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众所周知,光照对鸡的生长发育、性成熟、产蛋率、受精率等方面都有非常重要的影响,但对种蛋孵化效果的作用,目前尚未定论。为研究人工光照对种蛋孵化率、雏鸡初生重的影响,我们进行了以下试验。 供试种蛋选用生长期为39周,产蛋期为9周、产蛋率88%的罗曼父母代种鸡所产种蛋8370枚,随机均分成两组进行孵化,试  相似文献   

众所周知,光照对鸡的生长发育、性成熟产蛋率、受精率等方面都有着非常重要的影响,但对种蛋的孵化效果的作用,目前尚未定论,为研究人工光照对种蛋孵化率、雏鸡初生重的影响,我们进行了以下试验: 供试种蛋选用生长期为39周龄、产蛋期为9周,产蛋率为88%的罗曼父母代种鸡所产种蛋8370枚,随机均分成两组进行孵化,试验组前18天给予人工光照,60瓦白荧光灯一盏/机,后三天不予光照,对照组21天均不予光照。  相似文献   

为研究蛋形指数(纵径/橫径)对拉萨白鸡种蛋孵化效果的影响,在相同孵化条件下,选用3世代47周龄拉萨白鸡种蛋1342枚,按照蛋形指数由小到大分为4组(Ⅰ~Ⅳ组,蛋形指数均值组间差异极显著)进行孵化,比较各组种蛋在孵化期不同时间点的蛋重、失重、失重率以及孵化成绩和雏鸡初生重。结果表明,种蛋在整个孵化期都处于稳定失重过程,孵化至第11日时,Ⅰ组种蛋的失重和失重率最大,分别为(3.35±1.30)g和(6.64±2.17)%;孵化至第20日时,Ⅱ组种蛋的失重和失重率最大,分为(6.66±1.43)g和(13.30±2.52)%;Ⅰ组种蛋的受精率、入孵蛋孵化率、受精蛋孵化率及雏鸡初生重占入孵蛋重的百分比均最高,分别为98.23%、80.53%、81.98%、(69.82±3.55)%;Ⅲ组种蛋的雏鸡初生重最大,为(36.69±4.35)g,显著高于Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ组(P0.05)。综上提示,蛋形指数越大,种蛋失重和失重率越小,受精率越低。研究结果为了解拉萨白鸡种质特性,开展拉萨白鸡品种选育和种质资源开发提供了参考。  相似文献   

用三批AE(Avian Encephalomyelitis)油佐剂灭活疫苗免疫开产前种鸡,免疫后定期采集种蛋进行孵化,当孵至6日龄时取部分鸡胚,卵黄囊途径接种AEV VR株,进行鸡胚AE易感性试验,余鸡胚孵化出雏,分别为1、7、14、21日龄雏鸡采用肌肉途径攻击AEV VR株,攻毒后观察不同日龄仔代雏鸡AE的保护能力。结果疫苗免疫后2-3个月的种鸡所产种蛋的鸡胚AE易感性试验的保护率达100%,而同期所产种蛋孵出的仔代雏鸡,在出雏后3周内对AEV工VR株攻毒的保护率亦达100%,免疫后6-7个月种鸡所产种蛋的鸡胚AEV VR易感性试验的保护率达75%-805,而同期所产种蛋孵出的仔代雏鸡,在出雏后3周内对AEV VR株攻毒的保护率达70-90%。试验结果表明,鸡胚AE易感笥试验的鸡胚保护率与同批种蛋孵出雏鸡对AEV VR肌肉途径攻毒的保护率基本相同。  相似文献   

用 3批AE (AvianEncephalomyelitis)油佐剂灭活疫苗免疫开产前种鸡 ,免疫后定期采集种蛋进行孵化。当孵至 6日龄时取部分鸡胚 ,卵黄囊途径接种AEVVR株 ,进行AE鸡胚易感性试验。剩余鸡胚孵化至出雏后 ,分别于 1 ,7,1 4 ,2 1日龄肌肉注射AEVVR株攻毒。攻毒后观察不同日龄子代雏鸡AE的保护能力。结果疫苗免疫后 2~ 3个月的种鸡所产种蛋胚对AEV保护率达 1 0 0 % ,而同期所产种蛋孵出的子代雏鸡 ,在出雏后 3周内对AEVVR株攻毒的保护率亦达 1 0 0 %。免疫后 6~ 7个月种鸡所产种蛋胚对AEVVR保护率达 75 %~ 80 % ,而同期所产种蛋孵出的子代雏鸡 ,在出雏后 3周内对AEVVR株攻毒的保护率达 70 %~ 90 %。试验结果表明 ,AE鸡胚易感性试验的鸡胚保护率与同期雏鸡对AEVVR肌肉注射攻毒的保护率基本相同  相似文献   

种蛋的重量是孵化成败的内在因素之一,不仅影响孵化成绩,关系到雏鸡初生重及成活率,对于今后鸡群的健康及将来的生产性能都有直接关系。为了进一步证实,种蛋重量与孵化、育雏等方面关系,本试验选用了三类型种蛋,即来航鸡种蛋、农大黄鸡种蛋、洛岛红×来航鸡杂交种蛋,进行了蛋重、孵化率、雏鸡初生重、育雏成活率统计。试验随机取东北来  相似文献   

1试验材料供试种蛋采用北京市南口农场种鸡场饲养的艾维茵父母代种鸡所产种蛋,种蛋存放1天,种蛋收集后消毒一次,入库前进行分检消毒处理,分组码盘预热后,再连同孵化器一并进行消毒。2试验方法2.1分组试验一组选择产蛋周龄分别为33周和55周种蛋,每小组3000个。试验二组选择33周龄和55周龄种蛋,根据蛋重分别分为四个小组,试验三组选择33周和55周龄种蛋,根据蛋形指数分别分为四个小组。2.2孵化条件孵化器为电子部41所制造的依爱牌16800型孵化器,孵化方式采用变温孵化,入孵后2小时后升温到38.3℃,1~7天为38.3℃,8~13天为37.8℃,14~18天为37.6…  相似文献   

为探讨蛋形指数、蛋重对平原地区藏鸡种蛋孵化效果的影响,将成都平原地区4050周龄藏鸡种蛋按蛋形指数(纵径/横径)不同分为A(蛋形指数<1.30)、B(蛋形指数1.3050周龄藏鸡种蛋按蛋形指数(纵径/横径)不同分为A(蛋形指数<1.30)、B(蛋形指数1.301.35)、C(蛋形指数>1.35)3组,分别对3组的蛋形指数、蛋重、孵化情况、雏鸡初生重等指标进行统计,并运用SPSS 17.0统计软件对其相关性进行分析。结果表明,3组藏鸡种蛋蛋形指数均值为1.33,蛋重平均为48.49 g,蛋形指数与蛋重总体呈正相关;3组藏鸡种蛋受精率分别为86.38%、96.11%、93.68%;受精蛋孵化率B组最高(91.67%),分别比A组(83.85%)、C组(89.88%)高7.82%和1.79%;3组雏鸡初生均重分别为33.63、35.78、37.05 g,与各组蛋重呈正相关。因此,蛋形指数和蛋重对平原地区藏鸡的孵化影响很大,但蛋形指数的选择有一个较宽的适应范围,蛋重与雏鸡初生重呈正相关。  相似文献   

试验选取165、175和185日龄的"京红1号"商品代种蛋各3 024个,自48~53 g蛋重范围内,以每间隔1克为一组分别划分为1、2、3、4、5组,53 g以上为第6组,每组504个,共计9 072个,各组同时入孵。入孵前和孵化第18天分别称取各组蛋重,计算各组种蛋孵化18 d的失重率;出雏后记录各组的有效受精率、孵化率、健母率、蛋雏比和出雏鸡体重;饲养期间,记录各组种蛋所孵化雏鸡各周龄末的平均体重与每天的死淘只数,对试验结果进行双因素方差分析。结果表明:出雏体重与入孵蛋重呈线性相关,出雏体重为入孵蛋重量的68%~69%;蛋重和日龄两因素均对种蛋孵化和雏鸡饲养产生显著影响(P0.05),日龄因素直接影响了种蛋有效受精率、孵化率、健母率、蛋雏比等孵化指标和1周雏鸡体重的饲养指标,蛋重因素影响雏鸡出雏重、1~4周龄的体重与1~10日龄的死淘率等饲养指标。为了最大限度地提高种蛋利用率,建议需要运输时间在4 h以内的客户,"京红1号"入孵种蛋标准可界定为种鸡于175日龄后所产的51 g以上种蛋。  相似文献   

西宁地区海拔较高,平均在2266米以上,具有昼夜温差大,气候干燥、凉爽的特点,孵化季节的日平均气温14—16℃,湿度也显著地低于内地海洋性气候这些条件给家禽的孵化带来了一定的影响。孵化过程中空气的相对湿度是重要的环境因素,湿度的大小对孵化有很大影响。但目前也有人认为孵化过程中湿度的大小对孵化无大的影响,并且在某些地区不加水孵化已经成功。为了验证不加水孵化法及所孵化的雏鸡在高原的西宁地区的效果和雏鸡生长发育情况,我们养禽实习小组在省种畜精液冷冻站所属鸡场结合生产作了此项试验。孵化的种蛋来源于冷冻站鸡场的白来航品种,种蛋保存时间不超过五天,采用的孵化机是  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effects of different intensities of monochromatic green light on hatching,embryo development,and early growth and development of chickens during incubation.810 New Pudong chicken eggs with similar size were randomly divided into 3 groups (n=270).The eggs were hatched in dark,low illumination (20~50 lux),or high illumination (200~300 lux) LED monochromatic green light (λ=525 nm) respectively during 1~18.5 days of incubation period,with 24 h light per day.From 18.5 days of incubation,the eggs of 3 groups were transferred to the same hatcher without light.Incubation temperature and humidity conditions were consistent among groups.The hatchability of fertile eggs,percentage of early dead embryo,body weight (BW) at birth and 10 weeks of age,serum hormones (thyroid hormone,calcitonin,growth hormone,melatonin and osteocalcin),and blood physiological and biochemical indicators (alkaline phosphatase,insulin-like growth factor and calcium of one-day-old and 3-week-old chicks) were examined.The results showed that 3 groups had similar early dead embryo number and percentage.At the 20.5 d after incubation,the hatchability of fertile eggs in the low illumination group and the high illumination group was about 2.3 times and 5.2 times of that in the dark group.At the 21.5 d after incubation,the hatchability of fertile eggs in the dark group was 82.8%.This parameter of the low illumination group and high illumination group was 6.5% and 1.9% higher than that of the dark group.The percentage of healthy chicks of dark group was 98.6%,this parameter of the low illumination group was 0.4% lower than that of dark group,while high illumination group and dark group was almost the same.The birth BW of males of the high illumination group was lower than that of the other two groups (P<0.05),but there was no difference between the low illumination group and the dark group (P>0.05).The trend of birth BW of females was basically consistent with that of males.The birth BW of female chicks in the high illumination group was lower than those of other two groups (P<0.05),and there was no difference between other two groups (P>0.05).At 10 weeks of age,there was no difference in BW between males or females of 3 groups (P<0.05).For the day-old chicks,there was no difference in blood and hormones indicators among groups (P>0.05).For the 3-week-old New Pudong roosters,the serum melatonin level(P<0.05)in the high and low illumination groups were higher than that in the dark group,and there was no difference in other indicators (P>0.05).In conclusion,compared to the dark condition,providing proper intensity of monochromatic green light during the incubation could promote the development of chicken embryo,and advance the hatching process without impairing chicks’health and following growth performance.  相似文献   

1. The object of this research was to investigate the effects of high altitude with supplementary oxygen during the last stage of incubation of broiler eggs laid at low altitude and incubated at low and high altitude. We analysed thyroid hormones and haematological variables. 2. The treatment groups were: low altitude (LA), high altitude with oxygen supplementation in the hatcher (HA-OX) and high altitude non-oxygen-supplemented (HA-NOX). 3. High altitude affected relative egg weight loss and early embryonic mortality. The hatchability of fertile eggs was lower at high than at low altitude. 4. Oxygen supplementation into the hatcher cabinet during the last stage of incubation decreased late embryonic mortality ratio (LEM(1)) and improved survival rates of embryos incubated at high altitude. 5. Eggs incubated at low altitude had a higher hatched chick weight and relative chick weight than those incubated at high altitude. Hatched chick weight and relative chick weight did not change with oxygen supplementation at high altitude. 6. High altitude caused an increase in plasma T(3) and T(4) concentrations as well as in the ratio of T(3):T(4) in embryos. High altitude newly hatched chicks showed a higher T(3):T(4) ratio than low altitude chicks; this ratio decreased with oxygen supplementation at high altitude. Altitude and oxygen supplementation did not affect the mean plasma T(4). 7. Newly-hatched chicks incubated at high altitude showed a higher plasma haematocrit (PCV) than the newly-hatched chicks from eggs incubated at low altitude. High altitude without supplementation increased haemoglobin (Hb), while oxygen supplementation returned the value to low altitude values.  相似文献   

选取存放4d的皖西白鹅种蛋5866枚,随机分为3组,在其他孵化条件相同的情况下,分别设定不同的孵化温度。结果表明:第1组受精蛋孵化率平均为75.30%,第2组平均为74.25%,第3组平均为62.85%,第1组与第2组受精蛋孵化率差异不显著,第3组受精蛋孵化率分别与第1组、第2组受精蛋孵化率均差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

试验旨在探究孵化期单色绿光不同光照强度对鸡孵化和早期生长发育的影响。选用810个大小均匀的新浦东鸡种蛋,随机分为3组(n=270),孵化期1~18.5 d分别在黑暗、低照度(20~50 lux)和高照度(200~300 lux)的LED单色绿光(λ=525 nm)条件下孵化,每天光照24 h,各组种蛋于第18.5天转至同一台无光出雏器中,各组温度和湿度等其他孵化条件始终保持一致。检测各组受精蛋孵化率、死胚率、初生重、10周龄体重、初生雏鸡及3周龄公鸡的血清激素浓度(甲状腺素、降钙素、生长激素、褪黑激素和骨钙素等)和血液生理生化指标(碱性磷酸酶、胰岛素样生长因子和钙等含量)。结果表明:各组种蛋的死胚数和死胚率差异较小;孵化的20.5 d低照度组和高照度组的受精蛋孵化率分别为黑暗组的2.3倍和5.2倍;孵化的21.5 d黑暗组的受精蛋孵化率为82.8%,低照度组和高照度组的孵化率分别比黑暗组高6.5%和1.9%;黑暗组的健雏率为98.6%,低照度组的健雏率比黑暗组低0.4%,而高照度组与黑暗组的健雏率接近;高照度组公雏初生重显著低于黑暗组(P<0.05),而低照度组与黑暗组无显著差异(P>0.05)。母雏初生重趋势与公雏基本一致,高照度组母雏初生重显著低于其他两组(P<0.05),其他两组之间无显著差异(P>0.05);在10周龄,各组公鸡和母鸡体重无显著差异(P<0.05);各组1日龄公雏血液生理生化和激素指标无显著差异(P>0.05),3周龄公鸡高照度组和低照度组褪黑激素含量显著高于黑暗组(P<0.05),其他指标无显著差异(P>0.05)。综上,在种蛋的孵化过程中,与黑暗条件下相比,给予适宜强度的单色绿光能够促进鸡胚发育,在不影响雏鸡健康的前提下使出雏时间提前,孵化期光照对后期生长发育影响较小。  相似文献   

1. The level of corticosterone in fertilised eggs from hens (Gallus gallus domesticus) was manipulated experimentally to elucidate whether stress in laying hens is harmful to the chicks, as manifested by impaired survival and reduced growth, and whether bilateral asymmetry may represent an indicator of environmental stress in poultry. 2. Three hundred and fifty eggs were randomly divided into 4 groups; 1. untreated, 2. control, 3. 10 ng corticosterone/ml and 4. 20 ng corticosterone/ml. Each of the eggs in groups 2, 3 and 4 were injected with 100 microl ethanol-saline solution (25% ethanol in saline) containing 0, 0.6 and 1.2 microg corticosterone, respectively. After the injections, the final concentration of ethanol in the egg (albumen and yolk) was 0.03%, and the concentration of added corticosterone was 0, 10 and 20 ng/ml, respectively, in groups 2, 3 and 4. All the eggs were treated on developmental d 1. 3. Corticosterone injections resulted in greater embryonic mortality, earlier termination of foetal development and reduced growth. Moreover, chicks developing in eggs with an elevated concentration of corticosterone displayed reduced developmental stability as evidenced by increased fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in tarsus length. 4. In conclusion, an increased concentration of corticosterone in the egg was detrimental to survival and growth of the chicks. Prenatal stress also generated bilateral asymmetry, and illustrates the potential application of FA as an indicator of environmental stress in poultry.  相似文献   

为研究不同剂量25羟基维生素D3[25(OH)VD3]对断奶前犊牛血液水平、抗氧化能力和免疫功能的影响,选取18 头健康状况良好的新生荷斯坦犊牛,随机分成3 组,每组6 头进行为期56 天的饲养试验。分为对照组[不添加25(OH)VD3]、低剂量组[25(OH)VD3添加量6 000 IU/头·天]和高剂量组[25(OH)VD3添加量12 000 IU/头·天]。结果表明,与对照组相比,随着25(OH)VD3添加剂量增加,血浆生长激素、胰岛素样生长因子-1、过氧化氢酶、超氧化物歧化酶、总抗氧化能力以及免疫球蛋白G(IgG)含量显著增加(P<0.05),而丙二醛含量随剂量增加而存在降低趋势(P=0.079)。与对照组和低剂量组相比,高剂量组血浆免疫球蛋白A(IgA)含量有增加趋势(P=0.059)。综上所述,断奶前犊牛饲喂高剂量25(OH)VD3有利于促进体内生长激素和胰岛素样生长因子-1分泌,可提高犊牛抗氧化能力,增强免疫功能。  相似文献   


1. The physical factors that involve artificial incubation determine embryonic growth and hatching of broiler chicks, and have important implications for the poultry production chain and chick welfare. This study explored the effects of sound exposure on incubation responses (hatching, embryonic development and chick quality).

2. A 2 × 2 factorial experiment with the factors ‘sound pressure level’ (at 70 and 90 dB) and ‘species-specific vocalisations’ (at 75dB - 85dB) was performed in four experimental incubators (loaded with 90 eggs each) for eight consecutive cycles of incubation, totalling 2880 Cobb-500® broiler breeder eggs.

3. Embryonic growth was not influenced by any experimental factor, but the highest sound pressure level (90 dB) led to earlier hatching, higher hatchability, better chick quality and lower weight at hatching. Additional effects of species-specific vocalisations were found at 70 dB noise, which caused early hatching and better chick quality.

4. It was concluded that the loud noise found in commercial hatcheries (at 90 dB) can be beneficial. Furthermore, the presence of species-specific vocalisations could improve the hatching time and chick quality from experimental incubators (at 70 dB). However, this would not provide additional benefits in commercial hatcheries, due to the machinery noise masking them.  相似文献   

本试验将90枚孵化第18天的落盘肉仔鸡胚蛋随机分为3组,分别向羊膜腔注射0.5mL复合氨基酸溶液、0.5mL生理盐水和不注射(对照组),研究对孵化率和后期胚胎生长的影响。结果显示:各处理组间的孵化率和出壳体重无显著差异(P>0.05),但出壳重与第18天胚蛋重的比值有显著差异(P<0.05),注射氨基酸组比对照组增加2.3%。这些结果表明鸡胚给养氨基酸可有效增加肉鸡出壳重。  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to determine the effects of coating broiler hatching eggs with chitosan on egg quality, embryonic growth, hatching results and chick quality. Eggs obtained from old broiler breeder, aged 59 weeks, were used. Eggs were divided into two groups (coated with chitosan and uncoated) groups. Each group was divided into three groups according to the storage period. Eggs were stored for periods of 1, 4 and 7 days at 15°C and 80% humidity. Then, they were incubated. Storage period of eggs up to 7 days did not affect the egg quality, egg weight loss, embryo growth, chick properties and hatchability of fertile eggs. However, embryo development, relative residual yolk sac weight and relative chick weight were affected by coating eggs with chitosan. Interaction was not found between storage lengths and coating of eggs with chitosan for all examined parameters. The results of the present study suggested that hatching eggs obtained from old broiler breeder flocks were immersed into chitosan solution once and quickly have negative effect on the embryo weight, yolk sac absorption and relative chick weight. It has been observed that covering the hatching eggs with chitosan is not suitable in this respect even if immersion takes place once and in a short time.  相似文献   

为研究As2O3对实验兔生长和繁殖性能的影响,选择年龄和体重相近的40只实验兔(32只母兔,8只公兔)随机分成4组.对照组饲喂不含As2O3的基础日粮,试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组和试验Ⅲ组分别饲喂含As2O3 0.5mg/kg、1.0mg/kg和1.5mg/kg的日粮.生长发育和繁殖性能的测定结果显示,试验Ⅰ组与对照组相比,差异不显著(P>0.05),试验Ⅱ组性能表现优于对照组,差异显著(P<0.05),试验Ⅲ组出现中毒症状.本实验表明,适量的As2O3对实验兔生长和繁殖具有促进作用.  相似文献   

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