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维生素D的免疫功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
维生素D是动物所必需的营养素,除对钙和骨代谢具有重要影响外,对免疫系统也有重要作用。1,25(OH)2维生素D3是维生素D的活性形式,1,25(OH)2维生素D3的生物学效应是由维生素D3受体(VDR)介导的。淋巴细胞、单核细胞、巨噬细胞等免疫细胞都有VDR的表达,这表明,维生素D对免疫系统功能有重要调节作用。  相似文献   

本文在介绍维生素A和维生素D营养生理功能的基础上,综述了维生素A和维生素D对相关基因表达的调控及其主要机制。  相似文献   

Follicular cysts, which is a common infertility disease, can cause financial losses in pig breeding programmes. The pathogenesis and mechanisms of the formation of follicular cysts are not understood clearly. In our previous study, the concentration of retinol‐binding protein 4 (RBP‐4) in the follicular fluid (FF) of the ovary with follicular cysts was found to be significantly higher than that of normal ovary, thereby suggesting that RBP‐4 may be a candidate biomarker for porcine follicular cysts. To study the association of RBP‐4 and follicular cysts further, we detected the polymorphisms of the RBP‐4 gene and the presence of follicular cysts by PCR‐Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) assay. In this study, we screened the mutations of RBP‐4 gene in 79 sows with follicular cysts and 100 normal sows without cysts. Results showed that +249‐63G>C polymorphisms were significantly associated with follicular cysts, and sows with CC genotype in RBP‐4 gene had a high risk of developing follicular cysts. Hence, our findings further proved that RBP‐4 may be a novel biomarker for follicular cysts, which may be valuable for the diagnosis of follicular cysts and molecular breeding of pigs.  相似文献   

A likely inherited disease with gross and microscopic features of rickets has been recognised in Corriedale sheep in New Zealand, and a defect in end-organ responsiveness to vitamin D has been proposed as a likely mechanism. The aim of the present study was to characterize the mode of inheritance and determine the disease mechanism. Breeding trials showed that the mode of inheritance was autosomal recessive. Serum chemistry testing using different methodology and studies in cultured skin fibroblasts did not support our previous hypothesis of a defect in end-organ responsiveness. The studies revealed normal serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D concentrations, normal vitamin D receptor function, and the presence of 24-hydroxylase mRNA in cells from affected sheep, even without induction by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. In addition, osteocalcin mRNA expression was similar in both affected and control sheep. It was concluded that increased expression of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3-24-hydroxylase, the enzyme that breaks down vitamin D, may be involved in the pathogenesis of inherited rickets in Corriedale sheep, but its role requires further clarification.  相似文献   

Improvements in sow productivity have raised questions regarding dietary vitamin D recommendations. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of the housing system with access to sunlight exposure and supplementation of 25-hydroxicholecalciferol on performance and serum levels of 25(OH)D3 in sows during gestation and lactation. Sows were distributed in an experimental design with two housing systems: gestation crates or gestation free-range system with external area for sunlight exposure; and two diets: 0 or 50 μg of 25-hydroxicholecalciferol kg−1. The use of 25-hydroxicholecalciferol tended (P = 0.052) to improve total born and influenced (P = 0.046) on number of born alive. Litter weight at birth was also increased (P = 0.01) by 25-hydroxicholecalciferol supplementation; 25-hydroxicholecalciferol supplementation and housing system (free-range with sunlight exposure) tended to increase weaning weight (P = 0.07) and litter daily gain (P = 0.051) during lactation. Exposure to sunlight and 25-hydroxicholecalciferol supplementation increased 25(OH)D3 serum levels when compared with control treatment during gestation (136.95 vs. 113.92 ng mL−1; P = 0.035) and lactation (120.29 vs. 88.93 ng mL−1; P = 0.026). In conclusion, the association of 25-hydroxicholecalciferol supplementation with exposure to sunlight during gestation improved significantly 25(OH)D3 serum levels and consequently performance traits in gestation and lactation.  相似文献   

We investigated the profiles of circulating levels of inhibin A and total inhibin in beef cows with follicular cysts in relation to the patterns of follicular development and circulating gonadotropins and steroid hormones. Turnover of follicular waves was monitored in five cows every 2 days for 70 days from 10 days after detection of estrus without ovulation. The mean interwave intervals were 19.6 ± 1.0 days (n = 18 waves with cysts from the five cows). Circulating levels of inhibin A were approximately 170 pg/ml before emergence of follicular waves with cysts and increased (P < 0.05) concomitantly with follicle emergence. High concentrations of inhibin A (greater than 300 pg/ml) were noted for 7 days during the growth phase of cystic follicles, but inhibin A levels decreased gradually when development of the cysts reached a plateau. This profile of inhibin A was similar to those of total inhibin and estradiol, but was inversely related to the changes in plasma FSH concentrations. LH pulse frequency and mean concentrations of LH in cows with cysts were higher than those observed in the luteal phase of normal cyclic cows. These results indicate that the capacity to secrete inhibin, as well as estradiol, is maintained in cystic follicles, the growth of which is extended by LH secretion at levels greater than those seen in the normal luteal phase. Inhibin A plays an important role in the extension of interwave intervals by suppressing recruitment of a new cohort of follicles.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To survey the vitamin D status of a population of Greyhounds in New South Wales, and to establish a reference range for plasma 25(OH)D. To investigate whether any seasonal fluctuation in vitamin D status is detectable in these animals. DESIGN: Vitamin D status was assessed in Greyhounds and crossbred dogs presented to the University of Sydney for teaching purposes over a 24 month period. PROCEDURES: Plasma 25(OH)D concentration was measured as an estimate of vitamin D status. Physical examination and plasma calcium concentration were used to verify the health of the animals, particularly with respect to metabolic bone disease. RESULTS: A plasma 25(OH)D concentration range of 10 to 76 nmol/L was found in healthy adult Greyhounds. There was no sex- or season-dependent variation in vitamin D status in Greyhounds. Concentrations in crossbred dogs did not differ significantly from those in Greyhounds. CONCLUSION: The reference range for plasma 25(OH)D concentration in Greyhound dogs is similar to that previously reported for humans. It would seem that healthy dogs in the Sydney region do not exhibit a seasonal fluctuation in their vitamin D status.  相似文献   

酵母菌中维生素B1含量的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为寻找一种简单快速测定酵母菌中维生素B1(硫胺素)含量的方法,对检测条件进行摸索。利用紫外分光光度计,在200~700nm对标准品进行光谱扫描,确定维生素B1标准品的最大吸收波长,并对样品进行测定,结果测得酵母菌维生素B1含量为10.6836μg/mL。表明此方法可重复性好,方法简单、易操作。  相似文献   

补饲维生素D3对肌肉嫩化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对补饲维生素D_3对肌肉嫩度影响的机理和研究进展作一概述。  相似文献   

Exposure of mice to a high dose of estrogens including diethylstilbestrol (DES) during the neonatal period modifies the developmental plan of the genital tract, which leads to various permanent changes in physiology, morphology and gene expression. These changes include development of an abnormal vaginal epithelium lined with hyperplastic mucinous cells accompanied by Tff1 gene expression in mice. Here, the influence of vitamin D on the direct effect of estrogen on the developing mouse vagina was examined. The mid-vagina of neonatal mice was cultured in a serum-free medium containing estradiol-17β (E2) and various concentrations of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D) ex vivo and then was transplanted under the renal capsule of ovariectomized host mice for 35 days. Exposure to E2 alone caused the vaginal tissue to develop estrogen-independent epithelial hyperplasia and to express TFF1 mRNA, while addition of a low nanomolar amount of 1,25(OH)2D added at the same time as E2 to the culture medium attenuated the effects of estrogen. Expression of vitamin D receptor was also evident in the neonatal mouse vagina. Interestingly, addition of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, a pro-activated form of vitamin D, at the micromolar level was found to be potent in disrupting the developmental effects of E2, while cholecalciferol was not at least at the dose examined. Correspondingly, expression of Cyp27B1, a kidney-specific 25-hydroxyvitamin D hydroxylase, was evident in the neonatal mouse vagina when examined by RT-PCR. In addition, simultaneous administration of 1,25(OH)2D successfully attenuated DES-induced ovary-independent hyperplasia in the vagina in neonatal mice in vivo. Thus, manipulation of vitamin D influenced the harmful effects of estrogens on mouse vaginal development.  相似文献   

本研究通过建立人肝微粒体体外孵育试验,考察泰妙菌素对4种CYP450亚酶的探针底物睾酮、非那西丁、氯唑沙宗、氢溴酸右美沙芬代谢的影响,以反映泰妙菌素对人CYP3A4、CYP1A2、CYP2E1、CYP2D6酶活性的作用。试验分为3组:药物试验组、阳性对照组(不含NADPH)、阴性对照组(不含CYP450抑制剂),孵育体系为100 μL,孵育试验在96孔板中进行。终止反应后使用高效液相色谱串联质谱仪(LC-MS/MS),以内标法检测96孔板中孵育液的剩余探针底物浓度。根据药物试验组与阴性对照组的探针药物代谢浓度之比,计算药物试验组的探针药物代谢率。使用Graphpad Prism 6.0软件,以药物试验组相对代谢率为纵坐标,药物浓度对数值为横坐标作图,计算试验组药物IC50值。针对泰妙菌素与CYP3A4的孵育试验设置多个孵育时间点观察孵育时间对IC50值的影响。试验结果显示,酮康唑对CYP3A4的IC50值为0.044 μmol/L,α-萘黄酮对CYP1A2的IC50值为0.030 μmol/L、4-甲基吡唑对CYP2E1的IC50值为0.022 μmol/L、奎尼丁对CYP2D6的IC50值为0.096 μmol/L。泰妙菌素对CYP1A2及CYP2D6的IC50值均大于50 μmol/L,对CYP2E1的IC50值为0.045 μmol/L,对CYP3A4的IC50值为1.609 μmol/L。延长泰妙菌素与CYP3A4的孵育时间(10~50 min)后,泰妙菌素对CYP3A4的IC50值由1.609 μmol/L增加至 8.657 μmol/L。本研究中4种亚酶常用抑制剂的IC50值与参照值相近,表明所建立人肝微粒体体外孵育试验方法可靠。以IC50值为指标显示泰妙菌素对CYP1A2和CYP2D6无抑制作用,对CYP2E1和CYP3A4存在强抑制作用,泰妙菌素可能是CYP3A4的可逆性抑制剂。  相似文献   

维生素A、D对肉鸡钙磷代谢相关激素水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验旨在研究维生素A、D对肉鸡钙磷代谢相关激素水平的影响。采用4×4完全随机试验设计,将8日龄健康艾维茵雄性肉鸡384只称重后随机分为16个处理组。每个处理组设3个重复,每个重复8只鸡,试验期5周。其中,维生素A设4个添加水平,分别为1 500、3 000、15 000和45 000 IU/kg日粮。维生素D设4个添加水平,分别为500、1 250、2 500和5 000 IU/kg日粮。结果表明,45 000 IU/kg维生素A组的肉鸡血清BGP含量相对于1 500 IU/kg维生素A组有显著的降低趋势(P=0.08);随着日粮维生素A水平的增加(1 500~45 000 IU/kg),血清CaBP浓度呈趋于显著的一次线性降低趋势(P=0.092),血清维生素D3与CT含量也呈现降低趋势(P=0.12,P=0.18),其中,以15 000、45 000 IU/kg维生素A组较低,尤以45 000 IU/kg维生素A组最低;血清PTH含量呈显著的一次线性增加(P=0.029)。随着日粮维生素D水平的增加,血清维生素D3含量呈趋于显著的一次线性增加趋势(P=0.093),血清BGP浓度也呈一次线性增加趋势(P=0.14);其中,以2 500和5 000 IU/kg时较高,5 000 IU/kg时最高。由此可知,日粮维生素A过量引起肉鸡骨骼钙磷代谢发生障碍与血清CaBP浓度的降低及PTH浓度的增加有关,也与过量维生素A对维生素D的拮抗作用有关。  相似文献   

Objective To investigate factors associated with low vitamin D status of alpacas at pasture in southern Australia. Design A 2‐year survey of alpacas from two farms in South Australia and three in Victoria. Blood samples were collected from 20 to 30 alpacas on each farm on five occasions each year. Breed, gender, age and fleece colour of animals were recorded. Method Blood samples were assayed for plasma 2.5‐hydroxycholecalciferol (25‐OH D3) and plasma inorganic phosphorus (Pi). Data sets from 802 animal samples were analysed by multiple regression to determine variables associated with low vitamin D status of alpacas. The relationship between plasma 25‐OH D3 and plasma Pi was also investigated. Results Vitamin D status was significantly affected by month of sampling, with low values in late winter and high values in summer. Plasma vitamin D concentrations increased with age, were higher in alpacas with light fleeces than in those with dark fleeces and were also higher in the Suri than in the Huacaya breed. Plasma Pi concentrations were generally lower in alpacas with plasma 25‐OH D3 values < 25 nmol/L. Conclusions Young alpacas with dark fleeces are most at risk from vitamin D insufficiency in late winter in southern Australia. The present study indicates that plasma Pi values are not a reliable indicator of vitamin D status of alpacas as assessed by plasma 25‐OH D3 concentrations.  相似文献   

试验选取1日龄健康、体重相近的金定蛋雏鸭180只,随机分为5个处理组,每个处理6个重复,每个重复6只试鸭。采用玉米-豆粕型基础饲粮,Ⅰ组试验鸭饲喂基础饲粮,Ⅱ~Ⅴ组分别饲喂在基础饲粮中添加110、220、550、1000 IU/kg维生素D的试验饲粮,试验期4周。旨在研究不同维生素D添加水平对1~28日龄蛋雏鸭生长性能及免疫功能的影响,以探讨维生素D的适宜添加量。结果表明,添加550 IU/kg维生素D能显著提高蛋雏鸭平均日增重、降低料重比(P<0.05),显著提高IgA、IgG、T3、T4含量(P<0.05),并显著降低Cort含量(P<0.05)。由此可见,在玉米-豆粕型基础饲粮中添加适量的维生素D可提高蛋雏鸭生长性能及免疫功能。通过二次回归模型分析,估测蛋雏鸭日粮中维生素D的适宜添加量为523.1~560.6 IU/kg。  相似文献   

The effect of exposure to different UVb compact lamps on the vitamin D status of growing bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) was studied. Forty‐two newly hatched bearded dragons (<24 h old) were allocated to six treatment groups (n = 7 per group). Five groups were exposed to different UVb compact lamps for two hours per day, with a control group not exposed to UVb radiation. At 120 days of age, blood samples were obtained and concentrations of 25(OH)D3, Ca, P and uric acid were determined. In addition, plasma 25(OH)D3 concentration was determined in free‐living adult bearded dragons to provide a reference level. Only one treatment resulted in elevated levels of 25(OH)D3 compared to the control group (41.0 ± 12.85 vs. 2.0 ± 0.0 nmol/L). All UVb‐exposed groups had low 25(OH)D3 plasma levels compared to earlier studies on captive bearded dragons as well as in comparison with the free‐living adult bearded dragons (409 ± 56 nmol/L). Spectral analysis indicated that all treatment lamps emitted UVb wavelengths effective for some cutaneous vitamin D synthesis. None of these lamps, under this regime, appeared to have provided a sufficient UVb dose to enable synthesis of plasma 25(OH)D3 levels similar to those of free‐living bearded dragons in their native habitat.  相似文献   

本文主要综述了维生素A、维生素D和维生素E在动物体内的相互作用及其可能的机制,为科学确定这些维生素在动物日粮中的适宜添加量,提高动物的生产性能提供依据。  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of vitamin E and selenium (Se) injections on concentrations of vitamin E, vitamin A, and Se in blood and milk to predict when injections may improve ewes’ performance. Awassi ewes received 0 (control, 13 ewes) or 15 plus 0.05?mg/kg BW of vitamin E and Se (injected, 15 ewes) at 1 and 4 weeks postpartum. Blood and milk samples were collected weekly for 6 weeks. Injections increased vitamin E, decreased Se, and had no effects on vitamin A levels in blood. Blood vitamin E was correlated positively with vitamin A. Injections increased vitamin E, but had no effects on vitamin A or Se levels in milk. Milk vitamin A was positively correlated with vitamin E and Se levels in the control group. Milk vitamins E and A were positively correlated with their corresponding levels in blood. Milk somatic cell count was negatively correlated with blood vitamin A levels.  相似文献   

饲料中维生素A分析方法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了维生素A的测定方法,包括比色法、紫外分光光度法、近红外光谱法和高效液相色谱法等。  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the effects of clodronate on vitamin D3‐induced hypercalcemia in dogs. Design: Prospective experimental study. Settings: University research laboratory. Animals: Fourteen healthy intact adult male and female mixed breed dogs. Interventions: Dogs received 7.5 mg of vitamin D3/kg of body weight once orally and were randomly assigned to 2 groups of 7 dogs each. Dogs in the saline control group were given intravenous infusions of 150 mL 0.9% NaCl solution 24 hours after vitamin D3 administration. Dogs in the clodronate group were given an infusion of 4 mg/kg of clodronate in 150 mL 0.9% NaCl solution 24 hours after vitamin D3 administration. Measurements and main results: Clinical signs of vitamin D3 toxicosis were evaluated 48 hours after ingestion of vitamin D3. Dogs that were given clodronate had significantly lower serum calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), urea, and Ca × P values than dogs in the control group on days 4, 7, and 12 after administration. Additionally, alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly lower in the clodronate group compared with dogs in the control group on days 4 and 7. Conclusions: Parenteral administration of clodronate, a biphosphonate compound and osteoclastic activity inhibitor, may be a useful therapy when administered within the first 24 hours after ingestion of toxic doses of vitamin D3.  相似文献   

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