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3个扁桃品种的光合特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在盆栽条件下对3个引种扁桃品种3#、4#和7#的光合作用、荧光参数生理生态特点进行研究.结果表明: 1)扁桃叶片的净光合速率(Pn)日变化均呈双峰曲线型,峰值在10:00,次峰值在16:00,10:00-15:00有"午休"现象;在10:00-15:00时4#和7#叶片的Pn显著高于3#,15:00差值最大.2)扁桃不同品种的光合生理生态参数有显著差异: 4# 的光饱和点和补偿点都比3#和7#高,分别为1 206 μmol·m-2s-1和25.82 μmol·m-2 s-1,说明4#品种能适应较高的光照强度;4#和7# 的CO2补偿点和饱和点都比3#高,扁桃在CO2饱和点以下,Pn随CO2浓度的增加呈线性增长,说明增大CO2浓度可大大提高光合生产力.3)叶绿素荧光参数的日变化显示: 4#和7#的Fv/Fm、光化学猝灭系数(qP)均高,且正午过后Fv/Fm恢复较快,不仅能较强地吸收光能,同时还具有较高的PSⅡ活性和光能转化效率,从而将所吸收的光能有效地转化为化学能,提高光合电子传递速率,形成更多的ATP和NADPH,为光合碳同化提供充分的能量和还原能力.  相似文献   

水分胁迫对扁桃砧木干物质和叶绿素含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新疆常用的扁桃砧木石头扁桃和毛桃的1年生实生苗为材料,设置土壤相对含水量分别为田间最大持水量的100%、80%、60%、40%和20%5个处理,研究了不同水分胁迫条件对其干物质和叶绿素含量的影响。水分胁迫处理第10、20、30天后取样,测定其叶绿素含量;在水分胁迫处理第30天取样测定其干物质含量。结果表明:2个供试品种对水分胁迫的反应一致。在土壤相对含水量为80%时,总干物质含量和叶质量比最高,土壤相对含水量较多或较少都会减少干物质的积累,石头扁桃总干物质含量和叶质量比的下降幅度大于毛桃。根质量比和根冠比在土壤相对含水量为80%时最低,随着水分胁迫程度的加剧,根质量比和根冠比升高,石头扁桃的升高幅度大于毛桃。在土壤相对含水量为80%时叶绿素a和叶绿素(a b)的含量最高,随着胁迫程度的加剧和时间的延长,叶绿素a和叶绿素(a b)的含量降低,石头扁桃的降低幅度大于毛桃。  相似文献   

扁桃的栽培利用及其发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扁桃是一种优良的干果和木本油料树种。本文结合有关文献对扁桃的栽培历史、生物学特性、利用价值、栽培技术及开发前景进行了综述。  相似文献   

为了加快长柄扁桃花器官特异种质选择进程并与榆叶梅花进行区分,对位于蒙陕交界处327份野生长柄扁桃种质资源的花器官性状进行了统计分析。结果表明,野生长柄扁桃的花器官表型变异类型较丰富,其中花瓣宽的变异最大,其变异系数为0.25。按照花的高度可分为6个类型,以中等(11.95~13.59 mm)为主,占总数的34%;花冠径分为6个类型,以较宽(22.66~25.99 mm)为主,占36%;花瓣长可分5个类型,以较长(10.44~12.06 mm)类为主,占37%;花瓣宽分5个类型,以中等(7.29~8.85 mm)为主,占总数的30%;雄蕊数量分5个类型,以较少(20~24个)为主,占总数的48%;雄蕊长度分为6个类型,以较长(9.25~10.88 mm)为主,占总数的26%;雌蕊长度分6个类型,以中等(8.55~9.63 mm)为主,占总数的21%;长柄扁桃的花色可分为4类,分别是白色、浅粉色、粉色和粉红色,其中以粉红色为多,占81.5%。长柄扁桃以单生的单瓣粉红花为主,可据此与榆叶梅的重瓣粉红花1~2朵复生为主要区别特征。  相似文献   

长柄扁桃分布广,适应性强,是生物质能源的重要原材料之一。本文结合长柄扁桃的油料产品开发,指出了其产业化发展的制约因素,构建了长柄扁桃的产业化体系框架,探讨了其在政策、制度和科技等方面的保障措施,对长柄扁桃的产业化开发具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

以扁桃(Mangifera persiciformis)裸根苗为试验材料,选用“根盼”、 2 种自配生根剂、“根太 阳”、“根司令”和“速生根”共 6 种生根剂进行根部处理,通过测定扁桃生根数、每株生根苗的生根数、 根长和根直径,计算生根率、增长率,分析评价不同生根剂对扁桃生根的效果。结果表明:处理 20 d 后, “根盼”生根剂 250 mg/L 浸泡 2 h、“根太阳”生根剂 10 mg/L 浸泡 2 h、“根太阳”生根剂 20 mg/L 浸泡 2 h 和自配生根剂一 1 000 mg/L 速蘸 10 s 处理的扁桃苗生根率都达到了 100%;平均生根数以自配生根剂 一 1 000 mg/L 速蘸 10 s 最好,为 37 根;根长以“根盼”生根剂 250 mg/L 浸泡 2 h 最好,为 4.38 cm;根 直径以自配生根剂一 1 000 mg/L 速蘸 10 s 最好,为 1.27 mm。模糊综合评价结果表明,自配生根剂一 SP 1 000 mg/L 速蘸 10 s 促生根效果最好。  相似文献   

为了探明AcCBF1基因沉默对‘纸皮’扁桃花器官的影响,以了解CBF转录因子在扁桃花器官发育中的功能,采用病毒诱导的基因沉默(VIGS)技术,以采用农杆菌侵染方法获得的含有pTRV2-AcCBF11、pTRV2-AcCBF12、pTRV2-AcCBF13片段的扁桃AcCBF1基因沉默枝条为试验材料,以常温和低温处理后的自然生长扁桃枝条为对照,观测低温处理后花器官表型指标变化,并对单花药花粉量、花粉活力以及花粉扫描电镜指标结果进行分析。结果表明:低温处理降低了对照组的单花药花粉量和花粉活力,但对花器官指标影响不显著。沉默后的AcCBF12片段和AcCBF13片段显著降低了花粉量与花粉活力,沉默花器官指标效果明显。花粉粒大小无显著变化,花粉纹饰存在一定差异。AcCBF11片段沉默效果不明显。AcCBF12片段和AcCBF13片段影响扁桃花器官表型指标的变化,如花瓣、花冠、花萼、花药、花粉形态、花粉量、花粉活力等,预测CBF转录因子可能在花器官指标发育中发挥着重要功能。  相似文献   

对1年生长柄扁桃苗圃杂草进行了10种除草剂茎叶处理,结果表明:苗圃中的杂草以藜科和禾本科为主,所有除草剂处理对藜科杂草均有防除作用,14%草除灵、10.8%盖草能、12.5%拿扑净、48%排草丹、10.8%高盖+48%排草丹、12.5%拿扑净+48%灭草松、50%异丙隆对禾本科杂草的防效率较高,其中,50%异丙隆的杀草谱最广。48%灭草松和12.5%拿扑净+48%灭草松处理的杂草防效率高,但其对苗木的为害严重。高剂量10.8%盖草能和12.5%拿扑净处理下,杂草防效率达到了68%和56%,长柄扁桃苗未表现出药害症状,二者适用于长柄扁桃苗圃杂草的防治。  相似文献   

不同除草剂对长柄扁桃苗圃杂草的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对1年生长柄扁桃苗圃杂草进行了10种除草剂茎叶处理,结果表明:苗圃中的杂草以藜科和禾本科为主,所有除草剂处理对藜科杂草均有防除作用,14%草除灵、10.8%盖草能、12.5%拿扑净、48%排草丹、10.8%高盖+48%排草丹、12.5%拿扑净+48%灭草松、50%异丙隆对禾本科杂草的防效率较高,其中,50%异丙隆的杀草谱最广。48%灭草松和12.5%拿扑净+48%灭草松处理的杂草防效率高,但其对苗木的为害严重。高剂量10.8%盖草能和12.5%拿扑净处理下,杂草防效率达到了68%和56%,长柄扁桃苗未表现出药害症状,二者适用于长柄扁桃苗圃杂草的防治。  相似文献   

文章研究了蒙古扁桃叶片乙醇提取物对小菜蛾生长发育的影响。研究结果表明:蒙古扁桃叶片乙醇提取物对小菜蛾的生长发育具有明显的抑制作用。表现在幼虫取食蒙古扁桃叶片乙醇提取物处理的叶片后体重、体重增加量和相对生长率显著降低,乙醇提取物(ρ=500g·L~(-1))处理后2d,小菜蛾幼虫的相对生长率比对照下降了1.51mg·mg~(-1)d~(-1)。而且,乙醇提取物处理后小菜蛾幼虫的死亡率明显升高、成虫的产卵量低于对照。此外,乙醇提取物使小菜蛾的幼虫历期延长,但对蛹期影响不明显。  相似文献   

海南樱花是海南岛特有树种,属濒危树种。该文通过对海南樱花造林地扦插苗的树高和地径行调查分析,得出海南樱花生长9个月后,三个平行样地内海南樱花均表现出较好的高生长性,但生长速率变化不明显。而前6个月与6~9个月的生长期相比,海南樱花地径与树高生长存在显著性差异。6~9月这一生长期海南樱花树高与地径生长较快,在平原地带具有较好的适应性,培育和发展海南樱花,对绿化宝岛有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

根据油桐的两个生长性状(树高、地径)因子,分析来自11个不同地区93个家系的油桐在幼林期的生长差异,结果表明:不同种源油桐的树高、地径在栽植初期(2013年)均存在极显著差异;栽植1 a后(2014年),不同种源油桐的地径差异仍极显著,但树高无显著性差异。同一种源不同家系油桐的生长情况有所差异,造林初期及造林1a后湖南沅陵和湖南株洲地区不同家系油桐的树高、地径均存在显著性差异,其他地区则变化不一。湖南沅陵地区油桐的树高和地径在栽植初期及1 a后均高于所有种源的平均值,生长表现较好。其中,4-11家系的树高、地径均高于种源平均值,生长表现优良。  相似文献   

以长春市建植小叶女贞庭院绿篱为研究材料,观测群体花期、单株花期、单花序与单花花期,收集5月份有关气温数据,分析其对花期性状表现是否构成影响及程度。结果表明:2014—2016年小叶女贞开花时间为6月2日至25日之间,3 a群体花期平均为21.3 d,各年度相差在1 d之内,盛花期为12~13 d;单株开花时间最短植株为16 d,最长者为19 d,平均为17.5 d;单花序为8~12 d,单花为4~5 d。小叶女贞为夏初开花树种,此时气温等气象因子稳定,花期基本不受天气微小变化影响,开花时间亦相对稳定。  相似文献   

光皮树果实生长发育规律研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
对光皮树果实纵径、横径进行定期田间测定,同时对果实鲜重和干重进行定期测定,绘制生长曲线,结果表明光皮树果实生长发育过程可分为3个时期:幼果缓慢生长期,果实缓慢生长期,果实熟前迅速生长期。果实含水率一直在下降,而含油率则一直在增长,达到最大合油率34.23%后趋于稳定。  相似文献   

Changes in elastic and plastic components of mango (Mangifera indica L. cv 'Cogshall') fruit growth were analyzed with a model of fruit growth over time and in response to various assimilate supplies. The model is based on water relations (water potential and osmotic and turgor pressures) at the fruit level. Variation in elastic fruit growth was modeled as a function of the elastic modulus and variation in turgor pressure. Variation in plastic fruit growth was modeled using the Lockhart (1965) equation. In this model, plastic growth parameters (yield threshold pressure and cell wall extensibility) varied during fruit growth. Outputs of the model were diurnal and seasonal fruit growth, and fruit turgor pressure. These variables were simulated with good accuracy by the model, particularly the observed increase in fruit size with increasing availability of assimilate supply. Shrinkage was sensitive to the surface conductance of fruit peel, the elasticity modulus and the hydraulic conductivity of fruit, whereas fruit growth rate was highly sensitive to parameters linked to changes in wall extensibility and yield threshold pressure, regardless of the assimilate supply. According to the model, plastic growth was generally zero during the day and shrinkage and swelling were linked to the elastic behavior of the fruit. During the night, plastic and elastic growths were positive, resulting in fruit expansion.  相似文献   

The growth and nutritional status of 97 hybrid chestnut plantations on former agricultural land and forest land were studied in relation to site conditions (climatic variables and soil properties). A single family of curves was obtained for classifying the early height growth of hybrid and sweet chestnut. Soil limitations and nutrient deficiencies were evident in the former forest land, whereas the agricultural soils were found to be generally suitable for growing chestnut. The stands with highest growth rates were characterized by high foliar concentrations of K, P and Ca. Successful growth of the plantations was always related to high summer precipitation, low elevation and absence of long periods of risk of frost. The results confirm the adaptability of chestnut to most sites where it has been planted for timber production.  相似文献   

We applied a semi-mechanistic model of fresh matter accumulation to peach fruit during the stage of rapid mesocarp development. The model, which is based on simple hypotheses of fluid flows into and out of the fruit, assumes that solution flow into the fruit increases with fruit weight and transpiration per unit weight, and decreases with the maximum daily shrinkage of the trunk, which was used as an indicator of water stress. Fruit transpiration was assumed to increase with fruit size and with radiation. Fruit respiration was considered to be related to fruit growth and to temperature. The model simulates variability in growth among fruits according to climatic conditions, degree of water stress and weight of the fruit at the beginning of the simulation. We used data obtained from well-watered and water-stressed trees grown in containers to estimate model parameters and to test the model. There was close agreement between the simulated and measured values. A sensitivity analysis showed that initial fruit weight partly determined the variation in growth among fruits. The analysis also indicated that there was an optimal irradiance for fruit growth and that the effect of high global radiation on growth varied according to the stage of fruit development. Water stress, which was the most important factor influencing fruit growth, rapidly depressed growth, particularly when applied late in the season.  相似文献   

The growth of young oak trees in shelters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
TULEY  GRAHAM 《Forestry》1985,58(2):181-195
Shelters are 1.2 m tall plastic tubes which protect trees fromanimal damage and improve growth by creating a ‘greenhouseeffect’ round each tree. After 3 years the mean heightgrowth of sessile oak transplants in shelters was 142 cm comparedwith 45 cm in a mesh guard and 27 cm for unprotected trees andthe average stem volume was 118, 37 and 19 cm3 respectively.There was no difference in growth in a range of sizes of conicaland cylindrical shaped shelters and an 8 cm diameter cylinderis large enough for oak. Other experiments have confirmed thatshelters made from a variety of plastics are equally effectivebut many lack adequate durability. Work continues to developimproved shelters and it appears that for oak a shelter effectfor 2 to 3 years, support for 5 years and deer protection for8 years would be ideal. In 1983/84 about a million shelterswere used in Britain and trials have started in other countries.  相似文献   

通过野外调查,初步查明丽水生态示范区野生果树共计28科56属178种,其中包括直接作果品食用、加工成果品制成品食用和作栽培果树育种材料3大类型。文中按果树栽培学的分类方法,将它们划分为仁果类(17种)、核果类(34种)、坚果类(23种)、浆果类(76种)、聚复果类(10种)和柿果及其他(13种)等6类。详细介绍了这些野生果树的种类、性状及其利用方式,并对野生果树资源的利用与保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

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