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To verify the paradigm that organic matter (OM) quality (q) decreases with decomposition it is necessary to define q in strictly chemical, operational terms. We suggest defining q as the result of a balance between the energy stored in OM and the external supply of energy needed to release it. We apply this concept to the study of litter decomposition in four European pine forests: boreal, cool Atlantic, Mediterranean and warm Atlantic. Intact litter cores were taken and transported to the laboratory, where needles were sorted into six classes that summarize the main facts of the decomposition: melanisation, fragmentation and perforation by mesofauna. Each class was analyzed by both differential thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry to obtain its spectra of weight loss and energy release.In the non-decomposed needles, two peaks of weight loss and energy release appear: a labile peak at about 350 °C, and a recalcitrant peak at about 450 °C. During decomposition, both peaks (but especially the recalcitrant one) move to lower temperatures, and their shapes change from well defined to flattened. In Mediterranean litters, a third peak appears at about 500 °C, due probably to refractory products of neoformation. There is a continuous increase in the energy stored in the remaining litter (in Joules per unit OM): this increase is concentrated in both the most thermolabile fractions (lost at temperatures <350 °C) and the most thermostable ones (>450 °C). With decomposition OM becomes more recalcitrant (i.e., it is lost at higher temperatures), but its stored energy becomes more available (i.e., it is released at lower temperatures). Overall, the energetic benefit/cost ratio increases. Thus, our results to date do not agree with the current paradigm that q decreases with decomposition; rather, they suggest that, at least in the first phases we studied, q is maintained or even increases.  相似文献   

Fluorescence and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to study changes in the conformation of red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) protein isolate (KPI) under various environmental conditions. The possible relationship between fluorescence data and DSC characteristics was also discussed. Tryptophan fluorescence and fluorescence quenching analyses indicated that the tryptophan residues in KPI, exhibiting multiple fluorophores with different accessibilities to acrylamide, are largely buried in the hydrophobic core of the protein matrix, with positively charged side chains close to at least some of the tryptophan residues. GdnHCl was more effective than urea and SDS in denaturing KPI. SDS and urea caused variable red shifts, 2-5 nm, in the emission λ(max), suggesting the conformational compactness of KPI. The result was further supported by DSC characteristics that a discernible endothermic peak was still detected up to 8 M urea or 30 mM SDS, also evidenced by the absence of any shift in emission maximum (λ(max)) at different pH conditions. Marked decreases in T(d) and enthalpy (ΔH) were observed at extreme alkaline and/or acidic pH, whereas the presence of NaCl resulted in higher T(d) and ΔH, along with greater cooperativity of the transition. Decreases in T(d) and ΔH were observed in the presence of protein perturbants, for example, SDS and urea, indicating partial denaturation and decrease in thermal stability. Dithiothreitol and N-ethylmaleimide have a slight effect on the thermal properties of KPI. Interestingly, a close linear relationship between the T(d) (or ΔH) and the λ(max) was observed for KPI in the presence of 0-6 M urea.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to study changes in the conformation of globulin from common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) (BWG) under various environmental conditions. The IR spectrum of the native BWG showed several major bands from 1691 to 1636 cm(-1) in the amide I' region, and the secondary structure composition was estimated as 34.5% beta-sheets, 20.0% beta-turns, 16.0% alpha-helices, and 14.4% random coils. Highly acidic and alkaline pH conditions induced decreases in beta-sheet and alpha-helical contents, as well as in denaturation temperature (Td) and enthalpy of denaturation (DeltaH), as shown in the DSC thermograms. Addition of chaotropic salts (1.0 M) caused progressive decreases in ordered structures and thermal stability following the lyotropic series of anions. The presence of several protein structure perturbants also led to changes in IR band intensities and DSC thermal stabilities, suggesting protein unfolding. Intermolecular antiparallel beta-sheet (1620 and 1681 cm(-1)) band intensities started to increase when BWG was heated to 90 degrees C, suggesting the initiation of protein aggregation. Increasing the time of the preheat treatment (at 100 degrees C) caused progressive increases in Td and pronounced decreases in DeltaH, suggesting partial denaturation and reassociation of protein molecules.  相似文献   

The non-covalent interactions between the monomeric phenolic compound chlorogenic acid (5-CQA) and bovine serum albumin (BSA), lysozyme, and alpha-lactalbumin were characterized, and their effect on protein properties was examined. 5-CQA had a low affinity for all three proteins, and these interactions seemed to show a negative cooperativity. 5-CQA-BSA binding decreased with increasing temperature, whereas pH (pH 3.0 compared to pH 7.0) and ionic strength had no pronounced effect. At high 5-CQA/protein molar ratios, both the denaturation enthalpy and temperature of BSA increased; however, covalent bonds were created at high temperatures. The presence of 5-CQA had no effect on the solubility of BSA and alpha-lactalbumin as a function of pH, whereas it decreased lysozyme solubility at alkaline pH due to covalent interactions. These results indicate that the non-covalent interactions with 5-CQA do not have pronounced effects on the functional properties of globular proteins in food systems.  相似文献   

The oxidation of linolenic acid (LNA) and soy lecithin was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) with linear programmed heating rates (non-isothermal mode). The interpretation of the shape of DSC curves is discussed, and it has been concluded that temperatures of the extrapolated start of heat release are the most reliable data for the rapid estimation of the oxidative stability of lipid materials. The Ozawa-Flynn-Wall method was used to calculate the kinetic parameters of the process: for LNA autoxidation the activation energy, Ea, and pre-exponential factor, Z, are 66 +/- 4 kJ/mol and 1.5 x 10(7) s(-1), respectively, and the autoxidation of lecithin is described by Ea = 98 +/- 6 kJ/mol and Z = 9.1 x 10(10) s(-1). Values of Ea and Z can be applied for calculation of the overall first-order rate constant of autoxidation at various temperatures, k(T). For the two studied lipids the comparison of k(T) values shows the inversion of their oxidative stabilities; that is, below 167 degrees C lecithin is more stable than LNA, k(T)lecithin < k(T)LNA, and above that temperature (termed the isokinetic temperature) k(T)lecithin > k(T)LNA. The calculated inversion of oxidative stabilities can be an explanation of similar observations for other pairs of lipids if the results of accelerated tests measured at temperatures above 100 degrees C are compared with the results obtained at temperatures below 100 degrees C.  相似文献   

Low-field NMR T(2) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) measurements were performed on meat samples of two qualities (normal and high ultimate pH) during cooking from 28 degrees C to 81 degrees C. Pronounced changes in both T(2) relaxation data and FT-IR spectroscopic data were observed during cooking, revealing severe changes in the water properties and structural organization of proteins. The FT-IR data revealed major changes in bands in the amide I region (1700-1600 cm(-)(1)), and a tentative assignment of these is discussed. Distributed NMR T(2) relaxation data and FT-IR spectra were compared by partial least-squares regression. This revealed a correlation between the FT-IR peaks reflecting beta-sheet and alpha-helix structures and the NMR relaxation populations reflecting hydration water (T(2B) approximately 0-10 ms), myofibrillar water (T(21) approximately 35-50 ms), and also expelled "bulk" water (T(2) relaxation times >1000 ms). Accordingly, the present study demonstrates that definite structural changes in proteins during cooking of meat are associated with simultaneous alterations in the chemical-physical properties of the water within the meat.  相似文献   

Summary The feeding requirements of earthworms have not been fully established. A vermiculite matrix was used to determine the dietary effects of various organic substances. Vitamins, DNA, and humic acid as additives improved growth and allowed reproduction of Eisenia fetida in a cellulose-based medium. Mature worms were not able to adapt to the medium and 20-day-old worms were used. Rates of growth and cocoon production were slightly less in a defined medium (7% organic content) than in a cow-manure control medium (70% organic content). The medium is likely to prove useful as a reference medium for obtaining biological information.  相似文献   

The effect of baking and digestion on the allergenicity of wheat flour proteins has been studied. Pooled sera of patients suffering from food allergy to wheat products were tested for IgE binding to the proteins of the wheat dough and of the bread crumb and crust, before and after being in vitro digested. During in vitro digestion, the IgE binding protein components of the unheated dough tended to disappear, whereas a permanence of IgE recognition was evident for both the bread crumb and crust. This indicates that the baking process increases the resistance of the potential allergens of the wheat flour to proteolytic digestion, allowing them to reach the gastrointestinal tract, where they can elicit the immunological response. Therefore, the effects of baking must be carefully considered in studying food allergies to wheat products.  相似文献   

The properties of cast films from hemp protein isolate (HPI) including moisture content (MC) and total soluble mass (TSM), tensile strength (TS) and elongation at the break (EAB), and surface hydrophobicity were investigated and compared to those from soy protein isolate (SPI). The plasticizer (glycerol) level effect on these properties and the interactive force pattern for the film network formation were also evaluated. At some specific glycerol levels, HPI films had similar MC, much less TSM and EAB, and higher TS and surface hydrophobicity (support matrix side), as compared to SPI films. The TS of HPI and SPI films as a function of plasticizer level (in the range of 0.3-0.6 g/g of protein) were well fitted with the exponential equation with coefficient factors of 0.991 and 0.969, respectively. Unexpectedly, the surface hydrophobicity of HPI films (including air and support matrix sides) increased with increasing the glycerol level (from 0.3 to 0.6 g/g of protein). The analyses of protein solubility of film in various solvents and free sulfydryl group content showed that the disulfide bonds are the prominent interactive force in the HPI film network formation, while in the SPI case, besides the disulfide bonds, hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions are also to a similar extent involved. The results suggest that hemp protein isolates have good potential to be applied to prepare protein film with some superior characteristics, e.g., low solubility and high surface hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

The effect of soil moisture on population dynamics of Paronychiurus kimi (Collembola) was examined by combining an empirical soil moisture model with a temperature-sensitive, stage-structured population model. Field observations of soil temperature were used to drive the population model, and simulations were compared to field observations of juvenile and adult densities. Simulations without soil moisture effects produced stable, interyear population dynamics and a significant correlation between simulations and observations (n=12, r 2=0.40, P<0.05) but overestimated densities during much of the year. Adding responses to soil moisture improved the fit between simulations and observations (n=13, r 2=0.40), suggesting that soil moisture is a major limiting factor on field populations of P. kimi. Moreover, an observed temporary decline in field populations during spring could be explained partly by the effects of an herbicide, paraquat (N,N′-dimethyl-gamma,gamma′-bipyridylium dichloride) (r 2=0.45), suggesting that paraquat imposes additional limits on collembolan populations.  相似文献   

Local patterns of seed regeneration and trade that occur outside the formal breeding sector (seed exchange networks) can have a strong influence on the genetic diversity and evolution of traditional crop varieties. Despite this, little is known about the extent to which seed exchange networks influence gene flow and genetic structure in traditional crop varieties. Here we study barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare) in rural communes of Northern Morocco in 2008 and 2009. We quantified seed regeneration and exchange by farmers within the seed exchange network using structured interviews. Using SSR markers, we also quantified the neutral genetic diversity and structure of a complex of traditional varieties referred to as Beldi that is managed in this exchange network. The majority of farmers (>88 %) report cultivating Beldi. Most seeds of Beldi (70–90 %) are maintained on-farm, while the remainder of seeds are obtained from local markets within the commune. Beldi has high genetic diversity and there is weak but significant genetic structure between communes (FST = 0.031). From SSR marker data there is evidence of a high level of gene flow between communes not reported in interviews. Seeds purchased in local markets likely represent seeds from a larger geographic region, leading to lower genetic structure among communes than expected based on the reported level of on-farm seed regeneration and local sourcing of seed. We discuss the implications of this seed exchange network for the conservation of traditional barley varieties in the study region.  相似文献   

黑肩绿盲蝽是褐飞虱的重要天敌之一,且具有明显伴迁现象。研究灌溉方式对优质晚稻田褐飞虱及黑肩绿盲蝽的迁入及迁出,可为优质晚稻田褐飞虱的综合防治提供理论与技术支撑。本试验设置半隔离与全隔离两种隔离方式,研究长期灌溉、湿润灌溉、间歇灌溉及非充分灌溉对优质晚稻田褐飞虱及黑肩绿盲蝽迁入及迁出的影响。结果表明:不同年份,优质晚稻田褐飞虱及黑肩绿盲蝽的迁入及迁出差异较大,2015年,由于晚稻生育中后期气温低及降雨频繁,各灌溉处理下的褐飞虱及黑肩绿盲蝽均未发生迁入。2014年,晚稻生育中后期温度较高,褐飞虱及黑肩绿盲蝽发生迁飞。从迁入情况来看,非充分灌溉下褐飞虱发生早、基数大导致迁入量最低;间歇灌溉的迁入比(迁入量/迁入时段种群增加量)最大;非充分灌溉及湿润灌溉下黑肩绿盲蝽的迁入时期早于其他灌溉方式8 d左右。从迁出情况看,长期灌溉下褐飞虱发生外迁的时期早于其他灌溉方式11 d左右;间歇灌溉的褐飞虱迁出量最大,湿润灌溉的迁出比(迁出量/迁出时段种群消减量)最大;非充分灌溉下黑肩绿盲蝽的迁出量及迁出比均最大。表明非充分灌溉虽然减少了褐飞虱的迁入,但迁入前褐飞虱的种群增加量要远大于其他灌溉方式的迁入量,且会促进天敌黑肩绿盲蝽的外迁,增加了褐飞虱大发生的风险,不利于褐飞虱的综合防治;长期灌溉能有效降低褐飞虱的迁入及天敌黑肩绿盲蝽的外迁;湿润灌溉及间歇灌溉会促进褐飞虱的外迁,同时,间歇灌溉会显著(P0.05)减少天敌黑肩绿盲蝽的外迁。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a methodological approach to data gathering as a sound basis for understanding land degradation processes, breaking down barriers of distrust between Government officials and land users, and promoting participation in planning for soil and water conservation. It examines how landscape changes, of value as indicators of erosion, are perceived by land users and can be used in planning. It is proposed that the participation of land users in the construction of questionnaires, data gathering, analysis and writing up of the findings are examples of the participatory initial stages in planning.  相似文献   

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is a traditional oil crop cultivated throughout South East Asia. To estimate the genetic diversity of this crop in parts at the region, 22 sesame accessions collected in Vietnam and Cambodia were analyzed using 10 RAPD markers. The 10 primers generated 107 amplification products of which 88 were polymorphic fragments (83%). Genetic diversity of all populations was Ht = 0.34 when estimated by Nei’s genetic diversity and species diversity was H′sp = 0.513 when estimated by Shannon diversity index. Genetic distance ranged from 0.03 to 0.43, with a mean genetic distance of 0.23. The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) cluster analysis for the 22 accessions divided the material in four groups. The dendrogram revealed a clear division among the sesame accessions based on their geographical region. Interestingly, some geographically distant accessions clustered in the same group, which might indicate the human factor involved in the spreading of sesame varieties. The high level of polymorphism shown suggests that RAPD techniques can also be useful for the selection of parents in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) breeding program and for cultivar differentiation.  相似文献   

The P efficiency, crop yield, and response of maize to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus caledonium were tested in an experimental field with long-term (18-year) fertilizer management. The experiment included five fertilizer treatments: organic amendment (OA), half organic amendment plus half mineral fertilizer (1/2 OM), mineral fertilizer NPK, mineral fertilizer NK, and the control (without fertilization). AMF inoculation responsiveness (MIRs) of plant growth and P-uptake of maize were estimated by comparing plants grown in unsterilized soil inoculated with G. caledonium and in untreated soil containing indigenous AMF. Soil total P, available P, microbial biomass P, alkaline phosphatase activity, plant biomass, crop yield and total P-uptake of maize were all significantly increased (P < 0.05) by the application of OA, 1/2 OM, and NPK, but not by the application of NK. Specifically, the individual crop yield of maize approached zero in the NK-fertilized soils, as well as in the control soils. All maize plants were colonized by indigenous AMF, and the root colonization at harvest time was not significantly influenced by fertilization. G. caledonium inoculation increased mycorrhizal colonization significantly (P < 0.05) only with the NK treatment, and produced low but demiurgic crop yield in the control and NK-fertilized soils. Compared to the inoculation in balanced-fertilized soils, G. caledonium inoculation in either the NK-fertilized soils or the control soils had significantly greater (P < 0.05) impacts on soil alkaline phosphatase activity, stem length, plant biomass, and total P-uptake of maize, indicating that AMF inoculation was likely more efficient in extremely P-limited soils. These results also showed that balanced mineral fertilizers and organic amendments did not differ significantly in their effects on MIRs in these soils.  相似文献   

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