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 蚕豆火肿病由巢豆油壶菌(Olpidium Viciae Kusano)引起,症状特点是病部产生小瘤状突起。我们对该病的组织病理学研究[1]表明是一种增生型组织病变,病菌仅定殖在侵入叶、茎的表皮细胞内,病菌的侵染引起邻近侵染点的表皮细胞及其下的叶肉细胞或茎的皮层组织细胞转化为分生细胞,并不断分裂增生和细胞体积增大,导致蚕豆病组织发生畸形增生的病理解剖改变,是病部产生瘤状物的组织学机制。前人对一些增生型组织病变病害的研究结果发现是由于病组织内的内源激素水平改变所致[2]。蚕豆火肿病这种增生型病变是否与内源激素水平改变有关?其变化特点怎样?至今尚未有研究报导。  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is an important food legume crop used for various dishes due to its high protein and essential nutrients content. In recent...  相似文献   

为系统探索蚕豆赤斑病防控策略,保护农田生态环境,2010-2011连续2年在重庆市3个区县进行蚕豆与马铃薯间作试验。结果表明,蚕豆与马铃薯多样性种植能有效控制蚕豆赤斑病的发生,改善蚕豆产量构成因素,从而提高产量和经济效益。蚕豆与马铃薯间作行比为2∶2时对蚕豆赤斑病的防控效果最好,发病率与病情指数分别为46.5%和26.3,在此模式下经济效益最大,纯收入达18 454.9元/hm2。  相似文献   

常熟地区蚕豆枯萎病病原菌鉴定及其致病力初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2000、2001年在江苏省常熟地区采集了有典型枯萎症状的蚕豆标样各50个,获94个镰刀菌单孢菌株。经鉴定分别属于尖孢镰孢(Fusarium axysporum)、燕麦镰孢(F.avenaceum)、串珠镰孢(F.moniliforme )、木贼镰孢(F.equiseti)、三线镰孢(F.tricinctum)、禾谷镰孢(F.graminearum)和茄镰孢(F.solani),其中尖孢镰孢、燕麦镰孢、串珠镰孢、木贼镰孢为该地区蚕豆镰刀菌枯萎病的主要病原菌。测定了48个镰刀菌菌株对蚕豆的致病力,尖孢镰孢、木贼镰孢、串珠镰孢和燕麦镰孢对蚕豆的致病力都较强。用蚕豆枯萎病菌和棉花枯萎病菌交叉接种棉花和蚕豆,结果表明两者存在着较强的交互侵染能力。  相似文献   

青海省不同生态区蚕豆根瘤菌16S rDNA分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了阐明青海省蚕豆根瘤菌的遗传多样性和亲缘关系,同时为发现和获得新的根瘤菌物种提供资源,采集和分离了青海省不同生态区蚕豆主栽品种青蚕14中的根瘤菌,并对其中分离到的6个菌株(CD1~6)进行16S rDNA鉴定分析。将6株蚕豆根瘤菌的全序列结果与NCBI中已报道的序列进行相似性比对,发现其相似度较高,其中供试菌株CD4与KF008225.1相似度最高,达到98%,其余均在95%到96%之间。6株供试菌分属4个菌属,CD1和CD2共属节细菌属,CD3属于分枝杆菌属,CD4和CD5属于快生根瘤菌属,CD6属于中慢生根瘤菌属,表明来自不同地区的蚕豆根瘤菌存在较大差异。聚类分析结果显示,蚕豆根瘤菌的6个菌株分属5个不同系统发育分支,证明青海省不同生态区蚕豆根瘤菌种类多样性较为丰富。  相似文献   

The effect of early and late sowing dates on the establishment of Orobanche crenata Forsk. (crenate broomrape) in resistant and susceptible cultivars of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and vetch (Vicia sativa L.) were studied over four seasons in southern Spain. Differences in establishment, development and shoot emergence of the parasite were compared. With resistant faba bean and vetch cultivars, there was reduced attachment and shoot emergence of O. crenata with all sowing dates. Susceptible cultivars were more severely affected by the parasite with early sowing. Orobanche crenata development was also delayed in resistant cultivars. Crop yield, estimated by the number of pods per plant, decreased with late sowings. The combined use of resistant cultivars and early sowing is a useful tool as part of an integrated control strategy. Resistant cultivars allow early sowing (with low O. crenata attack), thus avoiding yield losses due to the short crop cycle with late sowing.  相似文献   

在小区试验与大田生产试验条件下,采用三个种植密度(12 000株·667m-2,13 000株·667m-2,14000株·667m-2)、两个留苗方式(一穴单株,一穴双株)及三个施磷深度(10 cm,15 cm,20 cm)处理,通过裂区试验研究了高产蚕豆群体冠层结构指标及其对产量的影响,结果表明,13 000株·667m-2、15 cm施磷深度、双株三角留苗种植模式下,盛花期蚕豆群体叶面积指数、叶绿素SPAD值,主根长均维持在较高水平,冠层结构较优,产量最高,达到275.2 kg·667m-2;生产试验显示,"一穴双株"能有效提高蚕豆结荚率,提高产量,较常规栽培增产14%以上。提出以"深松增密,减穴加距,中层施磷"为主要内容的蚕豆高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

One of the faba bean viruses found in West Asia and North Africa was identified as broad bean mottle virus (BBMV) by host reactions, particle morphology and size, serology, and granular, often vesiculated cytoplasmic inclusions. Detailed research on four isolates, one each from Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan and Syria, provided new information on the virus.The isolates, though indistinguishable in ELISA or gel-diffusion tests, differed slightly in host range and symptoms. Twenty-one species (12 legumes and 9 non-legumes) out of 27 tested were systemically infected, and 14 of these by all four isolates. Infection in several species was symptomless, but major legumes such as chickpea, lentil and especially pea, suffered severely from infection. All 23 genotypes of faba bean, 2 of chickpea, 4 of lentil, 11 out of 21 ofPhaseolus bean, and 16 out of 17 of pea were systemically sensitive to the virus. Twelve plant species were found to be new potential hosts and cucumber a new local-lesion test plant of the virus.BBMV particles occurred in faba bean plants in very high concentrations and seed transmission in this species (1.37%) was confirmed.An isolate from Syria was purified and two antisera were produced, one of which was used in ELISA to detect BBMV in faba bean field samples. Two hundred and three out of the 789 samples with symptoms suggestive of virus infection collected in 1985, 1986 and 1987, were found infected with BBMV: 4 out of 70 (4/70) tested samples from Egypt, 0/44 from Lebanon, 1/15 from Morocco, 46/254 from Sudan, 72/269 from Syria and 80/137 from Tunisia. This is the first report on its occurrence in Egypt, Syria and Tunisia. The virus is a potential threat to crop improvement in the region.Samenvatting Eén van de in West-Azië en Noord-Afrika in faba-boon aangetroffen virussen werd geïdentificeerd als het tuinbonevlekkenvirus (broad bean mottle virus) op grond van waardplantreacties, deeltjesvorm en-grootte, serologische eigenschappen en granulaire, vaak gevacuoliseerde celinsluitsels. Verder onderzoek aan vier isolaten uit respectievelijk Marokko, Tunesië, Soedan en Syrië verschafte nieuwe informatie, over het virus.De in ELISA of gel-diffusietoetsen serologisch niet te onderscheiden isolaten verschilden enigszins in waardplantenreeks en symptomen. Van 27 getoetste plantesoorten werden 21 systemisch geïnfecteerd (12 vlinderbloemigen, en 9 niet-vlinderbloemigen) waarvan 14 door alle vier isolaten. In vele ervan was de infectie symptoomloos, maar belangrijke als gewas geteelde vlinderbloemigen, zoals erwt, linzen en kekererwt, leden ernstig onder aantasting. Alle 23 getoetste faba-boongenotypen, beide van kekererwt, alle vier van linzen, 11 van de 21 getoetste vanPhaseolus-boon en 16 van de 17 van erwt bleken systemisch gevoelig voor het virus. Twaalf plantesoorten, bleken nieuwe potentiële waardplanten en komkommer een nieuwe lokale-lesietoetsplant voor het virus te zijn.In faba-boneplanten kwam, het virus in hoge concentratie voor en overdracht met zaad (1.37%) in deze soort kon worden bevestigd.Een Syrisch isolaat werd gezuiverd en twee antisera werden bereid, waarvan één werd gebruikt voor de detectie van het virus in te velde verzamelde monsters. Van 789 in 1985 tot en met 1987 verzamelde bladmonsters, met symptomen die deden denken aan virusinfectie, bleken 203 het virus te bevatten en wel 4 van de 70 (4/70) uit Egypte, 0/44 uit Libanon, 1/15 uit Marokko, 46/254 uit Soedan, 72/269 uit Syrië en 80/137 uit Tunesië. Het virus was nog niet eerder aangetoond in Egypte, Syrië en Tunesië.De grote verbreiding, grote kunstmatige waardplantenreeks, overdracht met zaad, en pathogeniteit voor een aantal belangrijke vlinderbloemige gewassen maken het virus tot een potentiële bedreiging van de programma's tot verbetering van de teelt van de bedoelde gewassen in het betrokken gebied.  相似文献   

Weeds can have a detrimental effect on faba bean (Vicia faba) crops in organic farming. Breeding for competitive cultivars is one option for weed control in organic conditions. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of heterozygosity and heterogeneity levels and plant height on the competitive ability of faba bean genotypes. A set of 24 genotypes, classified as genotype groups (eight inbred lines, eight polycross progenies, two inbred line bulks, two hybrid bulks and four controls), was tested under two treatments: with and without a model weed. Each group of genotypes was equally composed of tall and short genotypes. The competitive ability of the faba bean genotypes was tested with Camelina sativa (false flax) as the model weed in two German locations over the course of 2 years. Yield loss due to weed competition, as recorded per faba bean genotype, was mainly dependent on the heterozygosity level of the genotypes; hybrid bulks were the most competitive genotype group with an average loss of yield of only 6%, whereas the inbred lines were the least competitive genotype group and recorded an average yield loss of 35%. Within the genotype group, no correlations were found between either the yield performance of the genotypes or their plant height and their competitive responses. The competitive ability of faba bean against weeds was mainly determined by their level of heterozygosity; thus, highly heterozygous cultivars should be promoted for breeding.  相似文献   

蚕豆赤斑病是世界蚕豆各产区及我国东南沿海和长江流域地区生产中最主要的病害之一?本研究连续2年对重庆地区29个区县的蚕豆赤斑病发生情况开展了调查?调查结果显示, 城口县发病最轻, 两年平均病情指数为40.9, 长寿区发病最重, 两年平均病情指数为73.4?4个自然生态区中, 秦巴山地常绿阔-落叶林生态区的发病最轻, 两年平均病情指数为47.3?三峡库区平行岭谷农林复合生态区发病最重, 两年平均病情指数为68.4?相关性分析和通径分析结果表明, 1月相对湿度?1月平均风速?3月降水量?3月相对湿度在蚕豆赤斑病的发生过程中起主导作用?此外, 11月平均风速对病情的发展产生较强的负向效应?在以上研究基础上初步建立了基于重庆地区蚕豆赤斑病发生规律的病害预测模型:Y=35.019 46-3.016 18 X7-5.575 8 X9+0.567 9 X27+0.158 6 X29, 模型表明, 11月平均风速(X7)?1月平均风速(X9)?1月相对湿度(X27)?3月相对湿度(X29)与病情指数(Y)有较强的线性关系?本模型的建立为蚕豆赤斑病的防控提供了技术支撑?  相似文献   

A new strain of broad bean mottle virus, isolated from faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in the Sudan, is described. It differs considerably from known isolates by its nearly symptomless infection of faba bean in spite of high concentrations of the virus in infected plants. It does not differ from regular isolates in gel-diffusion serology, light and electron microscopy, host range and symptoms in major hosts other than faba bean. It may constitute a potential threat to other food legumes in the region.  相似文献   

 病毒病是影响云南省蚕豆生产的重要病害。对采集的蚕豆病毒病标样进行了组织印迹法检测,表明菜豆黄花叶病毒(BYMV)是最主要的病原。据此,以BYMV基因的保守序列设计了一对特异性引物,用BYMV的5个中国云南蚕豆分离物和1个叙利亚蚕豆分离物侵染的蚕豆叶片总RNA为模板,RT-PCR扩增获得了长度为907bp的目标片段。序列分析显示,此片段中包含822bp的外壳蛋白序列。6个分离物间的外壳蛋白核苷酸和推导编码蛋白质的氨基酸序列的同源性分别为86.4%~100.0%和96.7%~100.0%。与GenBank登录的34个具有完整外壳蛋白序列的BYMV分离物进行同源性和系统进化树分析的结果表明,6个分离物在核苷酸和氨基酸水平上与其它分离物的同源性分别为79.1%~97.9%和83.5%~98.5%,BYMV中国蚕豆分离物与日本蚕豆分离物同源性最高。外壳蛋白基因的序列特征揭示,在BYMV中的蚜传相关基序为NAG。  相似文献   

A virus, isolated from faba bean (Vicia faba) obtained from Algeria, was readily recognized as a tobravirus by its particle sizes and morphology. Pea (Pisum sativum) and French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) characteristically reacted to the isolate like pea early-browning virus (PEBV), but faba bean,Antirrhinum majus, Nicotiana rustica, andN. tabacum reacted with line-pattern symptoms which were unusually brilliant on theNicotiana species. In electronmicroscope decoration tests, the isolate did not react with an antiserum to the Dutch type strain of PEBV, but with one to the broad bean yellow band (BBYB) serotype from Italy. It resembles this serotype in reaction on faba bean, but seems to differ appreciably onN. rustica, N. tabacum, andPetunia hybrida. It is described as a deviant isolate of the BBYB serotype of PEBV.All thirteen faba-bean genotypes tested were found to be susceptible to the Algerian isolate and two Dutch type strain isolates of the virus, and to react with erratic line-pattern symptoms to the Algerian isolate only. All ten genotypes of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) tested reacted hypersensitively, and four out of ten genotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris) were susceptible to the virus but reacted differentially to the three isolates. Seed transmission of PEBV, including the new isolate, in faba bean is confirmed (9% for the Algerian isolate, and over 45% for one of the Dutch type strain isolates), and seed transmission of the virus in a non-legume (N. rustica, 4%) is herewith first reported. This is the first report on the occurrence of the BBYB serotype of PEBV outside Italy, and of PEBV outside Morocco in North Africa.  相似文献   

刺桐姬小蜂在中国的适生区分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
运用CLIMEX的气候相似系数法,对入侵害虫刺桐姬小蜂在中国的适生区进行了分析和预测,结果表明:中国大陆有18个省区45个市、县(地区)适合该虫生存,大体分布于18.14°N~36.00°N,98.30°E~121.36°E范围内,这些地区也是刺桐属植物的主要分布区。  相似文献   

对田间疑似病毒侵染的蚕豆样品,提取总RNA,分离siRNA,建库并通过高通量测序,其结果经velvet拼接组装,经Blastn与NCBI比对分析,发现该样品感染4种病毒:野豌豆潜隐病毒M (vicia cryptic virus M,VCV-M)、野豌豆潜隐病毒(vicia cryptic virus, VCV)、紫云英矮宿病毒(milk vetch dwarf virus, MDV)和三叶草黄脉病毒(clover yellow vein virus, ClYVV)。其中,有14条VCV-M相关的contigs。RT-PCR扩增并拼接获得VCV-M-YZ基因组,其长度为3 434 nt,其5′-UTR和3′-UTR分别为142 nt和117 nt,各自形成与该属代表病毒南方番茄病毒(southern tomato virus, STV) 5′-UTR和3′-UTR相似的高级结构,且A+U含量均较高。VCV-M-YZ与已报道的VCV-M基因组序列一致性在98%以上。系统进化分析表明,VCV-M-YZ与已报道的VCV-M属于一个种,无明显的地理分布差异。本研究结果丰富了VCV-M群体的基因...  相似文献   

由致病性根癌土壤杆菌Agrobacteriumspp.侵染引起的根癌病对樱桃等果树生产造成严重的影响。利用双层平板、胡萝卜圆盘法和接种指示植物番茄等方法验证了澳洲生防菌株K1026对2种不同原生物型樱桃冠瘿病病原菌的抑制作用;检测了不同接种时间对病原菌侵染产生瘤状组织的影响,结果显示提前或者在病原菌接种后20h内接种K1026可抑制胡萝卜产生瘤状组织;研究了K1026对大樱桃根癌病的作用机制是产生土壤杆菌素和竞争附着位点;田间试验表明K1026蘸根处理,对‘中国樱桃’株系冠瘿病的防治效果达81.61%,使发病率降低至18.13%。  相似文献   

Olive mill waste water (OMW) and some of its indigenous bacterial strains were tested in vitro and in planta for their efficacy against crown gall disease caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. OMW and polyphenols displayed a high level of antibacterial activity, however the volatile fraction was less efficient as only a bacteriostatic effect was observed. In pot experiments, the percentage of bitter almond rootstock showing symptoms of crown gall was significantly reduced with the dosage rate of OMW 1% as compared to the control (highly natural infected soil treated with water). Five indigenous bacterial strains isolated from OMW exhibited an antagonistic effect against the bacterium. Based on the gene 16S rRNA sequence analysis, one isolate showed 99.2% similarity to known sequences of Bacillus subtilis, one isolate demonstrated high percentage similarities (99.3%) to the genera Bacillus pumilis, and two isolates were associated with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Pseudomonas putida 100% and 99.6% similarities respectively. Among these bacteria, the strain B1 proved efficient against the soil borne pathogen in vitro and pot experiments. Our study in controlled conditions suggested that the addition of OMW to soil exerts significant disease suppressiveness against A. tumefaciens. Thabet Yangui and Ali Rhouma contributed equally to this work and are regarded as joint first authors.  相似文献   

Transencapsidation of the Rice gall dwarf virus (RGDV) inner core by the Rice dwarf virus (RDV) outer capsid P8 protein was examined in vitro and in planta. When RGDV core particles were incubated with an extract from RDV P8-transgenic rice leaf tissue, RDV P8 encapsidated the RGDV core particles to form double-shelled virus-like particles in vitro. In contrast, when RDV P8-transgenic rice plants were inoculated with RGDV, progeny RGDV particles contained RGDV P8 but RDV P8 was not detectable in the virions. No significant differences were found in acquisition by the vector insects and subsequent transmission rates between RGDV infecting nontransgenic rice plants and those infecting RDV P8-transgenic rice plants. These results indicate that mechanisms of and/or requirements for interactions between P8 and the inner core particles of phytoreoviruses differ between in vitro and in planta.  相似文献   

Resistance to paraquat has been studied in detail in many weed species for more than a decade, with the precise mechanism of resistance still unclear. Several studies have indicated that reduced movement of the herbicide to the site of action in the chloroplast is at least partly responsible for endowing resistance. Although paraquat translocation studies have been performed in the past it has been rare for these studies to have been conducted on whole plants in the light, despite early observations which clearly showed that paraquat translocation is minimal unless treated plants are exposed to light. This study has addressed this issue in Arctotheca calendula by tracing the movement of 14C-paraquat in resistant and susceptible plants in both the dark and light. Differences in paraquat translocation between the resistant and susceptible biotypes of A. calendula were only observed when treated plants were exposed to light. It was observed that paraquat translocation was significantly reduced in the resistant compared to the susceptible biotype when plants were exposed to light but not in the dark. It is postulated that paraquat translocation is dependent on light mediated damage. As paraquat-induced damage is less severe in paraquat resistant plants, overall paraquat translocation is reduced in the resistant biotype.  相似文献   

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