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A 4-year-old Domestic short-haired cat was presented for severe anterior uveitis in the right eye associated with a Cuterebra spp. larva in the anterior chamber. This report describes successful surgical removal of the parasite with preservation of vision.  相似文献   

Unilateral chorioretinitis caused by ophthalmomyiasis interna posterior in a 5-month-old, female spayed Dachshund is reported. Larva removal by pars plana vitrectomy was performed after an unsuccessful photocoagulation of the organism. The larva was intact after surgical removal and was identified as a first stage instar Cuterebra spp. larva. The eye remains visual and comfortable with no signs of residual or recurrent inflammation postoperatively. This report describes, for the first time, the successful surgical retrieval of an intravitreal fly larva in a dog using vitrectomy techniques without sacrificing either the globe or vision, and taxonomic identification of the parasite.  相似文献   

A unilateral ophthalmomyiasis posterior in a 5-year-old female spayed Domestic Long-haired cat of a third or fourth stage instar Cuterebra spp. larvae is reported. The cat was presented for depression and anorexia. The organism was found on physical examination at presentation. The cat was euthanized because of the worsening systemic condition. The larva was demonstrated by histopathology with coagulation necrosis and hemorrhage of the optic nerve, retina and choroid, and anterior uveitis. No significant cerebrum and anterior brain stem lesions were found.  相似文献   

A 2-year old, neutered, female spaniel mixed breed was referred to the North Carolina State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for evaluation of bilateral anterior uveitis. The dog was febrile and, in addition to anterior uveitis, multifocal hyporeflective lesions were present in the tapetal fundus of both eyes. The antibody titer for Bartonella vinsonii subspecies berkhoffi was positive (1 : 512). Aqueous paracentesis was performed for PCR in an attempt to detect B. vinsonii in the eye but was unsuccessful. The ocular manifestations of Bartonella infection in humans are currently expanding as more sensitive serologic and PCR techniques are being developed to identify Bartonella spp. In addition to optic neuritis and neuroretinitis, retinochoroidal lesions are one of the most common manifestations of B. henselae infection, and are frequently accompanied by vitreous or anterior segment inflammation. Diagnosis of a Bartonella infection in humans can be made on serology alone, in conjunction with ocular examination findings. The ultimate proof of B. vinsonii (berkhoffi) as a direct cause of ocular disease would be detection of the infectious agent in the eye. However, it is unknown at this time whether Bartonella causes ocular disease primarily, secondarily via an autoimmune reaction, or both. Due to the difficulties associated with culture of Bartonella spp. and the limitations of PCR, serology is currently the most useful tool for screening dogs for possible Bartonella spp. infection. In the case presented here, even though the PCR was negative, the clinical signs of anterior uveitis and choroiditis might reasonably be associated with B. vinsonii (berkhoffi) seroreactivity, which was repeatable on three separate occasions. Clinical improvement was also accompanied by a post-treatment decrease in B. vinsonii (berkhoffi) seroreactivity, potentially supporting resolution of Bartonella infection in this dog. This is the first reported case of a possible association between uveitis, choroiditis and Bartonella infection in the dog, without clinical manifestations of other organ or tissue involvement. Future studies based on PCR analysis of intraocular fluids may clarify the involvement of B. vinsonii (berkhoffi) in dogs with intraocular inflammatory disease. Furthermore, performing fluorescein angiography in dogs with elevated Bartonella titers may also prove useful in the identification and characterization of lesions.  相似文献   

Sarcocystidae is a family of coccidian protozoa from the phylum Apicomplexa that includes Toxoplasma, Neospora, Sarcocystis, Hammondia, and Besnoitia spp. All species undergo a 2‐host sexual and asexual cycle. In the definitive host, replication is enteroepithelial, and infection is typically asymptomatic or less commonly causes mild diarrhea. Clinical disease is most frequently observed in the intermediate host, often as an aberrant infection, and is mostly associated with neurologic, muscular, or hepatic inflammation. Here, we review the literature regarding intestinal Sarcocystidae infections in dogs and cats, with emphasis on the life cycle stages and the available diagnostic assays and their limitations. We also report the diagnostic findings for an 11‐year‐old dog with acute neutrophilic hepatitis, biliary protozoa, and negative biliary culture. Although Toxoplasma and Neospora IgG titers were both high, PCR for these 2 organisms was negative for bile. The organisms were identified by 18S rDNA PCR as most consistent with Hammondia, either H heydorni or H triffittae. This is the first report of presumed Hammondia organisms being found in canine bile.  相似文献   

A 5‐year‐old spayed female diabetic mixed‐breed dog underwent phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation to correct bilateral hypermature cataracts. Two months postsurgery, the patient presented with ulcerative keratitis and multifocal stromal abscessation OD, which was controlled, but never resolved, with topical fluoroquinolone therapy. The patient re‐presented 2 months later with a new, raised, white gritty corneal opacity associated with hyperemia, chemosis, and blepharospasm OD. Cytology of the right cornea revealed filamentous bacteria, suggestive of Actinomyces spp. Actinomyces bowdenii was subsequently isolated in pure culture and identified via 16s rDNA sequencing. Actinomyces bowdenii has never before been described as a cause of ocular infection. An immunosuppressed corneal environment likely contributed to this opportunistic Actinomycosis. The infection was not controlled with fluoroquinolone therapy, and the isolate, in vitro, was resistant to three fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, and levofloxacin), which also has not been previously reported for this species of Actinomyces. A superficial keratectomy with conjunctival graft was employed to successfully manage the infection.  相似文献   

Mesocestoides cestode infections in dogs are well known for causing severe peritonitis with larvae or larval fragments (metacestodes, tetrathyridia, or calcareous corpuscles) frequently observed cytologically in peritoneal fluid samples. This case report describes the cytologic and clinical features of 2 dogs infected with cestode larvae, with one case confirmed and the other presumed to be Mesocestoides sp. In these 2 unusual cases, cestode larvae or larval fragments were found in fine‐needle aspirates of the liver and a mesenteric lymph node, but no organisms were found in peritoneal fluid samples. The data presented in this report indicate that clinical pathologists should not rule out Mesocestoides sp cestodiasis based on the absence of larvae in peritoneal fluid samples from dogs.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to characterize the morphologic and immunohistochemical features of lens epithelial-derived proliferative membranes from the anterior segment of canine globes. These features were correlated with those previously identified for diseases resulting from lens epithelial cell (LEC) proliferation including posterior capsular opacification, traumatic subcapsular cataract, and subcapsular plaques associated with hypermature cataracts. Sixteen canine globes were removed as a result of glaucoma or other complications following cataract extraction. Light microscopic and immunohistochemical analysis was performed on sections from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded globes. The tissues were stained with a variety of antibodies for cellular markers for LECs, growth factors or other cellular constituents relevant to cellular metaplasia and proliferation. The membranes were composed of monolayers or multilayers of spindle-shaped cells on the external surfaces of the anterior and posterior lens capsule, ciliary processes, iris leaflets, and iridocorneal angle, and they could be seen extending from an obvious monolayer of LEC within the capsular sac. Variably, scattered pigment cells, presumably of uveal origin, were concurrently present. Cellular components of the membranes stained positive for vimentin, transforming growth factor-beta, basic fibroblast growth factor, and smooth muscle actin. An amorphous eosinophilic extracellular matrix consisting predominately of collagen was associated with the membranes. Proliferative anterior segment membranes following cataract surgery were morphologically and immunohistochemically similar to cellular and matrix components of posterior capsular opacification and capsular plaques seen with hypermature cataracts, both of which result from metaplasia and proliferation of LEC. The presence of these LEC-derived membranes in association with secondary glaucoma suggests that exuberant proliferation of LEC outside the confines of the lens capsular sac may cause pathologic alterations in the eye following cataract surgery in the dog.  相似文献   

This report describes the clinical presentation, diagnosis, histologic lesions, and outcome of endogenous mycotic endophthalmitis secondary to candiduria in a three‐year‐old female spayed Dachshund. The dog was being treated for Evans syndrome for one month prior to being diagnosed with candiduria and fibrinous uveitis OS. The left eye was enucleated due to secondary glaucoma, and the fungal urinary tract infection was treated successfully. Uveitis developed in the contralateral eye with relapse of the urinary tract infection in the following weeks. The right eye was medically managed until secondary glaucoma developed and was subsequently enucleated. Histopathology of both eyes showed evidence of endophthalmitis with intralesional fungal organisms, consistent with Candida spp. Ocular candidiasis is rare in dogs. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of endogenous mycotic endophthalmitis with concurrent candiduria in a dog.  相似文献   

To describe a case of a nasolacrimal canaliculocele with intranasal extension in a dog. A 6‐year‐old neutered female Jack Russell Terrier was referred to the Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire des Cordeliers for a slowly enlarging mass adjacent to the medial canthus of the right eye of 5 months duration. Ophthalmic exam, ultrasound, fine needle aspiration, dacryocystorhinography and computerized tomography examinations were performed. Rhinoendoscopic treatment with marsupialisation of the endonasal canaliculocele was performed. Physical examination revealed a 3 cm diameter, subcutaneous mass beneath the medial canthus of the right eye, with a defect in the maxillary bone below. Dacryocystorhinography demonstrated blockage at the level of the nasolacrimal duct. Fine needle aspiration confirmed the cavitary nature of the lesion. During rhinoendoscopy, a mass containing watery fluid was found. Following marsupialisation with a large mass wall resection, the lacrimal drainage system irrigated freely in the nasal chamber. The communication of the lumen of the diverticulum with the lumen of the superior but not the inferior canaliculus was clearly demonstrated during endoscopy. Given negative immunohistochemical staining for smooth muscle actin and desmin, nasolacrimal dacryocele appears to be the most likely diagnosis. Histological examination confirmed that no goblet cells were present in the wall of the diverticulum, which is consistent with the canaliculus rather than the lacrimal sac. Complete resolution was observed without recurrence one year after surgery. Despite its rarity, a canaliculocele should be considered in adult dogs with nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Marsupialisation seems to be the appropriate therapy.  相似文献   

A 10‐year‐old crossbred dog was presented with a 6‐week history of hematemesis, melena, anorexia, and lethargy. Clinical evaluation revealed a gastric mass with a regional lymphadenomegaly as well as a monoclonal gammopathy manifesting as hyperglobulinemia. Cytologic and histopathologic analyses were consistent with a round cell neoplasm; neoplastic cells showed nuclear immunoreactivity for MUM1 and diffuse cytoplasmic reactivity for CD3. Polymerase chain reactions performed on fixed and fresh tissue identified a clonal rearrangement with an IgH primer set. An extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) was confirmed by cellular morphology and molecular diagnostics. Following an objective response to chemotherapy, the dog was euthanized 8 months after diagnosis, and a postmortem examination confirmed the clinical findings. This is the first reported case of a monoclonal gammopathy secondary to a gastric EMP coupled with aberrant expression of CD3 in an aggressive plasmacytic tumor, and highlights the utility of molecular diagnostics for classifying atypical hemolymphoid neoplasms.  相似文献   

Ineffective erythropoiesis was diagnosed in an 8‐year‐old male castrated Labrador Retriever. Despite treatment with immunosuppressive therapy for suspected immune‐mediated erythrocyte maturation arrest, resolution of the nonregenerative anemia was not achieved. Following documentation of Bartonella henselae bacteremia by Bartonella alpha proteobacteria growth medium (BAPGM) enrichment blood culture, immunosuppressive therapy was discontinued, and the anemia resolved following prolonged antibiotic therapy. Bartonella immunofluorescent antibody testing was negative, whereas B henselae western blot was consistently positive. The contribution of B henselae bacteremia to ineffective erythropoiesis remains unknown; however, the potential role of B henselae in the pathophysiology of bone marrow dyscrasias warrants additional investigation.  相似文献   

A 9‐year‐old male castrated Scottish terrier was referred to the Radiation Oncology Service at the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for palliative radiation therapy of an incompletely excised, recurrent subcutaneous mast cell tumor (MCT) located over the right scapula, and surgical removal of a perianal MCT. Three weeks after initial presentation and prior to the fifth radiation treatment, the patient was presented with cloudiness of the left eye of 3–7 days duration. Ophthalmic consultation revealed 3+ aqueous flare with a dependent, swirling component filling approximately one‐third of the anterior chamber. Aqueocentesis was performed under general anesthesia. Cytology revealed mast cells with highly atypical morphology and considered most consistent with neoplasia. The patient died 7 months after pathologic diagnosis of MCT on the right shoulder and 2 months after the cytologic diagnosis of malignant mast cells in the left anterior chamber. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of intraocular involvement in a mammal with MCTs, described here as intraocular mastocytosis.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance is a worldwide public health threat; hence, current trends tend to reduce antimicrobial use in food‐producing animals and to monitor resistance in primary production. This study aimed at evaluating the impact of antimicrobial use and production system on swine farms in the antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter, Salmonella and Staphylococcus, the main zoonotic pathogens in pig herds, in order to assess their potential value as sentinel microorganisms in antimicrobial resistance surveillance schemes. A total of 37 Spanish swine farms, 18 intensive and 19 organic/extensive farms, were included in the study. The antimicrobial resistance of 104 Campylobacter, 84 Staphylococcus and 17 Salmonella isolates was evaluated using Sensititre plates following the EUCAST guidelines. Mixed‐effects logistic regression was used to evaluate the influence of production system and antimicrobial use in resistant and multidrug‐resistant (MDR) phenotypes to the antimicrobials tested. The results showed that antimicrobial use was higher (p < .001) on intensive farms than on organic/extensive farms. MDR in Campylobacter and Staphylococcus was lower on organic/extensive farms (OR < .01p < .001). Antimicrobial resistance in Campylobacter and Staphylococcus isolates was, also for most of the antimicrobials studied, significantly higher in intensive than organic/extensive pig herds. Tetracycline resistance was associated with total antimicrobial consumption in both microbial species (p < .05), and some cross‐associations between distinct antimicrobial substances were established, for instance resistance to erythromycin was associated with macrolide and phenicol consumption. No significant associations could be established for Salmonella isolates. The results demonstrate the link between antimicrobial consumption and resistance in zoonotic bacteria and evidence the potential value of using Campylobacter and Staphylococcus species in monitoring activities aimed at determining the impact of antimicrobials use/reduction on the occurrence and spread of antimicrobial resistance.  相似文献   

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