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Campuloclinium macrocephalum is native to Central and South America, but is a highly invasive weed in South Africa, where it is commonly known as the ‘pompom weed’. It is targeted for biological control, the success of which will depend on host specificity and biotype compatibility to its full genetic diversity in South Africa. We investigated the genetic diversity and phylogeography of 52 specimens from across South Africa, 14 from Argentina and three from Brazil using nuclear ribosomal ITS regions. We further explored the AFLP marker diversity in 54 South African, 25 Argentine and three Brazilian specimens. Maximum parsimony analysis of the ITS sequence data produced an unresolved phylogeny. However, three haplotypes were recognised via network analysis. All South African, one Brazilian and all bar one of the Argentine individuals shared a single haplotype. AFLP analyses generated two genetic clusters with a low net nucleotide distance of 0.115 and further revealed that most plants were a mixture of alleles from these two genetic clusters. Although there was a significant genetic variation among the populations, genetic differentiation and mean heterozygosity were low, suggesting that clonal reproduction may be occurring. The current South African populations may therefore be clonal products with different proportions of genetic admixture introduced more than once. The original point of entry appears to be Gauteng, South Africa. Long‐distance dispersal appears to have played a major role in its spread across South Africa. Candidate Argentine biological control agents should therefore be effective on C. macrocephalum in South Africa.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were carried out a year apart on the alkaloid poppy (Papaver somniferum) in 2012 and 2013 in north-west Hungary, to assess the efficacy of mesotrione and tembotrione herbicides for post-emergence weed control. Our experiments tested (1) a single application of mesotrione at 144 g active ingredient (a.i.) ha–1, (2) two separate applications of mesotrione at 144 g a.i. ha–1, (3) a single application of tembotrione at 88 g a.i. ha–1, (4) two separate applications of mesotrione at 88 g a.i. ha–1, and (5) the combination of a single application of mesotrione at 144 g a.i. ha–1 followed by a single application of tembotrione at 88 g a.i. ha–1. Both non-treated and hand-weeded plots were used as controls. Among the most important weeds, Chenopodium album was most successfully controlled in the majority of the test treatments, but Fallopia convolvulus and Polygonum aviculare tolerated each herbicide application in 2012, likely due to the dry weather conditions. Because of the botanical similarity to the crop, none of the treatments proved to be significant against Papaver rhoeas. One dosage of tembotrione alone never reduced the dry weights of the target weed species or weed numbers significantly. The cuticular wax layer of the opium poppy can provide a natural defence against these herbicides, but some temporary phytotoxic yellowish discoloration occurred after tembotrione treatments. Our results show that mesotrione in combination with tembotrione is the most effective treatment and should be employed in poppy cultivation.  相似文献   

Herbicide‐resistant populations of Alopecurus myosuroides (black grass) have become widespread throughout the UK since the early 1980s. Previous observations in this laboratory have demonstrated that natural climatic fluctuations caused increases in endogenous glutathione S‐transferase (GST) enzyme activity in A. myosuroides plants as they mature, which is thought to be linked to herbicide resistance in this species. The present study has investigated the effects of plant growth at 10°C and 25°C, and reports GST specific activity and glutathione (GSH) pool size in resistant and susceptible A. myosuroides biotypes. Findings demonstrate differences in GST activity between resistant and susceptible populations, which are transient at lower growth temperatures. The GSH pool size was elevated at lower growth temperature in both biotypes. We speculate that these endogenous responses are part of a natural mechanism of acclimation to environmental change in this species and suggest that resistant plants are more able to adapt to environmental stress, as indicated in this instance by temperature change. These observations imply that the control of resistant A. myosuroides by graminicides may be more effective when applied at lower temperatures and at earlier growth stages.  相似文献   

Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth), a major aquatic weed in India, is one of the targets in a biological weed control research programme in India. A fungal pathogen, Alternaria alternata, is being evaluated as a biological control agent for this weed. The feasibility of solid substrate for the mass production of A. alternata has been examined. Conidia production and virulence of A. alternata were affected by temperature, light and incubation period. The highest number of conidia were produced on rice seed followed by wheat, sorghum, maize seeds and cornmeal at 20°C when exposed to near‐ultraviolet than on the other substrates, while the least conidia were observed on these substrates under light conditions. At 20°C, large numbers of virulent conidia were produced on rice seeds after 4 weeks of incubation under constant dark conditions. Henceforth, the use of rice seeds as a solid substrate for production of A. alternata could be a feasible method to produce conidia in a village co‐operative scenario in India.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of weather factors before and after spraying on the activity of the herbicides isoproturon and clodinafop-propargyl was assessed in field experiments from 1997 to 2000. The herbicides were sprayed at four rates on eight to 15 occasions between October and April and efficacy was assessed as ED50 for the surviving panicles of Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. The ED50 values (N = normal dose) varied between 0.18 N and 1.16 N for isoproturon and 0.11 N and 1.51 N for clodinafop-propargyl. The effect of weather factors was investigated using multiple regression techniques for 1 to 14 days before and after spraying. These regressions were significant ( P  < 0.001) for each of the individual years. Between 86% and 97% of the total variation in response to both herbicides was accounted for, but the factors were not consistent from year to year. However, when the 3 years were combined for each herbicide the regression was also significant ( P  < 0.001) for isoproturon (78% variation accounted for) and for clodinafop-propargyl (72% variation accounted for). The current blanket advice, that the best control results from applications to small plants, was not always correct.  相似文献   

Crofton weed is a major invasive species in China. It exhibits superior growth characteristics and can outcompete with native species via allolepathic effects and modulation of the soil fungal microbiome. The simple removal of invading plants will not ensure restoration of the habitat due to the persistence of allelochemicals and viable seeds in the surrounding soil. An orthogonal experimental design was employed to evaluate the effects of three control factors (A, powdered natural inhibitor species to retard growth; B, activated charcoal to absorb allelochemicals; and C, fungicide to reduce fungal modulation effects), applied at three levels, on the growth and competitive ability of Crofton weed against two native species, in a pot‐culture experiment. All treatments reduced all measured growth parameters (P < 0.05) except for a specific leaf area, when compared with control plants. Furthermore, the competitive capacity of Crofton weed was decreased in the treatments while that of the native species was improved. Application to soil of the powdered natural inhibitor species and of activated charcoal significantly inhibited plant growth and competitive ability of Crofton weed (P < 0.05). Application of fungicide was less effective, but significantly reduced the specific leaf area of Crofton weed plants (P < 0.05). The specific combination of factors producing the greatest decrease in plant growth and competitive ability (compared with the control) included the addition of Delavaya toxocarpa powder (37.5 g per kg soil), addition of activated charcoal to soil at a ratio of 1:3 (v/v) (62.5 g per kg soil), and application of fungicide (Thiophanate‐Methyl) (0.28 g per kg soil).  相似文献   


Many biologists perceive organisms as constantly evolving and therefore consider the host plant ranges of biological control agents as labile. Host plant ranges are thus likely to undergo adaptive change should environmental conditions change, for example following successful biological control. As a consequence, the introduction of biological control agents against weeds is considered by many to be an inherently unsafe practice with non‐target plants at risk of attack. However, despite the introduction of over 600 insect species from one geographic region to another for biological weed control during this century, there are relatively few documented cases of changes in host plant range. Purported instances are discussed in relation to behavioural and genetic concepts. It is concluded that apparent additions to the host range can, in all of the cases examined, be explained in terms of established behavioural concepts of pre‐adaptation, threshold change resulting from host deprivation, and effects of experience (learning). The inappropriateness of the often‐used term host shift’ to describe these cases is demonstrated, and it is concluded that evidence from biological weed control contradicts some aspects of ecological and evolutionary theory.  相似文献   

Infection of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), larvae by the entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis zealandica, was studied under semi-field conditions. Late-instar diapausing codling moth larvae, coccooned in perforated cardboard strips, were used in all trials to evaluate the nematode treatments involved. A morning application of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 MM infective juveniles (IJs) per tree resulted in 85%, 95% and 100% codling moth larval infection, respectively. Contrasting results were obtained for an evening application, with low levels of codling moth infection (<50%). Nematode treatment strips placed in direct sunlight resulted in almost no infection (<10%), opposed to strips attaining 67% infection placed in the shade.  相似文献   

文章介绍了红火蚁的危害特征,分析了目前国内外红火蚁防治的主要方法,对利用化学信息素类物质防治红火蚁的研究方法及进展进行了综述;通过借鉴化学信息素在其他害虫防治中的应用,重点分析了化学信息素在红火蚁防治中的必要性和可能性,对红火蚁相关信息素的特点和化学结构进行了详细描述,并介绍了相关化学信息素的合成方法,揭示了信息素类物质在红火蚁综合防治中的重要性及优越性。  相似文献   

The indigenous Lachnagrostis filiformis colonized extensive areas of dry lake beds in Victoria, Australia, during the drought from 1997 to 2009. Large numbers of the plants' detached seed heads disperse in the wind, lodging against nearby housing, fences and other obstacles. This accumulation of material creates a fire hazard, degrades townships' aesthetics and presents a nuisance to the communities of lake‐side towns. This study aimed to examine the effects of various control methods on L. filiformis in the short and long term. Although herbicide applications, slashing, grazing and burning were found to be effective in controlling the blown L. filiformis seed heads in the short term, they failed to prevent subsequent reinvasion and can increase its abundance in the long term. The late application of herbicide resulted in an increase in the foliage cover and seed‐head biomass of L. filiformis by up to 37% and 150%, respectively, in the year following the treatment application. The results from this study highlight how management focused on achieving short‐term goals, without consideration of the successional trajectory after implementation, can not only fail but be counter‐productive in the long term. In order to achieve sustainable management, the fundamental ecological processes that promote the establishment and persistence of the weed need to be addressed.  相似文献   

Eremosparton songoricum,a rare and endemic sand dune plant,appears to be experiencing recruitment failure.The structure of five populations from the Gurbantunggut Desert,China,was investigated for recruitment patterns,and two of them were examined for flowering,pollination and seed germination limits on regeneration.The results showed that total 150 seedlings only occurred on line transects in riverside Dure population,but they all died half a month later;no seedlings occurred in other four hinterland desert populations indicating recruitment was a failure at all populations although flowers were plentiful.Reproductive success depends on pollinators.Nectar is 'reward' for pollinators,with 0.06 μL-0.12 μL and 0.15 μL-0.35 μL per flower in Dure and Kabu populations,respectively,in continuously two secreting days.Spontaneous self pollination is rare with nearly zero fruit production.Geitonogamous self pollination is predominant with 14.47% fruit set.Seed mass in the riverside Dure population was significantly greater than that in other hinterland desert populations.Consequently,the Dure population exhibited a significantly higher germination rate(about 90%) than those in other populations(about 30%).Results suggested that recruitment failure of E.songoricum is not due to flower shortage,pollination limitation,or poor seed germination but environmental pressure and/or human disturbance.  相似文献   


Knockdown, mortality and residual activity of pyrethrins and cyfluthrin were studied on the larger grain borer (LGB), Prostephanus truncatus (Horn). Pyrethrum marc with 0.4% pyrethrins and cyfluthrin dust (0.1% a.i.) when applied on filter paper at 0.72 mg/cm2 gave 98.6% and 100% knockdown (KD) respectively after 6 h. Cyfluthrin dust had a faster KD effect with 100% KD compared to 93.1% for pyrethrum marc, ½1/2>h after treatment. After 24 h there was no recovery from KD in both treatments. After 72 h, 23.2% of the LGB had recovered from KD while mortality was 76.8% in the pyrethrum marc treatment. After the same period, cyfluthrin resulted in 100% mortality. Mortality of P. truncatus exposed to different dosages of cyfluthrin dust in shelled maize was less than 100% at dosages lower than 1 part per million (ppm) but was 100% at 1 ppm and higher dosages 3 days after treatment. Progeny emergence was suppressed at all dosage levels above 0.25 ppm compared to a mean progeny of 68.8 in the check after 45 days. Cyfluthrin dust was more residually toxic at 0.5 ppm and higher dosages, with mortality of >90% at 5 months after treatment. This suggests that cyfluthrin dust at 0.1% a.i. mixed with shelled maize at 1 ppm will give protection and control of LGB infestation.  相似文献   

The protection of new cork oak plantations against the larvae of the beetle Sphodroxia maroccana (Melolonthidae), which destroy the roots of newly planted trees, was provided for many years in the forest of Mamora in Morocco by the use of carbosulfan, usually formulated as dry granules for direct incorporation into the soil at planting. Ecotoxicological tests were conducted in the laboratory on S. maroccana and on two non-target beetle species, namely Pachychila obtusecostata and Pimelia platynota (Tenebrionidae), to measure the acute effects of carbosulfan and evaluate the potential risk associated with inappropriate practices. The mortality was measured at both 4 d and 7 d after ingestion of a known quantity of carbosulfan. The recommended dose by the manufacturer was exceeded by at least four-fold in the Mamora Forest, with obvious environmental risks. Risks were identified for wildlife when the pesticide is misused and spread on the soil around the plants.  相似文献   

Weeds may serve as reservoirs for new and invasive insect pests. The cassava root scale ( Protortonia navesi ) is a recent pest in the Brazilian 'Cerrado' that causes qualitative and quantitative damage by sucking plant sap. Recently, field surveys revealed that many common weeds in this region act as host for P. navesi in cassava fields. In a discrete survey, 15 weed species were identified that were hosting P. navesi . Among these, 13 species occurred during the cropping season and five were observed 4 months after cassava harvest. Eight months after harvest, only cassava volunteer plants were found to be hosting P. navesi . This survey provided a real example of the problem created when weeds host new crop pests. The management of weeds (including crop volunteers) needs to be considered as part of generalised pest management and pest invasion prevention schemes. Effective weed management can be a means of limiting the survival of new pests and the re-infestation of susceptible crop species in subsequent years. Simple studies like this point to a practical need to create greater collaborations between pest management researchers working within discrete pest categories.  相似文献   

本土寄生蜂对移殖天敌昆虫泽兰实蝇的寄生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泽兰实蝇(Procecidochares utilis Stone)是我国入侵杂草紫茎泽兰的专食性天敌昆虫。为摸清本土寄生蜂对泽兰实蝇的寄生情况,在云南昆明市选取林下和开阔地等两种生境,分别采用对角线五点取样法与邻接格子取样法,调查了紫茎泽兰的生长及感染虫瘿情况;通过饲养与解剖虫瘿,观察了寄生泽兰实蝇的本土寄生蜂种类及其寄生率。结果表明,共有6种寄生蜂从虫瘿中羽化,对虫瘿的寄生率达70%以上;其中大部分虫瘿被3种寄生蜂寄生。虽然在开阔地生境中紫茎泽兰株高和每株枝条数显著大于林下生境,植株和枝条感虫(瘿)率也显著高于林下,但寄生蜂对虫瘿的总寄生率、各种寄生蜂的寄生率在两种生境之间差异不显著。解剖表明,每虫瘿羽化出的寄生蜂数随虫瘿横径的增大而显著增多。  相似文献   

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