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The evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of antibodies against chlamydiae in pig sera is described. The most widely used serological test is the complement fixation test (CFT). The CFT has a lack of sensitivity and specificity because of low antibody titers and unspecific reactions. Eight conventionally raised pigs were exposed to a pathogenic strain of Chlamydia suis, four controls were mock infected. The immune responses was monitored by CFT and indirect ELISA. There was no agreement between CFT and ELISA data. These results were confirmed by a study with 191 sera from nine pig farms. As shown by ELISA and PCR chlamydiae are widespread in swine.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of antibodies to maedi-visna virus (mvv) in sheep is described, in which microtitre plates are with a partly purified preparation of mvv. The antibodies bound are detected by a horseradish peroxidase conjugate.The results obtained with ELISA on a total of 493 serum samples from several commercial flocks were compared to those of a routine agar gel precipitation test (AGPT) and a complement fixation test (CFT).All samples which scored positive in AGPT, CFT or both (20.8%) were also found positive by ELISA. In addition, with ELISA a further 11.5% of the samples were positive. Serum samples from maedi-free flocks, from sheep suffering from sheep pulmonary adenomatosis and from lambs immunized against other viruses were all negative by ELISA. The assay has been used routinely for some years and proved to be specific, sensitive and suited for screening of large numbers of serum samples.  相似文献   

A specific and sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was established for the detection of antibodies to bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in bovine sera. Polyethylene-glycol concentrated, equilibrium density gradient purified BVDV was used as test antigen at an optimal amount of 1 microgram/well, whereas the optimal concentration of conjugate was at 1/2000 dilution. The standardized test encountered no non-specific reaction with test sera at a starting dilution of 1/10. A total of 50 bovine serum samples was assayed for the presence of antibodies against BVDV by ELISA and serum neutralization test (SNT). A positive correlation between the 2 tests was found. However, ELISA could be as much as 500-fold more sensitive than SNT in detecting low levels of BVDV antibodies.  相似文献   

The present study shows that milk is an appropriate source for detection of seroreactors to bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV). There was close agreement between antibody titres in serum and in skim milk, as determined by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The antibody titres were usually lower in skim milk than in serum, but all seropositive cows (n = 84) were also skim milk-positive and all but one seronegative cow (n = 55) proved negative in skim milk. During lactation, the level of antibodies to BVDV in milk showed an inverse relationship to the amount of milk produced. However, there was a sufficient level of antibodies in milk throughout lactation to permit an adequate determination of BVDV antibody status in dairy cows. There was a mutual good agreement between milk antibody titre in the four mammary quarters, irrespective of milk cell count. Milk can be used to detect seroreactors to BVDV. Milk is preferable to blood in large-scale epidemiological studies, since the sampling procedure is much simpler.  相似文献   

To detect Bovine Virus Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV)-specific antibodies in cattle serum, plasma and bulk milk, a simple, reliable and rapid blocking ELISA ("Ceditest") has been developed using two monoclonal antibodies ("WB112" and "WB103") directed to different highly conserved epitopes on the non-structural peptide NS3 of pestiviruses. The test can be performed at high reproducibility using undiluted samples. In testing 1000 field serum samples, the ELISA showed a specificity and a sensitivity relative to the virus neutralization test of 99% and 98%, respectively. The blocking ELISA is able to detect specific antibodies in serum obtained 12 days after an acute infection and in serum of vaccinated and challenged animals. A frequency distribution diagram, obtained by testing almost 1800 random Dutch field serum samples, showed a clear separation between a negative population (maximum frequency of the % inhibition at -5%) and a positive population (maximum frequency of the % inhibition at 95%). Based on these data, the prevalence of seropositive animals was 65% (95% confidence interval: 63%-67%). By exchanging plasma- and bulk milk samples between two laboratories (The Netherlands and Denmark), a good overall agreement was found between results obtained with the Ceditest and those obtained with the Danish blocking ELISA as used in the Danish BVDV eradication programme. The results indicate that BVDV infections can reliably be diagnosed by the Ceditest ELISA and that the test is suitable for use in large scale screening and eradication programmes.  相似文献   

An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to detect antibody to bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in bovine serum. The ELISA results were compared with those of the serum neutralisation test (SNT) using serums from 6 experimentally infected calves bled at intervals from 0 to 154 days postinfection and 886 field samples. The optical density (OD) produced by a single dilution of test serum was compared with a standard curve and the result expressed in ELISA units. Despite wide variation between absolute ELISA and SNT results, an agreement of 97% was obtained when reciprocal SNT titres greater than or equal to 8 and ELISA units greater than or equal to 10 were taken as indicative of a specific reaction. The ELISA was shown to be an efficient method of measuring antibody in bovine serum samples and would assist in any large scale screening of cattle herds for BVDV antibody.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to detect bovine antibody to vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). Serum samples from cows experimentally infected with the New Jersey serotype of VSV (VSV-NJ) were assayed by the ELISA and serum-neutralization (SN) assay. The ELISA was as sensitive as the SN assay in detecting bovine antibody to VSV. The correlation between SN titers and ELISA values at absorbance at 405 nm was statistically significant. The ELISA was not specific for VSV-NJ, however, and could detect serum samples positive to the Indiana serotype of VSV that had SN titers of greater than or equal to 480. Nonspecific reactions were due to cross-reactive group-specific viral proteins that are shared by both serotypes. The cross-reactivity allows the use of a single rapid test in identifying both serotypes of VSV from the other exotic vesicular diseases, especially foot-and-mouth disease. The ELISA titers of serum samples positive for VSV-NJ were comparable with the corresponding SN titers of each sample. The sensitivity, rapidity, and ease of the ELISA system and the use of a single test in identifying both serotypes of VSV from the other exotic vesicular diseases make this ELISA suitable as a rapid diagnostic assay for VS.  相似文献   

The performance characteristics of a blocking ELISA test applied to serum and individual milk for the detection of antibodies to bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) were assessed using 1189 matched milk/serum samples collected from cows of 42 dairy herds located in Brittany (west of France). This test was based on a monoclonal antibody directed against non-structural protein NS2-3 of pestiviruses. All tests were performed blind. For each type of sample, negative/positive cut-off values were determined using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Sensitivity and specificity were estimated using the virus neutralisation test as a reference. For sera, the ROC analysis provided a negative/positive inhibition percentage cut-off value of 50% giving a sensitivity and a specificity of 96.9 and 97.8%. For individual milk samples, the cut-off was fixed at 30%, leading to a sensitivity and a specificity of 96.9 and 97.3%. Using this test, a good overall agreement was found between results obtained on matched milk/serum samples (Kappavalue=0.95). The present results indicate that this blocking ELISA test is reliable enough for use in a mass screening and control scheme on BVDV.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detecting antibodies to enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) virus is described and its sensitivity compared with that of the agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGIDT) using 198 sera collected in Great Britain. There was 95 per cent agreement between the ELISA and AGIDT, when sera with positive/negative ratio (P/N) values of 1 . 5 or greater were considered positive. A total of 259 out of 264 sera (98 per cent) collected in Northern Ireland had P/N values of less than 1 . 5, the remaining sera having P/N values of 1 . 5 and 1 . 6. As Northern Ireland is clinically and serologically free of EBL infection it is proposed that sera with P/N values of 1 . 5 and 1 . 6, which account for approximately 3.5 per cent of the total sera tested, are considered doubtful and should be tested by another serological test.  相似文献   

Systematic eradication of BVDV without vaccination started in Scandinavia in 1993. In principle, the schemes include; (1) identification of non-infected and infected herds using different combinations of serological herd tests such as bulk milk tests and spot tests (sample of animals in a certain age), (2) monitoring/certification of non-infected herds by repeated sampling, applying one of the above-mentioned methods and (3) virus clearance in infected herds aimed at removing persistently infected (PI) animals in a cost- and time-efficient manner. In the virus clearance protocol described, an initial test is performed on all animals with subsequent follow-up of calves born as well as of dams seronegative in the initial test. It is generally recommended to perform an initial antibody test on all samples. This should be done not only to screen for seronegative animals on which virus isolation should be attempted (i.e. possible PI animals), but more in order to identify non-immune animals in reproductive age, that is, the key animals in herd-level persistence of infection. In Sweden, a common finding has been self-clearance, where the infection ceases without any other intervention than controlled introduction of new animals. Other epidemiological observations concern the course of events following virus introduction. Important risk factors for spreading BVDV are discussed, where livestock trade is perceived as the most central to control. Live vaccines, imported semen and embryos constitute special hazards, since they may act as vehicles for the introduction of new BVDV strains. The importance of making farmers aware of herd biosecurity and their own responsibility for it is stressed, and in order to maintain a favourable situation after a scheme has been concluded, effort must be put into establishing such a persisting attitude in the farming community.  相似文献   

A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed and compared with the serum neutralisation test for bovine pestivirus using 508 cattle sera and serial serum samples from a goat hyperimmunized with five bovine pestivirus isolates. There was 96.7% agreement between the two tests. The relative sensitivity of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay compared to the serum neutralisation test was 95.2% and the relative specificity was 99.4%. The titres of individual animals in the assay did not show a close correlation with serum neutralisation test titres. This may be because the antibodies measured in the two tests are directed against different viral proteins. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has the advantage of being quicker and cheaper than the serum neutralisation test. The configuration used in the ELISA means sera from all species can be tested for pestivirus antibody using the same set of reagents.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunonosorbent assay was established for detection of antibodies to Akabane virus in bovine sera. The assay was shown to be a useful serological tool for studies on Akabane virus infection.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) was applied to detect antibodies to A. centrale and A. marginale using homologous and heterologous antigens. The assay was compared with the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test, and although a similar degree of sensitivity was obtained, the ELISA test had several advantages. Partially purified Anaplasma initial bodies used for antigen preparations contained negligible amounts of residual erythrocytic material, and did not interfere with the specificity of the ELISA. The antigenic similarity between A. marginale and A. centrale was further substantiated by cross-reactivity obtained with heterologous antigens in both ELISA and IFA tests, and antibodies produced during natural infection with A. marginale were indistinguishable in both tests from those produced following vaccination with A. centrale.  相似文献   

A reproducible enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using Marek's disease virus (MDV)-infected cells for the detection of antibodies to MDV is described. The optimum number of MDV-infected chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) was 5 X 10(4)/well, and test sera were positive at 1:400 dilutions. Compared with a purified virus preparation, MDV-infected CEF produced high specific and low nonspecific reactivities. Wells coated with whole cells could be stored at 4 C or -20 C for at least 3 months without loss of reactivity. With antibody-negative sera, the cutoff absorbency was 0.20 units. The ELISA was 20-to-40-fold more sensitive than indirect immunofluorescence. Homologous combinations of antisera in wells coated with CEF infected with different MDV serotypes were more reactive at higher dilutions than were heterologous combinations. The procedure described is specific and suitable for large-scale screening of both chicken and monoclonal antibodies against MDV.  相似文献   

The development of three separate rapid ELISAs for detecting antibodies in host serum to three different viruses is described. These include: 1. A direct antigen assay using enzyme labelled anti-canine Ig for detecting antibodies to canine parvovirus, 2. A competitive ELISA using a feline infectious peritonitis virus-specific monoclonal antibody labelled with enzyme, and 3. A competitive ELISA using an equine infectious anemia virus-specific monoclonal antibody and enzyme labelled antigen, p. 26. The utility and benefits of each of the three approaches is emphasized.  相似文献   

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