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Watermelon ( Citrullus Lanatus ) is one of the major irrigated vegetables in the Jordan Valley. Watermelon production has increased in the last few years with the introduction of trickle irrigation and plastic mulching, especially in the highlands.
In this experiment it is intended to study the effects of different plastic mulching on crop water use and on yields of watermelon. Soil temperature data was also collected in an attempt to study its fluctuation and degree of change under different mulching. Also studied were the root density and distribution.
Results indicate significant differences in water applied and in yields between treatments. Highest yield (average = 55.3 MT/HA) was obtained under transparent mulch and with average total water supply of 44.3 cm. Whereas under black mulch an average yield of 13.3 MT/HA was obtained although 40.1 cm total water was applied. Under no mulch, only 10.4 MT/HA was obtained with a highest total water supply of 51.2 cm. Root distribution and density did not show any significant differences.
Soil temperature under mulched treatments were higher than those non-mulched. Heat units determined showed no big difference between transparent and black mulched treatments.  相似文献   

马铃薯膜下滴灌增产效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
试验以‘克新1号’品种的脱毒原种为材料,以覆膜不滴灌为对照,采用田间小区试验和室内测定分析相结合的方法,研究了膜下滴灌对马铃薯的生长、产量、块茎品质、水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:膜下滴灌对马铃薯的地上部分生长、块茎产量和品质(淀粉和还原糖含量)、水分利用效率均有显著影响。其产量和水分利用效率分别为55596.00 kg/hm2和170.45 kg/(hm2?mm),分别是覆膜不滴灌的2.86倍和1.02倍;且收获时块茎淀粉含量增加了0.94%,还原糖含量降低了0.02%。  相似文献   

为提高小麦水分生产效率,设置了3种灌溉决策方式:Prwin软件决策、彭曼公式决策、经验灌溉(对照),研究其对小麦产量、水分生产效率及相关性状的影响。结果表明:Prwin灌溉决策下,小麦整个生育期灌水2151.0 m3/hm2,比对照节水699.0 m3/hm2,小麦株高、旗叶性状、穗部性状与对照无明显差异,产量达7401.4 kg/hm2,比对照增产7.8%,小麦水分生产效率为1.80 kg/m3,比对照增加26.8%;彭曼公式决策下,比对照节水400.5 m3/hm2,比对照增产4.2%,水分生产效率比对照增加4.1%。  相似文献   

Tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum mill. cv. Petopride ) is the most important vegetable crop in Jordan; its production is characterized by inadequate irrigation and fertilization practices, especially under open field conditions. A field study was carried out to determine the effect of different irrigation intervals and different N-fertilizer doses on water use, tomato yields and residual soil nitrogen.
Results indicated significant differences in water use and tomato yields between irrigation treatments. Highest yield (51.4 ton ha−1) was obtained under three irrigations per week with 504 mm total water supply, whereas under irrigation once a week 35.3 ton ha−1were produced with 353 mm total water supply. There were no significant differences in yield between fertigation with ten equal time intervals and fertigations with intervals as per crop requirements, the yields were 47.1 ton ha−1 and 44.5 ton ha−1, respectively. However, yield was significantly lower with three fertigations at equal intervals and equal doses (35.8 ton ha−1) throughout the season. There were no significant differences between mineral nitrogen forms in terms of yield effects. Significant irrigation effects were observed on total soil nitrogen. Residual soil N was 0.052% in the surface layer (0–30 cm), and 0.030% in the subsurface layer (30–60 cm).  相似文献   

[Objective]We aimed to prove the effects of limited irrigation on the regulation of soil moisture, growth, and yield in different mature cotton varieties in the Yellow River region. [Method] Using the early maturing cotton variety CCRI 50, earlier middle maturing variety Nongdamian 601 (ND 601), and medium maturing variety Jimian 958 (JM 958) as test materials, field tests were carried out using both conventional irrigation (W1) and limited irrigation (proper irrigation before sowing, no irrigation during growing period; W2). The traits of interest were measured, including leaf area index, water use efficiency, and yield. [Result] The dry matter quality of the three varieties was significantly lower with the W2 treatment, with the greatest reduction observed in CCRI 50 (P<0.05). Compared with the W1 treatment, the yield of the three varieties under the W2 treatment decreased significantly, with the greatest reduction observed in the early maturing variety CCRI 50. The water use efficiency of CCRI 50 decreased significantly while that of ND 601 and JM 958 improved significantly during the two study years. [Conclusion] ND 601 and JM 958 have good adaptability to moderate drought stress and W2 treatment can improve the water use efficiency of these varieties to obtain the ideal output level. CCRI 50 is sensitive to moisture; it is difficult to form a high yield population for this variety under W2 treatment.  相似文献   

为高效利用灌溉水资源,提高灌溉水水分利用效率和水分经济效率,在山西临汾采用随机区组设计方法研究了不同年型各生育期(阶段)有限补灌对产量、水分利用效率及经济效率的影响。结果表明:2个年型(正常和干旱)条件下:各生育阶段灌水处理的平均产量、水分利用效率和灌溉水水分经济效率均表现为冬前灌水>春季灌水>后期灌水;各生育时期灌水处理的平均产量和灌溉水水分经济效率均表现为冬水>孕穗水>拔节水>扬花水>返青水>起身水>灌浆水>对照(不补灌),水分利用效率为冬水>孕穗水>扬花水>返青水>起身水>拔节水>灌浆水>对照(不补灌)。降雨正常年型各生育阶段灌水处理的平均产量、水分利用效率均高于干旱年型,而干旱年型灌溉水水分经济效率却高于正常年型。此项研究同时明确了各生育期灌水处理的土壤水分动态。该项研究为发展半旱地农业提供了理论和技术支撑。  相似文献   

为了探究春小麦合适的滴灌灌水定额和滴灌带间距组合,2015年3—7月进行了春小麦大田试验,研究3种滴灌带间距(D1:60 cm、D2:90 cm、D3:120 cm)和3种灌水定额(I1:35 mm、I2:45 mm、 I3:55 mm)对西北旱区春小麦产量和水分利用效率的影响。试验结果表明:产量最高的处理为D1I2达到8964 kg/hm2。当滴灌带间距为60 cm和90 cm时,灌水定额从35 mm增加至45 mm时产量显著增加,灌水定额达到55 mm时产量分别下降9.5%和2.2%。灌水定额为35 mm和45 mm时,滴灌带间距60 cm的处理产量显著高于滴灌带间距120 cm的处理;灌水定额增加到55 mm时,3个滴灌带间距处理产量无显著差异。水分利用效率在1.57~2.11 kg/m3间变化,最高的为D2I2处理。综合考虑产量、灌水量、水分利用效率和滴灌带投入,D2I2处理是该地区最优的滴灌带间距和灌水定额组合。  相似文献   

设置交替隔沟灌、常规沟灌和固定隔沟灌方式,施氮量和灌水量采用二次通用旋转组合设计进行试验,研究水、氮调控对沟灌棉花产量、水分利用效率的影响.结果表明:棉花产量与施氮量在56.2~95.2kg·hmˉ2范围内呈显著正相关,与灌水量在37.52~160.00mm范围内呈显著正相关.相同水、氮处理下交替隔沟灌与常规沟灌相比棉...  相似文献   

春季不同灌水处理对冬小麦产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在河北省5个试验基点研究了大田实验条件下冬小麦春季不同灌水处理的产量效应。结果表明,随灌水次数的增加,小麦产量增加。春灌两水和春灌三水处理籽粒产量显著高于一水处理的产量,但两水与三水处理产量之间没有显著差异。灌溉水的利用效率随灌水次数的增加而降低。初步认为,在选择适宜品种的基础上,河北省大部分麦区冬小麦春季生产上合理的节水灌溉方案为:拔节水、开花水。与传统灌溉技术相比,在冬小麦获得相近产量的前提下,春季灌水次数减少2次,小麦生育期间节水80 ̄100m3,提高了灌溉水的利用效率。  相似文献   

为探究紫花苜蓿适宜的灌水频率,在温室模拟条件下进行试验,设定W_2(2天)、W_4(4天)、W_6(6天)、W_(10)(10天)和W_(15)(15天)5个灌水频率,试验结果表明:较高的灌水频率(W_4)利于0~40 cm土层有适宜的含水量,较低的灌水频率(W_6、W_(10)、W_(15))有利于40~100 cm土层含水量的提高;随着灌水频率的增加,苜蓿产量和水分利用效率先增加后降低,最高值均出现在W_4处理,显著高于W_2、W_(10)、W_(15)(P0.05);耗水量随灌水频率的增加,呈先降低后增加的趋势,W15处理耗水量最高,显著高于W_4、W_6、W_(10)(P0.05)。因此,W_4处理可以获得较高的苜蓿产量和适宜的土壤含水量,即4天1次的灌水频率为最佳处理。  相似文献   

Yield of red cherry tomatoes and soil salt distribution as affected by different amounts and salinities of irrigation water was studied in a field plot experiment during the summer of 1988 at Utah State University. Four different amounts of fresh water and two amounts of saline water were imposed with line source trickle irrigation on a sandy loam soil in lysimeters. Tomato yield and seasonal evapotranspiration increased in a linear fashion with increasing irrigation water. Tomato yields with fresh water (EC = 0.33 dS/m) were significantly higher than with saline (EC = 4.0 dS/m) water. There were no significant differences in seasonal evapotranspiration between the two salinity levels with two levels of deficit irrigation. Soil water depletion and availability decreased as the soil water salinity increased. Soil water salinities increased with both vertical and horizontal distance from trickle lines and reached a maximum at the bottom of the wetted area and between trickle lines.  相似文献   

[Objective] This study examines how irrigation patterns affect soil moisture, growth and yield of cotton in southern Hebei, China. The results are used to inform irrigation patterns and improve the water use efficiency of cotton. [Method] Using the Nongda 601 cotton variety, a field split plot experiment was conducted in 2016 and 2017. The main treatments were no film (NF) and mulching film (MF), with side treatments of border irrigation (W1, 600 m3·hm-2), limited amount every-other furrow irrigation I (W2, 450 m3·hm-2) and limited amount every-other furrow irrigation II (W3, 300 m3·hm-2). Six treatments NFW1, NFW2, NFW3, MFW1, MFW2, and MFW3 were applied. The film-covered border irrigation represents the conventional cultivation mode of local cotton. Impacts were measured as dry matter mass, yield and water use efficiency. [Result] (1) Dry matter mass of MF was significantly higher than that of NF in 2016 and 2017. However, there was no significant difference in different irrigation treatments under MF. When compared with the dry matter mass of NFW1 in 2016, that of NFW2 and NFW3 were significantly lower: by 14.28% and 13.44%, respectively. In 2017, the dry matter quality of NFW2 significantly increased by 11.29% compared with that of NFW1, but NFW3 showed no significant difference. (2) Cotton yield and water use efficiency showed similar trends in both years. There was no significant difference in yield and water use efficiency for the different irrigation treatments under MF. Compared with NFW1, NFW2 and NFW3 significantly decreased by 10.21%–16.00% and 13.63%–18.84% in yield, respectively, whereas water use efficiency significantly decreased by 8.33%–13.80% and 9.72%–14.61%, respectively. Compared with MFW1, yield and water use efficiency of NFW1 decreased slightly, but not significantly. Compared with MFW2, yield and water use efficiency of NFW2 significantly decreased 12.96%–16.62% and 13.73%–16.51%, respectively. Compared with MFW3, yield and water use efficiency of NFW3 significantly decreased 15.04%–16.29% and 15.03%–16.31%, respectively. [Conclusion] In wet and normal precipitation years, the NFW1 treatment resulted in high cotton yield while preventing residual film pollution; MFW2 and MFW3 treatments also achieved high yields and improved water use efficiency when irrigation quantity was reduced.  相似文献   

为了研究不同时期不同灌水量处理对大豆产量及产量因子的影响,以‘晋豆19’为材料,采用二因素完全随机区组设计的方法,进行一次性灌水试验,设3个不同灌水时期4个不同灌水量处理。结果表明,3个灌水时期中,花荚期灌水对大豆产量的促进效应最佳,其次是鼓粒期、分枝期,但花荚期灌水时随着灌水量的增加,产量呈先增后减的趋势。灌水6000 m~3/hm~2对大豆产量的促进作用最明显。花荚期灌水对大豆株高促进作用最明显,其次是分枝期、鼓粒期。灌水时期和灌水量两因素对大豆株高的互作效应极显著,多重比较表明,花荚期灌水6000 m~3/hm~2对大豆株高影响最大;灌水时期对大豆干物质重的影响顺序为花荚期、鼓粒期、分枝期,花荚期灌水6000 m~3/hm~2对大豆干物质重影响最大。本试验认为在干旱半干旱地区进行一次性灌水时,花荚期灌水6000 m~3/hm~2为宜。  相似文献   

提高水资源利用率,解决农业用水短缺一直是世界性的问题,如何在减少灌溉用水量和优化用水结构的同时保障内蒙古主要水稻产区的粮食生产能力,是目前的研究热点。本研究基于水量平衡原理,于2018—2019年的5—9月在内蒙古东部扎赉特旗开展膜下滴灌旱作水稻灌溉试验,并且以传统插秧泡田种植为参照,提出了内蒙古东部典型地区膜下滴灌旱作水稻的作物需水量和不同生育阶段需水规律,并且分析了不同灌溉方式的水稻最终产量及作物需水系数。研究结果表明膜下滴灌水稻全生育期需水量为608.4 mm,其生育阶段土壤含水率占饱和含水量的85%~100%时的产量最大,苗期需水量最小,抽穗灌浆期最大;拔节孕穗中期的耗水强度最大,需水系数在全生育期中抽穗灌浆期为最大。  相似文献   

张耗  杨建昌 《作物杂志》2016,32(5):67-280
以三种主要粮食作物(水稻、小麦、玉米)为材料,设置常规灌溉(对照)和节水灌溉处理(水稻全生育期轻干湿交替灌溉技术、小麦控制土壤干旱灌溉技术、玉米控制低限土壤水分的分区交替灌溉技术),研究了节水灌溉技术对三种粮食作物产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,节水灌溉技术的产量增加了8.56%~9.23%,水分利用效率提高了25.00%~31.43%。节水灌溉技术显著降低了三种粮食作物叶片的蒸腾速率和着生角度,显著增加了弱势粒中脱落酸(ABA)与赤霉素(GA3)的比值(ABA/GA3)、茎中蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)和子粒中蔗糖合酶(SuS)活性、平均灌浆速率、茎鞘中非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)的运转率以及收获指数,显著提高了水稻和小麦的分蘖成穗率。表明减少奢侈的蒸腾和无效分蘖冗余生长、改善冠层结构、促进物质运转和子粒库活性、提高收获指数是节水灌溉技术协同提高产量和水分利用效率的重要原因。  相似文献   

摘 要:山东鲁西北地区小麦生产中灌溉水次数和播期是影响小麦产量的主要因素,而区域灌溉水资源比较缺乏,为了使有限资源充分增产小麦产量,设计并进行小麦灌水次数和小麦播期的研究。试验采取3个播期和5个灌水模式设计,5年的定位试验。结果表明:播期对小麦产量和水分利用效率影响不显著,灌水是影响小麦产量的主要因素。灌水3次产量最高,灌水2次产量次之,灌水1次产量最低;灌水量越灌水多,水分利用效率越低;综合产量和水分利用效率效果,建议冬小麦灌水3次(枯水年)或2次(丰水年)。  相似文献   

节水灌溉方式下作物需水量和灌溉需水量研究综述   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
中国是一个严重缺水的国家,农业用水浪费严重,发展节水农业势在必行。作物生长需水量与灌溉需水量密切相关,作物生长需水量估算方法各异,并以彭曼公式为主,该公式与参照作物需水量(ET0)和作物生长系数(Kc)有关。计划灌溉需水量是节水灌溉管理的一个重要因素,其定额方式各有利弊,仍然以农田水量平衡方程为主要评估手段。  相似文献   

为了揭示灌水量和种植密度配置下干热河谷紫甘蓝(Brassica oleracea var.capitata rubra)产量形成机理,研究了不同灌水量5800 m3/hm2(I1)、4900 m3/hm2(I2)、4600 m3/hm2(I3)和不同种植密度79200株/hm2(D1)、52800株/hm2(D2)、3...  相似文献   

黄健  季枫 《中国农学通报》2014,30(30):152-157
为了解气候变化对棉花生长的影响,在2011—2012 年,通过2 个温室进行增温和灌溉量变化的试验(一个温室用红外灯管增温,另一个不增温),每个温室设田间灌溉量的0.7 倍、0.85 倍、1 倍、1.15 倍、1.3 倍5 个灌溉水平,研究增温和灌溉量对产量、生物量及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,棉花生长季平均温度增加1~3.5℃有利于产量的增加,生长季、花期和铃期温度升高1℃,产量分别增加200.694、225.732、109.838 kg/hm2,而蕾期温度升高1℃却会降低产量162.814 kg/hm2。生长季和蕾期增温1℃会分别降低生物量1079.2、1179.8 kg/hm2,降低产量和干物质的水分利用效率3.4215、2.8098 kg/(hm2·mm)。灌溉倍数每增加1 倍,产量和生物量分别增加734.51、2242.3 kg/hm2。但增温会增加水分的消耗量,这对于处于干旱区的新疆来说是不利的。随着气候变暖,棉花耗水增大,产量增加。  相似文献   

With a view to study the influence of irrigation regimes at critical stages of sugarcane an investigation was carried out at Agricultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Bhavanisagar, India during Mid-late season (March–April) using Co 6304 as test variety. Treatments consisted of eight irrigation regimes created by imposing two levels of irrigation 0.75 and 0.5 IW/CPE ratio at critical stages (tillering, grand growth and maturity). The results revealed that irrigating sugarcane at 0.75 IW/CPE ratio at tillering and growth and 0.5 IW/CPE at maturity phase recorded highest nutrient uptake, cane yield (139 t/ha) with 10.6 % CCS consuming 1791 mm of water the highest water use efficiency of 77.3 kg/ha mm.  相似文献   

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