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Objective  To compare the effects of morphine (MOR), methadone (MET), butorphanol (BUT) and tramadol (TRA), in combination with acepromazine, on sedation, cardiorespiratory variables, body temperature and incidence of emesis in dogs.
Study design  Prospective randomized, blinded, experimental trial.
Animals  Six adult mixed-breed male dogs weighing 12.0 ± 4.3 kg.
Methods  Dogs received intravenous administration (IV) of acepromazine (0.05 mg kg−1) and 15 minutes later, one of four opioids was randomly administered IV in a cross-over design, with at least 1-week intervals. Dogs then received MOR 0.5 mg kg−1; MET 0.5 mg kg−1; BUT 0.15 mg kg−1; or TRA 2.0 mg kg−1. Indirect systolic arterial pressure (SAP), heart rate (HR), respiratory rate ( f R), rectal temperature, pedal withdrawal reflex and sedation were evaluated at regular intervals for 90 minutes.
Results  Acepromazine administration decreased SAP, HR and temperature and produced mild sedation. All opioids further decreased temperature and MOR, BUT and TRA were associated with further decreases in HR. Tramadol decreased SAP whereas BUT decreased f R compared with values before opioid administration. Retching was observed in five of six dogs and vomiting occurred in one dog in MOR, but not in any dog in the remaining treatments. Sedation scores were greater in MET followed by MOR and BUT. Tramadol was associated with minor changes in sedation produced by acepromazine alone.
Conclusions and clinical relevance  When used with acepromazine, MET appears to provide better sedation than MOR, BUT and TRA. If vomiting is to be avoided, MET, BUT and TRA may be better options than MOR.  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of tramadol on acute nociception in dogs.

Study design

Experimental, blinded, randomized, crossover study.


Six healthy laboratory Beagle dogs.


Dogs received three treatments intravenously (IV): isotonic saline placebo (P), tramadol 1 mg kg?1 (T1) and tramadol 4 mg kg?1 (T4). Thermal thresholds were determined by ramped contact heat stimulation (0.6 °C second?1) at the lateral thoracic wall. Mechanical thresholds (MT) were measured using a probe containing three blunted pins which were constantly advanced over the radial bone, using a rate of force increase of 0.8 N second?1. Stimulation end points were defined responses (e.g. skin twitch, head turn, repositioning, vocalization) or pre-set cut-out values (55 °C, 20 N). Thresholds were determined before treatment and at predetermined time points up to 24 hours after treatment. At each measurement point, blood was collected for determination of O-desmethyltramadol concentrations. The degree of sedation and behavioural side effects were recorded. Data were analysed by one-way anova and two-way anova for repeated measurements.


Thermal nociception was not influenced by drug treatment. Mechanical nociception was significantly increased between P and T1 at 120 and 240 minutes, and between P and T4 at 30, 60, 240 and 420 minutes. T1 and T4 did not differ. O-desmethyltramadol (M1) maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) were 4.2 ± 0.8 ng mL?1 and 14.3 ± 2.8 ng mL?1 for T1 and T4, respectively. Times to reach maximum plasma concentrations (Tmax) were 27.6 ± 6.3 minutes for T1 and 32.1 ± 7.8 minutes for T4. No sedation occurred. There were signs of nausea and mild to moderate salivation in both groups.

Conclusion and clinical relevance

Tramadol was metabolized marginally to O-desmethyltramadol and failed to produce clinically relevant acute antinociception. Therefore, the use of tramadol for acute nociceptive pain is questionable in dogs.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of topical nalbuphine or oral tramadol in the treatment of corneal pain in dogs. Animals studied Fourteen male Beagle dogs. Procedures Dogs were divided into three treatment groups and sedated with dexmedetomidine (5 μ/kg IV). A 4 mm corneal epithelial wound was created in the right eye (OD) of all dogs. Sedation was reversed with atipamazole IM. All dogs received pre/post ophthalmic examinations. Post operatively, Group NB (n = 5) received topical 1% preservative‐free nalbuphine OD q8 h and an oral placebo PO q8 h. Group TR (n = 5) received tramadol (4 mg/kg) PO q8 h and topical sterile saline OD q8 h. Group CNTRL (n = 4) received topical sterile saline OD q8 h and an oral placebo q8 h. All dogs received topical 0.3% gentamicin OD TID until healed. Dogs were pain scored using a pain scoring system modified from the University of Melbourne pain scale at 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 h, then every 6 h by observers masked to treatment, until corneal wounds were healed. Treatment failure was recorded if cumulative pain scores were above a minimum threshold of acceptable pain and rescue analgesia of morphine (1.0 mg/kg IM) was administered subsequently. Result Four dogs in Group NB, one dog in Group TR, and two dogs in Group CNTRL required rescue analgesia. There was no significant difference in the incidence of treatment failure between groups (P = 0.184). Mean time to rescue was 9.16 h. All corneal wounds were healed by 84 h. Conclusions The results of this study suggest tramadol rather than nalbuphine should be further investigated for the treatment of corneal pain.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare the effects of continuous rate infusions (CRIs) of intravenous (IV) morphine and morphine-tramadol on the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of sevoflurane, and on electroencephalographic entropy indices in dogs.DesignProspective study.AnimalsEight young, healthy German shepherds, weighing 26.3 ± 3.1 kg (mean ± SD).MethodsAnaesthesia was induced and maintained with sevoflurane. A standard tail-clamp technique was used for MAC determination. Within one anaesthetic period, MAC was first determined during sevoflurane anaesthesia alone (MACB); then during morphine infusion (MACM), (loading dose 0.5 mg kg−1IM; CRI, 0.2 mg kg−1hour−1) then finally during morphine-tramadol infusion (tramadol loading dose 1.5 mg kg−1IV; CRI, 2.6 mg kg−1 hour−1) (MACMT). At each change, periods of 45 minutes were allowed for equilibration. Stated entropy (SE), response entropy (RE), and RE-SE differences were measured five minutes prior to and during tail clamping.ResultsThe MACB was 2.1 ± 0.3vol%. The morphine and morphine-tramadol infusions reduced MAC to 1.6 ± 0.3vol% and 1.3 ± 0.3vol%, respectively. MAC was decreased below baseline more during morphine-tramadol than during morphine alone (39 ± 9% versus 25 ± 6%, respectively; p = 0.003). All SE and RE and most RE-SE differences were increased significantly (p < 0.05) over pre-stimulation in all groups when the dogs responded purposefully to noxious stimulation. When no response to noxious stimulation occurred, the entropy indices did not change.Conclusion and clinical relevanceIn dogs, combined morphine-tramadol CRI decreased sevoflurane MAC more than morphine CRI alone. Entropy indices changed during nociceptive responses in anaesthetized animals, suggesting that entropy measurements may be useful in determining anaesthetic depth in dogs.  相似文献   

Objective To compare morphine with tramadol for the management of early postoperative pain following ovariohysterectomy after pyometra in dogs. Study design Prospective randomized blinded clinical trial. Animals Thirty female dogs, 2–14 years old. Methods Animals were randomly divided into two equal groups. Group 1 received 0.2 mg kg?1 of morphine IV and group 2 received 2 mg kg?1 of tramadol IV after the induction of anesthesia. The dogs were premedicated with acepromazine, and anesthesia was induced with intravenous midazolam and ketamine. Isoflurane was used for the maintenance of anesthesia. The variables measured were: analgesia; sedation; cardiac and respiratory rates; arterial blood pressure; end‐tidal isoflurane and carbon dioxide (Pe ′CO2); oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2); plasma catecholamines; serum cortisol and glucose concentrations; pH and blood gases. The animals were monitored for 6 hours after the administration of the analgesic agent. Results There were no differences between the two groups with regard to analgesia, sedation, SpO2, pH and blood gases, cardiovascular variables, glucose, catecholamine and cortisol concentrations. Forty minutes postopioid administration, the end‐tidal isoflurane concentration was significantly lower in the morphine‐treated group as compared to the tramadol group. At 30 minutes following opioid injection, Pe ′CO2 was significantly higher in the morphine group than in the tramadol group. Two dogs in the tramadol group and one in the morphine group were given morphine postoperatively because of increasing pain scores. Conclusion and clinical relevance Morphine and tramadol, administered preemptively can be used safely in dogs to control early pain after ovariohysterectomy without significant adverse effects.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare the effects of morphine, parecoxib, tramadol and a combination of parecoxib, tramadol and pindolol on nociceptive thresholds in awake animals and their effect on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in dogs subjected to 30 minutes of anesthesia.AnimalsEight adult mixed breed experimental dogs.Study designRandomized, controlled trial.MethodsDogs received 0.05 mg kg?1 acepromazine subcutaneously (SC) as anaesthetic pre-medication. Thirty to sixty minutes later, they received either tramadol 3 mg kg?1 intravenously, (IV), parecoxib (1 mg kg?1 IV), a combination of tramadol 3 mg kg?1 (IV), parecoxib 1 mg kg?1 (IV) and pindolol 5 μg kg?1 (SC), morphine (0.1 mg kg?1 (IV) or 0.9% saline (2 mL). Anaesthesia was then induced with IV propofol to effect (2.9 ± 0.8 mg kg?1) and maintained with halothane in oxygen for 30 minutes. Systolic arterial blood pressure was maintained above 90 mmHg with IV fluids and by adjusting the inspired halothane concentration. Post-treatment nociceptive thresholds to mechanical stimuli, expressed as percent of pre-treatment values, were compared between the treatments to assess the analgesic efficacy of the drugs. Plasma iohexol clearance (ICL), a measure of GFR, was estimated both before and 24 hours after induction of anaesthesia to study the drugs’ effects on renal perfusion. Nociceptive threshold and GFR data were compared using mixed model analysis in sas®9.1.ResultsBoth tramadol and parecoxib produced similar analgesia, which was less than that of morphine. Their combination with pindolol produced analgesia comparable with morphine. None of the test drugs, either alone or in combination, reduced GFR.ConclusionTramadol and parecoxib (either alone or in combination) can increase nociceptive thresholds in awake dogs and have minimal effects on renal perfusion in normotensive dogs subjected to anaesthesia.  相似文献   


AIM: To compare the peri-operative electroencephalogram (EEG) responses and post-operative analgesic efficacy of pre-operative morphine or tramadol with a combination of low-dose pre-operative morphine and post-operative tramadol, in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy.

METHODS: Dogs undergoing routine ovariohysterectomy were treated with either pre-operative morphine (0.5 mg/kg S/C, n=8), or tramadol (3 mg/kg S/C, n=8), or pre-operative low-dose morphine (0.1 mg/kg S/C) and post-operative tramadol (3 mg/kg I/V, n=8). All dogs received routine pre-anaesthetic medication, and anaesthesia was induced with I/V thiopentone to effect and maintained with halothane in oxygen. Respiratory rate, heart rate, end-tidal halothane tension (EtHal) and end-tidal CO2 tension (EtCO2) were monitored throughout surgery. The EEG was recorded continuously in a three electrode montage. Median frequency (F50), total power (Ptot) and 95% spectral edge frequency (F95) of the EEG power spectra were compared during different 100-second periods of surgery: prior to and during skin incision, ligation of each ovarian pedicle, ligation of uterine body and skin closure. Post-operatively, pain was assessed using the short form of the Glasgow composite measure pain scale (CMPS-SF).

RESULTS: There was no difference in F50 or Ptot of the EEG between baseline and noxious surgical events within each treatment group, or between the three groups (p>0.05). The mean F95 was higher during the first three periods of surgery for dogs administered tramadol and low-dose morphine than those that received 0.5 mg/kg morphine (p=0.001). Dogs that received low-dose morphine and tramadol had lower CMPS-SF pain scores after ovariohysterectomy than those that received either tramadol or morphine alone (p=0.001). There was no difference in pain scores between dogs in the latter two groups.

CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Tramadol and morphine administered pre-operatively provided an equal degree of post-operative analgesia in dogs after ovariohysterectomy. A combination of pre-operative low-dose morphine and post-operative tramadol produced better post-operative analgesia than either drug administered alone pre-operatively. Administration of analgesics pre- and post-operatively could result in improved post-operative well-being of ovariohysterectomised dogs.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the cardiorespiratory, sedative and antinociceptive effects of dexmedetomidine alone or in combination with methadone, morphine or tramadol in dogs.Study designExperimental, blinded, randomized, crossover study.AnimalsSix mixed breed dogs (two males and four females) weighing 10 ± 4 kg.MethodsThe animals were randomly divided into four treatments: D (10 μg kg?1 of dexmedetomidine), DM (dexmedetomidine 10 μg kg?1 and methadone 0.5 mg kg?1); DMO (dexmedetomidine 10 μg kg?1 and morphine 0.5 mg kg?1), and DT (dexmedetomidine 10 μg kg?1 and tramadol 2 mg kg?1). The combinations were administered intramuscularly in all treatments. The variables evaluated were heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (fR), rectal temperature (RT), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), sedation scale and pedal withdrawal reflex. These variables were measured at T0 (immediately before the administration of the protocol) and every 15 minutes thereafter until T105.ResultsA decrease in HR and fR occurred in all the treatments compared with T0, but no significant difference was observed between the treatments. The RT decreased from T45 onward in all the treatments. The SAP did not show a difference between the treatments, but in the DT treatment, the SAP was lower at T30 and T45 compared with T0. The D treatment had lower scores of sedation at T15 to T75 compared with the other treatments, and the DMO and DM treatments showed higher scores at T60 and T75 compared with DT.Conclusions and clinical relevanceThe treatments with morphine and methadone added to the dexmedetomidine showed higher sedation scores than the control treatment and the treatment with tramadol added to the dexmedetomidine showed no relevant differences in any of the variables evaluated in the study.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of tramadol on sevoflurane minimum alveolar concentration (MACSEVO) in dogs. It was hypothesized that tramadol would dose-dependently decrease MACSEVO.Study designRandomized crossover experimental study.AnimalsSix healthy, adult female mixed-breed dogs (24.2 ± 2.6 kg).MethodsEach dog was studied on two occasions with a 7-day washout period. Anesthesia was induced using sevoflurane delivered via a mask. Baseline MAC (MACB) was determined starting 45 minutes after tracheal intubation. A noxious stimulus (50 V, 50 Hz, 10 ms) was applied subcutaneously over the mid-humeral area. If purposeful movement occurred, the end-tidal sevoflurane was increased by 0.1%; otherwise, it was decreased by 0.1%, and the stimulus was re-applied after a 20-minute equilibration. After MACB determination, dogs randomly received a tramadol loading dose of either 1.5 mg kg?1 followed by a continuous rate infusion (CRI) of 1.3 mg kg?1 hour?1 (T1) or 3 mg kg?1 followed by a 2.6 mg kg?1 hour?1 CRI (T2). Post-treatment MAC determination (MACT) began 45 minutes after starting the CRI. Data were analyzed using a mixed model anova to determine the effect of treatment on percentage change in baseline MACSEVO (p < 0.05).ResultsThe MACB values were 1.80 ± 0.3 and 1.75 ± 0.2 for T1 and T2, respectively, and did not differ significantly. MACT decreased by 26 ± 8% for T1 and 36 ± 12% for T2. However, there was no statistically significant difference in the decrease between the two treatments.Conclusion and clinical relevanceTramadol significantly reduced MACSEVO but this was not dose dependent at the doses studied.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the effects of nalbuphine, butorphanol and morphine combined with acepromazine on intraoperative and early postoperative pain management in dogs anesthetized for ovariohysterectomy.Study designProspective, randomized blinded clinical study.AnimalsA total of 48 healthy female dogs of different breeds, aged 1–6 years, weighing (mean ± standard deviation) 14.5 ± 4.8 kg.MethodsDogs were randomly assigned into four groups to be intravenously administered nalbuphine (0.5 mg kg–1; group N0.5), nalbuphine (1.0 mg kg–1; group N1.0), butorphanol (0.4 mg kg–1; group B0.4) or morphine (0.2 mg kg–1; group M0.2) combined with acepromazine (0.02 mg kg–1) prior to propofol and isoflurane for anesthesia. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate, systolic arterial pressure and rectal temperature (RT) were recorded at time points during anesthesia. A dynamic interactive visual analog scale applied in three phases (DIVAS I, II and III) and the modified Glasgow composite measure pain scale were used to assess pain before premedication and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours after extubation. Administration of rescue analgesia was recorded.ResultsAt the left ovarian pedicle ligation, HR was higher in N1.0 than in B0.4 (p = 0.020). RT decreased significantly by the end of surgery in N0.5 (p = 0.043) and B0.4 (p = 0.010). Rescue analgesia was administered postoperatively over 6 hours to eight, seven, nine and 10 dogs in N0.5, N1.0, B0.4 and M0.2, respectively (p = 0.57). DIVAS II was higher in B0.4 than in N1.0 at 2 and 3 hours (p = 0.038 and p = 0.002, respectively) and N0.5 at 3 hours (p = 0.003).Conclusions and clinical relevanceAt the doses used, all premedication protocols provided insufficient intraoperative analgesia, with minimal clinical differences between groups. No premedication provided satisfactory analgesia in the first 6 hours postoperatively.  相似文献   



To evaluate the onset, magnitude and duration of thermal antinociception after oral administration of two doses of tapentadol in cats.

Study design

Prospective, randomized, blinded, experimental study.


Six healthy adult cats weighing 4.4 ± 0.4 kg.


Skin temperature (ST) and thermal threshold (TT) were evaluated using a wireless TT device up to 12 hours after treatment. Treatments included placebo (PBO, 50 mg dextrose anhydrase orally), buprenorphine (BUP, 0.02 mg kg?1) administered intramuscularly, low-dose tapentadol (LowTAP, 25 mg orally; mean 5.7 mg kg?1) and high-dose tapentadol (HighTAP, 50 mg orally; mean 11.4 mg kg?1) in a blinded crossover design with 7 day intervals. Statistical analysis was performed using anova with appropriate post hoc test (p ≤ 0.05).


Salivation was observed immediately following 11 out of 12 treatments with tapentadol. The ST was significantly increased at various time points in the opioid treatments. Hyperthermia (≥ 39.5 °C) was not observed. Baseline TT was 45.4 ± 1.4 °C for all treatments. Maximum TT values were 48.8 ± 4.8 °C at 1 hour in LowTAP, 48.5 ± 3.0 °C at 2 hours in HighTAP and 50.2 ± 5.3 °C at 1 hour in BUP. TT significantly increased after LowTAP at 1 hour, after HighTAP at 1–2 hours, and after BUP at 1–2 hours compared with baseline values. TTs were significantly increased in BUP at 1–2 hours compared with PBO.

Conclusion and clinical relevance

Oral administration of tapentadol increased ST and TT in cats. The durations of thermal antinociception were similar between HighTAP and BUP, both of which were twice as long as that in LowTAP. Studies of different formulations may be necessary before tapentadol can be accepted into feline practice.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess analgesic efficacy and the pharmacokinetics of intranasal (IN) tramadol in dogs following ovariohysterectomy.Study designRandomized, blinded clinical study.AnimalsA total of 30 bitches undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy.MethodsDogs were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups (10 dogs per group): IN tramadol 4 mg kg–1 (group T-IN), intravenous (IV) tramadol 4 mg kg–1 (group T-IV) and IV methadone 0.2 mg kg–1 (group M). Drugs were administered at extubation. At established time points (before surgery and up to 8 hours after drug administration) analgesia was assessed using the Italian version of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale Short Form and physiological variables were recorded. To determine the pharmacokinetics of IN tramadol, blood samples were collected at predetermined time points. Shapiro–Wilk test was used to assess whether data were normally distributed and consequently parametric or non parametric tests were applied. A p value < 0.05 was considered significant.ResultsNo significant intergroup differences were observed in the dogs that were administered rescue analgesia and time of its administration. Excluding dogs that were administered rescue analgesia, no significant intergroup differences emerged in pain scores and physiological variables, except for a lower rectal temperature in group M compared with the tramadol groups. After IN administration, tramadol was rapidly absorbed into the systemic circulation, reaching its maximum concentration (range 74.74–200.29 ng mL–1) within 30–60 minutes, it then decreased rapidly and was detectable in plasma for up to 2 hours after treatment in all dogs.Conclusions and clinical relevanceIN tramadol administration appears to be as effective as IV tramadol and methadone treatments in pain management of dogs after elective ovariohysterectomy. Given its low concentrations and short detection time in plasma after the IN route, systemic tramadol action appears unlikely.  相似文献   

统计分析400只比格犬种母犬3年的发情记录,以揭示比格犬的发情规律.结果显示:春季发情比例占35.62%、夏季占23.21%、秋季占14.89%、冬季占26.28%;1 00只母犬在1年中重复发情的有38只,重复发情间隔6-7个月的犬最多.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare postoperative analgesia provided by a constant rate infusion (CRI) of dexmedetomidine (DMED) to that of a well-established positive control [morphine (MOR)] in critically ill dogs. The sedative, cardiorespiratory effects and clinical safety of a 24-hour DMED CRI were also evaluated.Study designProspective, randomised, blinded, positive-controlled parallel-group clinical study.AnimalsForty hospitalised, client-owned dogs requiring post-operative pain management after invasive surgery.MethodsAfter surgery, a loading dose of either DMED (25 μg m?2) or MOR (2500 μg m?2) followed by a 24-hour CRI of DMED (25 μg m?2 hour?1) or MOR (2500 μg m?2 hour?1) was administered. Pain was measured using the Short Form of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale, sedation and physiological variables were scored at regular intervals. Animals considered to be painful received rescue analgesia and were allocated to a post-rescue protocol; animals which were unresponsive to rescue analgesia were removed from the study. Data were analysed with anova, two-sample t-tests or Chi-square tests. Time to intervention was analysed with Kaplan–Meier methodology.ResultsForty dogs were enrolled. Twenty dogs (9 DMED and 11 MOR) did not require rescue analgesia. Eleven DMED and eight MOR dogs were allocated to the post-rescue protocol and seven of these removed from the study. Significant differences in pain scores between groups were not observed during the first 12 hours, however, DMED dogs were less (p = 0.009) painful during the last 12 hours. Sedation score over the entire 24-hour study was not significantly different between groups.Conclusion / Clinical RelevanceDexmedetomidine CRI was equally effective as MOR CRI at providing postoperative analgesia and no clinically significant adverse reactions were noted. This study shows the potential of DMED to contribute to a balanced postoperative analgesia regimen in dogs.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate and compare the postoperative analgesia provided by epidural lidocaine, lidocaine/morphine or lidocaine/tramadol in dogs following elective orchiectomy.Study designProspective experimental trial.AnimalsThirty-six mongrel dogs aged 2-8 years old, weighing 6.6-22 kg.MethodsThe dogs received 6.0 mg kg?1 of lidocaine combined with 1.0 mg kg?1 of tramadol, 0.1 mg kg?1 of morphine or 0.01 mL kg?1 of 0.9% NaCl epidurally. Analgesia was assessed at 4, 8, 12, 18 and 24 hours (T4, T8, T12 and T24) after the offset of lidocaine using a scale composed of physiologic and behavioral parameters. Rescue analgesia with morphine (0.2 mg kg?1, IM) was performed if the evaluation score exceeded 10 during the postoperative period. The scores over time were analyzed using the Friedman’s two-way analysis of variance and the comparison between groups was made by the Kruskal-Wallis test with statistical significances accepted if p = 0.05.ResultsThere were no differences in the pain scores between the morphine and tramadol groups over time and no rescue analgesia was administered. In the NaCl group, rescue analgesia was needed at T4, T8 and T12. Within this group, the final evaluation times (T18 and T24) had lower pain scores than at T4, T8 and T12.Conclusions and clinical relevanceEpidural lidocaine/tramadol provided an analgesic effect comparable to that of epidural lidocaine/morphine during the first 12 hours after surgical castration without substantial side effects, suggesting that tramadol may be an effective postoperative analgesic in dogs submitted to this surgical procedure.  相似文献   



To compare the analgesic efficacy and suitability of an existing oral tramadol-based protocol with a transdermal fentanyl-based protocol following lateral thoracotomy in dogs.

Study design

Prospective randomized clinical trial.


A group of 16 healthy laboratory beagle dogs.


Dogs were randomly allocated to one of two treatment groups: group F (intramuscular methadone 0.2 mg kg–1 and transdermal fentanyl 2.6 mg kg–1 both administered on discontinuation of anaesthesia, n = 8) or group T (intramuscular methadone 0.2 mg kg–1 on discontinuation of anaesthesia and again 4 hours later, followed by oral tramadol 12 mg kg–1 per 24 hours commencing 7 hours after discontinuation of anaesthesia, n = 8). Intercostal bupivacaine (0.5–1 mg kg–1) and subcutaneous carprofen (4 mg kg–1) were administered to all dogs at induction. Body weight (BW), presence of clinical signs, pain score, activity, heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were assessed for 72 hours postoperatively.


No significant differences were observed in BW change, presence of clinical signs or gross locomotor activity between groups. Pain scores were low at all times for all dogs, and rescue analgesia was not required. Dogs in group T exhibited higher pedometric activity (p = 0.006), HR (p < 0.001) and MAP (p < 0.001) than those in group F, in particular on night 1 following surgery. Least squared mean (LSM) pedometric activity was 1.81 and 1.02 jerks minute–1, LSM HR was 111.13 and 78.64 beats minute–1 and LSM MAP was 111.62 and 105.24 mmHg, respectively, in groups T and F.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Both regimes appear to provide adequate analgesia following lateral thoracotomy in dogs. Ease of administration of transdermal fentanyl compared to oral tramadol is advantageous. Reduced activity observed with the fentanyl regime was not associated with any adverse effects and may be desirable following some invasive surgeries. However, while transdermal fentanyl remains currently unavailable in the European Union, the oral tramadol-based regime provides an acceptable alternative.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo compare the anaesthetic, analgesic and cardiorespiratory effects of intramuscular (IM) medetomidine and ketamine administered alone or combined with morphine or tramadol, for orchiectomy in cats.Study designRandomised, blinded, prospective clinical study.AnimalsThirty client-owned cats.Materials and methodsCats (n = 10 in each group) received a combination of medetomidine (60 μgkg?1) and ketamine (10 mg kg?1) alone (MedK); combined with morphine (0.2 mg kg?1) (MedKM), or combined with tramadol (2 mg kg?1) (MedKT) IM. Time of induction, surgical and recovery events were recorded, and physiological parameters measured and recorded. Analgesia was evaluated with a visual analogue scale, a composite scoring system and the von Frey mechanical threshold device, every hour from three to eight hours post-drug administration injection. Data were analyzed with a linear mixed model, Kruskal–Wallis or Chi-square tests (p < 0.05).ResultsMedian (IQR) induction and recovery times (minutes) were not significantly (p = 0.125) different between groups: 5.6 (2.7–8.0), 7.4 (5.1–9.6) and 8.0 (5.8–14.9) for induction and 128.5 (95.1–142.8), 166.4 (123.1–210.0) and 142.9 (123.4–180.2) for recovery, with MedK, MedKT and MedKM, respectively. Two cats (MedKM) required alfaxalone for endotracheal intubation. In all groups, three or four cats required additional isoflurane for surgery. Arterial oxygen tension overall (mean ± SD: 66 ± 2 mmHg) was low. Surgery resulted in increased systolic arterial blood pressure (p < 0.001), haemoglobin saturation (p < 0.001), respiratory (p = 0.003) and heart rates (p = 0.002). Pain scores did not differ significantly between groups. Von Frey responses decreased over time; changes over time varied by treatment (p < 0.001), MedK returning to baseline values more rapidly than MedKM and MedKT. No cat required rescue analgesics.Conclusion and clinical relevanceAll three protocols can provide adequate anaesthesia and analgesia for orchiectomy in cats. However, rescue intervention to maintain surgical anaesthesia may be required in some cats. Oxygen supplementation is advised.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the analgesic and side effects of epidural morphine or a fentanyl patch after ovariohysterectomy in dogs.Study designProspective, randomized clinical study.AnimalsTwenty female mongrel dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy.MethodsThe dogs were allocated to one of two groups: epidural morphine or transdermal fentanyl patch. Anaesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with isoflurane. Morphine (0.1 mg kg?1) was administered epidurally in the epidural morphine group and a transdermal fentanyl patch was applied 24 hours before the operation in the fentanyl patch group.The heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, plasma cortisol concentration, and sedation and analgesia scores were recorded during the 24 hour post-operative period. Adverse effects such as vomiting, anorexia, skin reactions, urinary retention, and time to start licking the surgical site were also recorded. p < 0.05 was considered significant. Statistical analyses utilized anova for repeated measures, Friedman tests, Mann-Whitney U-tests and independent sample t-tests as relevant.ResultsPain scores were lower in the epidural group than in the fentanyl group at all post-operative times. The dogs in the epidural morphine group were calm and relaxed, whereas discomfort and vocalization were recorded in the fentanyl patch group. The sedation scores were higher in the fentanyl patch group throughout the 12 hour period. Salivation and anorexia lasted longer in the fentanyl patch group than in the epidural morphine group. Plasma cortisol concentrations were high in the early post-operative period in both groups. The fentanyl patch group had higher cortisol concentrations than the epidural morphine group. Slight erythema was recorded in two dogs when the patches were removed.Conclusion and clinical relevanceEpidurally administered morphine provided better analgesia and caused fewer adverse effects than the fentanyl patch after ovariohysterectomy in dogs.  相似文献   

通过研究隐睾症比格(Beagle)犬睾丸、附睾的组织病理学改变,建立适用于GLP的实验动物背景性资料。采用常规组织学方法,对比格犬隐睾及正常侧睾丸、附睾进行光学显微镜观察,确定组织病理学变化特点。与正常组织相比,隐睾胶原纤维组织增生,睾丸曲细精管内仅见少量精原细胞及支持细胞。附睾间质增宽,间质内填充增生的胶原纤维,附睾管内精子缺如。需加强比格犬自发病变的病理监测,为药物安全性评价提供实验动物的背景资料。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTramadol is a commonly used opioid analgesic in dogs, particularly in dogs with a compromised immune system. An opioid may be selected for its immunomodulatory effects. Consequently, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of tramadol on immune system function by evaluating the effect of tramadol and o-desmethyltramadol (M1) on the function of canine leukocytes in vitro. The hypothesis was that tramadol and M1 would not alter polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) phagocytosis, PMN oxidative burst, or stimulated leukocyte cytokine production capacity of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-10.Study designIn vitro pharmacodynamic study.AnimalsSix healthy dogs.MethodsBlood from six dogs was obtained and incubated with various concentrations of tramadol and M1. Phagocytosis and oxidative burst were assessed using flow cytometry, and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), lipoteichoic acid (LTA) and peptidoglycan (PG)-stimulated leukocyte production of TNF, IL-6, and IL-10 were measured using a canine specific multiplex assay.ResultsNo differences were detected in phagocytosis or oxidative burst with any drug concentration. Tramadol did not alter leukocyte cytokine production, however, M1 significantly blunted IL-10 production.ConclusionsTramadol and its metabolite M1 were sparing to PMN phagocytosis and oxidative burst in dogs in vitro. Tramadol did not alter leukocyte cytokine production, however, M1 blunted IL-10 production at clinically achievable concentrations suggesting that M1 may promote a proinflammatory shift.Clinical relevanceThese data suggest that tramadol has minimal effect on phagocytosis and oxidative burst, and may promote a proinflammatory shift. Therefore, tramadol may be an ideal opioid analgesic in dogs at high risk of infection. Further investigation in vivo is warranted.  相似文献   

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