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The effect of root temperatures on the uptake and content of iron (Fe) in different organs of potato plants was studied. Four different plastic covers were used (T1: transparent polyethylene; T2: white polyethylene; T3: white and black coextruded polyethylene), using plants without plastic covers as control (T0). The results of this study indicate that in treatments with the highest root temperature (T2 and T3), chelate-reductase activity significantly increased, that could enhance the uptake and subsequent accumulation of Fe in the different organs analyzed of the potato plant. In addition, the roots and particularly the tubers proved to be the main organs of Fe bioaccumulation in treatments T0, T2, T3, and T4. On the contrary, in the T1 treatment, the bioaccumulation of Fe was detected in the shoot (stems and leaves). Finally, the foliar bioindicators of Fe analyzed, chl a and b, carotenes, peroxidase activity and catalase activity reflected the foliar status of Fe.  相似文献   

几种土壤在单一Zn及Cd Cu共存条件下对Zn的吸附   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了Zn2+在单一及与Cd2+、Cu2+共存条件下在塿土、黄绵土、黑垆土、黄褐土、砂土5种土壤中的吸附特征,并探讨了其吸附机制。结果表明,在20℃、30℃下,Zn2+在各供试土样中吸附等温线总体上均呈I或III型等温线形式,总体上黑垆土、塿土对Zn2+吸附最强,而砂土的吸附总是最差;塿土、黄绵土和黄褐土中Zn2+吸附的温度效应呈现升温正效应特征,砂土中则总体上表现出随温度上升呈下降趋势,黑垆土中Zn2+吸附的温度效应则与重金属处理有关。Freundlich模型是描述Zn2+吸附等温线最佳模型。Cd2+、Cu2+的共存对Zn2+的吸附均具有显著的拮抗作用,但对Zn2+吸附规律的影响不同。机理分析表明,Zn2+在土壤中的吸附主要以化学吸附为主,Cu2+由于其与Zn2+相似的化学吸附特点而竞争Zn2+化学吸附点位,但Cd2+吸附主要竞争以电性引力形式吸附的Zn2+,因而Cu2+对Zn2+吸附的影响较大,而Cd2+影响较小。  相似文献   

根际高温是影响夏季蔬菜集约化育苗主要障碍因子之一,水冷苗床是根际降温的一种有效方式。为了科学利用水冷苗床这一根际降温装置,该文以水冷苗床作为根际降温方式,设置了5个不同的降温时段,依次为M1(07:00-11:00)、M2(11:00-15:00)、M3(07:00-19:00)、M4(19:00-07:00)和M5(全天降温),以根际不降温的苗床为对照。研究了水冷苗床不同时段的根际降温效果及对番茄幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:水冷苗床任一时段根际降温均降低了番茄幼苗根际日均温和最高温度,其中处理M3(07:00-19:00)和处理M5(全天降温)降温效果最为显著,番茄幼苗根际日均温分别为23.6和22.6℃,比对照苗床依次降低了3.3和4.3℃。根际温度变化幅度受冷水循环时间及时段的影响,M4(夜间降温)处理番茄幼苗根际温度日变化曲线波动大于其他处理,番茄幼苗根际温度日较差达到10.3℃,而M3(白天降温)处理番茄幼苗根际温度日较差仅有1.7℃。所有降温处理均提高了番茄幼苗干物质积累和单株叶面积,其中M5(全天降温)和M3(07:00-19:00)这两个处理番茄幼苗单株干质量和叶面积均显著高于对照(P0.05)。与对照相比,M3处理番茄幼苗的茎粗与壮苗指数分别增加了35.1%和39.5%。所有根际降温处理增加了根系总长和根系表面积,提高了叶片叶绿素含量和根系活力。从节能和培育壮苗的效果综合考虑,水冷苗床M3(07:00-19:00)白天降温是一种科学的降温方法。  相似文献   

Zn accumulation and subcellular distribution in leaves of the hyperaccumulating ecotype (HE) and non-hyperaccumulating ecotype (NHE) of Sedum alfredii Hance were studied using radiotracer and gradient centrifugation techniques. Leaf Zn accumulation in the HE of S. alfredii was 18.5-26.7 times greater than that in the NHE when the plants were grown at 1-500μmol Zn L-1. Leaf section uptake of 65Zn was highly dependent on external Zn levels. Greater 65Zn uptake in HE was noted only at external Zn levels 〉 100μmol L-1. Zinc subcellular distribution in the leaves of the two ecotypes of S. alfredii was: cell wall 〉 soluble fraction 〉 cell organelle. However, more Zn was distributed to the leaf cell wall and soluble fractions for HE than for NHE. In the leaf of HE, 91%-94% of the Zn was found in the cell walls and the soluble fraction and only 6%-9% Zn was distributed in the cell organelle fraction. For NHE, about 20%-26% Zn was recovered in the cell organelle fraction. In stems, Zn distribution to the ceil wail fraction was approximately two fold greater in the HE than that in the NHE. For the hyperaccumulating ecotype of S. alfredii, the cell wall and the vacuole played a very important role in Zn tolerance and hyperaccumulation.  相似文献   

信息技术产业的发展,带给人们生活便利和享受的同时也产生了新的环境问题———电子垃圾。电子垃圾具有资源再生性和潜在环境污染性的双重特点。它不仅具有金、铜、铝、银等多种贵金属以及塑料的回收利用的价值,还含有铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴联苯醚等大量有害物质[1]。如果回收利用处置不当或者任意丢弃,则将成为重要的环境污染源而危害生态和人体健康及生命安全[2]。农田重金属污染在环境中难以降解并具有持久性,可通过食物链在动植物体内积累,从而对生物和人体健康构成威胁。长江三角洲某典型区拥有中国最大废旧金属回收产业,并具有完整的工业产业链。链的起端是源于20世纪70年代末的废旧拆解业,终端为电机、轴承等  相似文献   

磁性土壤中Cu和Zn污染的指示作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concentrations of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) and various magnetic parameters in contaminated urban roadside soils were investigated using chemical analysis and magnetic measurements. The results revealed highly elevated Cu and Zn concentrations as well as magnetic susceptibility in the roadside soils. The mean concentrations of Cu and Zn in these roadside soils were almost twice those in average Chinese soils, with the mean magnetic susceptibility of the roadside soils reaching about 179 ×10^-8 m^3 kg^-1. This enhanced magnetic susceptibility was attributed to the presence of anthropogenic soft ferrimagnetic particles. A low frequency-dependent susceptibility (2.5%± 1.0%) observed in the roadside soils indicated the coarse multidomain (MD) ferrimagnetic grains to be the dominant contributor to magnetic susceptibility. The Cu and Zn concentration of the soils had highly significant linear correlations with magnetic susceptibility (P 〈 0.01), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (P 〈 0.01), and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (P 〈 0.01). This suggested that heavy metals were associated with ferrimagnetic particles in soils, which were attributed to input of traffic emissions and industrial activities. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectra of magnetic extracts of the roadside soils further suggested the llnk between the magnetic signal and concentrations of heavy metals. Thus, the magnetic parameters could provide a proxy measure for the level of heavy metal contamination and could be a potential tool for the detection and mapping of contaminated soils.  相似文献   

The variation in the concentrations of Zn, Pb, and Cu in water and acid extracts of airborne particulates and in fogwater collected in the rural northern San Joaquin Valley of California during the fall and winter of 1983–1984 was determined by anodic stripping voltammetry. There is a good correlation between water extracts of airborne particulates and fogwater for the concentrations of Cu and Pb and the concentration ratio (Cu/Pb), suggesting that the concentrations of these metals in fogwater is controlled by the concentration of extractable metal in the particulates on which the fog droplet forms. The major ion composition of the fogwater samples was measured by ion chromatography and compared with literature values for urban fogwater.  相似文献   

Batch and upflow column leaching experiments were used to evaluate the nature and extent of Cu and Zn solubilization from contaminated soil by nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) in 0.025 M NaClO4. In batch soil suspensions, NTA levels of 10?5 to 10?3 M substantially promoted Cu and Zn release from the metal-enriched soil. The ability of NTA to enhance Cu and Zn solubility decreased with increasing solution acidity probably due to competitive binding of NTA by protons and Fe released by hydrous oxide dissolution. However, in the pH range typically encountered in northeastern U.S. soils, soluble metal levels were nearly constant for a given NTA concentration. Leaching soil columns with NTA solutions enhanced Cu release more than Zn, as the enrichment ratio (cumulative metal leached by NTA compared to the 0.025 M NaClO4 control leachate) after 85 pore volumes displacements was 23.6 and 4.3 for Cu and Zn, respectively. While Cu release by 0.01 M CaCl2 differed little from the control, 0.01 M CaCl2 was substantially more effective than 10?5 M NTA in displacing bound Zn. The data reflect different retention mechanisms for Cu and Zn in this soil.  相似文献   

锌肥对旱稻苗期锌吸收分配和干物质积累的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探明旱稻锌吸收分配的规律,本试验通过对两个早稻供试品种(旱稻502和巴两陆稻)进行不同供锌水平(0.0、0.1、0.5、2.5、5.0、10.0mg/kg)处理的盆栽试验,研究了锌肥供给水平对旱稻锌吸收分配和千物质积累的影响。结果表明:在适宜锌用量范围内,随着施锌量的增加,供试品种地上部于物重均呈增加趋势。其中在Zn 5.0mg/kg水平下,早稻502和巴西陆稻地上部生物量达到最大值。但过多锌肥对旱稻生长有抑制作用。在外界锌源充足条件下,早稻对锌的吸收积累表现为奢侈吸收,多余的锌分配主要贮存在叶鞘中。从总体上看,根和叶鞘中的锌含量明显比叶片中的高,并且随着锌肥供给水平的增加,根和叶鞘中的锌含量上升显著,而叶片锌含量则增加相对缓慢。  相似文献   

为探讨皂角苷对污泥中Cu和Zn去除的机制,采用化学淋洗的方法研究皂角苷浓度(0~7%)、pH(2~6)、振荡时间(0~48 h)、温度(10、25、40℃)和提取次数(1~4次)对四种生活污泥中Cu和Zn去除率的影响,分析去除前后重金属的形态,并监测去除过程中浸出液pH的变化。结果表明,单次淋洗条件下,皂角苷对Cu的去除率大于Zn;皂角苷溶液的pH对Cu的去除没有显著影响,而Zn的去除率在pH下降到2时明显增加;Cu经过6~12 h的振荡就能达到最大去除,Zn则需要经过较长时间的振荡(48 h)才能达到较好去除;提高振荡温度,Cu的去除率降低而Zn的增加;随着提取次数的增加,Cu和Zn的去除率均增加,Cu的去除以第1次提取为主,Zn的4次提取均有较好效果,用3%的皂角苷溶液连续4次提取后,Cu和Zn的累积去除率最大分别达到32.61%和39.32%;增加振荡时间、提高振荡温度、增加提取次数以及降低皂角苷溶液pH均能降低浸出液的pH。经过3%的皂角苷溶液的提取,污泥中各形态Cu的含量均减少,其中66%以上的酸溶态被去除;而Zn的酸溶态含量减少不明显,可还原态、可氧化态和残渣态均有所降低,但以残渣态的减少为主。  相似文献   

为了探索外源油菜素内酯对番茄Cu胁迫的缓解效应及机理,采用营养液水培的方法,以‘改良毛粉802F1’番茄为材料,研究外源2,4-表油菜素内酯(2,4-EBR,简称EBR)对Cu胁迫下番茄生长及矿质元素吸收的影响。结果表明:外源EBR能够缓解Cu胁迫对番茄植株的生长抑制。与Cu胁迫处理相比,喷施EBR的番茄叶绿素含量和生物量分别提高39.6%和20.0%,差异均达显著水平;Cu胁迫条件下,外源EBR显著降低番茄根系对Cu的吸收与转运,提高叶片中因Cu过多而降低的Fe、Zn含量,有效调控Cu、Fe、Zn的化学提取态和亚细胞分布水平,降低Cu在细胞内的生物毒性,使之向着有利于番茄生长的方向发展,从而保证Cu胁迫下植株正常的生理生化代谢。Cu胁迫提高了番茄叶片和根系各种化学形态的Cu含量,而外施EBR降低了番茄叶片中除NaCl提取态Cu以外的其他各种形态Cu含量。Cu胁迫下易移动态Cu在叶片中的比例升高,而根系中却下降;外施EBR后,番茄植株中难移动态和易移动态Cu的所占比例接近CK,说明Cu胁迫下EBR对Cu的番茄体内分配具显著调控作用。  相似文献   

以小兴安岭北部公别拉河流域上游沼泽湿地为研究区,选择典型的乔木沼泽、灌木沼泽和草本沼泽,对其土壤Cu、Zn含量进行研究.结果表明:3类沼泽土壤全Cu含量表现为:灌木沼泽>乔木沼泽>草本沼泽,而有效Cu含量则表现为:乔木沼泽>灌木沼泽>草本沼泽,同时有效Cu具有C层>B层>A层的特点.全Zn含量在不同类型沼泽间变动较小,而有效Zn含量则表现为草本沼泽>灌木沼泽>乔木沼泽.乔木沼泽和灌木沼泽表层土壤全Cu含量的季节变化呈单峰曲线,而草本沼泽表层则有较大的波动性,各类沼泽C层全Cu含量变化较小.3类沼泽各层土壤全Zn含量季节变化基本一致,均呈波动式上升趋势.pH值对土壤Cu、Zn含量影响较大,呈相关极显著,而有机质含量对其影响较小.  相似文献   

为了解泉州湾海岸带植物重金属及营养元素分布情况,研究了泉州湾海岸带常见植物桐花树、芦苇、空心莲子草、落葵、中华补血草、藜、莲子草、龙葵等的根、茎、叶等器官及其栖息土壤中的Cu、Zn、Pb及N、P、K含量分布特点。结果表明:泉州湾常见植物的生境土壤中,不存在Cu污染,但都受中度以上的Zn、Pb污染,且Zn与Pb污染呈显著正相关关系。泉州湾海岸植物栖息土壤中K含量较高。相对而言,空心莲子草、莲子草、龙葵、芦苇对Cu、Zn、Pb耐性高、累积能力强,属于有环境修复潜力的植物,可作为对重金属污染环境的绿色修复材料考虑。藜的根、茎、叶中具高含量的K元素,对土壤中的K具有较高的吸收和迁移能力。落葵、莲子草、芦苇、藜的叶中N含量较高,落葵和莲子草叶则表现低P含量,高N/P比值。本试验研究的泉州湾自然生境若干海岸植物对Cu、Zn、Pb的累积与其N、P、K营养元素含量之间未表现显著的相关性。  相似文献   

施用碱稳定固体的酸性土壤的Cu和Zn的形态分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
LUO Yong-Ming 《土壤圈》2002,12(2):165-170
Fractionation of metals in a granite-derived acid sandy loam soil amended with alkaline-stabilised sewagesIudge biosolids was conducted in order to assess metal bioavailability and environmental mobility soil solution was extracted by a centrifugation and filtration technique. Metal speciation in the soil solution wasdetermined by a cation exchange resin method. Acetic acid and EDTA extracting solutions were used forextraction of metals in soil solid surfaces. Metal distribution in different fractions of soil solid phase was determined using a three-step sequential extraction scheme. The results show that the metals in the soilsolution existed in different fractions with variable lability and metals in the soil solid phase were also presentin various chemical forms with potentially different bioavail ability and environmental mobility Alkaline-stabilised biosolids could elevate solubility of Cu and proportion of Cu in organically complexed fractionsboth in soil liquid and solid phases, and may therefore increase Cu mobility. In contrast, the biosolids lowered the concentrations of water-soluble Zn (labile fraction) and exchangeable Zn and may hence decrease bioavailability and mobility of Zn. However, Fe and Mn oxides bound and organic matter bound fractions are likely to be Zn pools in the sludge-amended soil. These consequences possibly result from the liming effect and metal speciation of the sludge product and the difference in the chemistry between the metals in soil.  相似文献   

草炭分解产物对铜、锌吸附的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了草炭的不同分解产物(水溶性和非水溶性)对棕壤铜、锌吸附作用的影响。结果表明:在一定的pH范围内,草炭水溶性分解产物均不同程度地抑制了铜、锌的吸附,而非水溶性分解产物促进了铜、锌的吸附。吸附等温线试验表明,在不调节pH值的条件下,水溶性和非水溶性分解产物及不同水分条件培养后的分解产物均促进了对铜、锌的吸附。  相似文献   

Solubility control of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in contaminated soils   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
We developed a semiempirical equation from metal complextion theory which relates the metal activity of soil solutions to the soil's pH, organic matter content (OM) and total metal content (MT). The equation has the general form: where pM is the negative logarithm (to base 10) of the metal activity, and a, b and c are constants. The equation successfully predicted free Cu2+ activity in soils with a wide range of properties, including soils previously treated with sewage sludge. The significant correlation of pCu to these measured soil properties in long-contaminated soils suggests that copper activity is controlled by adsorption on organic matter under steady state conditions. An attempt was made from separate published data to correlate total soluble Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in soils to soil pH, organic matter content and total metal content. For Cu, the total Cu content of the soil was most highly correlated with total soluble Cu. Similarly, total soluble Zn and Cd were correlated with total metal content, but were more strongly related to soil pH than was soluble Cu. Smaller metal solubility in response to higher soil pH was most marked for Zn and Cd, metals that tend not to complex strongly with soluble organics. The organic matter content was often, but not always, a statistically significant variable in predicting metal solubility from soil properties. The solubility of Pb was less satisfactorily predicted from measured soil properties than solubility of the other metals. It seems that for Cu at least, solid organic matter limits free metal activity, whilst dissolved organic matter promotes metal solubility, in soils well-aged with respect to the metal pollutant. Although total metal content alone is not generally a good predictor of metal solubility or activity, it assumes great importance when comparing metal solubility in soils having similar pH and organic matter content.  相似文献   

为了探讨利用超声和酸化来去除猪粪中的重金属,本文采用含固率为3%的猪粪溶液研究了超声和酸对其中cu、zn的去除以及影响因素。结果表明:酸可以去除猪粪中的cu、zn,且随着酸溶液加入量和JJn/k无机酸后反应时间的增加,猪粪中cu、zn的去除率提升,在猪粪溶液中加入酸调pH达到0.70,反应3h后猪粪中cu、zn的去除率可以达到58.70%、81.85%;超声也可以去除猪粪中的cu、zn,随着超声频率和超声时间的增加,猪粪中cu、zn的去除率提升,在40kHz超声90min,猪粪中cu、zn的去除率可分别达到87.43%、76.48%。超声与酸结合作用时,猪粪中cu、zn的去除率大于单独用酸或超声时的去除率。  相似文献   

研究5·12汶川地震后土壤Cu、Zn空间分布特征及影响因素,其结果对指导灾后农业生产和居民生活恢复,以及保障新型农村居民点的生态安全性具有十分重要的现实意义。以典型地震灾区彭州市新黄村为例,采用常规重金属测定方法,并用GIS研究了5·12汶川地震后土壤Cu、Zn空间分布特征及影响因素。结果表明,在水平方向上Cu含量([38.23±15.21)mg·kg-1]自中东部-北部和中东部-南部逐渐增加;Zn含量([109.01±29.68)mg·kg-1]从北到南先减少后增加,从东到西表现为先增加后减少;虽然两者均未超过国家土壤环境质量二级标准,但地震后帐篷安置点、生活垃圾堆放点、房屋倒塌点土壤Cu、Zn含量明显高于未受地震影响处;在垂直方向上,帐篷压实水田土壤耕作层和犁底层Cu、Zn含量大多高于自然水田,心土层和底土层二者含量差异不明显。影响因素分析结果表明,不同土地利用类型中水田和荒地土壤Cu含量显著高干旱地土壤,水田土壤Zn含量显著高于荒地和旱地土壤;有机质含量与Cu、Zn含量呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别为r=0.639**和r=0.561**;Cu含量与pH呈显著正相关(r=0.459*),Zn含量与pH相关性不强(r=0.380);人类活动对土壤中Cu、zn含量有一定影响。  相似文献   

以"三月红"荔枝基因组DNA为模板,用Cu*ZnSOD基因特异寡聚核苷酸为引物,进行PCR扩增,得到特异基因片段,将其克隆到pGEMT载体上,转化感受态大肠杆菌TG1中,对转化子中重组pGEMT上的Cu*ZnSOD基因片段的PCR扩增检测和序列分析,表明克隆成功;该基因片段有478个核苷酸,由4个外显子和3个内含子组成;外显子由234个核苷酸组成,编码78个氨基酸;该基因片段编码的氨基酸序列与水稻、玉米、番茄、大白菜和松树的Cu*ZnSOD基因编码的氨基酸序列的同源性分别为79.5%、73.1%、73.1%、71.8%和75.7%.  相似文献   

对分离到的一株高抗Cu(200 mm ol/L CuSO4.5H2O)的P en icillium janth inellum菌株GXCR(中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会普通微生物中心保藏号:CGM CC 1027)进行紫外诱变,获得了3株Cu抗性下降突变体,进一步测定结果表明,3个突变体对A l[A l2(SO4)3]和Zn(ZnSO4.7H2O)的抗性也显著下降;只有在含Cu的PDA上生长的菌体表面能够形成CuSO4.5H2O样的蓝色晶体。进一步的X-ray衍射的原子微量分析表明,这种蓝色晶体含Cu2 ,说明该菌具有Cu的生物矿化作用。菌体表面积累的Cu2 的量与菌株的抗Cu水平有正相关性,说明该菌对Cu的抗性很可能与Cu矿化作用有关。  相似文献   

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