,造成胞内蛋白质和核酸泄漏;可溶性和不溶性蛋白的电泳图谱发生变化,说明DPCD处理能够诱导Chryseobacterium sp. LV1可溶性蛋白质变性,降低其溶解度;能够钝化与其新陈代谢相关的14种酶类;但不会造成其DNA的降解。因此,DPCD处理致使其理化性质的改变可能是杀菌的主要原因之一。研究结果将为DPCD技术在对虾加工中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The objective of the present work was to investigate the physicochemical conditions that trigger the self-assembly of peptide β-lg f1-8 and therefore lead to nanofibers and hydrogel formation. Nanostructures formed by self-assembly of peptide β-lg f1-8 in the pH range of 2.0-11.0 were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Hydrogel formation was studied as a function of pH and resulted in evidence of a link between hydrogel formation and the charge distribution carried by the peptide structure. Finally, circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy was used to characterize the effects of peptide concentration (0.4-2.0 mg/mL), ionic strength (0-1 M NaCl), and temperature (20-80 °C) on the secondary structure of peptide β-lg f1-8. Hydrogels were obtained at peptide concentrations above 2.5 mg/mL. Peptide concentration and pH adjustment were shown to trigger self-assembly of β-lg f1-8, but increasing ionic strength had no effect. Heating to 80 °C induced a stronger CD signal intensity due to an increase in solubility of the peptide, whereas only slight changes in CD pattern were found upon cooling to 20 °C. Overall, results emphasize the role of particular molecular interactions in β-sheet self-assembly of peptide β-lg f1-8 and pH-dependent electrostatic interactions occurring between β-lg f1-8 units, which can explain its propensity to self-assembly.  相似文献   

The Framework Convention on Climate Change separately recognizes sources and sinks of greenhouse gases and provides incentives to establish C offset projects to help meet the goal of stabilizing emissions. Forest systems provide multiple opportunities to offset or stabilize greenhouse emissions through a reduction in deforestation (C sources), expansion of existing forests (CO2 sinks) or production of biofuels (offset fossil fuel combustion). Attributes and dimensions of eight forest-sector C offset projects, established over the past three years, were examined. The projects, mostly established or sponsored by US or European electric utilities, propose to conserve/sequester over 30 × 106 Mg C in forest systems at an initial cost of $1 to 30 Mg C. Given the relative novelty and complexity of forest sector C offset projects, a number of biogeochemical, institutional, socio-economic, monitoring, and regulatory issues merit analysis before the long-term potential and cost effectiveness of this greenhouse gas stabilization approach can be determined.  相似文献   

为了探讨高密度CO_2(dense phase carbon dioxide,DPCD)诱导蛋白质形成凝胶的机制,以凡纳滨对虾肌球蛋白为研究对象,研究了DPCD处理压强、温度和时间对虾肌球蛋白形成凝胶的临界浓度和对虾肉糜凝胶强度的影响。研究结果表明:DPCD处理压强和温度对虾肌球蛋白溶液形成凝胶的临界浓度有显著影响,处理时间对肌球蛋白溶液形成凝胶的临界浓度无显著影响,但增加处理时间,可以形成更加紧实的凝胶。在40℃和5~30 MPa时虾肌球蛋白溶液形成凝胶的临界质量浓度为14 mg/mL,在50℃和5、10 MPa时虾肌球蛋白溶液形成凝胶的临界质量浓度为12 mg/mL,在50℃和15~30 MPa时虾肌球蛋白溶液形成凝胶的临界质量浓度为11 mg/mL,在60℃和5~30 MPa时虾肌球蛋白溶液形成凝胶的临界质量浓度为10 mg/mL。DPCD处理压强和温度对虾肉糜的凝胶强度也具有显著影响(P0.05),且随着压强增加和温度升高,虾肉糜凝胶强度呈增加趋势(P0.05);在50℃和25 MPa下处理虾肉糜20 min,形成的凝胶强度较好,达到了(14.28±0.57)N·mm。DPCD处理温度越高,虾肌球蛋白形成凝胶的临界浓度就越低,而虾肉糜形成凝胶的强度越高;DPCD处理压强越高,虽然对虾肌球蛋白形成凝胶的临界浓度影响较小,但能使虾肌球蛋白和虾肉糜形成凝胶的强度增加。从分析中还可以推断,DPCD低压(5~10 MPa)诱导虾肉糜形成凝胶主要是热效应的作用,DPCD较高压强(10 MPa)诱导虾肉糜形成凝胶是热和CO_2分子效应的共同作用。研究结果为进一步阐明DPCD诱导蛋白质形成凝胶的机制提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

为了弥补超高压(UHP,ultra high pressure)钝化凡纳滨对虾多酚氧化酶(PPO,polyphenol oxidase)效果差的缺点,同时利用高密度CO_2钝化凡纳滨对虾PPO的优势,初步研究UHP+CO_2处理对凡纳滨对虾PPO的钝化效果,以探讨UHP+CO_2联合处理用于开发虾类新产品的可行性。研究结果表明:UHP+CO_2联合处理比单独CO_2处理和UHP处理更能有效地钝化PPO;100 MPa UHP+CO_2联合处理30 min,PPO相对酶活降至18.92%±1.52%;200 MPa UHP+CO_2联合处理10 min,PPO相对酶活降至10.91%±1.08%;300 MPa UHP+CO_2联合处理10 min,PPO被钝化95%;400 MPa UHP+CO联合处理5 min,PPO被钝化97%;500 MPa UHP+CO联合处理10 min,PPO100%被钝化;与单独UHP处理相比,UHP+CO_2联合缩短了处理时间,提高了钝化PPO的效果;PPO经UHP+CO_2联合处理后在4℃贮藏6 d后活性未见恢复,说明PPO在处理过程中发生了不可逆的变性失活。研究结果为虾类的贮藏和加工以及开发新产品提供基础数据和技术参考。  相似文献   

P.A Riezebos  W.J Lustenhouwer   《Geoderma》1983,30(1-4):195-217
Composite particles, frequently observed in sand and coarse silt from laboratory-treated andosol materials, have been collected at eight levels in an andosol profile near Guasca (Colombia) and studied by microscopic, SEM and electron microprobe techniques. The particles appear to be made up of a varying number of fine sand- to claysized grains of various shape and nature, cemented together by an optically isotropic material of allophanic composition. Plots of the chemical parameters of this cement against depth reveal a zonal arrangement of major and minor elements. A stratified arrangement is also shown by petrographic features of the light- and heavy-mineral fractions of the associated sample material, and by the fabric of small undisturbed lumps from depths between the eight levels.

The composite particles are obviously the product of allophane-generating sites in surficial layers containing unstable solids as volcanic glass and minerals. Although in this study the particles have been investigated in the form of artificial fragments, more or less similar ones will originate under natural conditions. It is argued that their occurrence as sand- and silt-sized individuals in natural erosion products, and thus also in aggradational soils, must drastically affect chemical soil parameters, when obtained by wet chemical analysis of bulk samples.  相似文献   

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