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Ability to noninvasively differentiate malignant from nonmalignant abdominal masses would aid clinical decision making. The aim of this retrospective, cross‐sectional study was to identify features in dual‐phase computed tomographic (CT) studies that could be used to distinguish malignant from nonmalignant hepatic and splenic masses in dogs. Medical records were searched for dogs that had an abdominal dual‐phase CT examination, a hepatic or splenic mass, and subsequent histopathologic diagnosis. Computed tomographic images for all included dogs were acquired prior to and <30 s (early phase) and >60 s (delayed phase) after intravenous contrast administration. Fifty‐two dogs with 55 masses were studied: 24 hepatic, including 14 (58%) malignant and 10 (42%) non‐malignant; 31 splenic, including 18 (58%) malignant and 13 (42%) nonmalignant. There was substantial overlap in the pre‐ and postcontrast CT features of malignant and nonmalignant hepatic and splenic masses. Regardless of histologic diagnosis, hepatic masses most frequently showed marked, generalized enhancement in early phase images that persisted in the delayed phase. Splenic hemangiosarcoma and nodular hyperplastic lesions most frequently showed marked, generalized enhancement in early phase images that persisted in delayed images whereas most splenic hematomas had slight enhancement in early phase images. All splenic hematomas and 77% of the hemangiosarcomas had contrast accumulation compatible with active hemorrhage. There were no other significant differences in quantitative or categorical CT data between malignant and nonmalignant hepatic or splenic masses. Dual‐phase CT of dogs with hepatic or splenic masses provides limited specific diagnostic information.  相似文献   

A 10‐year‐old castrated male miniature dachshund was presented with an abdominal mass. The dog had a history of splenectomy. Triple‐phase helical computed tomography was utilized, revealing a hepatic mass and multiple intra‐abdominal solid masses. In triple‐phase helical computed tomography the images, hepatic mass and two of four intra‐abdominal masses were heterogenous in all phases. Therefore, we diagnosed a malignant hepatic tumor and presumed intra‐abdominal metastases. The masses were surgically removed and were histologically composed of normal spleen tissues, findings which were consistent with ectopic spleen.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to use quantitative computed tomography (CT) to estimate liver volume in dogs with a portosystemic shunt and to compare the liver volume in normal dogs to dogs with a shunt. Twenty-one dogs with a portosystemic shunt underwent contrast-enhanced abdominal CT for shunt characterization and preoperative planning. Six dogs without clinical signs relating to liver disease were used as a control group. In addition, liver volume was compared before and 2-4 months after surgical shunt attenuation in three dogs. All studies followed established clinical imaging protocols. Liver margins were defined on each image using an operator-defined region of interest and hepatic volume renderings were produced from which the liver volume was quantitatively estimated. There was a statistically significant association between liver volume and body weight in control and shunt dogs (r = 0.909 and 0.899, respectively, P < 0.01). Liver volume normalized to body weight was 15.5 +/- 5.2 cm3/kg in affected dogs and 24.5 +/- 5.6 cm3/kg in control dogs. Based on postligation CT studies in three affected dogs, liver volume increased by 43%, 51%, and 62%. Hepatic volume estimation may be a clinically useful parameter in the initial and postsurgical evaluation of dogs with portosystemic shunts.  相似文献   

Detection of wooden foreign bodies in dogs can be challenging. A retrospective, cross‐sectional study was done to describe computed tomographic (CT) signs associated with wooden foreign bodies, and to estimate the accuracy of CT for detection of wooden foreign bodies. Patient records and CT images were reviewed for 72 dogs that had a history of suspected stick injury and CT of the affected body part, or possible wooden foreign object reported on CT, and had surgical exploration during the same period of hospitalization. Duration of clinical signs was acute in 48 (67%) dogs and chronic in 24 (33%). Wood was removed from 55 dogs, including a piece of a tree or shrub in 33 (60%) instances, kebab stick in 8 (15%), piece of bamboo garden cane in 2 (4%), cocktail stick in 2 (4%), thorn in 1 (2%), and unidentified wood in the remaining nine instances. Based on review of CT images with knowledge of the surgical findings, sensitivity of CT for wooden foreign bodies was 79% (95% CI 65%–89%), specificity 93% (78%–98%), positive likelihood ratio 11.5 (2.9–44.1), and negative likelihood ratio 0.23 (0.13–0.41). Wooden foreign bodies were predominantly rectangular or linear, with median length 48 mm (range 2–270 mm), median thickness 3 mm (range 1–22 mm), and median attenuation 111 HU (range ?344 to +640 HU). A CT finding of gas in soft tissues was significantly associated with acute cases, whereas suspected foreign material, cavitary lesions, fat stranding, and periosteal reaction on adjacent bones were associated with chronic cases.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a simple, safe, minimally invasive protocol to evaluate the hepatic vasculature. Five purpose-bred Beagle dogs underwent noncontrast-enhanced computed tomographic scan of the entire abdomen. A dynamic, nonincremental computed tomography scan at the level of T11 was then performed using a test bolus of contrast medium to determine time to peak opacification and to aid in the calculation of scan delay. The time to peak arterial enhancement ranged from 2.0 to 7.0 s, with a median of 2.0 s. The time to peak portal venous enhancement ranged from 23.0 to 46.0 s, with a median of 32.0 s. Scan delay for arterial opacification ranged from 0 to 5.0 s, with a median of 0 s. Scan delay for the portal phase of opacification ranged from 6.0 to 21.0 s, with a median of 17.0 s. Using this information, two separate computed tomographic studies were used to image the arterial and portal venous phases of circulatory opacification, respectively. The dogs were hyperventilated to prevent breathing motion during the scan, each of which required approximately 20 s. A power injector was used to inject diatrizoate meglumine (128 mg I/kg) through an 18-gauge cephalic vein catheter at a rate of 5 ml/s. Scanning was initiated after the appropriate scan delay to optimize the specific phase of vascular filling. Maximum intensity projections allowed clear delineation of the hepatic arteries and the portal venous system, while eliminating overlying structures that might interfere with image analysis. Time/density curves were generated, and the time needed for each study was recorded. Hepatic arteries and portal veins were clearly visualized in all dogs. Parenchymal opacification was also observed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) accurately reflected vascular luminal invasion by adrenal masses in dogs. Medical records of 15 dogs with 17 adrenal masses that underwent preoperative CT imaging were reviewed. Presence or absence of vascular invasion was confirmed by surgery or necropsy/histology. Vascular invasion was identified correctly using contrast-enhanced CT in 11/12 dogs. The sensitivity and specificity of contrast-enhanced CT for vascular invasion compared with surgery or necropsy was 92% and 100%, respectively. The positive predictive value and negative predictive value of contrast-enhanced CT was 100% and 90%, respectively. The accuracy was 95%. In one dog, invasion of the phrenicoabdominal vein was not identified on CT images. Six of eight masses with vascular invasion where a histologic diagnosis was obtained were malignant. Four of four pheochromocytomas invaded adjacent vasculature. Contrast-enhanced CT provided accurate preoperative assessment of adrenal masses. Vascular invasion by adrenal masses in this study occurred by way of the lumen of the phrenicoabdominal vein with subsequent intraluminal extension into other veins, rather than by erosion through vessel walls.  相似文献   

Abdominal computed tomography (CT) studies of 19 dogs with no history or clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease, and two dogs with a histological diagnosis of gastrointestinal neoplasia were examined retrospectively. Gastrointestinal segments were evaluated subjectively for conspicuity, contrast enhancement, and wall layering after contrast medium administration. In dogs without gastrointestinal disease, there were 62.8% of gastrointestinal segments (serosa to serosa) and 77.7% of gastrointestinal walls (serosa to mucosa) visualized. Wall layering on postcontrast images was seen in 21.8% of gastrointestinal segments. There was significant association between gastrointestinal diameter and wall thickness. There was significant association between weight and gastrointestinal wall thickness in the following regions: gastric fundus, gastric body, gastric pylorus, gastric pyloric antrum, duodenal cranial flexure, jejunum and ascending colon, and between patient weight and gastrointestinal diameter in cranial duodenal flexure, descending duodenum, transverse duodenum, ascending duodenum, and jejunum. Measurements acquired from CT studies correlated well with previously published normal reference ranges for radiographic and ultrasonographic studies. Gastrointestinal neoplasia, diagnosed in two dogs, had a gastrointestinal wall thickness greater than the range of the dogs without gastrointestinal disease. Computed tomography offers identification of the gastrointestinal tract segments in dogs, allows for evaluation of gastrointestinal diameter and aids in investigation of gastrointestinal wall thickness.  相似文献   

Computed tomography images of 120 dogs were reviewed to characterize variations in atlas morphology, and to identify breed‐specific morphologic features. The neural arch of the atlas was thicker in large dogs and male dogs than in small dogs, having a layer of trabecular bone between the inner and outer layers of compact bone. The transverse processes of the atlas were relatively longer in large dogs than in small dogs. Twelve (10%) dogs had incomplete ossification of the atlas. Incomplete ossification of the atlas was associated with gun dogs. Eight dogs had atlantoaxial subluxation. All eight dogs with atlantoaxial subluxation had cervical signs, whereas none of the seven dogs with incomplete ossification of the atlas unaccompanied by atlantoaxial subluxation had clinical signs referable to that area. Of five dogs with both atlantoaxial subluxation and incomplete ossification of the atlas, four had osseous defects affecting both the intercentrum and neural arch, and one had only an osseous defect affecting the neural arch. There was a strong association between incomplete ossification of the atlas and atlantoaxial subluxation (odds ratio 35.0, 95% CI 7.0–175, P=0.00002), which supports the hypothesis that incomplete ossification of the atlas predisposes dogs to atlantoaxial subluxation.  相似文献   

Pulmonary angiography using 64‐multidetector‐row computed tomography (MDCT) was used to evaluate pulmonary artery anatomy, and determine the sensitivity of pulmonary artery segment visualization in four Beagle dogs using images reconstructed to 0.625 mm and retro‐reconstructed to 1.25 and 2.5 mm slice thickness. Morphologically, characteristic features included a focal narrowing in the right cranial pulmonary artery in all dogs, which should not be mistaken as stenosis. While the right cranial pulmonary artery divided into two equally sized branches that were tracked into the periphery of the lung lobe in all dogs, only a single left cranial (cranial portion) lobar artery was present. Compared with 1.25 and 2.5 mm retro‐reconstructions, 0.625 mm reconstructions allowed for detection of significantly (P≤0.05) more pulmonary artery segments and sharper depiction of vessel margins. Clinical applications such as prevalence and significance of diameter changes, and detection of pulmonary arterial thrombembolism on lobar and sublobar level, using pulmonary angiography with 64‐MDCT applying 0.625 mm reconstruction slice thickness remain to be established.  相似文献   

Previous reports describing the prevalence of ear diseases in dogs have primarily been based on dogs presenting with clinical signs of disease. The prevalence of subclinical ear disease remains unknown. The purpose of this cross‐sectional retrospective study was to describe the prevalence of lesions consistent with middle and external ear disease in dogs presented for multidetector computed tomography (CT) of the head and/or cranial cervical spine at our hospital during the period of July 2011 and August 2013. For each included dog, data recorded were signalment, CT findings, diagnosis, and treatment. A total of 199 dogs met inclusion criteria. Nineteen dogs (9.5%) were referred for evaluation of suspected ear disease and 27 dogs (13.5%) had histories or physical examination findings consistent with otitis externa. A total of 163 dogs (81.9%) had CT lesions consistent with external ear disease (i.e. ear canal mineralization, external canal thickening, and/or narrowing of the external canal). Thirty‐nine dogs (19.5%) had CT lesions consistent with middle ear disease (i.e. soft tissue attenuating/fluid material in the tympanic bullae, bulla wall thickening or lysis, and/or periosteal proliferation of the temporal bone). Findings from this study indicated that the prevalence of external and middle ear disease in dogs could be higher than that previously reported.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 22 animals with histologically confirmed, primary inflammatory brain disease was undertaken to determine the value of computed tomography in such patients. The histologic diagnosis was confirmed at necropsy in 18 patients and by surgical biopsy in four. All affected animals had neurologic deficits; the most common presenting complaint was seizures. Abnormalities were identified on computed tomography images in 21 of the 22 patients. The abnormalities included ventricular changes, falcial deviation, edema, focal changes in parenchymal opacity, focal contrast enhancement, periventricular contrast enhancement, and a ring-like pattern of contrast enhancement. Many lesion types identified in this study, such as falcial deviation, changes in parenchymal opacity, and ring-pattern enhancement, have previously been associated with neoplasia. The abnormalities correlated well with the lesion localization predicted by neurologic examination and confirmed by surgery or necropsy. Although computed tomography findings were often judged to be compatible with inflammatory disease, they did not predict the type of pathologic process. The findings suggest that computed tomography is valuable in the evaluation of animals with primary inflammatory brain disorders, but differentiation of neoplasia from non-neoplastic diseases is not always possible.  相似文献   

Canine primary lung tumors typically appear radiographically as a well‐circumscribed solitary mass in the periphery of a caudal lung lobe. Consolidated and diffuse forms of primary lung tumors have also been described. Nineteen dogs with computed tomographic (CT) images of the thorax and a histological diagnosis of primary lung tumor (17 primary carcinomas and two primary sarcomas) were evaluated retrospectively to characterize the CT findings. All primary lung tumors were bronchocentric in origin with internal air bronchograms. The bronchi were typically narrowed, displaced, and often obstructed by the tumor. Eighteen of 19 (95%) of the tumors were solitary and there was one pneumonic/alveolar form. Most solitary tumors were well circumscribed (17/18), located in the central to periphery of the lung (14/18), and in a cranial or caudal lobe (16/19). Most primary lung tumors (11/17) had mild to moderate heterogeneous contrast enhancement. Five of 19 dogs (26%) had evidence of pulmonary metastasis. Internal mineralization (3/19) and tracheobronchial lymphadenopathy (4/19) were also identified. On CT examination, solitary, well circumscribed, bronchocentric masses with internal air bronchograms are consistent with a primary pulmonary tumor in dogs.  相似文献   

the purpose of the study was to characterize the renal lesions of hereditary renal cystadenocarcinomas in the German shepherd dog using computed tomography (CT), Fourteen dogs with renal cystadenocarcinomas and nodular dermatofibrosis, and two unaffected dogs were studied. There were nine dogs with spontaneous disease and seven dogs from a test mating. The characteristic renal CT findings of renal cystadenocarcinomas were bilateral multiple cysts and tumor masses of various sizes. The earliest change were detected between 4 and 5 years of age and the smallest cysts measured 2-3 mm in diameter. Abdominal CT examination gives a wide field view and excellent anatomic images of the kidneys. It is easy to differentiate between cysts and solid tumors. CT examination is useful for the early detection of renal cystadenocarcinomas and for screening suspected carrier dogs before breeding.  相似文献   

Congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts are anomalous vessels joining portal and systemic venous circulation. These shunts are often diagnosed sonographically, but computed tomography (CT) angiography produces high‐resolution images that give a more comprehensive overview of the abnormal portal anatomy. CT angiography was performed on 25 dogs subsequently proven to have an extrahepatic portosystemic shunt. The anatomy of each shunt and portal tributary vessels was assessed. Three‐dimensional images of each shunt type were created to aid understanding of shunt morphology. Maximal diameter of the extrahepatic portosystemic shunt and portal vein cranial and caudal to shunt origin was measured. Six general shunt types were identified: splenocaval, splenoazygos, splenophrenic, right gastric‐caval, right gastric‐caval with a caudal shunt loop, and right gastric‐azygos with a caudal shunt loop. Slight variations of tributary vessels were seen within some shunt classes, but were likely clinically insignificant. Two shunt types had large anastomosing loops whose identification would be important if surgical correction were attempted. A portal vein could not be identified cranial to the shunt origin in two dogs. In conclusion, CT angiography provides an excellent overview of extrahepatic portosystemic shunt anatomy, including small tributary vessels and loops. With minor variations, most canine extrahepatic portosystemic shunts will likely be one of six general morphologies.  相似文献   

In people, the computed tomography (CT) characteristics of intrapelvic masses can be used to distinguish a malignant from a benign mass. As prognosis varies greatly between malignant and benign intrapelvic masses, knowledge of their biological behavior can aid treatment planning before surgery. The purpose of this study was to determine if CT characteristics exist to help differentiate benign from malignant intrapelvic masses in dogs. The CT images of 14 dogs with a histopathologically confirmed intrapelvic mass were evaluated. Postcontrast internal heterogeneity of the mass was the only characteristic significantly associated with malignancy (P=0.005). Preoperative CT examination of intrapelvic masses in dogs can provide prognostic information before invasive surgical treatment.  相似文献   

Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy is a disease characterized by the infiltration of the lung and bronchial mucosa by eosinophils. The aim of the present study was to describe the CT findings in a large series of dogs with confirmed diagnosis of eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy. Computed tomographic scans of 15 dogs with confirmed diagnosis of eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy were evaluated retrospectively by two boarded radiologists who reached a consensus. Abnormalities were identified in 14/15 (93%) dogs, including pulmonary parenchymal abnormalities in 14/15 (93%) dogs, bronchial wall thickening in 13 (87%) dogs, which was considered marked in eight (53%), plugging of the bronchial lumen by mucus/debris in 11 (73%) dogs, and bronchiectasis in nine (60%) dogs. Pulmonary nodules were identified in 5/15 (33%) dogs including one dog with a mass. All dogs with a nodular lung pattern had additional abnormalities. Lymphadenopathy was present in 10 dogs (67%). Lesions associated with eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy are variable and heterogeneous and encompass a wider variety of computed tomographic features than reported previously. Computed tomographic images were abnormal in the majority of affected dogs, hence CT is a useful modality to characterize the nature and distribution of thoracic lesions in dogs with eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy.  相似文献   

Thyroid nodules are common in dogs and are increasingly likely to be detected with the increased use of advanced imaging modalities. An unsuspected, nonpalpable, asymptomatic lesion, defined as a thyroid incidentaloma, may be discovered on an imaging study unrelated to the thyroid gland. The objective of this single‐center cross‐sectional study was to assess the prevalence and computed tomography (CT) characteristics of incidental and nonincidental thyroid tumors in a large population of dogs, using prospective recruitment of patients undergoing CT examination for various reasons during the period of 2005–2015. Unilateral or bilateral thyroid masses were detected in 96/4520 dogs (prevalence, 2.12%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.70–2.54%). Seventy‐nine (82.3%) lesions were malignant and 17 (17.7%) were benign. Masses were discovered incidentally in 34/96 dogs (overall prevalence of incidentaloma, 0.76%; 95% CI, 0.51–1.02), and 24 (70.6%) of these 34 masses were thyroid carcinomas. Among the CT variables assessed, mineralization, vascular invasion, and tissue invasion were detected only in malignant tumors. Intratumoral vascularization was significantly associated with the presence of thyroid malignancy (P < 0.001). Although incidental thyroid nodules in dogs are relatively rare, they are often malignant. Findings indicated that the neck should be thoroughly assessed in middle‐aged and old patients undergoing body CT for various reasons. Thyroid nodules detected incidentally on CT should be sampled to avoid missing thyroid cancer.  相似文献   

Computed tomographic (CT) studies of 80 dogs with chronic nasal disease (nasal neoplasia (n = 19), nasal aspergillosis (n = 46), nonspecific rhinitis (n = 11), and foreign body rhinitis (n = 4)) were reviewed retrospectively by two independent observers. Each observer filled out a custom-designed list to record his or her interpretation of the CT signs and selected a diagnosis. Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated for the diagnosis of each disease. The agreement between observers was evaluated. The CT signs corresponded to those previously described in the literature. CT had an accuracy greater than 90% for each observer in all disease processes. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV were greater than 80% in all dogs with the exception of the PPV of foreign body rhinitis (80% for observer A and 44% for observer B). There was a substantial, to almost perfect, agreement between the two observers regarding the CT signs and diagnosis. This study indicates a high accuracy of CT for diagnosis of dogs with chronic nasal disease. The differentiation between nasal aspergillosis restricted to the nasal passages and foreign body rhinitis may be difficult when the foreign body is not visible.  相似文献   

Canine patients with acute abdominal signs are often clinically unstable and need a rapid and accurate diagnosis. Contrast‐enhanced multi‐detector computed tomography (CT) is the current modality of choice for evaluating acute abdominal pain in people. We hypothesized that contrast‐enhanced multi‐detector CT would be a feasible and safe technique for use in awake and lightly sedated dogs with acute abdominal signs. Eighteen client‐owned dogs were enrolled, all presenting with acute abdominal signs. Dogs were scanned using a dual‐phase protocol that included precontrast, arterial, and portal venous phases. Eight dogs were scanned awake and ten were given light sedation as chosen by the primary care clinician. Two observers who were unaware of clinical findings and sedation status scored image quality for each scan by consensus opinion. Mean serum creatinine in the sedated group was higher than in the awake group but was within the normal reference range. Other laboratory and physiologic measures did not differ between awake and sedated groups. No IV contrast‐related adverse reactions were seen. Median scan time for all patients was less than 10 min. Sixteen of 18 contrast‐enhanced multi‐detector CT scans were scored fair to excellent in diagnostic quality, with no statistical difference in diagnostic quality for awake vs. sedated patients. Causes for two poor quality diagnostic scans included severe beam hardening from previously administered barium contrast agent and severe motion artifacts. We conclude that dual‐phase contrast‐enhanced multi‐detector CT is a feasible and safe technique for evaluating awake and minimally sedated dogs presenting with acute abdominal signs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop an optimized imaging protocol for canine dental imaging using single‐detector row CT and multidetector row CT. Two medium‐sized mesaticephalic cadaver dog heads were scanned using varying slice thickness, sequential vs. helical scanning mode, sequential CT table increment, pitch, image reconstruction algorithm, and an additional moderate edge enhancement filter. For each series, two reviewers scored dental roots as not visible (score: 0), partially visible (score: 1) or completely visible (score: 2). Sharpness of the dento‐alveolar margin was scored as blurry (score: 0), sharp (score: 1) or very sharp (score: 2). Consensus reader scores were compared among CT protocols. For single‐detector row CT, complete visualization of all tooth roots was only achieved with 1 mm slice thickness and image interval sequential or helical series (pitch of 1 or 2) using a high‐frequency image reconstruction algorithm with or without additional edge enhancement. For four‐detector row CT, complete visibility of all tooth roots was recorded in all series. For single‐detector row CT, all medium frequency algorithm series yielded blurry margin scores and all other series yielded sharp margin scores. For four‐detector row CT, sequential and helical 0.5 mm thickness images yielded very sharp dento‐alveolar margin scores, whereas the 1 mm series yielded only sharp margin scores. Authors concluded that the optimal dental imaging protocol was a sequential mode 1 mm slice thickness and interval with a high‐frequency image reconstruction algorithm and an additional moderate edge enhancement filter.  相似文献   

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