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长江中下游油菜田杂草发生规律及实用防治策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了长江中下游地区油菜田的杂草发生种类、分布规律、危害情况以及防除措施等方面的研究进展,重点介绍了农艺防除、化学防除在杂草防除上的应用,展望了生物防除的发展趋势与应用前景。提出油菜田杂草防除上宜坚持以农艺防除为基础、化学防治为主导的综合治理策略,同时应加强新型高效环保油菜田除草剂的研发。  相似文献   

草地螟2004年给安达市的农作物生产带来了极大的危害,通过对草地螟发生规律的研究,及时的进行预测预报,并且总结出防治草地螟的几项防治措施,在实际农业生产起到了明显的防治效果。  相似文献   

油菜菌核病的发生规律及其防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
油菜菌核病大多在油菜盛花期开始发生 ,谢花后盛发。菌核病的发生与环境条件、油菜品种、施肥水平、耕作制度有关。油菜菌核病防治的最佳适期为油菜始花期至盛花期 ,用多菌灵、菌核净等药剂进行防治 ,效果较好。  相似文献   

田祖庆 《作物研究》2014,(6):665-666
油菜生长在露天环境下,受品种、土壤、水分、农药、气候、农户操作等方面的影响比较大,出现异常现象的成因各不相同,但大都可以防治。针对湖南油菜播种后不出苗、早薹早花、倒伏、返花等多发异常现象进行了分析,并提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

1994-1995年秋季,对我县棉花原种场花生田害鼠的发生和危害进行了调查,其结果优势种为黑线仓鼠占77.6%,黑线姬鼠次之占17.7%,并使用0.2%敌鼠钠盐小麦毒饵进行了灭鼠试验示范,取得了良好的防治效果。  相似文献   

油菜花而不实是由于土壤缺硼、偏碱、钙含量高,栽培管理措施不当,天气干旱和土壤积水等原因所致,不同品种对缺硼的敏感程度不同。提出了选择适宜的生产基地,选栽合适的优良品种,适时早播,施足基肥,增施硼肥及化学调控等防控措施。  相似文献   

1986-1998年调查结果表明,第二代棉铃虫(Heliothis armigera Hiibner)是危害大豆最严重的世代,95%左右的卵产在大豆中上部的嫩梢、嫩叶、幼荚、花萼和茎基上,平均每株落卵4.1粒。大豆上的卵量(Y1)和幼虫量(Y2)与第一代蛾量(x)密切相关,其关系式为:Y1=-315.9+1.7783x(n=6,r=0.8562),Y2=31.3 0.134x(n=6,r=0.8652^*)。在第二代棉铃虫产卵初盛期应用B.t菌剂(含孢子100亿个/ml)200倍液喷雾3次,或用1.8%齐螨素乳油675ml/hm^2,兑水810kg喷雾2次,防效显著。  相似文献   

草地螟给富裕肥的大豆生产带来极大的危害,本文通过对草地螟在该县的发生特点及发生规律的分析与研究。并根据生产实践,总结了防治草地螟的“5个结合”,在实际应用中具有明显的防治效果。  相似文献   

Fruit loss to birds is a long-standing and costly problem for many producers. We conducted a survey of Honeycrisp apple, blueberry, cherry, and wine grape growers in California, Michigan, New York, Oregon, and Washington to estimate costs of bird damage and benefits of bird damage management. We also assessed grower perceptions of impacts on profits and effectiveness of bird management techniques. Current yield-loss estimates provided by growers and market price data were used to monetize current bird damage in each crop and growing region. Data on expected damage without management were used to estimate the benefits of bird damage management as it is currently being employed in the different crops and growing regions. We estimated that current bird damage costs per hectare ranged from $104 in Oregon tart cherries to $7267 in Washington Honeycrisp apples. Estimated benefits of bird management ranged from $299 per hectare in Oregon tart cherries to $36,851 in California blueberries. Aggregate bird damage in the five crops and states was estimated at $189 million, and the aggregate benefits of managing that damage were estimated at $737 million to $834 million. Growers viewed most techniques for bird damage management as ineffective, or only slightly effective, and a majority of blueberry and sweet cherry growers viewed bird damage as having a significant impact on profits. Enhancing the effectiveness of bird damage management would increase both the efficiency and profitability of fruit production.  相似文献   

大豆害虫点蜂缘蝽的危害特点与防治方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
点蜂缘蝽(Riptortus pedestris)是一种豆科作物典型的刺吸性害虫,近几年在北京地区危害大豆严重,造成大幅度减产,甚至绝收。本文介绍了点蜂缘蝽的形态特征、生活习性、危害特点和防治方法,旨在为大豆产区该虫害的防治提供帮助。  相似文献   

为掌握沅江市稻—稻-油种植模式下油菜氮、磷、钾、硼养分施用效果及养分吸收规律,进行了油菜不同专用肥施用效果试验。结果表明,施用专用配方肥中试专用肥Ⅰ(N-P2O5-K2O:18-15-11)增产效果最好,经济效益最高,分别比当地习惯施肥增产23.5%,增效25.1%,可供生产上大面积推广应用。  相似文献   

为探明适合赣北植棉区油棉双直播一年两熟模式下并有利于棉花与油菜生产轻简高效的油菜适宜播种期.于2019~2020年在赣北地区设6个不同油菜播种期处理,测定各处理油菜生长发育指标、单株干物质积累量、产量及经济性状,探究一定范围内推迟播期对油菜生长发育、干物质积累、产量及经济性状的影响.结果表明,T1处理(10月17日播种...  相似文献   

冬季亚麻杂草种类危害及防除研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文调查研究了州内亚麻种植地区的田块杂草种类、分布和发生规律。查清杂草共有101种,隶属25科,发生危害重的有7科26种,占25.74%;双子叶杂草77种,占76.23%,单子叶杂草22种,占21.78%,蕨类杂草2种,占1.98%。一年生杂草42种,占42.58%,越年或一年生杂草29种,占28.7l%,多年生杂草30种,占29.7l%。杂草随亚麻的播种而生长,至枞形期达最高峰,88—1231株/m^2。防治上在亚麻枞形期(株高5—10cm)、杂草2—3叶期选择50%敌草隆+5%精喹禾灵或50%敌草隆+56%二甲四氯钠盐,兑水喷雾,防除效果达90%以上。  相似文献   

为探讨湘东地区三熟制直播油菜不同播期下的适宜栽培密度,2010 ~2011年度,以偏早熟油菜品种丰油730为材料在醴陵市进行了播期与密度田间试验.结果表明:湘东地区三熟制栽培,10月10 ~30日播种,播种越早产量越高,适宜播期为10月25日前.10月10日播种,密度以37.5万~45.0万株/hm2较为适宜;10月15 ~20日播种,适宜的密度范围为45.0万~52.5万株/hm2;10月25日播种,52.5万~60万株/hm2的密度较合适;10月30日播种,密度应达到60万株/hm2.  相似文献   

2002~2015年,在良垌镇、新民镇、青平镇、石颈镇、河唇镇的不同类型果园,定期调查荔枝第一次生理落果至采果期结束的落地果实,采集回室内观察。结果表明:廉江市荔枝蒂蛀虫发生世代数和主害代稳定;不同荔枝品种发生期及受害时间差异较大;不同荔枝品种虫口密度及受害程度差异大;虫口密度和种群数量变动与荔枝花果期密切相关。建议采取荔枝园间伐回缩技术,改善荔枝园生态环境等农业措施及选用高效低毒低残留农药于成虫羽化高峰期和卵孵化高峰期喷施的防治技术。  相似文献   

采用定点监测、分级调查法对云南河口1.2万hm2香蕉受褐足角胸叶甲(Basilepta fulvipes Motschulsky)的危害情况进行了研究。结果表明:褐足角胸叶甲发生、危害每年有3次以上的高峰期分别为4~5、7~8月和10月、12月至翌年3月为发生、危害的最低期;东部褐足角胸叶甲发生、危害最重,其次是西部及中南部;海拔高度和气候与褐足角胸叶甲的发生危害关系密切,海拔越高,危害率、危害指数越低,雨热同季、高温高湿比较有利于种群繁殖与发生危害。防治试验初步结果表明,参试的3种杀虫剂均有较好的防治效果,其中45%的马拉硫磷(跳丙)乳油1 000倍较好,在抽蕾初期防治可取得较好的防治效果,后期则效果降低或无效。  相似文献   

Brown stink bugs, Euschistus servus, are an important early-season pest of field corn in the southeastern United States. Feeding in the early stages of corn development can lead to a number of growth deformities and deficiencies and, ultimately, a reduction in yield. An observational and two experimentally manipulated trials were conducted in 2017 and 2018 to 1) determine optimal timing for assessing brown stink bug damage, 2) assess the level of damage from which yield compensation can occur, and 3) examine the relationship between brown stink bug density and early-season damage and yield. Fields were identified with infestations of brown stink bugs and a damage rating system for early stages of corn was established. Varying rates of brown stink bug densities were introduced using field cages and damage was assessed throughout the season. The density and duration of stink bug infestations were critical factors for damage potential, with each day of active feeding per plant resulting in a loss of ~14 kg/ha in yield. The level of damage in early stages of corn was categorized into easily identifiable groups, with only the most severe damage leading to a reduction in yield. Moderate and minimal feeding damage did not result in yield loss. This study emphasizes the need for early and frequent scouting of corn to determine the risk of damage and yield loss from brown stink bugs. Results from this study can be used to help develop management programs for brown stink bugs in the early vegetative stages of field corn.  相似文献   

Tyrophagus putrescentiae on rapeseed was exposed to a sub-lethal residue of 0.15 μg of bifenthrin per 100 g of rapeseed over 147 days, i.e. 14 generations. Every 21 days, samples of mites were collected and mortality was evaluated using a bifenthrin-treated filter paper bioassay. The sampled mites were also introduced onto newly-treated seeds. The susceptibility of the mites to bifenthrin remained similar after pre-exposure for all intervals from 21 to 147 days. The, LD50 ranged from 0.16 to 1.14 μg of bifenthrin per cm2 of filter paper. After 147 days, the rates of population increase and respiration of mites pre-exposed to the sub-lethal dose of bifenthrin were evaluated on bifenthrin treated (sub-lethal dose) and untreated rapeseed. Pre-exposure to bifenthrin had no significant effect on respiration, but influenced the rate of increase of mites on rapeseed: The mites pre-exposed to the sub-lethal dose of exhibited a higher rate of increase on the bifenthrin-treated rapeseed than on untreated rapeseed. Thus a decrease in the susceptibility of T. putrescentiae to bifenthrin with selection on a sub-lethal bifenthrin dose on rapeseed during up to 147 days of exposure during which the mite completed approximately 14 generations was not observed. However, the sub-lethal doses of bifenthrin stimulated the population growth and metabolic activity of the mites. Under such conditions, the production of hazardous proteins will probably be higher than on untreated rapeseed.  相似文献   

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