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土壤饱和导水率Ks是最基本的水力参数之一,而已知实验室内其值的确定受土柱尺寸的影响.以关中的塿土为研究对象,在室内,采用定水头法,研究5~30 cm内6个不同土柱尺寸对扰动黏壤土Ka测定的影响.结果表明:随着时间的延伸,Ks逐渐减小,其值最初降幅较大,其后趋于稳定,且在5 ~ 30 cm土柱直径范围内,Ks随着土柱直径的变大,扰动黏壤土的Ks递增,二者线性相关,y=0.000 4x+0.003 7(R2=0.965 1).研究结果可为测定Ks合理测定时间段及合理尺寸的选择提供参考.  相似文献   

Soil compaction caused by traffic of heavy vehicles and machinery has become a problem of world-wide concern. The aims of this study were to evaluate and compare the changes in bulk density, soil strength, porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity and air permeability during sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) harvesting on a typical Bavarian soil (Regosol) as well as to assess the most appropriate variable factors that fit with the effective controlling of subsequent compaction. The field experiments, measurements and laboratory testing were carried out in Freising, Germany. Two tillage systems (conventional plough tillage and reduced chisel tillage) were used in the experiments. The soil water contents were adjusted to 0.17 g g−1 (w1), 0.27 g g−1 (w2) and 0.35 g g−1 (w3).Taking the increase in bulk density, the decrease in air permeability and reduction of wide coarse pore size porosity (−6 kPa) into account, it seems that CT (ploughing to a depth of 0.25 m followed by two passes of rotary harrow to a depth 0.05 m) of plots were compacted to a depth of at least 0.25 m and at most 0.40 m in high soil water (w3) conditions. The trends were similar for “CT w1” (low soil water content) plots. However, it seems that “CT w1” plots were less affected than “CT w3” plots with regard to bulk density increases under partial load. In contrast, diminishments of wide coarse pores (−6 kPa) and narrow (tight) coarse pores (−30 kPa) were significantly higher in “CT w1” plots down to 0.4 m. Among CT plots, the best physical properties were obtained at medium soil water (w2) content. No significant increase in bulk density and no significant decrease in coarse pore size porosity and total porosity below 0.2 m were observed at medium soil water content. The soil water content seemed to be the most decisive factor.It is likely that, CS (chiselling to a depth of 0.13 m followed by two passes of rotary harrow to a depth 0.05 m) plots were less affected by traffic treatments than CT plots. Considering the proportion of coarse pore size porosity (structural porosity) and total porosity, no compaction effects below 0.3 m were found. Medium soil water content (w2) provides better soil conditions after traffic with regard to wide coarse pore size porosity (−6 kPa), air permeability (at 6 and 30 kPa water suction), total porosity and bulk density. Proportion of wide coarse pores, air permeability and bulk density seems to be suitable parameters to detect soil compaction under the conditions tested.  相似文献   

容重与含水率对砂质黏壤土静水崩解速率影响研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
崩解在土工试验中叫做湿化,是指土壤在静水中发生破裂解体、塌落或强度减弱的现象[1].土壤的崩解机制与土壤侵蚀的发生过程密切相关,是土壤侵蚀发生的必要条件之一.国内外对于土壤崩解的研究相对较少,而对于容重或含水对崩解性的影响的研究更少,国内仅有的研究目前大多限于黄土和南方的一些典型土壤,如燥红壤、红壤、褐红壤等.在降雨和地表灌溉作用下产生的土壤侵蚀过程中,崩解是侵蚀发生的一个前提条件.  相似文献   

25年长期定位不同施肥措施对关中塿土水力学性质的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
土壤水力学性质和功能的变化是评价长期施肥是否维持土壤可持续健康发展的重要方面。该研究通过采取"国家黄土肥力与肥料效益监测基地"的表层原状土壤,分析测定了撂荒(LH)、休闲(XX)、不施肥(CK)、单施氮肥(N)、氮磷钾肥(NPK)和有机肥与氮磷钾肥配施(MNPK)6个处理的土壤水分特征曲线、饱和导水率和紧实度等指标,评价了长期定位施肥对土壤基本物理性质和水力学性质的影响。结果表明:1)与CK、N和NPK处理相比,MNPK处理显著提高了土壤有机碳、饱和导水率和孔隙度,而降低了土壤容重和紧实度(P0.05)。2)不同施肥处理之间的土壤水分特征曲线表现出一定的差异,其土壤持水能力强弱为:XXN≈NPKCKMNPKLH;MNPK处理较CK、N和NPK处理持水能力分别提高2.57%、3.33%和7.34%;V-G模型拟合结果表明残余含水量(θ_r)、饱和含水量(θ_s)和进气值倒数(a)都存在一定程度的差异,θ_r在MNPK处理最大,XX最小;θ_s在N处理最大,MNPK次之,CK最小。进气值(1/a)在XX处理最大,LH最小。3)当量孔隙的分布主要在9μm大孔隙范围内,其次是0.2μm小孔隙范围,0.2~9μm之间的中孔隙分布较少。综上,MNPK有助于改善土壤结构,提高土壤持水性,降低土壤容重和紧实度,有助于作物生长和高产,是关中地区较为适宜的施肥措施。  相似文献   

Soil thermal conductivity determines how a soil warms or cools with exchange of energy by conduction, convection, and radiation. The ability to monitor soil thermal conductivity is an important tool in managing the soil temperature regime to affect seed germination and crop growth. In this study, the temperature-by-time data was obtained using a single probe device to determine the soil thermal conductivity. The device was used in the field in some Jordanian clay loam and loam soils to estimate their thermal conductivities under three different tillage treatments to a depth of 20 cm. Tillage treatments were: no-tillage, rotary tillage, and chisel tillage. For the same soil type, the results showed that rotary tillage decreased soil thermal conductivity more than chisel tillage, compared to no-tillage plots. For the clay loam, thermal conductivity ranged from 0.33 to 0.72 W m−1 K−1 in chisel plowed treatments, from 0.30 to 0.48 W m−1 K−1 in rotary plowed treatments, and from 0.45 to 0.78 W m−1 K−1 in no-till treatments. For the loam, thermal conductivity ranged from 0.40 to 0.75 W m−1 K−1 in chisel plowed treatments, from 0.34 to 0.57 W m−1 K−1 in rotary plowed treatments, and from 0.50 to 0.79 W m−1 K−1 in no-till treatments. The clay loam generally had lower thermal conductivity than loam in all similar tillage treatments. The thermal conductivity measured in this study for each tillage system, in each soil type, was compared with independent estimates based on standard procedures where soil properties are used to model thermal conductivity. The results of this study showed that thermal conductivity varied with soil texture and tillage treatment used and that differences between the modeled and measured thermal conductivities were very small.  相似文献   

 Net mineralization was measured in free-draining and poorly drained pasture soils using three different field incubation methodologies. Two involved the use of enclosed incubation vessels (jar or box) containing C2H2 as a nitrification inhibitor. The third method confined soil cores in situ in an open tube in the ground, with an anion-exchange resin at the base to retain leached NO3 (resin-core technique, RCT). Measurements were made on three occasions on three free-draining pastures of different ages and contrasting organic matter contents. In general, rates of net mineralization increased with pasture age and organic matter content (range: 0.5–1.5 kg N ha–1 day–1) and similar rates were obtained between the three techniques for a particular pasture. Coefficients of variation (CVs) were generally high (range: 10.4–98.5%), but the enclosed incubation methods were rather less variable than the RCT and were considered overall to be the more reliable. The RCT did not include C2H2 and, therefore, newly formed NO3 may have been lost through denitrification. In a poorly drained pasture soil, there were discrepancies between the two enclosed methods, especially when the soil water content approached field capacity. The interpretation of the incubation measurements in relation to the flux of N through the soil inorganic N pool is discussed and the drawbacks of the various methodologies are evaluated. Received: 18 November 1999  相似文献   

Tillage management can affect crop growth by altering the pore size distribution, pore geometry and hydraulic properties of soil. In the present communication, the effect of different tillage management viz., conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and zero-tillage (ZT) and different crop rotations viz. [(soybean–wheat (S–W), soybean–lentil (S–L) and soybean–pea (S–P)] on pore size distribution and soil hydraulic conductivities [saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity {k(h)}] of a sandy clay loam soil was studied after 4 years prior to the experiment. Soil cores were collected after 4 year of the experiment at an interval of 75 mm up to 300 mm soil depth for measuring soil bulk density, soil water retention constant (b), pore size distribution, Ksat and k(h). Nine pressure levels (from 2 to 1500 kPa) were used to calculate pore size distribution and k(h). It was observed that b values at all the studied soil depths were higher under ZT than those observed under CT irrespective of the crop rotations. The values of soil bulk density observed under ZT were higher in 0–75 mm soil depth in all the crop rotations. But, among the crop rotations, soils under S–P and S–L rotations showed relatively lower bulk density values than S–W rotation. Average values of the volume fraction of total porosity with pores <7.5 μm in diameter (effective pores for retaining plant available water) were 0.557, 0.636 and 0.628 m3 m−3 under CT, MT and ZT; and 0.592, 0.610 and 0.626 m3 m−3 under S–W, S–L and S–P, respectively. In contrast, the average values of the volume fraction of total porosity with pores >150 μm in diameter (pores draining freely with gravity) were 0.124, 0.096 and 0.095 m3 m−3 under CT, MT and ZT; and 0.110, 0.104 and 0.101 m3 m−3 under S–W, S–L and S–P, respectively. Saturated hydraulic conductivity values in all the studied soil depths were significantly greater under ZT than those under CT (range from 300 to 344 mm day−1). The observed k(h) values at 0–75 mm soil depth under ZT were significantly higher than those computed under CT at all the suction levels, except at −10, −100 and −400 kPa suction. Among the crop rotations, S–P rotation recorded significantly higher k(h) values than those under S–W and S–L rotations up to −40 kPa suction. The interaction effects of tillage and crop rotations affecting the k(h) values were found significant at all the soil water suctions. Both S–L and S–P rotations resulted in better soil water retention and transmission properties under ZT.  相似文献   

The effects of zeolite application (0, 4, 8 and16 g kg?1) and saline water (0.5, 1.5, 3.0 and 5.0 dS m?1) on saturated hydraulic conductivity (K s) and sorptivity (S) in different soils were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Results showed that K s was increased at salinity levels of 0.5‐1.5 dS m?1 in clay loam and loam with 8 and 4 g zeolite kg?1 soil, respectively, and at salinity levels of 3.0–5.0 dS m?1 with 16 g zeolite kg?1 soil. K s was decreased by using low and high salinity levels in sandy loam with application of 8 and 16 g zeolite kg?1, respectively. In clay loam, salinity levels of 0.5–3.0 dS m?1 with application of 16 g kg?1 zeolite and 5.0 dS m?1 with application of 8 g zeolite kg?1 soil resulted in the lowest values of S. In loam, all salinity levels with application of 16 g zeolite kg?1 soil increased S compared with other zeolite application rates. In sandy loam, only a salinity level of 0.5 dS m?1 with application of 4 g zeolite kg?1 soil increased S. Other zeolite applications decreased S, whereas increasing the zeolite application to 16 g kg?1 soil resulted in the lowest value of S.  相似文献   

A model for soil crumbling, called the capillary crumbling model (CCM) was introduced by Aluko and Koolen [Aluko, O.B., Koolen, A.J., 2000. The essential mechanics of capillary crumbling of structured agricultural soils. Soil Till. Res. 55, 117–126]. According to the CCM, the optimum soil water content for tillage (θOPT) may be defined as the water content at which the capillary bonding strength between aggregates is minimum. The objective of this study was to evaluate the CCM for the arable layer of 10 agricultural soils (sandy loam to clay textures) from semi-arid regions in western Iran. The results were compared with conventional soil workability limits such as 0.85 of the soil plastic limit (0.85θPL), Proctor critical water content (θProctor), 0.6 or 0.7 of water content at matric suction of 50 hPa (0.6–0.7θ50 hPa), and the Kretschmer optimum water content (θKretschmer = θPL − 0.15(θLL − θPL)) where θLL is the soil liquid limit. Repacked soil cores were prepared from intact soil aggregates (0.50–4.75 mm) to 0.9 of the critical bulk density (to represent the soil conditions before tillage). Tensile strength and matric suction of the cores were determined at different soil water contents obtained by slow drying. The CCM provided evidence for the physics and mechanics of crumbling in the studied soils. It revealed that effective stresses are the dominant inter-aggregates forces, at least for the wet range of soil water content. A fall in strength of inter-aggregate bonds (i.e. tensile strength) was recorded due to water emptying from structural pores in a narrow range of matric suction (hOPT) which was consistent with the model. With increasing soil organic matter and clay contents the fall became more distinct, indicating increased structural stability. The θOPT values determined by the CCM were found in the hOPT range 551–612 hPa corresponding to 0.91–0.79θPL, which was in agreement with published values for the soil workability limit. Negative correlations between hOPT and clay and organic matter contents clearly confirmed the increasing effect of soil structure on the enlargement of inter-aggregate pores. High correlations were observed between θOPT and 0.85θPL, θProctor or 0.7θ50 hPa. The results showed that the CCM might be recommended as a physically based method for the determination of θOPT. Considering the 1:1 relationships between θOPT and 0.85θPL or θProctor, and easy determination of θPL and θProctor, use of these indices is recommended in situations where the CCM is not applicable.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the effects of compaction on water flow patterns at the soil profile scale. Control and trafficked plots were established in field trials at two sites. The trafficked treatment was created by four passes track‐by‐track with a three‐axle dumper with a maximum wheel load of 5.8 Mg. One year later, dye‐tracing experiments were performed and several soil mechanical, physical and hydraulic properties were measured to help explain the dye patterns. Penetration resistance was measured to 50 cm depth, with saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), bulk density, and macroporosity and mesoporosity being measured on undisturbed soil cores sampled from three depths (10, 30 and 50 cm). Significant effects of the traffic treatment on the structural pore space were found at 30 cm depth for large mesopores (0.3–0.06 mm diameter), but not small mesopores (0.06–0.03 mm) or macroporosity (pores > 0.3 mm). At one of the sites, ponding was observed during the dye‐tracing experiments, especially in the trafficked plots, because of the presence of a compacted layer at plough depth characterized by a larger bulk density and smaller structural porosity and Ks values. Ponding did not induce any preferential transport of the dye solution into the subsoil at this site. In contrast, despite the presence of a compacted layer at 25–30 cm depth, a better developed structural porosity in the subsoil was noted at the other site which allowed preferential flow to reach to at least 1 m depth in both treatments.  相似文献   

Secondary tillage performed under inadequate soil water contents usually leads to a poor seedbed. Under normal Swedish weather conditions, clayey soils ploughed during autumn form a very dry top layer in spring, which acts as an evaporation barrier so that deeper layers remain wet. Thus, the conventional approach considering soil workability in relation to a single value of soil water content is difficult to apply. Hence, a field experiment was carried out to study the effect of seedbed preparation date, the associated soil water contents and traffic consequences on the physical properties of a spring seedbed. The field was autumn ploughed and the experiment started as soon as the field was trafficable after winter thawing. The seedbed preparation consisted of three harrowing operations on plots 8 m×8 m (three replications) with a spring tined harrow and a tractor mounted with dual tyres and was performed on 10 occasions from the beginning of April to the middle of May. With the exception of some short periods after rain, the soil had a clear water stratification during the experiment, with a very dry superficial layer (5–20 mm thick) contrasting to water contents over 300 g kg−1 from only 40 mm depth. After the harrowing operation, the seedbed aggregate fraction less than 2 mm increased from about 40% at the beginning of April to about 60% for the last four treatments in May. Contributing factors to the rise were attributed to the lower water contents of the top layer (<40 mm) and the drying–wetting and freezing–thawing cycles that occurred in the surface layer during April. There were no significant differences in bulk density after harrowing between the treatments but an increase in penetration resistance up to a depth of 180 mm in the harrowed plots was statistically significant (P<0.001). In the non-harrowed soil, penetration resistance also increased, including in those soil layers where water contents kept nearly constant.

In conclusion, the seedbed preparation dates had only a minor effect on soil compaction, as measured by bulk density and penetration resistance, due to the slow drying beneath the dry top layer. The fraction of fine aggregates in the seedbed increased with time. Thus, the optimal time for seedbed preparation depended mainly on soil friability and not on the risk of compaction.  相似文献   

Salt and sodicity of saline-alkali soil adversely affect the construction of ecological landscapes and negatively impact crop production. The reclamation potential of biochar (BC, wheat straw biochar applied at 1% by weight), gypsum (G, 0.4% by weight), and gypsum coupled with biochar (GBC) was examined in this laboratory-based study by evaluating their effects on a saline-alkali soil (silt loam) with no amendment as a control (CK). Saline ice and fresh water (simulated rainfall) were leached through soil columns to investigate changes in salt content, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), alkalinity, and pH of the leachate and the soil. Results showed that saturated water content and field water capacity (FWC) significantly increased by 4.4% and 5.6%, respectively, in the BC treatment after a short incubation time. Co-application of biochar and gypsum (GBC) increased soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) by 58.4%, which was also significantly higher than the sole addition. Electrical conductivity (EC) of the leachate decreased sharply after saline ice leaching; subsequent freshwater leaching accelerated the removal of the rest of the salts, irrespective of the amendment application. However, the application of gypsum (G and GB) significantly enhanced the removal of exchangeable Na+ and reduced leachate SAR. After leaching, the soil salt content decreased significantly for all treatments. The application of gypsum resulted in a significantly lower soil pH, exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), SAR, and alkalinity values than those recorded for the CK and BC treatments. These results demonstrated that the co-application of gypsum and biochar could improve saline-alkali soil hydraulic conductivity and decrease leaching-induced sodicity over a short period.  相似文献   

In general, soils and their pore size systems are assumed to be rigid during the loss of water on drying. In reality, it is not the case for most soils, especially for soils with high quantities of clay or organic matter. As a result of shrinking, there are changes in the bulk density, the porosity, the pore size distribution, and the hydraulic properties of these soils. Currently, only a few methods enable the shrinkage behavior of soil samples to be determined while simultaneously quantifying the corresponding soil hydraulic properties. Either the methods need proprietary software for data processing, the equipment used is expensive or the calculation of the hydraulic properties is executed by inverse modelling. The aim of this study was to develop an alternative, simplified method for the simultaneous and automatic determination of the soil hydraulic properties, taking shrinkage into account. The HYPROP® evaporative device was combined with a circumference meter. A preliminary investigation found that the diameter of the cylindrical samples used for the HYPROP decreased linearly during evaporation from the bottom to the top. To sum up, recording the perimeter change in the middle position of the sample during drying‐out, together with the corresponding tension and water content, was sufficient to determine the hydraulic functions taking shrinkage into account. Measurements are presented for 6 samples which are different in texture and geological origin. The maximum shrinkage (19.5% by vol. between saturation and 5,000 hPa) was measured in the peat samples. The minimum shrinkage was quantified at 0.68% by vol. for the silty loam samples from Chile. The advantages of the method presented are: (1) the water retention curve and the hydraulic conductivity function can be determined simultaneously in the range between saturation and close to the wilting point, at a high resolution and taking into consideration shrinkage; (2) the method and device are simple and robust to use; (3) little time is required for measurement, between 3 and at most 10 d; (4) the functions are described over the whole tension range, using more than 100 user‐defined data points; (5) the evaluation of the volumetric soil water content measurement in shrinking soils is improved; and (6) common data models can be fitted to the hydraulic data as well as to the shrinkage data.  相似文献   

Soil compaction affects hydraulic properties, and thus can lead to soil degradation and other adverse effects on environmental quality. This study evaluates the effects of three levels of compaction on the hydraulic properties of two silty loam soils from the Loess Plateau, China. Undisturbed soil cores were collected from the surface (0–5 cm) and subsurface (10–15 cm) layers at sites in Mizhi and Heyang in Shaanxi Province. The three levels of soil compaction were set by increasing soil bulk density by 0% (C0), 10% (C1) and 20% (C2) through compression and hammering in the laboratory. Soil water retention curves were then determined, and both saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity were estimated for all of the samples using standard suction apparatus, a constant head method and the hot-air method, respectively. The high level of compaction (C2) significantly changed the water retention curves of both the surface and subsurface layers of the Heyang soil, and both levels of compaction (C1 and C2) changed the curves of the two layers from the Mizhi site. However, the effects of compaction on the two soils were only pronounced below water tensions of 100 kPa. Saturated hydraulic conductivities (Ks) were significantly reduced by the highest compaction level for both sampled layers of the Heyang soil, but no difference was observed in this respect between the C0 and C1 treatments. Ks values decreased with increasing soil compaction for both layers of the Mizhi soil. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivities were not affected by soil compaction levels in the measured water volume ratio range, and the values obtained were two to five orders of magnitude higher for the Mizhi soil than for the Heyang soil. The results indicate that soil compaction could strongly influence, in different ways, the hydraulic properties of the two soils.  相似文献   

Knowledge of hydraulic properties is essential for understanding water movement in soil. However, very few data on these properties are available from the Loess Plateau of China. We determined the hydraulic properties of two silty loam soils on agricultural land at sites in Mizhi and Heyang in the region. Undisturbed soil cores were collected from seven layers to one meter depth to determine saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil water retention curves and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (by the hot-air method). Additional field methods (internal drainage and Guelph permeameter) were applied at the Heyang site to compare differences between methods. Soil water retention curves were flatter at Mizhi than at Heyang. Water contents at saturation and wilting point (1500 kPa) were higher at Heyang than at Mizhi. However, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity was lower at Heyang than at Mizhi, with maximum differences of more than six orders of magnitude. Nevertheless, the two soils had similar saturated hydraulic conductivities of about 60 cm day− 1. Comparison between the methods showed that soil water retention curves obtained in the laboratory generally agreed well with the field data. Field-saturated conductivities had similar values to those obtained using the soil core method. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivities predicted by the Brooks–Corey model were closer to field data than corresponding values predicted by the van Genuchten model.  相似文献   

PAM对土壤物理性状以及水分分布的影响   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
为了研究聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)在黄土高原自然条件下对土壤物理性状和水分分布的影响,采用表面撒施的方法研究了12个不同处理小区的土壤体积质量、饱和导水率以及水分分布的变化。结果表明,在0~2 g/m2范围内添加PAM可以减小土壤体积质量增加土壤饱和导水率,但用量超过2 g/m2土壤体积质量开始增加。饱和导水率开始降低。在0~ 3 g/m2均可用二次曲线进行描述,相关系数达到95%以上。表层土壤含水量随着PAM添加量的增加而升高,20~60 cm土层土壤含水率随着PAM用量的增加出现交叉现象,60~100 cm土层随着PAM用量的增加而增加,在2 g/m2用量时达到最高,再增加PAM用量土壤含水率反而有降低趋势。100 cm以下土层变化不明显。该研究为探明PAM在黄土高原地区的适应性和大规模应用提供依据。  相似文献   

Vegetated buffer zones (BZs) between arable fields and bodies of water are commonly established to reduce erosion and run‐off of particle‐bound nutrients. Functioning of a BZ depends on soil structure, as it is important for water infiltration. Therefore, it is vital to understand how varying management practices affect soils of BZs. We studied the structural and hydraulic properties of three differently managed BZs established in a boreal Vertic Stagnic Cambisol (clay, 51%). The three management practices for vegetation were as follows: natural with no treatment, harvested yearly and grazed by cattle. We used bulk density and macroporosity, together with a pore geometry index (air permeability per unit air‐filled porosity), to describe the soil structural properties. Hydraulic properties were measured at different length scales by means of an aggregate sorptivity test, saturated hydraulic conductivity of the core samples and field‐saturated hydraulic conductivity. Vegetation management markedly affected the physical properties in the top 5 cm of the soil. Properties were least favourable for infiltration at the grazed site, with the greatest bulk density, least macroporosity and hydraulic conductivity or greatest pore tortuosity. In general, spatial variation in zones with restricted and good hydraulic conductivity together with reduced aggregate sorptivity in the deeper horizons made the soil prone to preferential flow when initially dry. Prolonged wetness, on the other hand, reduced saturated hydraulic conductivity significantly, resulting in surface run‐off. Harvesting was considered the best management practice due to its inherent capacity for reducing the soil nutrient content and because it has minor implications for soil physical properties.  相似文献   

Soil water content during tillage can have a large impact on soil properties and tillage outcome. Measurement of soil relief in relation to fixed elevation points provides a non-destructive method of monitoring loosening/compacting processes during the year. The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of soil water content during primary tillage on soil physical properties.

The treatments included mouldboard and chisel ploughing of a clay soil on three occasions in the autumn, with gradually increasing water content (0.76, 0.91 and 1.01 × plastic limit). Soil surface height was measured by laser within a 0.64 m2 area from fixed steel plates after each tillage occasion, and before and after seedbed preparation in the following spring. The measurements of surface height were compared with measurements of other soil physical properties, such as bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity and seedbed properties.

Tillage at the lowest water content (0.76 × plastic limit) produced the greatest proportion of small aggregates, and generally the most favourable soil conditions for crop growth. Soil loosening, as measured by increase in soil height during primary tillage, was highest for mouldboard ploughing and for tillage at the lowest water content. Differences between tillage treatments decreased with time, but were still significant after sowing in the spring. Natural consolidation during winter was smaller than the compaction during seedbed preparation in the spring. No significant differences in bulk density were found between treatments, and thus soil surface height was a more sensitive parameter than bulk density determined by core sampling to detect differences between treatments.

Late tillage under wet conditions caused a greater roughness of the soil surface and the seedbed base, which was also found in the traditional seedbed investigation. The effect of tillage time on seedbed properties also resulted in a lower number of emerged plants in later tillage treatments.

The laser measurements were effective for studying changes in soil structure over time. The results emphasize the need to determine changes in soil physical properties for different tillage systems over time in order to model soil processes.  相似文献   

Cover crops (CCs) can improve soil hydraulic properties prior to termination, but their effects on soil hydraulic properties during the growing season are less known. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of no-till CC on the soil hydraulic properties during the commodity crop growing season in Murfreesboro, USA. The CCs included hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), winter peas (Lathyrus hirsutus L.), oats (Avena sativa), triticale (Triticale hexaploide Lart.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). The cash crop grown was corn (Zea mays). Soil samples were collected using a cylindrical core (55 mm inside diameter, 60 mm long) at 0–10, 10–20, and 20–30 cm depths during April (prior to CC termination), May, June and July. Results showed that soil bulk density (Db) was 23%, 12%, 11% and 10% higher under no cover crop (NCC) compared with CC management during April – July, respectively. This suggests a lower rate of soil consolidation under CC management even after several rainfall events. Four months after CC termination, macroporosity and total porosity were 306 and 50% higher, respectively, under CC compared with NCC management. Therefore, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) during July was two times higher under CC management compared with NCC management and this can affect increase water infiltration and conservation during the growing season. Due to CC root-induced improvement in macroporosity, CCs had 64% higher volumetric water content (θ) at saturation during July compared with NCC management. Cover crops can improve soil hydraulic properties and these benefits can persist for up to four months after termination.  相似文献   

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