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ABSTRACT A fundamental principle of integrated pest management is that actions taken to manage disease should be commensurate with the risk of infection and loss. One of the less-studied factors that determines this risk is ontogenic, or age-related resistance of the host. Ontogenic resistance may operate at the whole plant level or in specific organs or tissues. Until recently, grape berries were thought to remain susceptible to powdery mildew (Uncinula necator) until late in their development. However, the development of ontogenic resistance is actually quite rapid in berries, and fruit become nearly immune to infection within 4 weeks after fruit set. Our objective was to determine how and at what stage the pathogen was halted in the infection process on ontogenically resistant berries. Adhesion of conidia, germination, and appressorium formation were not impeded on older berries. However, once berries were approximately 3 weeks old and older, few germlings were able to form secondary hyphae. Ontogenically resistant berries responded rapidly to infection by synthesis of a germin-like protein that had been previously shown to play a role in host defense against barley powdery mildew. On susceptible berries, cell discoloration around penetration sites indicated the oxidation of phenolic compounds; a process that was followed by localized cell death. However, the pathogen was still able to infect such cells prior to their death, continue secondary growth, and thereby colonize young berries. Formation of papillae was not involved in the differential resistance mechanism of older berries. In susceptible berries, papillae formed frequently at infection sites but did not always contain the pathogen, whereas in resistant berries, the pathogen was always halted prior to the formation of papillae. The host defense, which conditions ontogenic resistance, operates in the earliest stages of the infection process, in the absence of gross anatomical barriers, prior to the formation of a functional haustorium and prior to the development of a conspicuous penetration pore. We also found that diffuse powdery mildew colonies that were not visible in the field predisposed berries to bunch rot by Botrytis cinerea, increased the levels of infestation by spoilage microorganisms, and substantially degraded wine quality. Our improved understanding of the nature, causes, and stability of ontogenic resistance in the grapevine/ powdery mildew system has supported substantial changes in how fungicides are used to control the disease. Present applications are more focused on the period of maximum fruit susceptibility instead of following a calendar-based schedule. This has improved control, reduced losses, and in many cases reduced the number of fungicide applications required to suppress the disease. Particularly where fungicides are deployed in a programmatic fashion and ontogenic resistance is dynamic, there may be equivalent improvements to be made in other hostpathogen systems through studies of how host susceptibility changes through time.  相似文献   

Integrated pest management (IPM) is a broad‐based approach for addressing pests that negatively affect human and environmental health and economic profitability. Weeds, insects and disease‐causing pathogens (diseases) are the pests most often associated with IPM. A systematic review, widely used in other scientific disciplines, was employed to determine the most commonly studied IPM topics and summarize the reasons for these trends and the gaps. In a field synopsis of the literature, 1679 relevant published papers were identified and categorized into one of the following five broad areas: IPM and organic (organic), climate change and pests (climate), rural and urban IPM (rural and urban), next‐generation education (education) and advanced production systems (technology). Papers were examined in greater detail for at least one of the three main pests in a systematic review. A majority (85%) of IPM papers have been in the area of rural and urban IPM, primarily addressing agriculture (78%). Professionals, landowners and the general public were the focus of a majority (95%) of IPM papers on education. Technology is an increasing area of focus in the literature. Over the past 40 years, IPM papers have primarily (75%) addressed insects and been limited mostly to rural and urban settings. Climate change, technology and education specific to pest management studies are increasingly being published and will help broaden the focus that could result in increased adoption and development of IPM. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This contribution to Zadoks’ liber amicorum reviews the developments in quantitative epidemiology during the last decades. It elucidates the progress in this field and shows how empirical crop protection with many phenomenological aspects transformed into a science-based (inter) discipline. The availability of experimental tools and the rapid development and introduction of computers enabled the application of systems approaches which stimulated a revolution in thinking and caused a considerable improvement of strategic and tactical decision making in crop protection. Zadoks played a crucial role in that development.  相似文献   

This contribution to Zadoks’ liber amicorum reviews the developments in quantitative epidemiology during the last decades. It elucidates the progress in this field and shows how empirical crop protection with many phenomenological aspects transformed into a science-based (inter) discipline.The availability of experimental tools and the rapid development and introduction of computers enabled the application of systems approaches which stimulated a revolution in thinking and caused a considerable improvement of strategic and tactical decision making in crop protection. Zadoks played a crucial role in that development.  相似文献   

我国农田杂草治理技术的发展   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
张泽溥 《植物保护》2004,30(2):28-33
我国稻、麦、玉米、大豆及棉花等主要农作物农田杂草有580种,属于危害重而又难于防除的有17种,受杂草危害较重的农田有3 580万hm2,年平均受草害减产12.3%~16.5%(加权平均)。自1980年以来,全国化学除草面积以年增200万hm2的速度扩大,农田化学除草面积从20世纪70年代早期不到100万hm2扩大到近年来6 000万hm2。本文概述了我国农田主要作物杂草的发生危害、化学除草剂应用现状及其综合防治进展,并提出今后杂草防除的设想与建议。  相似文献   

作为一种孢子取样和监测工具,孢子捕捉仪的应用实现了空气中病原菌孢子的捕捉、计数和识别等功能,使许多流行性病害得以提前预警,及时精准施策,从而为作物高产稳产起到了关键性作用。本文在对各种类型孢子捕捉仪自身特点和实际应用效果对比分析的基础上,以孢子捕捉技术的发展为主线,详细介绍了常见孢子捕捉仪的原理、特点、应用范围和捕捉后分析方法,综述了孢子捕捉仪在植物病害流行研究和生产实践中的应用情况,以及如何量化与鉴定所捕捉病原菌孢子的方法。为更好地实现田间病害监测及防治策略制订提出了孢子捕捉仪今后改进的方向,旨在使该类仪器在病害监测方面更好地服务于农林生产。  相似文献   

青枯病的化学与生物防治研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
孙思  韦爱梅  伍慧雄  王军 《江西植保》2004,27(4):157-162
本文阐述了近年来在植物细菌性青枯病化学和生物防治研究方面所取得的进展。首先介绍了普通化学药剂和抗生素及植物生长调节剂等防治青枯病的新近应用,作用效果和防治特点;然后回顾了应用无致病力青枯菌菌株,拮抗细菌,菌根和基因工程技术进行生物防治的研究情况;最后对化学和生物防治的有关问题及应用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

False smut disease of rice caused by the fungus Ustilaginoidea virens, has become a serious production constraint in various rice-growing regions of India. Analysis of rice false smut disease survey data of last 24 years revealed significant changes in the intensity of the disease in various rice-growing regions of India over the years. We evaluated three fungicide formulations viz., trifloxystrobin-tebuconazole (TT) combination (0.04%), kresoxim methyl (KM) (0.1%) and propiconazole (PC) (0.1%) for their effectiveness against false smut disease of rice. Under in vitro condition, TT and PC completely inhibited the fungal growth while KM inhibited the growth by 80%. We evaluated the efficacy of these chemicals in a multi-location trial in 3 hot spot locations, consecutively for three years. A single fungicide spray was given in 3 different crop stages (booting, 50% panicle emergence and 100% panicle emergence). The results indicated that all the treatments significantly reduced the percentage of both infected panicles and spikelets in all the three locations. Both TT and PC were most effective in reducing the disease intensity and increasing the yield when applied either in booting or in 50% panicle emergence stage.  相似文献   

豚草是世界性重要有害杂草之一,对农业生产和人类健康均造成严重危害。为抑制其种群蔓延,前人开展了化学防治、物理防治、植物替代和生物防治等对豚草的防控研究。文章阐述了各项措施在豚草种群控制中的作用和优缺点。提出以生物防治为主体,结合植物替代控制和物理防治,尽可能地不实施化学防治的的综合治理体系是未来豚草防治的一个主要途径。  相似文献   

土壤水分研究进展及简要评述   总被引:32,自引:4,他引:32  
回顾了土壤水分研究的进程及取得的一些成就:从最初的形态学观点到现在的能量观点;从简单研究逐步发展为一门学科,再到多学科交叉;研究方法日趋理论化同时注重应用,理论与实践相结合;研究手段的多样化;研究领域的扩展等等。同时指出了当前土壤水研究存在的一些问题,并对未来土壤水研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

我国特别是北方诸省的中生代侏罗世到新生代中新世地层保存有大量的双翅目昆虫化石,国内外许多专家都从事过该类群的分类研究工作。迄今为止,我国已知双翅目化石达45科136属共216种。本文试就目前中国双翅目化石的分类情况、产地与地层分布特点、研究成果及其存在问题等方面加以综述。  相似文献   

This review summarizes the current knowledge on the distribution, natural history, economic importance and management of 16 major species of date palm pests in Israel. Another 15, rarely occurring, pest species are also identified. Research on the date palm pests in Israel was initiated against a background of severe outbreaks of scale insects in the late 1950s. These outbreaks were caused mainly by unrestrained use of organophosphates. This situation led to the gradual development of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, which was implemented first against scale insects and later against fruit pests. The IMP approach resulted in successful control of the scale insects, up to the present, whereas agrotechnical and crop management procedures, including covering the fruit bunches with plastic nets and early harvesting of several date cultivars, were successfully applied to achieve efficient control of the fruit moths. In addition, the use of chemical compounds in date plantations was drastically reduced and restricted to heavy foci of pest infestation. In time, microbial control, mainly application ofBacillus thuringiensis products against the lesser date moth, and the use of pheromone traps for monitoring and controlling red palm weevil, enabled further reductions in the use of synthetic insecticides. The overall change in pest management also significantly improved the preservation of natural enemies of the pests in the plantations. Whereas in the 1950s the major problems were caused by the parlatoria date scale and the green scale, in the early 2000s the key pests in date plantations in Israel are the lesser date moth and sap beetles in most of the date-growing areas, and spider mites which are restricted to the Arava Valley. Future management of the first two of these pests should rely on an improved monitoring system and integration of pheromone application for reduction of the population and damage. Efforst should be made to prevent the red palm weevil, which currently is a potential pest, from becoming an actual key pest in date plantations.  相似文献   

More than 200 species of weeds are infesting main crop fields in China, among which approximately 30 species are major weeds causing great crop yield losses. About 35.8 million hectares of crop fields are heavily infested by weeds and the annual reduction of crop yields is 12.3–16.5% (weighted average). Along with rural economic development, approximately 50% of the main crop fields undergo herbicide application. Chemical weed control has changed cultural practices to save weeding labor in rice, wheat, maize, soybeans and cotton. At the same time, continuous use of the same herbicides has caused weed shift problems and weed resistance to herbicides. Consequently, integrated weed management in main crops is being developed.  相似文献   

Clubroot caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae is an important disease of cruciferous crops worldwide. In Latin America (from Mexico to Chile, including the Caribbean), most of the area in cruciferous crops is devoted to oilseed rape (Brassica napus; c. 230 600 ha) in Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina, while cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts (40 900 ha) are cropped intensively on small acreages across the region. Although clubroot is present in most Latin American countries, there have been very few studies of P. brassicae. Clubroot research in Latin America has focused mainly on adapting disease management strategies developed in temperate climates to tropical climates, including liming, biological control and genetic resistance. This review summarizes the management strategies used in Latin America to reduce the impact of clubroot, including novel strategies when compared with temperate regions, such as a crop rotation with aromatic plant species and the use of biological control with Trichoderma spp. Latin America has unique characteristics relative to temperate countries such as high humidity, warm temperatures and acidic soil that impact the interaction between P. brassicae and its plant hosts, so more research is required.  相似文献   

Many insects, especially nocturnal insects, exhibit positive phototaxis to artificial lights. Light traps are currently used to monitor and manage insect pest populations, and play a crucial role in physical pest control. Efficient use of light traps to attract target insect pests is an important topic in the application of integrated pest management (IPM). Phototactic responses of insects vary among species, light characteristics and the physiological status of the insects. In addition, light can cause several biological responses, including biochemical, physiological, molecular and fitness changes in insects. In this review, we discuss several hypotheses on insect phototaxis, factors affecting insect phototaxis, insect‐sensitive wavelengths, biological responses of insects to light, and countermeasures for conserving beneficial insects and increasing the effect of trapping. In addition, we provide information on the different sensitivities to wavelengths causing positive phototactic behavior in > 70 insect pest and beneficial insect species. The use of advanced light traps equipped with superior light sources, such as light‐emitting diodes (LEDs), will make physical pest control in IPM more efficient. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Organic farming (OF) has significantly increased in importance in recent decades. Disease management in OF is largely based on the maintenance of biological diversity and soil health by balanced crop rotations, including nitrogen‐fixing and cover crops, intercrops, additions of manure and compost and reductions in soil tillage. Most soil‐borne diseases are naturally suppressed, while foliar diseases can sometimes be problematic. Only when a severe disease outbreak is expected are pesticides used that are approved for OF. A detailed overview is given of cultural and biological control measures. Attention is also given to regulated pesticides. We conclude that a systems approach to disease management is required, and that interdisciplinary research is needed to solve lingering disease problems, especially for OF in the tropics. Some of the organic regulations are in need of revision in close collaboration with various stakeholders. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Research includes studies on germination of resting spores, substances affecting infection, eradication, bioassay for Synchytrium endobioticum, and sub-surface vectoring of the fungus. The sequence of events in germination has been exposed and the mechanisms of germination are currently being studied. Chitin and in particular crabshell induce zero infection, and there is promise in using these materials as eradicants. Using the bioassay so far developed, it is possible to assay for 0.1 spore per g of soil. There is evidence that the fungus can migrate in soil through the agency of vector animals. Problems long posed by this disease now seem soluble.  相似文献   

Soil insecticide barriers have been the single most important tool for subterranean termite control in the last half century, but limitations with current soil termiticides have provided the impetus to look for alternatives in recent years. One such alternative is the monitoring--baiting programme. Monitoring stations to detect termites are placed in the soil surrounding a structure. Once termites are found in the stations, monitoring devices are replaced with slow-acting baits such as the chitin synthesis inhibitor, hexaflumuron. Field studies have indicated that termite colonies were eliminated using less than 1 g of hexaflumuron. After the elimination, monitoring resumes and bait is applied if new termite activity is detected. The monitoring and baiting procedure form the basis for an ongoing programme to protect structures from subterranean termite infestation. Although the cost--benefit model developed for agricultural integrated pest management cannot be applied directly to termite control, the underlying concept for using a cost-effective approach remains the same. The benefits of the monitoring--baiting programme over conventional soil treatment are a reduction in pesticide applied per unit and the elimination of termite populations near structures, resulting in the reduction of liability and damage potential. It is expected that the data management system when used in conjunction with the monitoring--baiting programme will provide a database to improve its cost-effectiveness continuously.  相似文献   

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