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Weed seed movement and dispersal strategies in the agricultural environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reviews the current knowledge on weed seed movement in an agricultural environment. Seed movement is analyzed both from an agronomic and ecological perspective, focusing predominantly on horizontal seed movement. Abiotic (anemochory and hydrochory), as well as biotic (autochory, myrmecochory, epizoochory, and endozoochory) weed seed dispersal typologies are examined, highlighting the mechanisms involved, the specializations displayed by weed species that have evolved by exploiting a particular dispersal mechanism, and their adaptive interaction with the surrounding ecosystem. Emphasis is also placed on the crucial role of human activity (anthropochory), which can affect natural (biotic and abiotic) weed seed dispersal at several stages, partly via the worldwide commercial seed trade but, above all, by crop management operations, thereby potentially facilitating the entry and spread of alien weed species. This phenomenon, together with the invasive expansion of existing weeds that more successfully coevolve and adapt to the new environment, might exert an adverse effect on biodiversity. In-depth knowledge of weed seed dispersal, survival, and germination mechanisms is therefore essential for effective and eco-compatible management of the weed phytocoenoses present in the agroecosystem in order to promote a rational trade-off between agricultural productivity and environmental protection.  相似文献   

The potential impact of postdispersal seed predation by the field cricket, Teleogryllus emma (Ohmachi et Matsuura), on the seedling emergence of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), a non‐native grass weed in Japan, was determined. The relationship between cricket density and the proportion of seedling emergence was investigated by conducting manipulative experiments in duplicate, using enclosures. One‐thousand seeds of Italian ryegrass were exposed to adult crickets at different densities (zero, one, two, four and eight individuals per 2.25 m2 enclosure) for 2 weeks. The proportion of seedling emergence decreased with increasing cricket density. The proportion of seedling emergence in the enclosures without the crickets was 90.9–97.2%, whereas the seedling emergence in the enclosures with eight crickets greatly decreased, to 0.5–2.5%. These results suggest that postdispersal seed predation by T. emma can substantially decrease the abundance of Italian ryegrass at an early life stage and reduce its population in environments with a high density of crickets.  相似文献   

Weed seed predation is an ecosystem service, influencing weed population dynamics. The impact of weed seed predation on weed population dynamics depends on how predators respond to seed patches at the field scale. Seed predation will be most effective if the proportion of seeds predated increases with increasing size and seed density of patches. Density‐dependent rodent seed predation was measured by varying seed density and patch size in four irrigated conventionally managed cereal fields in north eastern Spain. Artificial weed seed patches were created by applying a range of Lolium multiflorum seed densities from 0 to 7500 seeds m?2 in 225 m2 patches (2008) or in patches that varied in size from 1 to 9 m2 (2009). Seed predation was estimated using seed cards and seed frames. The granivorous rodents Mus spretus and Apodemus sylvaticus caused high seed predation rates (92%) in three fields, whereas in a fourth field, it was lower (47%). Rodents responded in an inversely density‐dependent manner, but this had little biological meaning as even in patches seeded with the highest density, the input to the soil seedbank was reduced by 88%. For the period of time this experiment lasted, hardly any new seeds would have entered the seedbank.  相似文献   

In semi-arid lands, vegetation is distributed in shrub patches immersed in a less vegetated interpatch matrix. Grazing affects perennial grass seed bank through a decrease in seed rain and an increase in seed predation and soil compaction. Nevertheless, some species with anchorage mechanisms in their seeds might overcome this, such as Nassella tenuis (Phil.) Barkworth. This is an important species in grazing paddocks because it has an intermediate palatability and its relatively tolerant to grazing. These characteristics allow N. tenuis to increase its abundance in grazed sites. Our objective was to assess how grazing affects the key palatable species from seeds to seedlings: i.e., seed rain, soil seed bank, and seedling recruitment in different microsites along a windward-leeward transect across shrub canopy. We hypothesized that: (1) the negative effects of grazing on N. tenuis fructification are reflected in its seed rain, soil seed bank, and seedling recruitment, especially in interpatches; (2) Nassella tenuis seed rain reduction, soil compaction by cattle in grazed sites, and removal of seeds by wind decrease its soil seed bank, especially in microsites exposed to the predominant wind; and (3) the decrease in N. tenuis soil seed bank and cover increase in annual species in grazed sites have negative effects on its seedling recruitment, especially in microsites exposed to predominant wind. We placed seed traps, collected soil samples, and monitored seedling recruitment in different locations around shrub canopy to address our hypotheses. Also, we established a manipulative experiment in which we sow N. tenuis seeds and followed its recruitment in different microsites. We compared the seed rain, soil seed bank, natural seedling recruitment, and sown seeds recruitment of N. tenuis between grazed and ungrazed sites. We analyzed differences between microsites along a windward-leeward transect across shrubs patches. Seed rain and soil seed bank had the same density in patches and interpatches both in ungrazed and grazed sites. But seed rain was higher, and soil seed bank was lower in ungrazed sites than in grazed sites. Almost all under-canopy microsites showed greater soil seed bank abundance and natural seedling recruitment in ungrazed sites. Sown seeds recruitment was the same between grazed and ungrazed sites, but it showed protective effects of shrubs in leeward microsites under grazed sites. As a conclusion, seed rain and soil seed bank are complementary under grazed sites.  相似文献   

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