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This study used a questionnaire to evaluate the working situation, associated injuries and diseases of equine practitioners in the Netherlands. Equine veterinary work is physically demanding, strenuous and predisposes to diseases and injuries. Despite this, male and female equine practitioners alike appreciate their jobs and hardly ever take sick leave. There was no cynical attitude towards their own profession, but there was awareness of the risks and physical consequences, which are more or less taken for granted by the contemporary equine veterinarians. The profession still appeals to new generations of young practitioners, at least in most European countries, but there is no guarantee that this will remain so. It is the task of the profession itself to anticipate the impending changes, by improving conditions for pregnancy and childcare, for example, and to put more effort in educating (future) equine veterinary professionals about their personal health situation and work‐associated risks. The objectives will be to attract well‐prepared professionals and veterinary entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

Endotracheal intubation is an essential component of general anaesthesia in horses to facilitate delivery of inhalation anaesthetic agent and oxygen, artificial ventilation, and prevent pulmonary aspiration of blood or gastric reflux. Experimental studies have identified a high incidence of tracheal mucosal injury after intubation resulting from direct trauma or local ischaemia from the pressure of the inflated cuff. Recommendations to minimise injury include gentle intubation, disconnection from the anaesthesia machine when moving the horse, and monitoring the endotracheal tube cuff pressure. New studies are needed to evaluate trachea and cuff pressure interactions under current practice conditions, including specialised ventilation modalities such as positive end‐expiratory pressure and continuous airway pressure.  相似文献   

Mammary tumours represent the most common neoplastic disease of the female dog, and the incidence in female dogs is much higher than in women. Whereas the influence of sexual steroids on breast cancer (BC) development in dogs has been studied, very little is known about the role of prolactin (PRL). New studies show that until recently, the importance of PRL in human BC development and progression has been highly underestimated. PRL plays a role in promoting benign as well as malignant neoplastic cell growth in BC in vitro and in vivo. Sporadic publications proposed a tumour promotor role in the dog. The goal of this review is to summarize our knowledge about PRL and human BC as well as canine mammary tumourigenesis, and propose future research in this area.  相似文献   

通过监测2019—2020年间新疆奶牛存栏变化情况、养殖规模变化情况、生鲜乳收购价格变化情况、乳制品种类增加情况等,分析新疆奶业存在的奶牛品种资源优势发挥不充分、奶牛存栏总量下滑、养殖成本居高不下、乳制品结构不合理、市场开拓能力不强等问题产生的原因,提出继续推进规模化养殖、开展精准饲喂、促进优质饲草料生产、优化产品结构、加大政策扶持力度等合理化建议。  相似文献   

[目的]分析某动物医院2017—2018年犬病用药情况,以便掌握周围地区的犬病流行状况及药物使用情况,为临床用药提供基础数据。[方法]采用回顾性研究法,对2017—2018年的4 562张犬病门诊处方中的药物品种、用药金额、用药频度、日均费用、药物利用指数等进行分析。[结果]抗生素药物品种多;肤多乐浴液、聚维酮碘乳膏用药金额较高;地塞米松磷酸钠注射液、复方甘草酸铵注射液、托芬那酸片等用药频度较高;双甲脒销售金额与用药次数同步性好;2017—2018年药物利用指数均小于1。[结论]基于分析结果说明该动物医院犬用药情况基本合理。  相似文献   

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