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中医认为眼角膜炎是热毒流注于肝经,使肝受邪,外传于眼所致。笔者采用中医治疗眼角膜炎58例,效果较好,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

随着国家养殖业的发展,牛养殖受到广泛重视,然而,当前部分牛养殖者在实际养殖过程中,经常会因为牛感染眼角膜炎疾病,导致牛养殖效率与质量降低,难以提高其经济效益,甚至会出现大量的经济损失。基于此,针对牛眼角膜炎实际情况,应用苦参煎液点眼方式对其进行治疗,并且提出几点应用措施,以供相关人员参考。  相似文献   

角膜炎是牛羊常见的一种眼科疾病 ,一年四季都有发生 ,如治疗不及时 ,极易引起牛羊失明 ,给户主造成一定的经济损失。在临床上采用油剂青霉素治疗牛羊角膜炎不仅简单易行 ,而且成本低廉、疗程短。我采用此方法治疗 1 3例牛角膜炎 ,2 8例羊角膜炎 ,均取得很好的疗效。现将治疗方法介绍如下。将患畜保定后 ,用脱脂棉签蘸少量油剂青霉素涂擦在牛羊的角膜及结膜囊中即可。如果眼睛四周有眼屎、异物或并发结膜炎 ,可先用生理盐水清洗干净 ,再涂擦药物。一般轻症用药1 -2天 ,重症 3 -4天都可痊愈。油剂青霉素治疗牛羊角膜炎@唐丹萍$柳州市太阳村镇…  相似文献   

血尿并不是独立疾病,而是一种继发症或综合症,主要是由于泌尿器官疾患,或某些疾患导致泌尿系血管损害时而发生,在兽医临床上较为多见。近年来,笔者用古方“归红煎液”治疗牛心热尿血2例、膀胱积热尿血3例、焦虫病继发尿血48例,收到了显著的疗效。尤其是对焦虫病患牛的血红蛋白尿型血尿症,疗程短,无副作用,患牛康复快。(一)方药及用法归红散源于《元亨疗马牛驼经全集》,原方由当归、红花两味  相似文献   

本病是牛的一种急性接触性传染病,其特征为眼结膜发生明显的炎性症状.各种牛都可发生,以夏、秋季节多发.严重者引起角膜云翳、白斑和失明.我们通过用中药对数头牛的医治,取得了较好的疗效,治愈率高,现介绍如下: 1症状发病初期病牛怕光、流泪,常呈一侧性,也有部分为两侧性.眼睑红、肿、痛、布满血丝,眼不能张开,眼呈桃状,角膜浑浊,因眼内压升高,角膜突起,有云翳,间有体温稍高和精神委顿,严重者绝食,看不见走路,行走困难.  相似文献   

耕牛眼结膜炎和角膜炎,是耕牛常见的眼科疾病,如治疗不及时,轻则使耕牛视力下降,重则可导致失明。但两病的常规疗法复杂、烦琐,不易操作,多年来,笔者一直在寻求一套较为简便而又疗效确实的治疗方法,经努力,有所收获,现概述如下:1症状耕牛的眼结膜炎和眼角膜炎,实际上是一个病的两个阶段,初期为结膜炎,如治疗不及时,即发展为角膜炎。该病多发于春夏湿热季节,以水牛多见。初期结膜潮红,羞明流泪,眼角有多量脓性分泌物,严重者可将上、下眼脸粘连,之后眼结膜外翻、肿胀,眼因肿胀而不能睁开,此时多数已发展为角膜炎而伴有角膜混浊,最后失明。2治…  相似文献   

眼结膜炎和角膜炎各种家畜均可发生.笔者自1988年10月~2000年10月采用中西医结合的方法治疗本病66例,治愈65例,好转1例,其治愈率达  相似文献   

2012年秋季,陕西省眉县营头镇李关村某养殖户饲养的山羊发生眼角炎疾病.采用野生的忍冬藤、白蒺藜、千里光等中草药熬水任羊群自由饮用,重症患羊灌服,并应用药液冲洗患羊眼部,同时,加强饲养管理,避免患羊受到强光、风雨的刺激,经治疗,10d后患羊全部恢复健康.主要对该起应用野生中草药治疗山羊眼角膜炎的病例作一介绍,以期为养殖户提供参考.  相似文献   

牛角膜炎又被称为传染性结膜炎、角膜炎,是牛养殖领域发生流行率相对较高、季节性相对较强的一种急性接触性传染性疾病,传播范围较为广泛,发病过程较快。临床上患病牛主要表现为害怕强光照射,持续从眼角流出很多清澈内容物或者脓性内容物,上下眼睑出现炎性水肿,结膜潮红充血,如果得不到及时有效的治疗,很容易造成结膜混浊甚至结膜破裂引发牛失明。影响牛的正常生长发育,使牛的抗病能力低下,不利于提高养殖效益。  相似文献   

采用化学方法,以冷浸、浓缩回收、萃取、分离等工艺从苦参中分离生物碱。经薄层层析法定性,其主要成分为苦参碱、氧化苦参碱、槐定碱等。运用药理学方法分别研究了氧化苦参碱、槐定碱、苦参煎剂对小鼠体内外寄生虫的抗虫作用。结果显示,氧化苦参碱、槐定碱、苦参煎剂对小白鼠肠道体内寄生的线虫有显著的驱除作用,而对体外寄生的螨虫则无显著作用。  相似文献   

牛、羊惊风证,根据中兽医的理论,主要是与心肝功能失调有关。从现代兽医学理论来看,可能是因脑部的慢性疾病引起的神经障碍,疾病的主要临床特征是阵发性抽搐。笔者以前在临床上曾治疗本病16例,其中治愈5例,疗法通常是用清热解表、平肝熄风之剂,疗效不佳。又据我们对临近3个乡镇  相似文献   

中草药苦参碱水剂治疗猪外寄生虫的试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
猪外寄生虫主要有猪疥螨(Sarcoptes scabieivar suis)和猪血虱(Haema topinus suis).共同特点是发病率高,传染性强.目前防治仍以化学药物为主,不仅对动物有毒副作用,且造成环境污染.针对以上问题,为寻求一种高效无毒的绿色杀虫剂,笔者设计了本试验.  相似文献   

牛外障眼病 ,中兽医又称肝热传眼、翳膜遮睛 ,民间兽医叫白云遮睛。是六淫外侵、机械损伤、郁热化火、以睛生云翳为特征的一种眼科疾病。现代兽医学称角膜炎、角膜翳。本病一年四季都有发生 ,尤以夏季多发。过去常采用西药和“拨云散”等中成药治疗 ,不仅花钱、费事、治疗时间长 ,而且还因为常受药源限制延误治疗造成病畜加重病情失明等。近几年来 ,我们选用民间验方一点红、牛蒡子、白蜡树皮等中草药治牛外障眼 2 18例 ,制作、使用方便 ,药源广、成本低 ,治愈率达 10 0 %。现报告如下 ,供同道参考。1 病因机制气候炎热、曝晒过度 ,或使役…  相似文献   

2005年7~8月,我乡从凯里市某公司引进的65头白山羊(2~18月龄)普遍发生结膜角膜炎。笔者对患眼病的山羊进行了治疗,现将情况报告如下,供同行参考。1发病情况2005年7月初,新桥村王某从凯里市某公司引进山羊35只,在该村桥老山饲养,13天后均不同程度出现瘦弱,眼睛羞明、流泪。其中3  相似文献   

Prescribed (or targeted) sheep grazing can effectively suppress the invasive perennial forb spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe L. ssp. micranthos [Gugler] Hayek). Some ranchers and other natural resource managers, however, resist using this weed management tool over concerns that sheep may consume too much of the graminoid standing crop, thereby decreasing its availability to cattle and wildlife and possibly harming graminoids with excessive defoliation. One potential approach to address these concerns is to graze spotted knapweed infestations first with cattle, immediately followed by sheep. We evaluated this sequential grazing strategy on foothill rangeland in western Montana, comparing sequential grazing at a moderate stocking rate in mid June (spotted knapweed in bolting stage) vs. mid July (spotted knapweed in late-bud/early flowering stage). Pastures (0.81 ha) were grazed with three yearling cattle for 7 d, immediately followed with 7 d of grazing by seven yearling sheep. Combined relative (i.e., utilization) of graminoids by cattle and sheep averaged 40% in June and July, safely within sustainable grazing use levels recommended for the site. Combined relative use of spotted knapweed by cattle and sheep also did not differ between June and July, averaging 62%. Previous research indicates that this degree of use is sufficient to suppress spotted knapweed. Our results indicate that prescribed sheep grazing can be applied immediately following cattle grazing in either June or July to suppress spotted knapweed without overusing desirable graminoids. Cattle and sheep will eat less graminoids and more spotted knapweed if cattle and sheep graze sequentially when spotted knapweed is in its late-bud/early flowering stage (mid July) rather than its bolting stage (mid June).  相似文献   

在96孔微板中包被抗原,加入被检血清,经温育后,抗体特异性地与抗原相结合,形成抗原一抗体结合物。洗涤去除未结合的物质,与加入的酶结合物(HRPO)相结合。再洗去未结合的酶结合物,加入底物后显色.加入终止液终止反应。用装有630nm(或620nm、650nm)滤光片的酶标仪进行检测,通过计算S/P值,判定血清中副结核抗体阴、阳性。此方法具有快速、灵敏、准确的特点。  相似文献   

Ingestion of small amounts of condensed tannin (CT) by ruminants can prevent bloat, improve nitrogen retention, and reduce excretion of urea, a precursor of ammonia and the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. Because grasses and many forbs don't contain CT, it is desirable to find a reliable way to have ruminant livestock ingest small amounts of CT when they consume high-quality forage. Putting CT in their drinking water may be a reliable approach, but only if all animals drink enough to meet their requirements for water. Therefore, objectives of this study were to determine the amount of variation in intake of water containing different amounts of CT when this was the only water available, and if cattle and sheep would drink water with CT in it if offered tap water simultaneously. Animals were penned or pastured individually, fed twice daily (first cattle and sheep trial) or grazed (second cattle trial) and had ad libitum access to tannin water, tap water, or both. Liquid intake was measured daily. Steers drank tannin solutions (mean daily intake 49.7–58.3 kg), but variation in intake among steers was higher than for tap water (SD were 44%–58% greater for the two most concentrated tannin solutions). At the highest concentration of tannin, steers ingested 2.3% of their daily feed intake in CT. During most of the preference trial, steers preferred water over tannin water when offered both simultaneously (P ≤ 0.002), but drank some tannin water each day. Sheep drank tannin solutions, but individual variation in tannin solution intakes were greater than for tap water. Placing CT in water of cattle and sheep may be a useful way to put small amounts of CT in them. However, they will likely drink less tannin water if normal water is available.  相似文献   

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