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Disease and injury among veterinarians   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
OBJECTIVE: To identify occupational causes of disease and injury in veterinarians and their staff. DESIGN: A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to all of the 160 registered veterinary practices in Western Australia. RESULTS: Injuries accounted for most workers' compensation claims over a 12-month period with 31% of respondents losing a total of 360 work days with a mean of 13.3 days whereas non-occupational diseases such as influenza accounted for 408 work days lost. Over a 10-year period, 71% of respondents had been injured. The major physical injuries were dog and cat bites, cat scratches, scalpel blade cuts and back injuries from lifting heavy animals. Exposure to chemicals such as flea rinses, formalin, glutaraldehyde, x-ray developers and gaseous anaesthetics were reported to cause headache, nausea and allergies. Thirty percent of respondents did not have extractor fans for scavenging waste anaesthetic gases. The study showed high use of radiography (94%) for diagnostic purposes with 24% of respondents believing radiation exposure is a major occupational health and safety issue. Stress, drug abuse, suicide and burglary were also reported. Despite a high awareness of zoonotic diseases, there were very few reports of these. CONCLUSION: Injuries and other occupational hazards reported together with work days lost demonstrate a need for improving the working environment of veterinarians and their staff and the development of comprehensive health and safety programs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure rabies preexposure vaccination rate and identify factors potentially associated with lack of vaccination among veterinarians and at-risk staff. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. STUDY POPULATION: At-risk veterinary medical association (VMA) members, their staff members, and animal shelter and wildlife rehabilitation center personnel located in a California county. PROCEDURE: A questionnaire was mailed to VMA members and managers of animal shelters and wildlife rehabilitation centers. Respondents were requested to provide data on vaccination history and potential factors associated with vaccination status for themselves and their at-risk staff members. Vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals were compared by use of univariate and logistic regression analyses to identify factors associated with vaccination status. RESULTS: Fifty-eight percent (79/137) of persons who received questionnaires responded; 74 were eligible for the study. Respondents provided data for 47.6% (219/460) of their staff members. The vaccination rate was greater among respondents (85.1 %) than among their staff members (17.5%). Among staff members, age and duration of employment were significantly associated with vaccination status. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A large proportion of at-risk staff members working in veterinary clinics, animal shelters, and wildlife rehabilitation centers in the study area did not receive rabies preexposure vaccination per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's published recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). The cost of the preexposure vaccine series may be a barrier, particularly for young employees who are commonly short-term, part-time, or volunteer workers. Efforts are needed to increase awareness of the ACIP recommendations and to increase access to vaccination through agencies such as public health clinics.  相似文献   

A high suicide risk has been reported among veterinarians in comparison to the general population. Postulated causes have included depression, substance abuse, work-related stress, reluctance to admit psychiatric problems, and access to lethal drugs and/or familiarity with euthanasia. Members of the Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), all veterinarians licensed in Alabama, and all US veterinary-association executive directors were surveyed regarding their attitudes concerning mental health issues, including veterinarian suicide. Only 10% of veterinary student respondents (N=58) believed that suicide risk is higher among veterinarians than in the general population. Of the 22 state associations' executive directors who participated in the survey, 37% believed that suicide is a significant concern for veterinarians and only 44% indicated that a veterinary wellness program was available in their respective states. Of the 1,455 licensed veterinarians in Alabama, 701 responded to the survey; 11% of respondents believed that suicide among veterinarians was a problem. In addition, 66% of respondents indicated that they had been "clinically depressed," but 32% of those with depression had not sought treatment. More females (27%) than males (20%) admitted that they had "seriously considered suicide" (p<.01). Female veterinarians were more likely than male veterinarians (15% versus 7%) to indicate that they were "not sure they'd made the right career choice" (p<.001), and 4% of all respondents indicated "definitely not being happy with their career." It is of concern that veterinarians not only have a higher risk of suicide but that they also have fewer support structures. The wide discrepancies between the published risk of suicide for veterinarians and their own views of their risk suggests an inadequate awareness of their own mental health vulnerability which could put them at higher risk.  相似文献   

Professional veterinarians are one of the most affected professions when it comes to killing animals. However, in some situations the opinion about the acceptance of killing of animals differs between people, which can cause a dilemma for the executing person. In a pilot study based on questionnaires, veterinarians from different working fields and students of different branches stated their acceptance of killing of animals in diverse concrete situations. The result clearly demonstrates a higher acceptance of killing of animals among veterinarians with longtime experience in contrast to other groups and the almost same acceptance among agricultural students. The acceptance increased with age, however, we could not find a gender specific difference except of within a narrow age interval. The variability of acceptance within the same profession group differs between the situations. Veterinarians should be aware of their different thinking about killing of animals in some situations compared to other people and should know the reason of such differences. This is important not least to protect themselves and their opinion and to contribute to their societal responsibility by their veterinarian activity.  相似文献   



(1) To collect the perceptions of veterinarians performing equine castrations in Australia on techniques, preferences and outcomes, (2) to investigate veterinarian use and experience with the Henderson castrating instrument and (3) to investigate potential associations between demographics, castration methods and techniques, and complications.


Online survey of members of the Australian Veterinary Association’s Special Interest Group, Equine Veterinarians Australia (EVA).


A link to the survey was included in the EVA e‐newsletter and practices on the EVA website were contacted by telephone and follow‐up email. Fisher’s exact test was used to determine associations between ligation and complications. A generalised linear model with a negative binomial family was used to determine associations between count response variables and categorical independent variables.


Responses were obtained from 138 veterinarians (response rate, 13.1%) who performed 5330 castrations over 12 months. Castrations were most commonly performed in the field, on anaesthetised horses, using emasculators, via an open approach and without ligation of the spermatic cord. Estimated complications after use of emasculators were swelling (25%), haemorrhage (5%) and infection (5%). The Henderson instrument was used by approximately 10% of respondents and its use for castration was associated with fewer reports of postoperative swelling compared with emasculators (P = 0.002). Rates of evisceration with the Henderson and emasculator methods were comparable (0.43% and 0.9%, respectively).


Castration preferences varied widely among survey participants. Reported complication types and rates were comparable to those reported previously in other countries. Perceptions that the Henderson instrument was associated with less swelling should be investigated further via a prospective controlled investigation.  相似文献   

To establish the prevalence, patterns and risk factors of animal-related injuries among veterinarians, self-administered questionnaires were given to 60 veterinarians practicing in metropolitan Kampala. The prevalence of animal-related injuries in metropolitan Kampala was 72% (95%CI, 57~84). Some veterinarians (34%) suffered multiple injuries with a mean and median of 2.1 and 2.0 injuries per veterinarian, respectively. Of a total of 70 self-reported animal related injuries, cattle accounted for 72%, cats for 25%, dogs for 23%, self inoculation for 15% and birds for 13%. Injuries associated with poultry did not require hospital treatment. The upper limb was the most the frequently (68%) injured anatomical body part of veterinarians, and vaccination of animals (25%) was the major activity associated with injury. Animal-related injuries are common among practicing veterinarians in metropolitan Kampala; however, they did not differ significantly based on the veterinarian''s gender, experience or risk awareness.  相似文献   

A survey was undertaken to ascertain the extent to which women veterinarians in New Zealand were employing their veterinary skills, and to identify some of the factors which affect women;s ability or choice to work full-time in their profession. Replies were received from 115 of 140 women registered by the New Zealand Veterinary Surgeons Board. Women in full-time veterinary employment at the time of the survey made up 63% of the sample, 19% were employed part-time, and 18% were not working. Women with children on average had worked as veterinary surgeons proportionately less time since qualification than either single women or women with no children. Women with children worked in their profession for a significantly greater proportion of time if they had both emotional and physical support in the home. Women who employed paid household help were in a minority in the sample. The distribution of women in different fields of veterinary employment was similar to that of a similar sized sample of men. The main reasons women gave for reducing their work level were pregnancy and lactation, difficulties in combining professional work with family commitments, a desire to spend time with children at home, and difficulty in finding a suitable position.  相似文献   

Objective   Although musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) represent one of the most important occupational health issues in contemporary society, few studies have specifically investigated this problem among veterinarians.
Design   An anonymous questionnaire survey mailed to all veterinarians registered with the Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland during 2006.
Results   Almost two-thirds of respondents (63%) had experienced MSD of the lower back, 57% had experienced neck-related MSD, 52% had experienced shoulder-related MSD and 34% had experienced MSD of the upper back during the previous 12 months. MSD was statistically correlated with a range of psychosocial factors, including stress associated with career structure, time pressures, client's attitude, lack of recognition by the public, lack of recognition by colleagues, lack of understanding from family or partners and work stress because of insufficient holidays each year.
Conclusion   Overall, this study has demonstrated significant correlations between MSD and psychosocial risk factors among a large cohort of veterinarians, apparently for the first time in the published literature. The results also suggest that personal and workplace issues may contribute more to the development of MSD among veterinarians than many of the previously recognised ergonomic risk factors.  相似文献   

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