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以43份来自参加国家油菜区域试验的不同种子硫苷含量的双低甘蓝型油菜为材料,于角果期调查鸟害情况,对发生鸟害的8份油菜品系进行蕾期鸟害指数分析,并测定各品系的种子硫苷总量与分量,进行鸟害品系与未发生鸟害的品系间比较分析,研究这两类油菜与硫苷含量的关系。结果表明:13份油菜品系的种子硫苷含量大于23μmol/g饼,它们均未发生鸟害;硫苷含量低于23μmol/g饼时,油菜品系均不同程度地发生鸟害,鸟害发生率为14.3%~50.0%,其中有8个发生鸟害的油菜品系其鸟害指数为25.0%~77.22%,且油菜的鸟害指数随着硫苷含量的提高而降低。T测验结果表明,6种脂肪族硫苷分量在硫苷含量低于23μmol/g饼的鸟害品系和硫苷含量大于23μmol/g饼的非鸟害品系间达到显著或极显著差异水平,而芳香族和吲哚族硫苷分量在两类油菜品系间均无显著差异。相关性分析结果表明,脂肪族硫苷含量与鸟害指数负相关。表明随着脂肪族硫苷含量的增加,鸟害发生率及鸟害指数呈现降低的趋势。  相似文献   

针对赣南山区杂交水稻受麻雀危害趋重情况进行调查研究。结果表明,麻雀有昼出夜伏性、杂食性、群食性、惯适性、惯食性、集群性与分群性、弹跳性、味觉灵、就近危害性等行为习性;麻雀危害杂交水稻方式,秧田期是啄食种谷的米粒;抽穗成熟期造成谷粒脱落,啄食米浆、米粒,以及造成穗轴、一次和二次枝梗折断,其中谷粒脱落是主要危害方式;危害程度与地塅种群密度、周边环境、杂交水稻抽穗成熟时期、杂交水稻品种等因素有关;驱鸟剂在秧田驱鸟效果为87.3%~100%,而在抽穗成熟期驱鸟效果不足10%;水稻抽穗成熟期和秧田期用网眼2.5 cm的防鸟网架网驱鸟效果达到100%;采用网眼2.5 cm的防鸟网在水稻抽穗成熟期驱鸟每公顷每次分摊成本240元,成本低,效果好,而且对麻雀不伤害,是目前防御麻雀危害杂交水稻最理想的技术。  相似文献   

无人植保机飞防油菜菌核病效果初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索无人植保机飞防油菜菌核病效果,2015年在安乡县开展了油菜飞防试验。试验结果表明,在施用25%咪鲜胺乳油750 m L/hm~2的情况下,与传统背负式电动喷雾和人工手动喷雾防治油菜菌核病相比,飞防后油菜菌核病病株率和病指较轻,病株率防效提高6.23~7.04个百分点,病指防效提高8.35~9.88个百分点,分别达显著和极显著水平;防治成本降低43.75%,节水96.67%。可进一步示范推广。  相似文献   

PGPR菌剂对油菜的促生作用和菌核病防治效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用两种PGPR菌剂不同接种剂型处理油菜,通过油菜不同生育期的农艺性状、经济性状、理论产量和菌核病枯杆率的考察,研究PGPR菌剂的促生作用和生物防治效果.结果表明,油菜PGPR菌剂具有明显的促生作用,能显著改善油菜的农艺性状,尤其能明显增加油菜的单株有效角果数,从而提高油菜产量;油菜PGPR菌剂具有明显的生防效果,能降低油菜菌核病的发病率;不同剂型间在效果上有一定差异,种子丸衣剂型及YUMI复合液体菌剂的生防促生效果最好,YUMI液体菌剂其次.  相似文献   

在栽培粒用高粱的地区,籽粒因鸟类的侵袭遭到的损耗可能是很惊人的。通过采用为鸟类所厌恶的含单宁品种,高粱籽粒得到有效地保护。据报导高梁籽粒单宁含量与鸟害之间呈高度负相关(Tipton等,1970;McMillian等,1972)。由于单宁所赋与的抗鸟性,抗气候变化(Harris和Eurns,  相似文献   

为试验筛选出高效低毒、经济环保的农药用于甘蔗赭色鸟喙象防治,开展了8个处理的大田甘蔗一年宿根药剂防治试验。结果表明,在甘蔗大培土时,每公顷施用18%氟腈·毒死蜱FS 7500 mL,对甘蔗赭色鸟喙象的防治效果最好,对成虫的防效为72.19%、对幼虫的防效为79.07%;每公顷施用40%氟·噻E 900 mL、成虫出土盛期再选用6%阿维·氯苯酰SC 600 mL喷雾防治一次,对甘蔗赭色鸟喙象的防治效果较好,对成虫的防效为67.55%、对幼虫的防效为41.86%;每公顷施用40%氟·噻E 900 mL、成虫出土盛期再选用2.5%高效氯氟氰菊酯EC 600 mL+5%虱螨脲EC 600 mL喷雾防治一次,对甘蔗赭色鸟喙象的防治效果好,对成虫的防效为44.37%、对幼虫的防效为67.44%。  相似文献   

油菜生产过程中采取保优栽培措施具有防止品种混杂、种性退化、品质下降、产量降低,确保优质油菜的优良特性稳定的作用。提出了以县为单位遴选主栽品种、推广集中连片栽培、积极推行隔离栽培及着力抓好保纯防杂等优质油菜保优栽培技术。  相似文献   

杂草是制约油菜生产的重要生物灾害之一,严重影响油菜的产量和品质。培育抗除草剂油菜品种是防除油菜田间杂草的经济、有效的途径。本文综述了已被广泛应用的草甘膦、草铵膦和ALS酶抑制类除草剂的作用机理、植物对除草剂产生抗性的机制以及国内外这三类油菜抗性种质的创制和研究进展,并提出了油菜抗除草剂种质的发展策略,加强抗性机制研究和基因的发掘力度,利用基因编辑等新技术创制抗除草剂油菜新种质,培育具有多种除草剂抗性的油菜新品种。  相似文献   

通过棉田免耕套播技术种植双低油菜的高产创建,总结出品种搭配、播前除草与清田、适时播种、科学施肥、前作拔秆与油菜定苗、防除杂草和病虫防治的棉田油菜免耕套播高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

油菜是我国重要的油料作物,长江中游地区湖北、湖南、江西三省光温资源丰富、越冬春化条件适宜,是我国油菜的主要种植区,播种面积约占全国总面积的42%,且保有冬闲田面积超3467千公顷,极具发展潜力。长江中游地区三省油菜耕种收综合机械化率均高于全国平均水平,全程机械化发展在全国冬油菜产区具有引领示范作用。为此,本文分析了长江中游地区油菜产业的基本情况和现存问题,对耕整地、播种、收获关键环节机械化和智能化技术进行梳理,形成可推广的油菜生产全程机械化技术路线。比较分析该地区冬闲田油菜生产“耕、种、收”环节的技术需求特点、推广应用难点,明确该地区冬闲田油菜生产技术模式呈半机械化、机械化到智能化的发展趋势。各环节的技术发展路径依次为“防堵防黏防缠绕、高速高效低耗”的机械化耕整地技术,一次性完成多道作业工序的耕播集成技术,高效低耗低损的油菜机械化收获技术,联合收获和分段收获协同发展,油菜多功能开发利用的饲用、菜用、肥用机械化技术和油菜生产智能化技术应加快研发应用。为积极响应国家油料作物扩种的要求和实现2025年油菜机械化水平提升的目标,提出了长江中游地区冬闲田油菜全程机械化技术推广应用的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

Fruit loss to birds is a long-standing and costly problem for many producers. We conducted a survey of Honeycrisp apple, blueberry, cherry, and wine grape growers in California, Michigan, New York, Oregon, and Washington to estimate costs of bird damage and benefits of bird damage management. We also assessed grower perceptions of impacts on profits and effectiveness of bird management techniques. Current yield-loss estimates provided by growers and market price data were used to monetize current bird damage in each crop and growing region. Data on expected damage without management were used to estimate the benefits of bird damage management as it is currently being employed in the different crops and growing regions. We estimated that current bird damage costs per hectare ranged from $104 in Oregon tart cherries to $7267 in Washington Honeycrisp apples. Estimated benefits of bird management ranged from $299 per hectare in Oregon tart cherries to $36,851 in California blueberries. Aggregate bird damage in the five crops and states was estimated at $189 million, and the aggregate benefits of managing that damage were estimated at $737 million to $834 million. Growers viewed most techniques for bird damage management as ineffective, or only slightly effective, and a majority of blueberry and sweet cherry growers viewed bird damage as having a significant impact on profits. Enhancing the effectiveness of bird damage management would increase both the efficiency and profitability of fruit production.  相似文献   

Frugivorous birds impose significant costs on tree fruit growers through direct consumption of fruit and grower efforts to manage birds. We documented factors that influenced tree fruit bird damage from 2012 through 2014 with a coordinated field study in Michigan, New York, and Washington. For sweet cherries, percent bird damage was higher in 2012 compared to 2013 and 2014, in Michigan and New York compared to Washington, and in blocks with more edges adjacent to non-sweet cherry land-cover types. These patterns appeared to be associated with fruit abundance patterns; 2012 was a particularly low-yield year for tree fruits in Michigan and New York and percent bird damage was high. In addition, percent bird damage to sweet and tart cherries in Michigan was higher in landscapes with low to moderate forest cover compared to higher forest cover landscapes. 'Honeycrisp' apple blocks under utility wires were marginally more likely to have greater bird damage compared to blocks without wires. We recommend growers prepare bird management plans that consider the spatial distribution of fruit and non-fruit areas of the farm. Growers should generally expect to invest more in bird management in low-yield years, in blocks isolated from other blocks of the same crop, and in blocks where trees can provide entry to the crop for frugivorous birds.  相似文献   

Bird damage is a common and costly problem for fruit producers, who try to limit damage by using management techniques. This analysis used survey data from producers in five U.S. states to estimate bird damage to sweet cherry (Prunus avium) crops with and without the use of bird management. A partial equilibrium model was applied to the data to estimate the change in the marginal cost of production resulting from disuse of bird management. The model incorporates both decreased yield and elimination of management costs. A welfare analysis was conducted with short and long run supply elasticities derived from time-series data using geometric distributed lags. With no bird management, total surplus in the United States decreases by about $185 to $238 million in the short run and $21 to $29 million in the long run, indicating that bird management has a large impact on cherry production and associated market outcomes, including price and consumption.  相似文献   

Bird damage is a world-wide problem in agriculture. Measurement of such damage is an important first step in its effective management. We develop a visual assessment technique and a progressive sampling strategy using 5 strata and suggest sample sizes necessary to achieve an estimate of bird damage within a standard error of 5%. This strategy improved sampling efficiency by 67%, 79% and 80% compared to stratified systematic, standard systematic and random sampling. With an average cost of under $(AUS) 6 per block this technique is a rapid inexpensive method to estimate bird damage to vineyards and has application to most crop-bird situations.  相似文献   

A comprehensive literature review was conducted to identify the magnitude of bird and rodent damage to 19 economically important crops in California. Interviews with agriculture experts provided additional information about damages. Monte Carlo simulations were used to derive summary estimates of damages to each crop. A meta-analysis indicated that summary damage estimates from expert interviews were higher than estimates from field studies and surveys. It was also found that there has been a downward trend over time in damages to almonds and grapes. The results of our study indicate that damages from bird and rodents remain high for many crops and are likely to be economically significant within the state of California.  相似文献   

Altering the relative sugar content in fruit is a potential alternative to chemical, aural and visual repellents to control bird damage to cultivated fruit crops. Some frugivorous birds, such as the American robin (Turdus migratorius), lack the digestive enzyme sucrase, and therefore cannot digest sucrose. It was predicted that robins would avoid consumption of foods that contain sucrose. When offered sweetened agar cubes that contained glucose, fructose, sucrose, or a hexose mixture, total consumption was significantly lower and faecal sugar concentration higher in the sucrose tests. In tests involving two sugars, mean total consumption was reduced when sucrose was eaten. Development of high-sucrose fruits warrants further investigation as a means to mitigate bird damage to certain fruit crops.  相似文献   

Birds are important key pests of sunflower crops in many countries. In this study, 615 heads and 5429 seeds of 31 sunflower hybrids (single cross, three-way cross and introduced hybrids) were randomly selected and rates of bird damage were estimated at the Plant Breeding Research Institute of Karaj during the summer of 2004-2005. The Spearman correlation test showed a significant relationship between bird damage rate and some plant characteristics such as height of plant head above the ground (r = 0.100), inter-head distance or distance of heads from stems (r = −0.195), distance of petiole (nearest leaf) from head (cm) (r = −0.113), head diameter (r = −0.213), head angle to the horizon (r = 0.217) and seed density in sunflower heads (r = 0.320) (p < 0.01), but there was no significant correlation between bract length (r = 0.047), the sterile area to head surface ratio (r = −0.020), achene length (r = 0.267) and hull thickness (r = −0.002) and the rate of bird damage (p > 0.05). The Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test showed significant differences of bird damage rate to hybrid plants, for head shapes, bract orientation in relation to the head surface and achene colors (p < 0.01) but no significant for stem hanging forms and degree of striping on the achene (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the sunflower heads suffering lower bird damage rates had traits such as greater diameter, flat and convex shape (edges curled outside), fewer angles to the horizon, more down-faced heads, open and longer bracts, longer distances between adjacent stems or heads, longer distance of petiole from head, and lower seed density. In considering the results of the present and previous studies, there was a degree of inconsistency of findings across all studies, but not for each sunflower trait. Future studies are still necessary for height of head above the ground surface, stem hanging form, head shape, bract length and orientation, sterile area ratio, seed density, achene length, color and striping, and hull thickness. Nevertheless, plant breeding trials should bear in mind these results to pursue the understanding of relevant characteristics in morpho-genetic studies in relation to bird damage.  相似文献   

An alternate-row treatment of the bird repellent methiocarb (CA chemical name 3, 5-dimethyl-4-(methylthio)phenyl methylcarbamate; Mesurol® was evaluated for protecting entire cherry orchards from damage by European starlings, American robins, house finches, common grackles and other birds. Half of each orchard was randomly selected for treatment with methiocarb (1·7 kg/ha) applied to trees in every other row. The other half of each orchard was used as a control. Estimated loss of cherries to birds at the time of damage assessment was significantly lower in the six partially sprayed blocks (6·5%) than in the six unsprayed, control blocks (8·8%) (P = 0·03). However, the level of bird damage and the magnitude of the reduction were insufficient to provide a favourable benefit:cost ratio: there was a return of only $0·80 in cherries saved for every $1·00 spent on application and chemical costs. The overall lower damage in the partially sprayed blocks appeared to result primarily from reduced feeding by birds in the sprayed trees, which averaged 4·6% loss compared with 8·4% loss for unsprayed trees within the same block (P = 0·22). That this difference was not statistically significant indicates that birds had to sample a substantial number of berries before discriminating between sprayed and unsprayed fruit. It is not clear how birds detected berries sprayed with the repellent. Suggestions for evaluating other partial treatments of bird repellents in cherry orchards are discussed.  相似文献   

Mist nets (57 m) were used in 10 ha of vineyard in order to capture and remove house sparrows, Passer domesticus, which had caused US$4500 damage during 1981. During a 10-day operation in June 1982, 2754 sparrows were caught and removed. A total of 133 other birds were caught and released. No bird damage to the vineyard was reported during the harvest of 1982, and non-target species were not affected. We recommend this method against flocks of house sparrows and possibly other small birds which are pests in vineyards and orchards, and possibly also in cowsheds and chicken coops.  相似文献   

Numerous wildlife species are known pests of California agriculture. Effective management of these pests is required to maximize agricultural production, yet it is unclear how the importance of various wildlife pest species and associated management strategies may vary regionally throughout California. Accounting for these regional differences should yield management programs that are specifically tailored to the regions constituents and should be considered when managing wildlife pests at a more localized level. Therefore, we developed a survey to provide quantitative data on regional differences in research and management needs to better guide future research efforts in developing more effective, practical, and appropriate methods for managing wildlife pests. We found that coyotes were a more common pest in the mountain region, ground squirrels were a greater concern in the central and desert valley region, while birds were most commonly listed as pests by individuals working in multiple regions of California. Coyote damage varied regionally, with livestock depredation the greatest concern throughout most of California, although damage to irrigation tubing and sprinklers was of equal concern in the central and desert valley region. For bird pests, exclusionary devices were the most common and most effective methods of control in the coastal region. Frightening devices were the most commonly used method for bird control in all other regions, although the efficacy associated with frightening devices was considered far lower than their level of use, suggesting that better management options are needed for bird control in these regions. For all wildlife pests, nonlethal control options (e.g., exclusionary devices, habitat modification) were generally preferred in the coastal region while lethal removal options ranked higher in the central and desert valley region (e.g., baiting, burrow fumigation). Efficacy was considered the most important attribute of a control method for all regions, while Integrated Pest Management programs were considered the most effective method for controlling wildlife pests in all regions except for the central and desert valley region. Collectively, the importance of wildlife pests and the perception of associated control methods varied throughout California and reflects the need to consider these regional differences in order to optimize damage management strategies at the regional level.  相似文献   

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