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Book Reviews     
《Plant Breeding》1992,109(2):175-176
Books reviewed in this article:
Bajaj, Y. P. S. (ed.), Rice. Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry.
Stalker, H. T, and J. P. Murphy (eds.), Plant Breeding in the 1990s.
Murray, D. R., Advanced Methods in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Plant Breeding》1989,102(3):264-264
Books reviewed in this article:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. Improvement of grain legume production using induced mutations. Proceedings of a workshop, Pullmann, 1—5 July 1986.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Plant Breeding》1987,98(4):353-355
Books reviewed in this article:
Basset M. J. (ed.), Breeding Vegetable Crops. AVI Publishing Comp/Westport Connecticut 1986, 584 pages. Bound US$ 75.00
Bhojwani, S. S., V. Dhawan and E. C. Cocking, Plant Tissue Culture: A Classified Bibliography. Elsevier Science Publisher/Amsterdam 1986. 764 pages, 2 figs. and 2 tables. Bound US$ 179.75
Mulcahy D. L., G. B. Mulcahy, and E. Ottaviano (eds): Biotechnology and Ecology of Pollen. Springer Verlag, New York 1986. 24.5 × 17 cm 528 pages, 141 figures. Hardcover.
Henning, W., and J. Reinert (eds): Differentiation of Protoplasts and of Transformed Plant Cells. In: Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation. Vol. 12. Springer-Verlag, Barlin—Heidelberg—New York—Tokyo 1986. 24. 5 × 17 cm, 175 pages, 24 figures. DM 98.—  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1985,16(1):55-59
Book reviewed in this article: Training for the Labor Market R. Thayne Robson, ed., Employment and Training R & D: Lessons Learned and Future Directions. Symbols, Concepts, and Approaches Lloyd Rodwin and Robert M. Hollister, eds., Cities of the Mind: Images and Themes of the City in the Social Sciences. Power and Purity Richard D. Brown, Robert P. Ouellette, and Paul N. Cheremisinoff, Pollution Control at Electric Power Stations: Comparisons for U.S. and Europe. Biosocial Reckoning William R. Burch, Jr. and Donald R. DeLuca, Measuring the Social Impacts of Natural Resource Policies. Pinching the Purse Terry Nichols Clark and Lorna Crowley Ferguson, City Money: Political Processes, Fiscal Strain, and Retrenchment. Polis and Policy Royce Hanson, ed., Rethinking Urban Policy: Urban Development in an Advanced Economy. Unequal Health Ann Lennarson Greer and Scott Greer, eds., Cities and Sickness: Health Care in Urban America.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1979,10(2):50-57
Book Review in this Article. Lawrence B. Burrows, Growth Management: Issues, Techniques, and Policy Implications. Dennis L. Meadows, ed., Alternatives to Growth–I: A Search for Sustainable Futures. Mark Harrison Moore, Buy and Bust: The Effective Regulation of an Illicit Market in Heroin. W. R. Derrick Sewell and J. T. Coppock, eds., Public Participation in Planning. Dennis A. Rondinelli and Kenneth Ruddle, Urbanization and Rural Development: A Spatial Policy for Equitable Growth. Charles Pearson and Anthony Pryor, Environment: North and South–An Economic Interpretation. Alan A. Brown and Egon Neuberger, eds., Internal Migration: A Comparative Perspective. Boris S. Pushkarev and Jeffrey M. Zupan, Public Transportation and Land Use Policy. Stephen P. Dresch, An-loh Lin, and David K. Stout, Substituting a Value-Added Tax for the Corporate Income Tax: First-Round Analysis. Cornelis P. A. Bartels, Economic Aspects of Regional Welfare, Income Distribution, and Unemployment Dean T. Jamison and Emile G. McAnany, Radio for Education and Development Henry End, Interiors Second Book of Hotels. Harvey M. Rubenstein, Central City Malls. George Sternlieb and James W. Hughes, Current Population Trends in the United States. Perspectives on State Demographic Activities. David J. Borchert and James D. Fitzsimmons, Recent Population Change in the United States: A Series of Maps. Brian J. L. Berry and Quentin Gillard, The Changing Shape of Metropolitan America: Commuting Patterns, Urban Fields, and Decentralization Processes, 1960-1970.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1980,11(2):52-58

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1980,11(1):52-58
Book reviews in this article: Straight Talk from Our Former Editor U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (prepared by Lawrence R. Klein and Susan Ghozeil), A Popularized Version of 21 Doctoral Dissertations, R & D monograph. The Well-Tempered Caveat Benjamin Chinitz, ed., The Declining Northeast: Demographic and Economic Analyses.. George Sternlieb and James W. Hughes, eds., Revitalizing the Northeast: Prelude to an Agenda.. The Economic Solution William J. Baumol and Wallace E. Oates, Economics, Environmental Policy, and the Quality of Life. The No-Free-Lunch Bunch Harold Sprout and Margaret Sprout, The Context of Environmental Politics: Unfinished Business for America's Third Century. Of Flora, Fish, and Titmice Ian C. Laurie, ed., Nature in Cities: The Natural Environment in the Design and Development of Urban Green Space. An Array of Options David J. Bartholomew and Andrew F. Forbes, Statistical Techniques for Manpower Planning. Reusing Resources David W. Pearce and Ingo Walter, eds., Resource Conservation: Social and Economic Dimensions of Recycling. Once More with Fueling Wallace E. Tyner, Energy Resources and Economic Development in India. Left-of-Center Viewpoint Jeannine Swift, Economic Development in Latin America. Edward J. Blakely, ed., Community Development Research: Concepts, Issues, and Strategies. Elchanan Cohn, The Economics of Education P. W. Daniels, ed., Spatial Patterns of Office Growth and Location. Douglas Evans, Western Energy Policy: The Case for Competition. R. A. French and F. E. Ian Hamilton, eds., The Socialist City: Spatial Structure and Urban Policy. D. A. Kirby, Slum Housing and Residential Renewal: The Case in Urban Britain. Thomas D. Lynch, Public Budgeting in America. Ragaei El Mallakh, Qatar: Development of an Oil Economy. Roberta Balstad Miller, City and Hinterland: A Case Study of Urban Growth and Regional Development. Rakesh Mohan, Urban Economic and Planning Models: Assessing the Potential for Cities in Developing Countries. Joseph P. Newhouse, The Economics of Medical Care: A Policy Perspective. John L. Palmer, ed., Creating Jobs: Public Employment Programs and Wage Subsidies. V. Kerry Smith, ed., Scarcity and Growth Reconsidered.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1976,7(2):49-60
Judd Hammack and Gardner Mallard Brown, Jr., Waterfowl and Wetlands: Toward Bioeconomic Analysis. Peter Amory Bradford, Fragile Structures: A Story of Oil Refineries, National Security, and the Coast of Maine. Marion Clawson, Forests for Whom and for What? Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Thomas H. Naylor and James Clotfelter, Strategies for Change in the South. C. lames Sample, Patterns of Regional Economic Change: A Quantitative Analysis of U.S. Regional Growth and Development. Niles M. Hansen, The Challenge of Urban Growth: The Basic Economics of City Size and Structure. Lexington, Mass.; D. C. Heath Michael Harloe, Ruth Issacharoff, and Richard Minns, The Organization of Housing: Public and Private Enterprise in London. Philip H. Friedly, National Policy Responses t o Urban Growth. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath William G. Grigsby and Louis Rosenburg, Urban Housing policy. Charles Elliott, Patterns of Poverty in the Third World: A Study of Social and Economic Stratification. Edward Allan Brawley, The New Human Services Worker: Community College Education and the Social Services. Judah Matras, Social Inequality, Stratification, and Mobility. Robert N. Butler, Why Survive? Being Old in America. Ronald B. Taylor, Chavez and the Farm Workers. George A. Davis and 0. Fred Donaldson, Blacks in The United States: A Geographic Perspective. Donald I. Warren, Black Neighborhoods: An Assessment of Community Power. Walter Isard, Introduction to Regional Science. Englewood Cliffs Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel, Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to the Club of Rome.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1980,11(4):49-56
Book Review in this Article. Richard A. Easterlin, ed., Population and Economic Change in Developing Countries. John F. McDonald, Economic Analysis of an Urban Housing Market. Thomas A. Clark, Blacks in Suburbs: A National Perspective. Stephen Merrett, State Housing in Britain. Lloyd C. Irland, Wilderness Economics and Policy. Richard E. Lonsdale and H. L. Seyler, eds., Nonmetro-politan Industrialization Donald N. Rothblatt, Daniel J. Garr, and Jo Sprague, The Suburban Environment and Women. Glenn V. Fuguitt, Paul R. Voss, and J. C. Doherty, Growth and Change in Rural America. Chia-ling Kuo, Social and Political Change in New York's Chinatown: The Role of Voluntary Associations. Frank Cancian, The Innovator's Situation: Upper-Middle-Class Conservatism in Agricultural Cornrnunities.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1993,24(3):417-450
Book reviewed in this article: Saving The Planet : How To Shape An Environmentally Sustainable Global Economy . Lester R. Brown, Christopher Flavin and Sandra Postel. International Trade And Global Development : Essays In Honour Of Jagdish Bhagwati . Edited by Ad Koekkoek and L.B.M Mennes. The State Offshore : Petroleum , Politics And State Intervention On The British And Norwegian Continental Shelves . Brent F. Nelson. The Promised Land : The Great Black Migration And how IT Changed America . Nicholas Lemann. The Burden Of Dependency : Colonial Themes in Southern Economic Thought . Joseph J. Persky. Credrr Where It's Due : Development Banking for Communities . Julie Ann Parzen and Michael Hall Kieschnick. Challenging Uneven Development : An Urban Agenda For The 1990s. Edited by Philip W. Nyden and Wim Wiewel. Sources Of Metropolean Growth . Edited by Edwin S. Mills and John F. McDonald Soft Coal , Hard Choices : The Economic Welfare Of Bituminous Coal Miners , 1890–1930. Price V. Fishback. South Africa's Labor Empire : A History Of Black Migrancy To The Gold Mines . Jonathon Crush, Alan Jeeves, and David Yudelman. Politics Or Markets ? Essays On Haitian Underdevelopment . Mats Lundahl. The Illusion Of Choice : How The Market Economy Shapes Our Destiny . Andrew Bard Schmookler. Wilderness Areas, Regional Planning, and the Quality of Life  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Plant Breeding》1990,104(1):85-87
Books reviewed in this article:
Ahuja, M.R.(ed): Somatic Cell Genetics of Woody Plants(Forestry Sciences).
Lichtenthler, H. K (ed.): Applications of Chlorophyl Fluorescence.
Iwanami, Y., T. Sasakuma, and Y. yamada: Pollen: Illustrations and Scanning Electronmicrographics.
Klingmüller, W., Risk Assessment for Deliberate Releases. The Possible Impact of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms on the Environment.
Broertjes, C., and A. M. van Harten: Applied Mutation Breeding for Vegetatively Propagated Crops (Developments in Crop Science, 12).
Hawkes, J.G., and J.P. Hjerting: The Potatoes of Bolivia: Their Breeding Value and Evolutionary Relationships.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1984,15(4):52-56
Book reviewed in this article: Women's Work
Phyllis Andors, The Unfinished Liberation of Chinese Women, 1949–1980. Costs of Change
Larry Sawers and William K. Tabb, eds., Sunbelt/Snowbelt: Urban Development and Regional Restructuring. Main Street, U.S.A.
Harley E. Johansen and Glenn V. Fuguitt, The Changing Rural Village in America: Demographic and Economic Trends since 1950. What Is Dangerous?
Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky, Risk and Culture: An Essay on the Selection of Technological and Environmental Dangers. Becoming Oriented
Clifton W. Pannell and Laurence J. C. Ma, China: The Geography of Development and Modernization. Immigrants and Citizens
Demetrios G. Papademetriou and Mark J. Miller, eds., The Unavoidable Issue: U.S. Immigration Policy in the 1980s. The Rising South
Robert J. Newman, Growth in the American South: Changing Regional Employment and Wage Patterns in the 1960s and 1970s. Into the Nineties
Anthony Downs, Rental Housing in the 1980s.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1975,6(3):49-61
Poor Old Citizens Richard S. Sterne, James E. Phillips, and Alvin Rabushka, The Urban Elderly Poor: Racial and Bureaucratic Conflict. Who Gets Healed? Leon S. Robertson et al., Changing the Medical Care System: A Controlled Experiment in Comprehensive Care. The Not-So-Silent Majority League of Women Voters Educational Fund, Super-city/Hometown, USA. Parks without Muggers August Heckscher, Alive in the City: Memoirs of an Excommisioner. A Reprieve for the Inner City Blue Collar Neighborhood Robert B. Zehner and F. Stuart Chapin, Across the City Line: A White Community in Transition. Recent Developments Franklin L. James, ed., Models of Employment and Residence Location. David Birch et al., Patterns of Urban Change: The New Haven Experience. Man vs. Nature John Passmore, Man's Responsibility for Nature: Ecological Problems and Western Traditions. Dirty Water Julian McCaull and Janice Crossland, Water Pollution. Getting in Deeper L. Douglas James, ed., Man and Water: The Social Sciences in Management of Water Resources. Water and Development W. Cris Lewis et al., Regional Growth and Water Resource Investment. Coming in from the Cold S. David Freeman, Energy: The New Era. Exotic Travelogue Ray Vicker, The Kingdom of Oil: The Middle East, Its People and Its Power. Global Reach United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Multinational Corporations in World Development. Education and Rural Development Philip H. Coombs with Manzoor Ahmed, Attacking Rural Poverty: How Nonformal Education Can Help. Cautious Optimism Richard Ward, Development Issues for the 1970s. Preparing for the Apocalypse Kenneth E. F. Watt, The Titanic Effect: Planning for the Unthinkable. Briefer Mention The United Regions of America Computer Models Peter House, The Preparing New Elites Working within the Ecosystem Leonard A. Stevens, Clean Water: Nature's Way to Stop Pollution. A New New York Jonathan Barnett, Urban Design as Public Policy.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1973,4(4):49-58
Book Review in this Article: The Human Dimension of Housing Defensible Space: Crime Prevention through Urban Design by Oscar Newman The Welfare Mess Do the Poor Want to Work? A Social-Psychological Study of Work Orientations by Leonard Coodwin. Work and Welfare Go Together by Sar A. Levitan, Martin Rein, and David Marwick. Traditional Issues Examined An American Philosophy of Social Security: Evolution and Issues by J. Douglas Brown A Potpourri of Attitudes Poverty, Economics, and Society, edited by Helen Ginsburg. The Contemporary American City The Social Construction of Communities by Gerald D. The Social Sciences and the City The City in the Seventies, edited by Robert K. Yin. Itasca Political Turnabout in Dixie The Changing Politics of the South, edited by William C. Microscope on Nova Scotia Regional Science Techniques in Practice: The Case of Nova Scotia by Stan Czamanski. A Reasonably Balanced Picture Human Resources and Labor Markets: Labor and Manpower in the American Economy by Sar A. Levitan Race and Class Busing and Backlash: White against White in a California School District by Lillian B. Rubin. Capital Issues Rate of Profit, Distribution and Growth: Two Views by J. A. Kregel Farm Problems Discussed The Overproduction Trap in U.S.Agriculture: A Study of Resource Allocation from World Warf to the Late 1960's, edited by Glenn L. Johnson and C. Leroy Quance. First of Its Kind Conservation in the Soviet Union by Philip R. Pryde. On Nature's Behalf Let Them Live: A Worldwide Survey of Animals Threatened with Extinction by Kai Curry-Lindahl.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1974,5(1):47-60
Book reviews in this article: The United Nations Research Series on Regional Development: A Review Article MICHAEL E. CONROY Five Countries Compared Regional Development Strategy in Southeast Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia by George W. Hoffman. The Irish Situation Ireland: Some Problems of a Developing Economy, edited by A. A. Tait and J. A. Bristow. The Costa, Sierra, and Selva Society, Schools, and Progress in Peru by Rolland G. Twentieth-Century Feminism The American Woman: Her Changing Social, Economic, and Political Roles, 1920-1970 by William Henry Chafe. Lawyer, Judge, Civic Leader A Mind of One Piece: Brandeis and American Reform by Melvin I. Legal Decision Making The Supreme Court and Social Science by Paul L. Rosen. Strange Amalgam The New Federalism by Michael D. Reagan. Economic Theory and the City Urban Economic Analysis by Werner Z. Hirsch. Disquieting Implications On the Urban Scene, edited by Morton Levitt and Ben Rubenstein. On Supervision Issues in Human Services by Florence Whiteman Kaslow and Associates. Big Business The Corporate Economy: Growth, Competition and Innovative Potential, edited by Robin Marris and Adrian Wood. A 300-Year Narrative American Enterprise: Free and Not So Free by Clarence H. Cramer. For Better Government Public Planning: Failure and Redirection by Robert A. Levine. For Better Cities The Urban Wilderness: A History of the American City by Sam Bass Warner, Jr. Briefer Mention A Veritable Library Whatever Happened t o State Budgeting? edited by S. Kenneth Howard and Gloria A. Grizzle. The Computer Takes Over The Cashless Society by Robert A. Hendrickson.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Plant Breeding》1992,109(1):86-87
Books reviewed in this article:
Linnert, Gertrud, Lehrbuch der Allegmeinen Cytogenetik.
Shahidi, Fereidoon (ed.), Canola and Rapeseed. Production, Chemistry, Nutrition and Processing Technology.
Gupta, P. K., and T. Tsuchiya (eds.), Chromosome Engineering in Plants: Genetics, Breeding, Evolution, Part A.
Fendrik, I., und J. Bors, Stralenschäden an pflanzen. Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten, Band 1: Die nichtparasitären Krankheiten. 6.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1995,26(3):463-486
Book reviewed in this article: Economic Theory for Environmentalists . By John Gowdy and Sabine O'Hara. The Environmental Imagination : Thoreau , Nature Writing , and the Formation of American Culture . by Lawrence Buell. Wild Forests : Conservation Biology and Public Policy . William S. Alverson, Walter Kuhlmann and Donald M. Waller. Social Theory and the Global Environment . edited by Michael Redclift and Ted Benton. At Risk : Natural Hazards , People's Vulnerability , and Disasters . by Piers Blaikie, Terry Cannon, Ian Davis, and Ben Wisner. ‘Viva’ : Women and Popular Protest in Latin America . edited by Sarah A. Radeliffe and Salk Westwood Money , Power and Space . edited by Stuart Corbridge, Ron Martin and Nigel Thrift. Managing Geographic Information Systems by Nancy J. Obermeyer and Jeffrey K. Pinto.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1990,21(3):77-80
Book reviews in this article: Immigration Michael C. LeMay, ed. City Finance Helen F. Ladd and John Yinger. The Impact of Impact Assessment Robert V. Bartlett, ed. Status: Professional vs. Capitalist Tom Bottomore and Robert J. Bryn, eds.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Reviewed in this Article:
Basedow, Th., Bauers, Chr. und Lauenstein, G.: Ergebnisse vierjähriger Untersuchungen zur gezielten Bekämpfung der Getreideblattläuse.
Schwertmann, U., R. J. Rickson and K. Auerswald (Eds.): Soil erosion protection measures in Europe.
Spaar, D., H. Kleinhempel und R. Fritzsche. Kernobst.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Growth and change》1987,18(2):79-95
Book reviews in this article: Border Linkages. Peggy B. Musgrave, ed. If the Creek Rises. Raymond J. Burby and Steven P. French, with Beverly A. Cigler, Edward J. Kaiser, David H. Moreau, and Bruce Stiftel That Rising Sun Duane Kujawa, Japanese Multinationals in the United States: Toward a High-Tech Economy John Rees, ed., Technology, Regions, and Policy. Impacts on Humans James A. Lee, The Environment, Public Health, and Human Ecology: Public Finance in Canada Douglas J. McCready, The Canadian Public Sector. Toronto: A Survey of Industrialization Policies Robert N. Gwynne, Industrialization and Urbanization in Latin America. Baltimore: The Risk Takers Robert C. Perez, Inside Venture Capital: Past, Present and Future. New York: Policy Directions Charles R. Warren, ed., Urban Policy in a Changing Federal System: Proceedings of a Symposium. Power for the Future Adela Maria Bolet, ed., Forecasting U.S. Electricity Demands: Trends and Methodologies.  相似文献   

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