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Orobanche cumana (broomrape) is a severe constraint to sunflower production in southern and eastern Europe and the Middle East. Races A to E of this parasitic weed controlled by genes Or1 to Or5 have been described. A study of 38 seed accessions of O. cumana collected from different locations in Spain between 1983 and 2003 investigated the effect of long‐term storage in the laboratory on germination and infectivity and assessed their virulence on a number of sunflower cultivars. Only 18 infected the susceptible cultivar B117. Infectivity was maintained for up to 17 years of storage, but with a greatly decreased vigour as compared with that of recently collected seed. The 12 oldest viable accessions overcame the resistance of the gene Or5 (in resistant line NR5). Seven out of them, in particular those collected in 1988 and 1989, were identified as race F. Three accessions were identified as race E allegedly holding components of higher virulence. Our results show evidence of the occurrence of race F prior to the use of sunflower hybrids resistant to race E, suggesting the former as indigenous to the country. This finding suggests the necessity of a continuous breeding of sunflower for resistance to O. cumana. The effectiveness and sustainability of genetic resistance must rely on the knowledge of the diverse virulence characteristics of O. cumana accessions.  相似文献   

The parasitic weed Orobanche cumana (sunflower broomrape) constrains sunflower production in eastern and southern Europe and in the Middle East. Although genetic resistance is the most effective control method, new parasite races evolve overcoming sunflower resistance. In this work, highly virulent populations of O. cumana were analysed for pathogenicity and genetic diversity. The virulence of 11 populations from Hungary, Romania, Spain and Turkey was assessed and compared after infection of sunflower inbred lines to differentiate races of the parasite under glasshouse conditions. Molecular diversity among and within 27 parasite populations was studied by RAPD‐PCR, UPGMA and amova analyses. Highly virulent race F was identified in Hungary, Spain and Turkey. The most virulent race (G) was also found in Turkey. The molecular analysis among highly virulent populations of O. cumana identified four molecular clusters, respectively, grouping populations from Central Spain, Hungary, South Spain and Turkey. The genetic homogeneity within parasite populations was confirmed, since no molecular divergences were found within them. This work constitutes the first geographical study of O. cumana together with pathogenicity and molecular traits inherent to each geographical group, and provides useful information for possible phylogenetic analyses of O. cumana. In addition, molecular markers associated with geographical origin could be developed and used as diagnostic tools to track new broomrape introductions into areas free of virulent races where they might represent a threat to sunflower production.  相似文献   

The production of sunflower is threatened by Orobanche cumana (broomrape) infections in many countries of southern and eastern Europe. The most virulent race of this parasitic weed, race F, is widespread in Spain. Most of the current commercial hybrids of resistant sunflower do not completely prevent broomrape emergence in the field. The performance (broomrape incidence and severity, final yields and oil contents) of four resistant and two susceptible sunflower hybrids was studied in different years in several O. cumana – infested locations. O. cumana – sunflower interactions were characterised by low severity and intermediate incidence in the resistant hybrids; both depended on the environment. An increase in sunflower yield because of the use of resistant hybrids was most noticeable under heavy field infestations and under drought. Characterisation of 20 populations of O. cumana classified as race F in terms of the standardised area under the degree of attack progress curve (SAUDC) and O. cumana incidence (BI) suggested differential intrinsic pathogenicities. These results highlight the variability within race F of O. cumana , mirroring the environmentally dependent horizontal resistance in sunflower.  相似文献   

We developed 20 microsatellite markers to genotype over 100 populations of the parasitic weed Phelipanche ramosa, which covers a wide host crop and geographic range. A representative core collection of 15 populations was also used in cross‐infestation assays to study host preference during germination, attachment and shoot formation. We observed low genetic differentiation within most of the populations, but high genetic differentiation between populations partitioned into 3 genetic groups with different host preferences and geographic distributions. Genetic group 1 is detected exclusively in western France and on various host crops, notably winter oilseed rape (WOSR) and not hemp. Cross‐infection assays confirmed its incompatibility with hemp and showed its preference for WOSR and tobacco in terms of germination and attachment success. The group 2 populations share a large geographic distribution in France and Europe, low germination success with WOSR and high germination success, attachment success and shoot formation with hemp, tobacco or tomato. The subclades 2a and 2b include most of the French populations in hemp crops in eastern France and in tobacco fields in several European countries respectively. The genetic analyses revealed the potential of the three groups to increase their geographic range in the future. Intermediate genetic groups showed higher intrapopulation diversity and represent potential stocks for new host race emergence. Those findings argue in favour of the existence of host races in P. ramosa and should be considered for appropriate management strategies, notably in breeding programmes for resistance against this parasitic weed.  相似文献   

Screening a genomic library of Lolium temulentum (darnel) with synthetic (GT)15 and (GA)15 oligonucleotides, we identified microsatellite‐containing clones. Based on the sequence data of the clones, specific primer pairs were synthesized and their effectiveness examined using 10 L. temulentum and two L. persicum accessions from Asia, Africa and Europe. Fifteen primer pairs amplified single fragments, and five of them showed polymorphism in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the L. temulentum and L. persicum accessions. Fifteen primer pairs reported in L. perenne (perennial ryegrass) were also applied in this study. Nine of them amplified the microsatellite alleles, and two of the nine showed polymorphic alleles in L. temulentum and L. persicum. For the polymorphic markers, polymorphic information content values ranged from 0.60 to 0.86 with an average of 0.76 among 10 L. temulentum accessions. The microsatellite markers developed for L. temulentum and L. perenne should be informative and powerful in analysing the intraspecific genetic diversity and the phylogenetic relationships of L. temulentum and L. persicum.  相似文献   

以向日葵列当Orobanche cumana Wallr.和弯管列当O.cernua Loefl.为研究对象,利用已有的室内寄生体系来研究两种列当在向日葵、烟草、番茄3种寄主上的寄生能力。结果表明,向日葵列当在室内条件下不仅能够寄生在向日葵上,同时也可以在烟草与番茄上寄生;但其寄生效率在上述不同的寄主之间存在显著差异,而在相同寄主的不同品系间没有差异。交互侵染的结果表明,在寄主番茄上,弯管列当平均每株寄生的瘤结数量为16.3个,向日葵列当只有2.5个;在寄主向日葵上,向日葵列当的平均寄生瘤结数量为25.2个,弯管列当为27.6个,预示着弯管列当在番茄上寄生效率均显著高于向日葵列当,而在寄主向日葵上,二者寄生效率差异不显著,均能高效寄生在向日葵根系上。上述研究结果将为向日葵列当和弯管列当发生严重地区作物轮作对象的选择提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为实现我国非重要的检疫性杂草——苍耳属Xanthium杂草快速高效的分子鉴定,利用Illumina二代测序平台对白苍耳X.albinum、意大利苍耳X.italicum、直刺苍耳X.ripicola、刺苍耳X.spinosum、柱果苍耳X.cylindricum、宾州苍耳X.pennsylvanicum、蝟实苍耳X.echinatum、苍耳X.sibiricum和北美苍耳X.strumarium共9种苍耳属杂草进行转录组测序,获得的unigene序列数分别为103 362、93 506、87 452、83 822、70 994、66 397、57 598、57 164和57 134个。利用生物信息分析方法对9种苍耳属杂草转录组进行简单重复序列(simple sequence repeat,SSR)和物种间的特异性序列预测和筛选。经过PCR试验验证,筛选获得了可以有效鉴定上述9种杂草的6对SSR引物和13对特异性引物,提高了苍耳属杂草鉴定的准确率。  相似文献   

The genus Echinochloa (Poaceae) includes numerous problematic weeds over a wide range of ecoregions in the world. To date, molecular markers for species identification and assessing phylogenetic relationship are still limited in the genus Echinochloa. In this study, we developed seven chloroplast molecular markers based on divergent chloroplast regions of E. crus‐galli and E. oryzicola. Furthermore, Marker #1 (psbA) was examined in more than 200 Echinochloa accessions and a phylogenetic tree grouped these Echinochloa accessions into four clades. Additionally, two different E. crus‐galli varieties (E. crus‐galli var. crus‐galli, E. crus‐galli var. praticola) and E. colona were successfully distinguished by this marker. The developed molecular markers contribute to better identification of Echinochloa taxa.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the genetic diversity in three populations of the critically endangered annual, Bidens cernua, in Japan by using inter‐simple sequence repeat markers and compared our data with those from two common congeners: Bidens radiata var. pinnatifida and Bidens tripartita. In contrast to our expectations, the degree of genetic diversity at the species level was higher in B. cernua than in B. radiata var. pinnatifida or B. tripartita. At the population level, the degree of genetic diversity was highest in B. cernua. These results may be ascribed to the mating system and method of seedbank formation in B. cernua. An analysis of molecular variance revealed relatively high genetic differentiation among the populations of all three species. We concluded that the distribution width could not be an index of genetic variability in Bidens examined in this study.  相似文献   

Limited knowledge is available on Phytophthora infestans populations in Sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). Therefore, and in response to recent severe late blight epidemics, P. infestans isolates from potato, tomato and Petunia × hybrida from eight SSA countries were characterized. Isolates were characterized with ‘old’ markers, including mating type (176 isolates), mitochondrial DNA haplotype (mtDNA) (281 isolates), glucose‐6‐phosphate isomerase (Gpi) (70 isolates), restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis with probe RG‐57 (49 isolates), and by metalaxyl sensitivity (64 isolates). Most isolates belonged to the US‐1 genotype or its variants (US‐1.10 and US‐1.11). The exceptions were genotype KE‐1 isolates (A1 mating type, mtDNA haplotype Ia, Gpi 90/100 and unique RG‐57 genotype), identified in two fields in Kenya, which are related to genotypes previously identified in Rwanda (RW‐1 and RW‐2), Ecuador and Europe. Metalaxyl‐resistant P. infestans isolates from potato were present in all the countries except Malawi, whereas all the isolates from tomato were sensitive. Genotyping of 176 isolates with seven simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, including locus D13 that was difficult to score, revealed 79 multilocus genotypes (MLGs) in SSA. When this locus was excluded, 35 MLGs were identified. Genetic differentiation estimates between regional populations from SAA were significant when locus D13 was either excluded (P = 0·05) or included (P = 0·007), but population differentiation was only low to moderate (FST = 0·044 and 0·053, respectively).  相似文献   

To reveal the effects of herbicide selection on genetic diversity in the outcrossing weed species Schoenoplectus juncoides, six sulfonylurea‐resistant (SU‐R) and eight sulfonylurea‐susceptible (SU‐S) populations were analysed using 40 polymorphic inter‐simple sequence repeat loci. The plants were collected from three widely separated regions: the Tohoku, Kanto and Kyushu districts of Japan. Genetic diversity values (Nei's gene diversity, h) within each SU‐S population ranged from = 0.125 to h = 0.235. The average genetic diversity within the SU‐S populations was HS = 0.161, and the total genetic diversity was HT = 0.271. Although the HS of the SU‐R populations (0.051) was lower than that of the SU‐S populations, the HT of the SU‐R populations (0.202) was comparable with that of the SU‐S populations. Most of the genetic variation was found within the region for both the SU‐S and SU‐R populations (88% of the genetic variation respectively). Two of the SU‐R populations showed relatively high genetic diversity (= 0.117 and 0.161), which were comparable with those of the SU‐S populations. In contrast, the genetic diversity within four SU‐R populations was much lower (from h = 0 to 0.018) than in the SU‐S populations. The results suggest that selection by sulfonylurea herbicides has decreased genetic diversity within some SU‐R populations of S. juncoides. The different level of genetic diversity in the SU‐R populations is most likely due to different levels of inbreeding in the populations.  相似文献   

Solanum elaeagnifolium (silverleaf nightshade) is a problematic weed that is common in Jordan and difficult to control. The weed exhibits distinct morphological variations in growth habit, leaf shape, leaf margins, flower colour and presence or absence of spines between individuals among and within populations suggesting genetic differences. Genetic variations among 61 samples of S. elaeagnifolium collected from heavily infested sites in the central Jordan Valley were investigated using six simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and eight amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer combinations. Results showed that 111 out of 675 AFLP bands were polymorphic generating polymorphism information content (PIC) of 38.0%, while 23 SSR polymorphic alleles were detected generating a PIC of 30.8%. Phylogenetic analysis using RaxML software identified four major clades with a clear clustering of the samples with their collection sites. Genetic analysis using both techniques revealed high level of genetic diversity among S. elaeagnifolium samples collected from a small geographical area indicating that a range of genetic diversity may be detected in weed populations across the country that may complicate its management.  相似文献   

Q. Jia  Q. Gu  L. Zheng  T. Hsiang  C. Luo  J. Huang 《Plant pathology》2015,64(6):1440-1449
Studies on population genetics of Villosiclava virens are limited because of the lack of polymorphic markers. Based on a draft genome sequence of isolate HWD‐2 produced in this study, 20 of 403 potential simple sequence repeats (SSR) loci showed polymorphisms in preliminary screening using eight diverse V. virens isolates. Among polymorphic loci, most of them with tetra‐ to hexanucleotide unit motifs showed higher levels of polymorphism than loci with smaller motifs. After testing with 20 polymorphic SSR markers, the 87 isolates of V. virens from eight populations in China showed a high level of genetic diversity, with each as a unique haplotype. This differs from some previous findings showing little to no genetic variation based on random amplified polymorphic DNA and amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses. Among eight populations from major rice production areas of China, the population from Guangxi province in south China showed the highest levels of polymorphism, which led to the speculation that it might be closer to the centre of origin of this pathogen. The northern, central and eastern populations (Jilin, Liaoning, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Zhejiang), when considered together as a group, showed significant molecular variation compared to the southern populations (Fujian and Guangxi) (ΦPT = 0·043, = 0·037). A significant relationship (Mantel test, = 0·027) but with low correlation (R2 = 0·23) was also found between geographic distance and genetic distance. The 20 polymorphic SSR primer pairs designed in this study provide a tool for further research on the population diversity of this emerging fungal pathogen of rice.  相似文献   

西南地区稻瘟病菌群体遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为明确西南地区稻瘟病菌Magnaporthe grisea(Hebert)Barr群体遗传结构及其多样性水平,选用13对SSR引物对来自18个县(市)的221个稻瘟病菌单孢菌株进行PCR扩增,利用最长距离法和生物学软件进行聚类分析和群体遗传多样性分析。结果显示,13对SSR引物均能扩增出一条大小相同且清晰的条带,多态位点百分率高达100%。221个菌株在0.16相异水平上可划分为13个遗传宗谱,宗谱SCL01含205个菌株,占总菌株数的92.76%,为优势宗谱;宗谱SCL02~SCL013为劣势宗谱,差异极大。在群体水平上,菌源丰富的8个区域稻瘟病菌群体的Nei’s基因多样性指数为0.2133,Shannon信息指数为0.3588,具有丰富的遗传多样性,且群体间差异较大;这8个种群基于UPGMA法大都聚为一类,种群遗传谱系与地理区域分布呈一定相关性,群体遗传多样性均值为0.2518,存在一定的遗传分化,且群体内多样性大于群体间,总遗传变异的59.37%存在于群体内。总体上,西南地区稻瘟病菌群体结构既有明显的优势宗谱,又存在许多复杂多变的特异性小宗谱,具有丰富的遗传多样性,与地理分布关系较为密切。  相似文献   

M. Wu  B. Li  P. Liu  Q. Weng  J. Zhan  Q. Chen 《Plant pathology》2017,66(7):1182-1190
Phytophthora sojae is a destructive soilborne pathogen causing seedling damping‐off and root rot of soybean (Glycine max). The goal of this study was to determine the genetic structure of P. sojae populations in Fujian, China. Nine microsatellite markers were used to investigate the genetic variation in 19 P. sojae populations, sampled from Fujian Province and northeastern China (Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces) between 2002 and 2013. Overall, a low genetic diversity, Hardy–Weinberg disequilibrium, and an index (an index of association) that was significantly different from zero were detected in populations; these results were consistent with self‐fertilization and clonal modes of reproduction for this pathogen. However, using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo approach, principal component analysis and neighbour joining (NJ) algorithm, the Fujian P. sojae populations clustered into three distinct groups, one of which included most isolates of the northeast populations. What is more, significant estimates of pairwise fixation indices (FST) were detected between most populations, especially in different clusters. It is hypothesized that the cropping system used, the limited dispersal ability, and human‐mediated gene flow may account for the observed genetic structure of P. sojae populations in Fujian, China. In addition, a high virulence frequency of the pathogen on different cultivars carrying known major R genes for resistance, and a rapid increase in virulence frequency, indicated that these major R genes should not be used to manage seedling damping‐off and root rot diseases of soybean (Glycine max).  相似文献   

Variation of Diplodia seriata, a fungal species associated with botryosphaeria dieback of grapevine, was investigated with respect to its genetic, phenotypic and pathogenic characteristics. The inter‐simple sequence repeat (ISSR) technique was used to investigate the genetic diversity of 83 isolates of D. seriata. Five ISSR primers were able to provide reproducible and polymorphic DNA fingerprint patterns, thus showing a relevant genetic variability in the species. Analyses of ISSR data by different clustering methods grouped the isolates into two distinct clusters through the Bayesian and DAPC analyses. No relationships between either geographic or host origin of isolates and genetic clusters were observed. Several representative isolates from each genetic cluster were chosen for studying their conidial dimensions, in vitro mycelial growth, vegetative and mating compatibility, and pathogenicity on detached grapevine canes and potted vines. No significant differences in conidial dimensions were detected among the groups. Vegetative compatibility reactions were observed among isolates but this was not related with the genetic clustering. Production of sexual fruiting bodies in vegetative compatible crossings was not observed under the experimental conditions used in the study. All 14 isolates tested for pathogenicity were confirmed to be pathogenic according to the length of the necrotic lesions that they caused and their reisolation frequencies from the infected plant tissues. Differences in the length of necrosis were detected among isolates, thus revealing the existence of different virulence levels in the species.  相似文献   

Y. Tian  J. Sun  H. Li  G. Wang  Y. Ma  D. Liu  J. Quan  W. Shan 《Plant pathology》2015,64(1):200-206
Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans is the most serious disease of potato worldwide. To understand the P. infestans population structure in northern Shaanxi, an emerging potato production region in China, 125 single‐lesion isolates were randomly collected from farmers' fields in 2009 and characterized phenotypically and genotypically. A mating type assay showed that 94 isolates were A1 mating type. Virulence determination of selected isolates on a set of differential potato lines containing R1 to R11, respectively, showed the presence of two pathotypes, of which the pathotype lacking avirulence genes Avr3, Avr4 and Avr10 was dominant. Isolates lacking all avirulence factors Avr1 to Avr11 were detected but at lower frequency (13·6%). Analysis for mtDNA haplotype showed all 61 examined isolates were IIa. A total of seven multilocus genotypes were distinguished among 125 isolates, as determined with seven polymorphic microsatellite markers. The genotype SG‐1 was dominant in the population with a frequency of 75·2% and was present throughout the region. Analysis of the phenotypic and genotypic structures of P. infestans populations indicated strict clonal reproduction of the pathogen and suggested that sexual reproduction probably does not occur. Potential implications for disease management are discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis of allelic diversity at nine microsatellite loci provided an insight into the population structure of Botrytis cinerea from four fields (sampled in 2003 and 2004) that represented important regional locations for chickpea production in Bangladesh. Although three populations were limited by sample size after clone‐correction, a total of 51 alleles were amplified among 146 B. cinerea isolates from Bangladesh, which revealed a high amount of within‐population and overall genetic diversity (HS = 0·48 and H= 0·54, respectively). The percentage of maximal genotypic diversity (G) ranged between populations (G = 23–40), with a total of 69 haplotypes detected (G = 25). Bayesian cluster analysis depicted two major clusters distributed among the four Bangladesh populations, indicating population admixture from two origins that have spread throughout these regions. Genotype flow between regions was detected and indicated the spread of clonal lineages, consistent with relatively low differentiation among the four populations (mean GST = 0·1, P < 0·05). These results highlighted the potential threat of host resistance breakdown as a result of considerable genetic diversity, genotype flow and the evolutionary potential of B. cinerea.  相似文献   

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