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C TÜRE  & H BÖCÜK 《Weed Research》2008,48(3):289-296
Agronomic operations carried out in arable lands may cause changes in weed populations and also decrease the number of animal species that depend on these weed species. An emerging paradigm is the conservation and sustainability of weed species. In this study, risk status of arable weeds in Turkey was evaluated and it was determined that 112 of them (76 endemic and 36 non-endemic species) were at risk according to the IUCN Red List. Turkey is extremely diverse, with over 3000 endemic plant species out of nearly 12 000 recorded. Considering endemic weeds, they are classified in the following risk categories: critically endangered (four weed species), endangered (EN) (six), vulnerable (VU) (14), near threatened (seven), least concern (41) and data deficient (DD) (four species). Among the non-endemic weeds, three species are EN, 31 VU and two are DD. The families with the highest threatened weed species are Scrophulariaceae, Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Brassicaceae and Lamiaceae. The identification of weed species in arable habitats and their risk status is a useful tool for assessing and monitoring how the sustainability of weed populations is affected by farming practices. The results show the necessity of adopting new environment-friendly agricultural methods to conserve the high number of endemic weed species under threat in Turkey.  相似文献   

This article documents the impact of site conditions and farming practices on the occurrence of rare and endangered weeds on arable land in the Czech Republic. A survey was conducted between 2006 and 2008 in winter cereals, spring cereals and wide‐row crops. The relationship between the occurrence of plants and explanatory factors was analysed using a multivariate analysis to calculate species frequencies in different types of farming, crops and altitudes. In total, 290 relevés were recorded, with a total number of 172 weed species. Nineteen weeds, classified as rare and endangered species according to the national Czech list, were identified in 106 relevés. The highest effect on the occurrence of rare and endangered weed species was observed for altitude. Almost half of the recorded endangered and rare species belonged to the thermophilous weed vegetation typical for cereals on basic soils. A higher occurrence of endangered species has been confirmed for organic farming, where the sum of frequencies was 4.5 times higher than in conventional farming. Field size was not included in our analyses, but could be a factor affecting weed assemblages. The highest frequency of rare species was recorded in spring cereals, followed by winter cereals and wide‐row crops. Higher numbers were identified within fields with higher weed coverage. Lower farming intensity and diversified farming systems at higher altitudes provided better conditions for the occurrence of rare species than intensively farmed lowlands.  相似文献   

Floristic composition and conservation value of the weed vegetation of winter cereal fields on base-rich soils in western Hungary was compared among three management systems: (i) small, extensively managed fields; (ii) small, intensively managed fields and (iii) large, intensively managed fields. Data were analysed by principal components analysis (PCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA). Most variation in species composition was explained by the differences between the three field types, particularly by the difference between the extensively managed fields and the two types of intensively managed fields and by crop cover. There were several species positively associated with small extensively managed fields, but no species associated with either of the two types of intensively managed fields. Logistic regression was made of the occurrence of species groups important for nature conservation on the first RDA axis, representing the distinction between the extensively and intensively managed fields. This showed that Red List and insect-pollinated plant species occurred more frequently in small extensively managed fields, but there was no difference between fields in the frequency of bird seed-food species.  相似文献   

我国野生传粉蜂的研究现状与保护策略   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
野生传粉蜂在农业生产和保持生态系统平衡中扮演着重要的角色.全球35%的粮食作物主要依靠蜂类授粉,此外,许多野生植物繁殖也是依靠蜂类为其授粉.由于土地的过度开垦、农药的不合理使用、大气污染、病虫害和单一农业种植模式等各种因素的影响,世界野生传粉蜂的丰富度呈下降趋势,已威胁到生物多样性的完整性以及全球食物链甚至人类的健康.近20年来,我国部分野生传粉蜂资源的开发和利用取得了较大的进展.文章综述了野生蜂资源多样性减少的原因、我国野生传粉蜂的研究现状及存在的问题,并提出了保护野生传粉蜂资源的一些实施策略和建议.  相似文献   

农田生物多样性对昆虫的生态调控作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着农田作物的单一性种植,植食性昆虫暴发、物种流失等问题日益突出,化学农药大量应用于作物有害生物的防治更加剧了对农田生态系统的破坏和不稳定性.因此,从生物多样性-农田生态系统-植食性昆虫的相互关系入手,探讨生物多样性的保护及其在农业有害生物防控上的应用,回归农田生态系统动态平衡的生态调控举措,成为可持续发展农业领域中研究的焦点之一.本文综述了农田生物多样性对昆虫生态影响的重要性及其生态功能,进一步阐述了农田生物多样性在农业生产中的应用及前景.  相似文献   

通过1999~2001年对上海地区6种功能10种草坪有害生物种类、分布、寄主范围、发生为害情况的调查,初步明确上海地区草坪有害生物35种,隶属7目17科。根据其为害程度,确定其中3种为上海地区草坪主要种类。并根据调查结果编制了上海地区草坪有害生物名录。  相似文献   

J STORKEY 《Weed Research》2006,46(6):513-522
Weeds have an important role in maintaining farmland biodiversity. This needs to be balanced with their potential negative impact on crop yield and quality. Mechanistic models of crop–weed competition are an important tool in striking this balance. A range of common UK annual weeds were screened for the eco‐physiological traits required by the models. Using multivariate techniques, a number of functional groups with a similar pattern of productivity and competition were identified, based on trade‐offs between traits. A scheme was developed to assign species outside of the data set to one of the groups, based on life cycle, seed mass, maximum height and time of first flowering. As well as having a similar competitive ability, species within a group also appeared to have a similar ecosystem function, in terms of supporting higher trophic groups. Two beneficial groups of species were identified that combined a relatively low competitive ability with a high importance for invertebrates and birds. The identification of functional groups in the UK arable flora is a useful tool for assessing a weed community in the context of reconciling biodiversity provision with crop production. Preserving beneficial plant functional types within the crop would complement non‐cropped wildlife refuges, such as field margins.  相似文献   

敌百草防除稻田杂草按每666.7m^2用药量计,施用100g敌百草的防效与施用50%的丁草胺乳油170g的防效相当,施用150g敌百草的防效显著优于施用50%丁草胺乳油170g的防效,且对水稻抛秧安全无药害。  相似文献   

Fagonia cretica L. is an important component of Mediterranean dry grasslands and a rare and isolated species of Italian flora. In this study, an assessment is presented on the distribution, habitat, and conservation status of F. cretica in Italy. The results of field investigation and herbarium analysis show that this species grows in a small area within the southern Calabria region characterized by a warmest and driest Mediterranean climate on the Italian peninsula. F. cretica is a semi-desert plant species growing in Italy in only one peripheral and isolated population at the northern limit of its distribution. Plant community analysis, using the phytosociological method, shows that F. cretica grows in wintergreen perennial dry grasslands dominated by Lygeum spartum and Hyparrhenia hirta. F. cretica plant communities are located in thermo-xeric habits such as south-, southeast-and east-facing slopes on clays and sandy clays in southern Calabria. The population of F. cretica is fragmented in six neighbouring localities, with two of which belonging to a Site of Community Importance(SCI). The conservation status of F. cretica population is not very good, and is defined as "Critically Endangered" in accordance with IUCN criteria. There are many threats affecting the F. cretica population in Italy, primarily the changes in land uses due to urban expansion and reforestation with exotic plants. The southern end of the Italian peninsula hosts other plants from thermo-xeric habits that do not adapt to the current local climate. This territory can be considered as a microrefugia for plants currently distributed in the arid territory of the southern Mediterranean. These results contribute to the discussion of some conservation measures, and the possibility of establishing a micro-reserve. For all these reasons, we propose to include F. cretica in the lists of protected plant species at regional(Calabria) and country(Italy) scales in Italy.  相似文献   

不同保护性耕作下冬小麦田杂草滋生情况调查研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用随机调查的方法,对不同保护性耕作处理下冬小麦田间杂草的种类和数量进行调查研究,发现不同的耕作处理对杂草种类和数量的消长有很大的影响.传统耕作、免耕、秸秆深松覆盖、高留茬深松覆盖四种处理,以免耕条件下杂草的种类和数量最多,秸秆深松覆盖、高留茬深松覆盖是控制冬小麦田间杂革滋生的一种有效措施.不同保护性耕作处理使冬小麦田间杂草种类与各杂草相对丰度均发生变化,各处理间Shannon多样性指教(H')和Mamclef物种丰富度指数(D)均存在差异,其原因可能是由于不同保护性耕作处理造成各处理间生态环境、土壤养分和土壤水分的不同,各种杂草的生长因而受其不同影响所致.  相似文献   

70%氨唑草酮WDG可有效防除玉米田阔叶杂草并可兼除部分禾本科杂草。用量280 g a.i./hm2,药后45 d对小藜的株防效为80.8%,鲜重防效为83.5%;对婆婆纳的株防效为90.6%,鲜重防效为91.1%;对狗尾草的株防效为57.4%,鲜重防效为71.3%。  相似文献   

北京地区外来入侵生物种类调查初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
通过调查研究和查找有关文献资料明确,北京地区外来入侵生物种类有动物11种,植物23种,列出了其主要的分布范围及其危害,讨论了外来入侵生物的防治对策。对一些危害严重的种类应迅速根除或控制,在引种前或应用前应对有潜在危险的种类进行科学的风险评估,对北京周边地区发生的入侵生物种类应该严格监管和防范。  相似文献   

Drosera L. (Droseraceae) is a genus of insectivorous plants distributed worldwide with 240 species, 40 of which are found in South America. In the temperate forests of Chile and Argentina the only species present is D. uniflora. In a peat bog in Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina, a new species of Drosera was found in February 2018. To identify the species, we used morphological characters, and in addition, we sequenced two individuals for the nuclear region ITS and the chloroplast gene rbcL. Other Drosera sequences for these molecular regions were downloaded from GenBank, and a phylogenetic analysis was done to confirm the morphological identification of the Patagonian individuals. Morphologically and genetically, the species found in Nahuel Huapi is D. rotundifolia, a mostly Northern Hemisphere species. This is an alien species to the region and is thought to have been transported to the bog by tourists that visit the area. The presence of an exotic species represents a threat to this particular ecosystem with high conservation value. Currently, the National Park is taking control actions order to remove all individuals of the recently detected species. This study represents the first report of an alien species of Drosera in southern South America growing in the wild. This potentially invasive species may not only have negative impacts on the natural peat bog habitats in southern Argentina and Chile, but may also reach bogs in other temperate parts of the world.  相似文献   

青海保护性耕作农田杂草群落组成及生物多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用倒置“W”9点取样法对青海保护性耕作农田杂草种类进行了调查,以明确田间杂草的种类组成及群落结构.结果表明,青海省保护性耕作农田杂草有67种,隶属于25科,其中优势杂草有密花香薷(Elsholtzia densa Benth)、猪殃殃(Galium maborasense Masamune)、野燕麦(Avena fatua Linn.)、藜(Chenopodium album L.)、苣荬菜(Sonhus arvensis Linn.)、大刺儿菜(Cephalanoplos setosum(Willd.) Kitam.)6种,是构成青海各地区保护性耕作农田杂草群落的主要优势种,区域性优势杂草有5种,常见杂草有17种,一般杂草有39种.湟中地区主要形成猪殃殃+密花香薷+藜+野燕麦+大刺儿菜+芦苇+尼泊尔蓼为主的杂草群落;民和地区为狗尾草+藜+扁蓄+野燕麦+田旋花+荞麦蔓+大刺儿菜,平安地区为野燕麦+猪殃殃+苣荬菜+大刺儿菜+赖草+荞麦蔓+密花香薷+扁蓄+泽漆,化隆地区为薄蒴草+猪殃殃+野燕麦+荞麦蔓+苣荬菜+密花香薷,大通地区为野燕麦+猪殃殃+藜+大刺儿菜+问荆+密花香薷,刚察地区为密花香薷+西伯利亚蓼+薄蒴草+藜+微孔草+旱雀麦+苣荬菜+野胡萝卜.湟中和大通地区保护性耕作农田杂草群落的物种丰富度、多样性及均匀度较其它地区高,而优势度较低.从群落相似性来看,湟中和大通群落结构最为相似.地理环境、气候条件及控草措施的不同,可能是导致保护性耕作农田杂草发生及群落组成产生差异的原因.  相似文献   

吉林西部农业生态系统能值动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以东北农牧交错带的典型区域?吉林西部为研究区,开展农业生态系统的能值动态分析。结果表明:1985-2001年期间,吉林西部农业生态系统的能值投入呈快速的增长趋势,其中源于经济系统的反馈能值的增长尤为明显。虽然环境资源的能值投入并没有占据优势地位,但环境资源能值为农林牧经济生产力的发展提供了巨大的经济服务价值和环境能值储备,是吉林西部农业持续发展的关键性因素。16a来系统能值产出结构已经由种植业为主逐步向畜牧业和种植业并举转变,系统生产力的稳定性有所提高,但总体上看,吉林西部的农业生态系统能值产出效率和宏观经济价值转化率仍然比较低下,环境负荷率呈现波动上升趋势,农业生态系统的可持续发展能力还比较弱。  相似文献   

新疆植物特有种的地理分布规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程芸  袁磊 《干旱区研究》2011,28(5):854-859
通过对新疆82个区划单位的植物特有种现状进行统计分析,结果表明:新疆植物特有种约271种,隶属38科119属。受气候影响,植物特有种的区域分布水热条件较优越的山地丘陵区显著多于荒漠平原区;天山、阿尔泰山、昆仑山及帕米尔高原的山谷为新疆植物特有种的集中分布区;塔里木盆地及吐鲁番—哈密盆地平原区因自然环境条件严酷,特有种分...  相似文献   


Development of late blight of potatoes caused by Phytophthora infestans (US 8 fungal genotype, A2 mating type) was monitored in two Russet Norkotah commercial fields at Fort Fairfield in 1996 and Duncan Farm in 1997. Experimental plots representing various disease treatments (low, moderate, high and random late blight severity levels) were established in two fields in 1996. In 1997, only low and high disease treatments were established. The application of fungicides for late blight control was conducted in both years. Late blight incidence and severity were assessed in each plot of each treatment. Components of late blight disease development, tuber blight incidence and tuber yields were determined from each plot. Progress of late blight disease was rapid in 1996 but not in 1997. During the 1996 cropping season, mean disease incidence and severity in the random disease treatment plots were 84 and 21% respectively within 10 days of disease detection. In 1997, low levels of late blight severity were detected in the field plots. Average numbers of late blight leaf and stem lesions on infected plant and fungal sporangia on the diseased leaf were not significantly affected by disease treatment. Late blight foliar severity significantly affected potato tuber yields. Lowest tuber yield was obtained in plots with high disease levels and highest yields were recorded in plots with low late blight severity in 1996. Late blight severity was significantly correlated with tuber yield but not with per cent tuber blight.  相似文献   

A paired-field study was made in southern England in arable fields, each with or without sown 6-m wide grass margin strips. Seven field pairs were located in each of small, intermediate and open landscapes, which were based on mean field size. Ground cover, plant species diversity and assemblages were assessed in crop centres, crop edges and non-crop field boundaries. The data were used to test for effects of sown grass margins, differences in field location, impacts on rare weed species and for landscape effects on weed assemblages. Significantly higher plant species diversity was found in boundaries protected by buffer strips. Annual weeds associated with field edges, notably Anisantha sterilis , were found at lower cover where perennial grass strips were present. Sown grass strips enhanced boundary plant diversity, particularly by increasing polycarpic species. Margin strips had a small influence on the weed flora of the crop edge, possibly reducing weed cover, but had no influence on floras of field centres. Field size and landscape context did not affect weed assemblages, which show marked field-to-field variability, though crop type was an important influence. Grass margins did not enhance rare arable weed species and may be a threat to them, if margins are sited where such species are known to occur in the seedbank. With this exception, grass strips are a positive influence on boundary flora diversity and reduce margin weeds in arable landscapes.  相似文献   

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