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随着网络技术的飞速发展,虚拟社区已经成为一种人类的“另类空间”,为人类提供一个崭新的交流平台和交往环境。而由于网络的固有的特性,使得网民参与政治以群体主体的形式出现,并且在网络政治参与中表现出“群体极化”现象。群体极化对我国的政治文明建设具有双重影响,全面评价群体极化的影响,探索造成群体极化的深层原因,是引导网络政治群体理性参与政治的基础。引导网络政治群体参与政治,防范群体极化,必须采取综合的措施。  相似文献   

张守龙 《湖南农机》2008,(1):97-98,101
政治参与对落实以人为本有着重要的价值。政治参与可以使党的全心全意为人民服务的宗旨得到真正贯彻,可以使最广大人民群众的主体地位得到真正保障,可以使共同富裕和人的全面发展得以实现。所以,落实以人为本的过程中,要重视扩大最广大人民的政治参与。  相似文献   

鄢丽钊 《湖南农机》2016,(5):126-127
基于计算机网络技术的网络文化对当代大学生产生了深刻的影响,大学生的价值观念、行为方式在网络文化的冲击下表现出与以往明显不同的特点.网络文化在给高职院校的思想政治教育提供新的机遇的同时,也给高职院校的思想政治教育带来了新的挑战.如何在网络环境下有效开展思想政治教育工作,发挥思想政治教育对学生的约束和引导作用,提高高职院校学生的思想道德素质,是当前高职院校教育面临的一个现实问题.  相似文献   

对6个品种的谷物进行了极化带电的测定。从电化学和生物学的角度,解释了谷物极化带电的成因,建立了谷物极化带电特性的模型。研究表明谷物的带电过程可以分为残余电荷过程、极化电荷过程、极化饱和过程和电晕充电过程。谷物的极化带电量与其品质有关。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术、智能手机技术的发展,对当代高职院校学生的思想政治教育带来了很大的影响.互联网与智能手机,已经成为学生学习、生活中人人使用的工具.文章辨证地分析了手机与网络对高职思想政治教育的影响,包括正面影响以及负面影响.  相似文献   

教学过程应该是促进学生"自我发展"的变化过程.教学过程只有通过学习者本身的积极参与、内化、吸收才能实现.因此学生能否主动地参与成为教学成败的关键.  相似文献   

陈剑 《南方农机》2019,(4):216-216
文章主要针对现在社会的公共管理中公民参与的程度,探讨公共管理中公民参与的意义,并指出我国现期在公共管理中存在的问题和公民在公共管理事业上缺乏的责任感,最后针对这些问题对公共管理提出针对性的改进措施,提升未来的公共管理中公民的参与度,进而使我国的社会发展更加和谐。  相似文献   

思想政治工作是我们党的优良传统,也是我们党特有的政治优势,但只有紧跟时代的要求做好思想政治工作,才能发挥这个政治优势。新时期,我们更应该围绕国内外形势发展的新情况,与时俱进地做好思想政治工作,才能更好地发挥这个政治优势。  相似文献   

为了正确评价灌区内水资源使用对改善现有水资源管理的影响,文中引入水足迹与虚拟水概念,同时考虑降雨和灌溉用水,计算了1960—2008年内蒙古河套灌区粮食水足迹与虚拟水净输出量的时空变化,进一步评价了灌区水资源在区域内和区域间的分配.结果表明:1960—2008年河套灌区粮食水足迹由3.534×109m3减小为1.634×109m3,自2000年灌区粮食虚拟水净输出量呈下降态势,两者构成均以蓝水为主(90%);空间分布上,河套灌区中部地区(杭后、临河和五原)的粮食水足迹和虚拟水净输出量较大,而其他地区(磴口和前旗)较小;1960—2008年,粮食生产用水在灌区用水总量中所占比例呈显著下降趋势,年均下降1.07%.粮食生产用水的大部分以虚拟形式输送到灌区外部,该比例近年有所降低,但2008年仍高达76.22%.未来河套灌区应注重绿水和蓝水资源利用效率的提高.该研究为灌区水资源管理宏观政策的制定和可持续发展的实现提供理论依据.  相似文献   

研究对象是对某一学科研究、范围的高度概括.它确定学科研究的内容、范围、方向等.确定研究对象的意义在于,它是学科研究的起点.只有确立了的研究对象,才能建立科学的学科体系.任一学科都有特定的研究对象.学科间的区别主要在于研究对象的区别.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that integrated approaches are required to manage our limited water resources in an effective and sustainable manner. In the Netherlands, this is mostly realized by organizing integrated spatial development processes. This paper presents a discussion in which the distribution of freshwater is integrated with spatial development in the southwestern Delta in the Netherlands. This discussion is characterized by uncertainty in knowledge and stakeholders with diverging perceptions. By actively involving these stakeholders in a process of problem structuring, it was possible to reach an agreement on the preferred direction for solutions. Problem-structuring involves that stakeholders actively participate in formulating the problem and its solutions. It is characterized by interaction between stakeholders and the integration of expert knowledge and stakeholder knowledge. Based on these practical experiences, we conclude that putting integrated water management into practice benefits from a problem-structuring approach. This enhances learning processes and contributes to the development of an agreed upon and valid knowledge base. As the context of such processes is highly dynamic, there is a need for transparent and adaptive process management.  相似文献   

目前,中小型企业迫切需要用网络来实现自动化生产和管理,其中网络通信是必须解决的关键问题之一。针对此问题,设计了一个能实现系统管理微机和多现场从机之间进行数据通信的分布式网络通信控制器;给出了相应控制器的硬件电路的设计;介绍了软件设计方法及应用实例。  相似文献   

金圣涵  裴少峰 《湖南农机》2015,(1):84-85,91
文章试以政治学为平台,探究粮食同政治之间的关系,即粮食所具有的政治学属性,为今后政治学研究提供一个全新的视角。  相似文献   

Wetlands in arid and semi-arid regions often experience water shortage problems due to interrupted water supply. Rapid population growth and economic development have caused deterioration or total destruction of many wetlands in such regions. Protection or restoration of these wetlands require a good understanding of the relationship between water supply and the soil wetness. This paper presents a model simulation study of such a relationship based on weather and soil data from Xi’an, China. The study area has an average annual precipitation of 600 mm and evaporation of 1200 mm. The simulation results showed that, to produce a certain wet condition, the required amount of water supply varied with recharging time due to different evapotranspiration rates. To maintain a consecutive water table depth within 30 cm (1) for 5% of the growing season, water requirements varied from 7 cm to 16 cm for different recharging months; (2) for 12.5% of the growing season, water requirement varied from 9 cm to 20 cm; and (3) for 25% of the growing season, water requirements varied from 13 cm to 27 cm. The highest water requirement occurred in summer when the air temperature is the highest of the year. Simulation results also showed that the timing of recharge not only has an important effect on the threshold water requirement, but also on the overall soil wetness of a year. Recharging at earlier time of the growing season produced longer wet periods, but the overall water table remained low during the rest of the growing season. Later inflow only influenced the water table for a small portion of the growing season, but it maintained a generally high water table in winter months and the early part of the next growing season.  相似文献   

虚拟实验教学是现代实验教学的发展模式。为此,提出了用流媒体技术来实现CAI实验课件的具体方法,并结合实验教学对流媒体实验教学课件的设计和制作进行了探讨;通过流媒体技术在生命科学教学实验中的教学过程,讨论了流媒体技术在虚拟实验教学中的广阔发展前景。  相似文献   

The management of most irrigation systems involves shared responsibility between one or more government agencies and farmers. Finding the optimal level of farmer management participation is an essential part of achieving optimal system performance. Two cases are discussed where farmers have been encouraged to play a more active management role with promising results. In the Gal Oya system in Sri Lanka, farmers manage the tertiary channels and also have a voice in managing the main system. In the Philippines, small systems have been turned over entirely to farmer management, while on large systems farmers manage the tertiary or secondary levels. A number of factors appear to be important in the management success of these irrigation systems including:
  • -the social environment,
  • -a manageable main system,
  • -a strong commitment by the irrigation agency,
  • -the use of community organizers, and
  • -construction tasks around which farmers can organize.
  • Greater farmer involvement in irrigation management can have both economic and social benefits. Economically there is evidence that farmers perform certain functions better than outside agencies can, and that both farmers and agencies perform their management tasks better when they feel a mutual responsibility for a common objective. Social benefits include the organizational skills that farmers learn and which may be useful in other activities, and a sense of self-respect and self-reliance. Though farmer participation requires a deliberate effort on the part of international and government agencies, as well as farmers, the benefits can be substantial.  相似文献   

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