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陈超  孙莲芬 《淡水渔业》1994,24(4):18-20
淡水鱼储运保活剂对鲢、鳙、草鱼存活时间和存活率的影响陈超,戴后清,孙莲芬,郑泽俊(湖北省宜昌医专科技开发办公室443003)为了解决淡水鱼在高密度条件下长、短途运输和销售市场存放时的死亡问题,满足广大人民群众对鲜活鱼的需求,我们研制出了“淡水鱼储运保...  相似文献   

2011年7月1日起,法国将试行“新环保法案”中的环境标签计划,试行至少1年。法案要求在法国市场上销售的产品要披露产品的环境信息,包括用“碳标签”标示其整个生命周期(即从原料、制造、储运、废弃到回收的全过程)及其包装的碳含量,即把商品在生产过程中所排放的二氧化碳(c02)量在产品标签上标示出来,告知消费者产品的碳信息。  相似文献   

最近召开的全国渔业科技工作座谈会透露:“十五”以来,我国渔业科技知识和科技成果大量涌现,推动了良种培育、驯化及养殖技术的发展与进步,不仅提高了渔民养殖技术水平,也促进了水产品加工、储运、保鲜和营销技术的推广与普及,提高水产品的附加值,造就了一大批懂技术、会管理、善经营的现代渔民和渔业企业家。在“十一五”规划中,将围绕“水产主导品种良种选育关键技术”、“优质水产品健康高效养殖技术”和“海洋农业高效开发利用技术”等课题开展攻关研究,提高渔业科技创新能力,转变渔业增长方式。同时,大力组织实施渔业科技人户工程,加大渔业主导品种和主推技术的推广力度,积极开展渔民科技培训,进一步提高渔业科技成果转化率和入户率。  相似文献   

在扁吻鱼极度濒危,采捕、储运极其恶劣的环境中,利用人力拉行的三层流刺网和自行设计、制作的“水道活鱼储运变形布箱”和“活口筒形布袋”在河道中采捕扁吻鱼成鱼112尾,成活76尾,加上原有成鱼,现有扁吻鱼成鱼92尾。扁吻鱼的性腺发育的再成熟需两周年以上,经过三年的精心饲养、已有10尾雌体的性腺发育到Ⅳ期初和有10尾以上的成熟雄鱼,为2006年生产性人工繁殖打下物质基础。2005年4月25日采捕到成熟亲鱼,经过人工采卵受精,获得约5万粒受精卵,受精率为91.47%;孵化率为80.10%,出苗36 779尾。由于遭到小瓜虫等寄生虫的侵袭,饲养到5月21日的成活率为43.64%,培育到10月25日,平均体重为6.5g、成活率为40.80%。  相似文献   

近年来,位于太湖南岸的湖州市城区漾西乡根据当地的自然条件和经济发展特点开发太溯百合资源取得了显著的成效。 1992年,漾西乡党委、政府组织了“燎原计划”项目调查小组,查访农户,广泛听取干部、群众的意见,决定综合开发当地特产资源——太湖百合。 太湖百合素有“太湖人参”之美誉,在该乡农村已有五六百年的种植史,百合药食两用,是一种营养滋补佳品。然而,由于百合的保鲜难度大,使储运销售受到制约,因此种植一直难以增长。要开友太湖百合资源,必须攻克百合深加工难关。为此,乡成人文化技术学校与太湖食品厂(原乡蜜饯厂)联合攻关,在上海科技大学科技开发总公司的帮助下,引进了三  相似文献   

蛋鸽养殖作为从肉鸽产业逐渐分离出来的新兴产业,与早已发展成熟起来的鸡鸭等产业相比,在禽蛋的生产、储存、运输等方面还存在很多问题。从鸽蛋的生产入手,简要概述了鸽蛋生产效益最大化的“双母配对”模式对鸽蛋品质和产量的影响。从解释鸽蛋蛋白沉积机理入手,论述了饲粮的成分配比对鸽蛋透明度的影响。总结了鸽蛋储存方法的研究进展,阐明了储存温度与方法对鸽蛋蛋白透明度、哈夫单位等品质指标的影响,为鸽蛋的高效生产和储运保鲜提供参考。  相似文献   

活鱼储运机械化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
活鱼储运装置有四个系统组成,即增氧,净水,温控和发电四个系统。前两个系统是非标设备,文中介绍了其工作原理及设计计算方法;后两个系统是通用设备,本文仅介绍了选用方法。最后介绍了典型设备及12个国产活鱼储运设备。  相似文献   

为评估扇贝新品系“红墨1号”的选育效果,在同一养殖海域、相同管理模式以及相同养殖周期下,以墨西哥湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians concentricus)与扇贝“渤海红”杂交子代,经连续4代继代选育获得的扇贝新品系“红墨1号”为基础,在F4中开展继代选育与不选育对比研究,比较了二者群体生长存活情况的差异,并对F5生长性状遗传参数和遗传获得进行评估。结果表明,“红墨1号”F5选育系各生长性状明显优于非选育系(P<0.05),但二者的存活率在各阶段无显著性差异(P>0.05);“红墨1号”F5两群体质量性状变异系数为14.60%~28.30%,仍具有选育潜力;“红墨1号”F5壳长、壳高、壳宽、体重、闭壳肌重、软体重和壳重等性状遗传获得分别为7.25%、7.13%、4.86%、25.42%、31.60%、27.70%和21.29%;“红墨1号”壳长、壳高、壳宽、体重、闭壳肌重、软体重和壳重现实遗传力分别为0.37、0.36、0.25、0.36、0.32、0.38和0.32,均属中等遗传力。综上,对扇贝“红墨1号”选育效果显著, F5仍具有继续选育的空间。研究结果...  相似文献   

一般出厂漂白粉的含氯量为30%,在包装较大,拆包使用后保管不当,或储运中破包,都会使含氯量降低,因为漂白粉中含氯量易受潮和日光作用而分解。一般书籍和资料上介绍使用漂白粉防治鱼病的剂量,都是以含氯量30%为标准计算的。如果漂白粉中含氯量  相似文献   

2017-2018年在秦皇岛市北戴河新区人造河海湾扇贝养殖区进行了海湾扇贝新品种“海益丰12”与主养品种的养殖效果对比试验,试验结果表明:“海益丰12”具有生长速度快、个体大、养殖效益高的特点。与主养品种相比,“海益丰12”平均体重和壳长分别比主养品种高21.1%~48.7%和5.4%~13.8%;贝柱重量高33.1%~52.3%;养殖效益提高45.5%~92.2%。“海益丰12”是优良的养殖品种,适合于河北省大面积推广养殖。  相似文献   

1995年 4月从新疆采集亚洲公鱼受精卵 2 0 0 0万粒 ,运至黑河市西沟水库孵化放流 ,运输成活率 95 % ,孵化率 30 %。 1 998年发现公鱼群体 ,2 0 0 2年捕捞公鱼产量1 0 0 0kg。在北纬 49°高寒地带黑河市西沟水库公鱼移殖成功 ,为黑龙江省各大中型水域的公鱼移殖展示了良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

A newly developed Model QL live-fish boat is designed with the features of blast aeration and mechanical cooling of water in fish hold, transport radius 240kin, load-carrying capacity 2.7 ton, ratio of live fish to water 1:2 and survival rate over 90%.  相似文献   

Embryonated eggs of theEuropean native white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes Lereboullet weresubjected to three periods of storage usingpolystyrene boxes and, afterwards, artificiallyincubated. At the end of the longest storage(42 days) survival rate was 98.3%, with 65%developed to stage 2 juvenile. Differentstorage periods allowed the staggeredproduction of juvenile batches within a monthperiod. The same containers used for storagewere also suitable for transport.  相似文献   

Embryonated eggs of theEuropean native white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes Lereboullet weresubjected to three periods of storage usingpolystyrene boxes and, afterwards, artificiallyincubated. At the end of the longest storage(42 days) survival rate was 98.3%, with 65%developed to stage 2 juvenile. Differentstorage periods allowed the staggeredproduction of juvenile batches within a monthperiod. The same containers used for storagewere also suitable for transport.  相似文献   

High mortality associated with transport operations in scallop culture has been a major problem faced by European farmers. Simulated transport with Pecten maximus L. spat <2 mm, spat 15–30 mm, juveniles 30–50 mm and adults >100 mm were carried out in Spain, Ireland and Norway. Different time and temperature combinations were studied in order to maximise post-transport survival and establish best practices. Out-of-water transport could result in 100% survival if conditions were right, but the response to emersion stress depended on size, season and location. Post-transport recovery decreased with emersion time and was strongly influenced by temperature. Air exposure was tolerated for a longer time by adult scallops than spat and juveniles, but the results differed among trials in the different countries. The maximum emersion time that gave post-transport survival ≥80% was 12 h for the smallest spat, 18 h for larger spat and 24 h for juvenile and adult scallops. Adults were less affected by transport temperatures that deviated from ambient seawater temperature than spat and juveniles. In general post-transport recovery was high when sea temperature was <10°C, but during warm-water seasons special care should be taken to avoid stressful and lethal transport conditions. A transport temperature <12°C was recommended, though not more than 10°C below ambient culture temperature. A maximum transport time of 9 h was suggested for spat and juveniles to attain post-transport survival close to 100%, but 12–24 h was feasible during the cold-water season or at favourable transport temperatures.  相似文献   

The survival of milkfish broodstock (body weight range 1–11 kg) was determined until 30 days after handling and transport in open tanks or in sealed oxygenated bags containing chilled sea water (20–25 °C). Maintenance of cool sea water was achieved by the gradual addition of ice chunks or frozen gel packs. A survival rate of 50% after transporting fish at a loading density of 45 kg m?3 for 4 h in open tanks was not significantly different from those that were handled but not transported (86%). Similarly, survival rates (67–83%) among broodstock confined for 8 h in chilled sea water at 40 and 60 kg m?3 were not significantly different from each other or from a group not subjected to confinement. Nevertheless, low dissolved oxygen (DO) and accumulation of total ammonia–nitrogen beginning 1 h after transport and confinement may be responsible for low survival rates of milkfish in open tanks. In contrast, all milkfish survived 10 h of overland transport in sealed bags with chilled and diluted (28 g L?1) sea water. Likewise, all milkfish survived after being bagged and immediately transferred to a communal rearing tank, or bagged and placed in a styrofoam box for 10 h. Except for total ammonia–nitrogen levels, which increased slightly (0.7–0.8 mg L?1) above background, seawater temperature (20–24 °C), salinity (28 g L?1) and DO (6 to > 20 mg mL?1) titres in transport bags were maintained during the 10‐h test. The effectiveness of handling and transporting milkfish broodstock in sealed bags containing chilled sea water was verified in actual field trials. Spawning of sexually mature milkfish subjected to these stressors was not impaired. These results demonstrate that mortalities of large milkfish broodstock can be minimized when fish are handled and transported in sealed oxygenated bags containing chilled sea water.  相似文献   

This study examined the viability of embryos after immersion in highly concentrated methanol solutions (40–60%) and exposing embryos to ultrasound to enhance efficient transport of the cryoprotectant. The exposure to ultrasound, methanol concentrations, duration of treatment and the stages of embryonic development was found to have measurable effects on embryo viability. The effect of ultrasound was more evident at high voltage (>440 V) settings and at early developmental stages (30 and 60% epiboly stage). Older embryos were more resistant to cryoprotectant toxicity and ultrasound‐induced mortality. The high concentration of methanol (60%) was more toxic to embryos than the low concentration (40%). When methanol treatment and ultrasound were applied simultaneously the optimum concentration was found to be 45% methanol (45% survival; P<0.05) in a 3 min treatment. Although there was no significant difference between the 2 and 3 min treatments, embryos treated for 4 min had a significantly lower survival rate (P<0.05). These findings provide initial results to select the developmental stage of the embryo, the concentration of methanol for the preparation of a vitrification solution and duration of ultrasound treatment for cryopreservation. Furthermore, it indicates the potential use of ultrasound to enhance the transport of methanol intracellularly with minimum mortality of the developing embryos.  相似文献   

Optimal transport conditions for the live black rockfish and changes in their characteristics during long-distance transport were investigated. Oxygen consumption by black rockfish was lowest at 4°C and increased as the water temperature increased up to a maximum at 10°C. At a water temperature of 8°C and 10°C, the plasma glucose concentration of the fish was 36.2 and 38.2 mg/dL, respectively. The mean weight of the fish reduced to approximately 2.8% of initial weight after 16 days of storage at 8°C. The fish did not feed, and the survival rate of fish stored for 16 days at 8°C was 98.4%. The longer the live fish were stored in the container, the quicker the onset of rigor mortis after the slaughter was reached. Compared with fillets from control fish, the chewiness of fillets was somewhat lower (17.3%) after storage of fish for 16 days, but the softness of the fillets was slightly higher (21.6%). From these results, it was suggested that the optimum temperature for long-distance transport of the live fish was 8°C and that the long transport period of live fishes decreased their fillet quality more rapidly after fish death.  相似文献   

Live transport of hatchery‐produced juvenile donkey's ear abalone Haliotis asinina Linne was examined to evaluate the effect of transportation on the survival of juvenile abalone. Simulated transport experiments were conducted to determine the appropriate temperature using 5, 10 and 20 g L?1 of ice to air volume for 8 h and the appropriate size using two size groups (Size A, 15–20 mm, 0.5–1.3 g, and Size B, 30–35 mm, 5.3–8.5 g) up to 24‐h out‐of‐water live transport. Survival was significantly higher (P<0.001) when 10 g L?1 of ice was used to decrease the temperature to the range of 17–23 °C. At this temperature, both size groups subjected to simulated transport for 8 and 10 h had 100% survival after 48 h, while mortality occurred in abalones subjected to 16 and 24 h of simulated transport. The Size B abalone subjected to 24 h of transport had significantly higher survival (64.4 ± 2.9%) (P<0.001) than the Size A abalone (5.5 ± 1.6%) after 48 h. Live juvenile abalone were successfully transported to the field applying the protocols developed in the lab experiment. This study serves as a guide for handling and shipping live juvenile abalone.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the anaesthetic 2-phenoxyethanol would reduce the metabolic rate and allow for higher transport packing densities, goldfish (3.93 +/- 5 g) were transported for 48 h at 25, 50 and 75 fish per 500 ml combined with anaesthetic concentrations of 0, 0.25 and 0.35 ml l-1. The anaesthetic did not affect the survival rate or the oxygen and ammonia concentrations. Thus, its use could not be recommended for the transport of goldfish. It is suggested that optimum packing densities be based on a minimum post-transport oxygen value of 4 mg l-1 for goldfish  相似文献   

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