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Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Veterinary Encyclopedia: Volume 1 (1968). Medical Book Company Ltd., Copenhagen.
Textbook of the Special Pathological Anatomy of Domestic Animals: N ieberle and C ohrs , revised by Paul C ohrs , translated by R. C rawford (1967). Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford.
Current Veterinary Therapy III: R obert W. K irk (1968). W. B. Saunders Co. Ltd., Philadelphia.
The Blood Morphology of Laboratory Animals: S iegmund S chermer (1967). Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd., Oxford.
Genetics of the Dog: M arca B urns and M argaret N. F raser (1966). Oliver & Boyd Ltd., Edinburgh.
The Retriever Owner's Encyclopaedia: G wen B roadley (1968), Pelham Books Ltd., London.  相似文献   

Dufour, J., & C. Bernard, 1968: Effect of light on the development of market pigs and breeding gilts (Der Einfluß von Licht auf die Entwicklung von Mast- und Zuchtschweinen). Can. J. Animal Sci. 48, 425—430 (Res. Sta., Canada Dept. of Agric., Lennoxville, Quebec). Donaldson, L. E., & W. Hansel, 1968: Cystic corpora lutea and normal and cystic Graafian follicles in the cow (Zystische Corpora lutea und normale und zystische Graafsche Follikel bei der Kuh). Austral. Vet. J. 44, 7, 304—308, 20 Lit. (CSIRO, Division of Animal Physiology, Cunningham Laboratory, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australien). Thain, R. I., 1968: Residual herd infertility in cattle (“Residual herd infertility” beim Rind). Austral. Vet. J. 44, 5, 218—222, 27 Lit. (Department of Agriculture, Mt. Pleasant Laboratories, Launceston South, Tasmania, Australien). Baker, A. A., 1968: An intravaginal technique for ovarian examination (Eine intravaginale Technik zur Untersuchung der Ovarien beim Rind). Austral Vet. J. 44, 5, 210—211, 4 Lit. (Department of Animal Husbandry, Univ. of Queensland, Vet. School, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australien). Matthews, R. G., R. T. Ropiha & R. M. Butterfield, 1967: The phenomenon of foal heat in mares (Das Phänomen der Fohlenrosse bei Stuten). Austral. Vet. J. 43, 12, 579—582, 9 Lit. (Oakbank, Australien). Fallon, P., 1967: Ovarian follicle formation in relation to pregnancy in mares (Beschaffenheit der Ovarialfollikel von Stuten in Beziehung zur Trächtigkeit). Austral. Vet. J. 43, 536—540, 2 Tab. (Burwood, Victoria, Australien). Bernoco, D., 1967: Nota sulle relazioni tra fenotipi per emoglobina e per potassio e fertilitá in ovini (Über Beziehungen der Hämoglobin- und Kalium-Polymorphismen des Schafes zur Fertilität). Atti. Soc. Ital. Scienze Vet. 21, 366—367, 1 Tab. (Osservatorio de Genetica Animale, Torino/Italien). Smith, I. D., 1968: The effects of worm infestation and fly-strike upon oestrous activity in Merino ewes (Der Einfluß von Wurm- und Fliegenbefall auf die Brunst beim Merinoschaf), Austral. Vet. J. 44, 5, 207—209, 13 Lit. (Univ. of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australien). Katsh, S., A. Aguirre & G. F. Katsh, 1968: Inactivation of sperm antigens by sera and tissues of the female reproductive tract (Inaktivierung von Sperma-Antigen durch Serum und Gewebe des weiblichen Genitaltraktes). Fertility and Sterility, 19, 5, 740—747, 11 Lit. (Univ. of Colorado Med. Center, Dept. of Pharmacology, Denver, Colo., USA). Bagshawe, K. D., A. Hilary Orr & A. G. J. Rushworth, 1968: Relationship between concentrations of human chorionic gonadotrophin in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (Die Beziehungen zwischen den Konzentrationen des HCG im Plasma und in der Cerebrospinalflüssigkeit). Nature 217, No. 5132, 950—951, 16 Lit. (Edgar Labor., Fulham Hospital, St. Dunstans Road, London). Hunter, R. H. F., & C. Polge, 1966: Maturation of follicular oocytes in the pig after injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin (Reifung von follikulären Oozyten beim Schwein nach der Injektion von Choriongonadotropin). J. Reprod. Fertil 12, 525—531, 12 Abb., 2 Tab., 13 Lit. (Animal Res. Station, 307 Huntington Road, Cambridge). Schultze, A. B., & A. R. Ellicott, 1968: Estradiol administration and reproductive performance in rats (Östradiolgaben und Fortpflanzungstatigkeit bei Ratten). J. Exp. Zool., 168 , H. 4, 531—534, 7 Lit. (Dep. Animal Sci., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska). Leavitt, W. W., & D. M. Meismer, 1968: Sexual development altered by non-steroidal oestrogens (Änderungen sexueller Entwicklung durch nicht-steroide Östrogene). Nature 218, No. 5137, 181—182, 1 Tab., 6 Lit. (Dep. of Physiol., Univ. Cincinnati, Ohio). Puca, G. A., & F. Bresciani, 1968: Receptor molecule for oestrogens from rat uterus (Über Rezeptormoleküle für Östrogene vom Rattenuterus). Nature 218, No. 5145, 967—969, 4 Graph., 3 Tab., 15 Lit. (Inst. of Gen. Path., Univ. of Naples and Messina). Ericsson, R. J., & V. F. Baker, 1966: Transport of oestrogens in semen to the female rat during mating and its effect on fertility (Übertragung von Östrogenen mit Sperma bei der Paarung von Ratten und ihr Einfluß auf die Fruchtbarkeit). J. Reprod. Fertil. 12, 381—384, 2 Tab., 4 Lit. (Res. Labor., The Upjohn Co., Kalamzoo, Michigan, USA). Herbert, J., & M. R. Trimble, 1967: Effect of oestradiol and testosterone on the sexual receptivity and attractiveness of the female Rhesus monkey (Der Einfluß von Östradiol und Testosteron auf die sexuelle Empfängnisbereitschaft und Reizfähigkeit des Rhesusaffenweibchens). Nature 216, No. 5111, 165—166, 1 Abb., 9 Lit. (Dep. of Anatomy of Birmingham). Bennet, D., & A. Axelsen, 1968: Fertility of ewes after stilboestrol injections in early life (Die Fruchtbarkeit von Schafen nach Applikation von Stilböstrol vor oder nach der Geburt). Austral. Vet. J. 44, No. 7, 313—314, 3 Lit. (CSIRO Div. of Plant Ind., Canberra). Meyerson, B, J., 1968: Female copulatory behaviour in male and androgenized female rats after oestrogen/amine depletor treatment (Weibliches Paarungsverhalten männlicher und androgenisierter weiblicher Ratten nach Östrogen- und Aminodepletorenbehandlung). Nature 217, No. 5129, 683—684, 3 Tab., 11 Lit. (Dep. of Pharmacol., Univ. Uppsala, Sweden). Sud, S. C., H. A. Tucker & J. Meites, 1968: Estrogen-progesterone requirements for udder development in ovariectomized heifers (Die zur Euterentwicklung bei ovariektomierten Färsen erforderlichen Östrogen-Progesteron-Dosen). J. Dairy Sci. 51, (2), 210—214, 9 Lit. (Dep. of Physiol and Dep. of Dairy Michigan State Univ. East Lansing). Lisse, K., & P. Schürenkämper, 1968: Die Steroidhormonbildung in menschlichen Ovarien im Verlauf des Zyklus. Zbl. Gynäk. 90, (32), 1087—1093, 5 Abb. (Univ.-Frauenklinik der Charité, Berlin, Tucholskystr. 2). Erb, R. E., V. L. Estergreen, Jr., W. R. Gomes, E. D. Plotka & O. L. Frost, 1968: Progestin levels in corpora lutea and progesterone in ovarian venous and jugular vein blood plasma of the pregnant bovine (Der Progestingehalt von Gelbkörpern und die Progesteronkonzentration im Plasma der Vena ovarica und Vena jugularis während der Trächtigkeit des Rindes). J. Dairy Sci. 51, (3), 401—410, 46 Lit. (Dep. Animal Sci., Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. and Dep. Animal Sci. a. Vet. Clin. Med. a. Surgery, Washington Univ. Pullman). Erb, R. E., V. L. Estergreen, Jr., W. R. Gomes, E. D. Plotka & O. L. Frost, 1968: Progestin content of ovaries and the effect on assessment of luteal activity in the bovine (Der Progestingehalt der Eierstöcke und mögliche Rückschlüsse auf die Gelbkörperaktivität beim Rind). J. Dairy Sci. 51, (3), 411—415, 13 Lit. (Dep. Animal Sci., Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. and Dep. Animal Sci. a. Vet. Clin. Med. a. Surgery, Washington Univ. Pullman). Woody, C. O., N. L. First & A. L. Pope, 1967: Effect of exogenous progesterone on estrous cycle length (Der Einfluß von exogenem Progesteron auf die Dauer des Brunstzyklus). J. Animal Sci., 26, (1), 139—141, 14 Lit. (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison). Moor, R. M., W. D. Booth & L. E. A. Rowson, 1966: Effect of hysterectomy on the life-span of corpora lutea induced artificially in progesteron-treated ewes (Einfluß der Hysterektomie auf die Lebensdauer von Gelbkörpern, die bei progesteronbehandelten Schafen durch HCG induziert worden waren). J. Reprod. Fertil, 12, 385—387, 1 Tab., 9 Lit. (A. R. C. Unit of Reprd. Physiol. and Biochem., 307 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge). Coudert, S. P., & R. V. Short, 1966: Prolongation of the functional life of the corpus luteum in sheep with experimental uterine infections (Verlängerung der Funktionsdauer des Corpus luteum bei Schafen mit experimentellen Uterus-Infektionen). J. Reprod. Fertil. 12, 579—582, 1 Tab., 17 Lit. (Dep. of Veter. Clinical Stud., and A. R. C. Unit of Reprod. Physiol. and Biochem., Cambridge). Martinovitch, P. N., O. K. Ivanisevic & J. V. Martinovic, 1968: Induction of hyperluteinization and precocious opening of the vagina in rats with a transverse cut in the hypothalamus made shortly after birth (Auslösung einer Hyperluteinisierung und einer frühzeitigen Vaginalöffnung bei Ratten nach einem kurz nach der Geburt durchgeführten Transversalschnitt im Hypothalamus). Nature 217, No. 5131, 866—867, 6 Lit. (Boris Kidric Inst. of Nuclear Sci., PO Box 522, Belgrade, Yugoslavia). Stöckl, W., H. Bergmann & G. Rainer, 1967: Über die Wirkung von 19-nor-Testosteron-17β-cyclohexylpropionat bei Rindern. Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr., 54, 9, 584— 590 (Med.-chem. Inst. der Tierärztl. Hochschule Wien). Caruolo, E. V., & R. D. Mochrie, 1968: Effects of temporary hormonal suppression of lactation on milk constituents, clinical mastitis, colostrum and the estrous cycle (Die Einflüsse einer vorübergehenden hormonellen Unterdrückung der Laktation auf die Milchinhaltsstoffe, klinische Mastitis, das Kolostrum und den Brunstzyklus). J. Dairy Sci. 51, (9), 1436—1444, 6 Abb., 2 Tab., 32 Lit. (Animal Sci. Dep., North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh). Plotka, E. D., & R. E. Erb, 1967: Levels of progesterone in peripheral blood plasma during the estrous cycle of the ewe (Der Progesteron-Spiegel im peripheren Blutplasma des Schafes während des Brunstzyklus). Journ. Animal Sci., 26, 6, 1363—1365, 13 Lit. (Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Indiana). Marston, J. H., & W. A. Kelly, 1968: Time relationships of spermatozoon penetration into the egg of the Rhesus monkey (Zeitliche Beziehungen bei der Spermieneinwanderung in das Rhesusaffenei). Nature, London 217, No. 5133, 1073—1074, 2 Abb., 5 Lit. (Dept. of Anat., Med. School, Univ. Birmingham). Sreenan, J., & P. Scanlon, 1968: Continued cleavage of fertilized bovine ova in the rabbit (Fortgesetzte Teilung befruchteter Rindereizellen im Kaninchen). Nature, London 217, No. 5131, 867, 5 Lit. (Fac. of Agr., Lyons Exper. Farm, Univ. College, Dublin). Hunter, R. H. F., 1967: Polyspermic fertilization in pigs during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle (Polysperme Befruchtung von Schweinen wahrend der Lutealphase im Brunstzyklus). J. Exp. Zool., 165, H. 3, 451—460, 22 Lit. (A. R. C. Unit of Reprod. Physiol. a. Biochem., Univ. Cambridge, England). Chang, M. C., & D. M. Hunt, 1968: Attemps to induce polyspermy in the rabbit by delayed insemination and treatment with progesterone (Versuche zur Erzeugung von Polyspermie beim Kaninchen durch verzögerte Besamung und Progesteronbehandlung). J. Exp. Zool. 167, 419—426, 13 Abb., 9 Lit. (Worcester Foundation Exp. Biol., Shrewsbury, Mass.). Hunter, R. H. F., 1968: Attempted fertilization of hamster eggs following transplantation into the uterus (Reduzierte Befruchtung von Hamstereiern nach Transplantation in den Uterus). J. Exp. Zool., 168 , H. 4, 511—516, 10 Lit. (Worcester Foundation Exper. Biol., Shrewsbury, Mass.).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Small animal trauma radiology atlas: An Atlas of Radiology of the Traumatized Dog and Cat. By J. P. Morgan and P. Wolvekamp.
Parasitology textbook: Georgis' Parasitology fur Veterinarians (6th edn). By D. D. Bowman.
Updated feline textbook: Feline Medicine and Therapeutics (2nd edn). By E. A. Chandler, C. J. Gaskell and R. M. Gaskell.
Surgical atlas: An Atlas of Veterinary Surgery (3rd edn). By J. Hickman, J. E. F. Houlton and G. B. Edwards.
Textbook of spinal problems: Small Animal Spinal Disorders, Diagnosis and Surgery. By S. J. Wheeler and N. J. H. Sharp.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics, 5th Edn By G. H. Arthur, D. E. Noakes and H. Pearson.
ENT and Oral Surgery of the Dog and Cat By J. G. Lane.
Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals, 2nd Edn Edited by J. W. Davis, L. H. Karstad and D. O. Trainer.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents, Clinical Medicine & Surgery, EV Hillyer and KE Quensenberry, WB Saunders Co Distributed by Harcourt Brace
Your Ideal Dog, D Weston and R Weston
Handbook of Behaviour Problems of the Dog and Cat, G Landsberg, W Hunthausen and L Ackerman, Butterworth Heinemann
Veterinary Entomology, R Wall and D Shearer, Chapman and Hall
Pathology of the Pig A Diagnostic Guide, edited by LD Sims and JRW Glastonbury, Pig Research and Development Corp  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Diseases of the dog and cat, 2nd Edn, Two volumes Edited by S. J. Ettinger
The Veterinary Annual, 23rd Issue Edited by C. S. G. Grunsell and F. W. G. Hill.
Formulation of Veterinary Dosage Forms (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series, Volume 17) Edited by Jack Blodinger.
Schwerpunkte der Infektionsüberwachung in Versuchstierbeständen Edited by K. Bonath.
Atlas of Haematology of the Dog and Cat P. Keller and U. Freudiger.
A Colour Atlas of Veterinary Pathology Edited by J. M. V. M. Mouwen, and E. C. B. M. de Groot.
Small Animal Surgical Nursing Edited by Diane L. Tracy. Published by C. V. Mosby Company.
Small Animal Radiography Lawrence J. Kleine. Published by C. V. Mosby Company.
Notes on Canine Internal Medicine By P. G. G Darke.
Veterinary Pathology, 5th Edn By T. C. Jones and R. D. Hunt.
Canine and Feline Dermatology—A Systematic Approach By Gene H. Nesbitt.
Clinical Pathology and Diagnostic Procedures, 2nd Edn D. L. Doxey.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Miller's Guide to the Dissection of the Dog, second edition. H. E. Evans and A. deLahunta
Lactation of the Dairy Cow. Colin T. Whittemore
Fundamental Techniques in Veterinary Surgery second edition. Charles D. Kencht, Algernon R. Allen, David J. Williams and Jerry H. Johnson
More Rational Use of Veterinary Drugs
Infections and Pregnancy, Edited by C. R. Coid  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Veterinary Genetics : F. W. Nicholas.
Proceedings No. 87 Orthopaedic Surgery—Dogs and Cats
Notes on Canine Internal Medicine 2nd edn : P. G. G. Darke.
Manual of Small Animal Ophthalmology : Milton Wyman.
Small Animal Radiology : Ronald L. Burk and Norman Ackerman.
The Veterinary Annual 27th Edn : Edited by C. S. G. Grunsell, F. W. G. Hill and Mary-Elizabeth Raw.
Manual of Canine Behaviour : Valerie O'Farrell.
Dog care manual : David Alderton.
Cat care manual : Bradley Viner.
Pet Care : A. T. B. Edney and I. B. Hughes.
Dogwatching : Desmond Morris.
Catwatching : Desmond Morris.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Reproductive biology in small animals: Fertility and Infertility in Dogs, Cats and other Carnivores. Edited by P. W. Concannon, G. C. W. England, J. P. Verstegen and H. A. Russell.
Practical guide to small animal nutrition: Clinical Nutrition of the Dog and Cat. By J. W. Simpson, R. S. Anderson and P. J. Markwell.
Detailed feline anatomy: Atlas of Feline Anatomy for Veterinarians. By L. C. Hudson and W. P. Hamilton.
First aid for dog owners: First Aid and Healthcare for Dogs. By C. T. P. Bell.
An overview of the feline patient: Handbook of Feline Medicine. By J. Wills and A. Wolf.
Quick guide to emergency procedures: Emergency Procedures for the Small Animal Veterinarian. By S. J. Plunkett.
Comprehensive radiology: Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology 2nd edn. Edited by E. Thrall.
Understanding the grieving process: The Human-Animal Bond and Grief. By L. Lagoni, C. Butler and S. Hetts.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Basic Guide to Canine Nutrition: 2nd Edition (1968). Symposium on Skin Diseases Common to Man and Animals: (1968). Co-sponsored by The Committee on Cutaneous Health and Cosmetics, American Medical Association and The American Animal Hospital Association. International Zoo Yearbook 8: Edited by Caroline Jarvis (1968) Veterinary Medicine: 3rd Edition by D. R. Blood and J. A. Henderson (1968). Questions and Answers (Progress in Veterinary Practice Library) (1968). Edited by J. F. SMITHCORS and E. J. CATCOTT. The Royal Cat of Siam: May Eustace (1968).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Veterinary surgery : VS》1984,13(4):275-276
Book reviewed in this article:
Manual of Internal Fixation in Small Animals edited by W. O. Brinker, R. B. Hohn, W. D. Prieur
Canine and Feline Surgery, Volume 1, Abdomen by J. Archibald and E. J. Catcott. Published by American Veterinary Publications, Inc., Santa Barbara  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Understanding canine behaviour: Manual of Canine Behaviour (2nd edn) By V. O'Farrell.
Textbook on ophthalmology: Common Eye Diseases - A Problem-Orientated Approach for Veterinarians J. R. Blogg and R. G. Stanley.
An anatomical atlas: A Colour Atlas of Clinical Anatomy of the Dog and Cat By J. S. Boyd, and C. Paterson with A. H. May.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
State of the art oncology for clinicians: Small Animal Clinical Oncology (2nd edition) Edited by Stephen J. Withrow and E. Gregory MacEwan. Published by W. B. Saunders
Puppies and kittens in detail: Veterinary Pediatrics: Dogs and Cats from Birth to Six Months (2nd edition). By J. D. Hoskins. Published by W. B. Saunders
Understanding canine behaviour: Think Dog: An Owner's Guide to Canine Psychology. By John Fisher. Published by Blandford Press  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Spörri, H., und H. Stünzi: Pathophysiologie der Haustiere . XX, 624 Seiten, 164 Abbildungen, 2 Farbtafeln und 56 Tabellen. Ganzleinen DM 98,—. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg 1969. Handbuch der Tierernährung, Band I: Allgemeine Grundlagen . Herausgegeben von W. Lenkeit, Göttingen: K. Breirem, Vollebekk; E. Crasemann, Zürich. Unter Mitwirkung von D. G. Armstrong, Newcastle; C. C. Balch, Shinfield; W. Bianca, Zürich; A. L. Black, Davis; K. Breirem, Vollebekk; H. Brune, Gießen; R. C. Campling, Shinfield; E. Crasemann, Zürich; A. François, Jouy-en-Josas; K. Günther, Göttingen; H. Hill, Hannover; P. N. Hobson, Aberdeen; H. Hörnicke, Hannover; B. H. Howard, Aberdeen; P. E. Jacobsen, Kopenhagen; H. Karg, München; W. Kaufmann, Kiel; R. Müller, Bonn; L. Paloheimo, Malmi; G. Pulss, Kiel; P. M. Riis, Kopenhagen; K. Rohr, Kiel; H. H. Schlubach, Starnberg; A. Schüren, Zürich; J. Tiews, München; G. Vogel, Köln; H. Zucker, München. 736 Seiten mit 100 Abbildungen und 224 Tabellen; Ganzleinen; Subskriptionspreis für Band I DM 240,— (Gültig bis zum Erscheinen von Band II), Einzelpreis DM 268,—. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin, 1969. Grzimeks Tierleben . 1968. Enzyklopädie des Tierreiches in 13 Bänden mit insgesamt 7000 Seiten und mit etwa 1300 Farbtafeín, Farbfotos und Ausklapptafeln sowie über 2000 Textabbildungen. Kindler Verlag AG München und Zürich. Subskriptionspreis des Gesamtwerkes 1.274,—DM (je Band 98,—DM). Fenner, F.: The Biology of Animal Viruses , Vol. I: Molecular and Cellular Biology. Joest, E. : Handbuch der Speziellen Pathologischen Anatomie der Haustiere. 3. Auflage in 7 Bänden, herausgegeben von J. Dobberstein, Berlin, G. Pallaske, Gießen, und H. Stünzi, Zürich. Recherches Vétérinaires Herausgeber Inst. de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris 7e, rue de Grenelle FAO: The State of Food and Agriculture . 1968. FAO / WHO / OIE Animal Health Yearbook 1967 . Preis DM 16,—. Auslieferung für Deutschland durch Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin. Recent Results in Cancer Research / Fortschritte der Krebsforschung / Progrès dans les recherches sur le cancer. Vol. 14 : Odartchenko, N., Production Cellulaire Erythropoiétique. En Francais. Pschyrembel : 1969. Klin. Wörterbuch. 185.—250. neubearb. u. erw. Auflage, XVI/1348 Seiten u.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists K. A. Houpt and T. R. Wolski.
A Standard Guide to Pure Bred Dogs Edited by H. Glover.
A Standard Guide to Cat Breeds Edited by G. Pond and I. Raleigh.
Diseases of the Reptilia, Two volumes Edited by J. E. Cooper and O. F. Jackson.
Dog and Cat Nutrition. A handbook for students, veterinarians, breeders and owners Edited by A. T. B. Edney.
Poultry Diseases, 2nd Edn R. F. Gordon and F. T. W. Jordan.
Genetics for Dog Breeders R. Robinson.
Advances in Veterinary Virology. Refresher course for veterinarians (1982) Edited by M. Sabine.
Canine Dermatoses, Review No. 21 J. M. Keep.
Black's Veterinary Dictionary, 14th Edn Edited by G. P. West.
Non-infectious Diseases of Wildlife Edited by G. L. Hoff and J. W. Davis.  相似文献   

BACTERIOLOGICAL: Studies on Bovine Mastitis, VII: The Serological Characters of Mastitis Streptococci. A. W. S tableforth
BACTERIOLOGICAL: The Isolation of Brucella abortus from Tonsils. C. M. C arpenter and R uth A. B oak
BACTERIOLOGICAL: Chemical Composition of the Active Principle of Tuberculin. XVI-Local Cutaneous Sensitization (Arthus Phenomenon) Produced in Normal Rabblts and Guineapigs by the Protein of Tuberculin. F lorence B. S eibert
BACTERIOLOGICAL: Recherches sur la Standardization des Sérums antigangréneux. M. W einberg , j. D avesne and A. R. P revot
BACTERIOLOGICAL: So-called Range Paralyais of the Chicken. F. D. P atterson , H. L. W ilcke , C. M urray and E. W. H enderson
BACTERIOLOGICAL: Studies on Clostridium chauvoei. D. W. H enderson
HÆMATOLOGICAL: The Hæmatology and Pathology of Hæmonchosis in Sheep. P. J. J. F ourie
HÆMATOLOGICAL: Blood Normals for Cattle: Some Pathological Values. J. A llardyce , R. H. F leming , F. L. F owler , R. H. C lark
HÆMATOLOGICAL: Blood Volume Determinations in Cattle. W. T. M iller
PARASITOLOGICAL: The Few-segmented Tapeworm of Fowls (Davainea proglottina) and its Control R. W etzel .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Canine and Feline Behavioural Therapy Benjamin L. Hart and Lynette A. Hart. Published by Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia
Operationen and Hund und Katze Horst Schebitz and Wilhelm Brass. Published by Paul Parey
Reproduction in the Dog and Cat lb J. Christiansen. Published by Bailliere Tindall
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (The Thinking Veterinarian's Course) MacDiarmid et al. Published by the Post-graduate Committee in Veterinary Science
An Atlas of Canine Surgical Techniques Edited by P. G. C. Bedford
In Practice: The Small Animal Book Published by the British Veterinary Association
Quarterly Index. Information Access for the Small Animal Practitioner Edited by M. M. Mastin. Published by Veterinary Interface
Black's Veterinary Dictionary 15 th Edn Edited by Geoffrey West. Published by A & C Black
Acupuncture Points and Meridians in the Dog L. A. A. Janssens. Published by L. A. A. Janssens
Veterinary Anesthesia 2nd Edn William V. Lumb and E. Wynn Jones. Published by Lea & Febiger  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Canine Medicine and Therapeutics 1979. Edited by E. A. Chandler, J. M. Evans, W. B. Singleton, F. G. Startup, J. B. Sutton and W. D. Tavernor.
Diagnosing Helminthiasis through Coprological Examination. By D. Thienpont, F. Rochette and O. F. J. Vanparijs.
An Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones of the Dog and Cat (2nd edn). By Piermattei and Greeley.
Miller's Anatomy of the Dog (2nd edn). By H. E. Evans and G. C. Christensen.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The British Veterinary Profession 1791–1948 . lain Pattison. J. D. Allen.
H. C. Belschner's Horse Diseases . Fully revised edition by R. J. Rose. Angus and Robertson
The Veterinary Annual, 22nd Issue 1982 . Editors Grunsell and Hill
Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology , D. H. Slatter. W. B. Saunders, Waltham St, Artarmon
Second National Symposium on Sheep Blowfly and Flystrike in Sheep, 1983—Proceedings. Department of Agriculture
Dog and Cat Nutrition: a Handbook for Students, Veterinarians, Breeders and Owners . Editor A. T. B. Edney
Poultry Diseases . Editors R. F. Gordon and F. T. W. Jordon.
Proceedings, 29th Annual Pfizer Research Conference 19 May 1981 . Pfizer Agricultural Division
Bacterial and Viral Zoonoses . World Health Organisation
Control of Reproductive Functions in Domestic in Animals . W. Jockle and D. R. Lamond.
Bovine Haematology . O. C. Straub and others. Paul Parey
Biomedical and Surgical Aspects of Captive Reptile Husbandry . Frederick L. Frye.
Reproductive Clinical Problems in the Dog . D. E. Jones and J. O. Joshua.
Notes on Pathology for Small Animal Clinicians . D. F. Kelly, V. M. Lucke, C. J. Gaskell. J. Wright and Sons
History of the American Association of Equine Practitioners. The First 25 Years 1954–1979 . W. O. Kester.
The Water Buffalo: New Prospects for an Underutilised Animal . National Research Council  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals Vol. 1, 2nd Edn.
A Guide to Canine Orthopaedic Surgery. H. R. Denny.
Dog Breeding: A Guide to Mating and Whelping. Kay White.
An Atlas of Veterinary Surgery, 2nd Edn. J. Hickman and R. G. Walker.  相似文献   

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