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We have previously identified an unknown cell type in the gills of Murray cod affected with chronic ulcerative dermatopathy (CUD), a condition that causes severe erosion of epidermis surrounding cephalic and lateral line sensory canals. The condition arises in aquaculture facilities that utilize groundwater, with the cause of the condition suggested to be an unknown contaminant(s). Light and transmission electron microscopy were used to characterize and quantify the unknown cells in CUD‐affected Murray cod. The cells were identified as rodlet cells and were characterized by their oval or round shape, basally located nucleus, thick fibrillar capsule surrounding the cell, and multiple rodlet sacs containing a central electron‐dense core within the cell. Rodlet cells were present in the gills, kidney and intestine of non‐CUD‐affected and CUD‐affected Murray cod; however, differences in the numbers were observed between the groups of fish. A significantly greater number of rodlet cells were observed in the gills and collecting ducts of CUD‐affected fish. This is the first report of rodlet cells in Murray cod, and we suggest that the increased rodlet cell numbers in CUD‐affected Murray cod may be in response to unknown water contaminant(s) present in the groundwater that give rise to CUD.  相似文献   

Chronic erosive dermatopathy (CED) is a disease of intensively farmed Murray cod in Australia that has been reported in association with the use of groundwater (mechanically extracted from shallow boreholes) supplies. CED results in focal ulceration of the skin overlying sensory canals of the head and flanks. Trials were conducted at an affected fish farm to study the development of the condition, both in Murray cod and in goldfish, and also to assess the reported recovery of lesions when affected fish were transferred to river water. Grossly, lesions began after 2-3 weeks with degeneration of tissue at the periphery of pores communicating with the sensory canals. Widening of these pores along the axis of the canals resulted from a loss of tissue covering the canal. Histopathologically, hyperplasia of the canal epithelial lining was seen after 3 weeks in borehole water and subsequent necrosis and sloughing of this tissue resulted in the loss of the canal roof. Canal regeneration occurred when fish were transferred from borehole water into river water. The lack of lesions in other organs and the pattern of lesion development support exposure to waterborne factors as the most likely aetiology.  相似文献   

The results of a 56‐day experiment on juvenile Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii peelii, an Australian native fish with a high aquaculture potential, of mean weight 14.9 ± 0.04 g, fed with five experimental diets, one a series of 40% protein content and lipid levels of 10, 17 and 24% (P40L10, P40L17 and P40L24), and another of 50% protein and 17 and 24% (P50L17 and P50L24) lipid are presented. The specific growth rate (SGR) (% day?1) of fish maintained on different diets ranged from 1.18 to 1.41, and was not significantly different between dietary treatments, except P40L10 and the rest. However, there was a general tendency for SGR to increase with increasing dietary lipid content at both protein levels. The food conversion ratio (FCR) for the 40% protein series diets were poorer compared with those of the 50% protein diets, and the best FCR of 1.14 was observed with the P50L17 diet. The protein efficiency ratio (PER), however, was better in fish reared on low protein diets. The net protein utilization (NPU) also did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) in relation to dietary treatment. As in the case of PER the highest NPU was observed in Murray cod reared on diet P40L24 and the lowest in fish fed with diet P50L24. The carcass lipid content reflected that of the diets, when significant increases in the lipid content was observed in relation to dietary lipid content at both protein levels. However, body muscle lipid content did not increase with increasing dietary lipid content, and was significantly lower than in the whole body. The fatty acids found in highest concentration amongst the saturates, monoenes and polyunsaturates (PUFAs) were 16 : 0, 18 : 1n‐9 and 22 : 6n‐3, respectively, and each of these accounted for more than 60% of each of the group's total. The muscle fatty acid content was affected by the dietary lipid content; for example the total amount (in μg mg?1 lipid) of monoenes ranged from 72 ± 5.1 (P40L10) to 112 ± 10 (P40L24) and 112 ± 2.8 (P50L17) to 132 ± 11.8 (P50L24) and the n‐6 series fatty acids increased with increasing dietary lipid content, although not always significant. Most notably, 18 : 2n‐6 increased with the dietary lipid level in both series of diets.  相似文献   

Abstract The Australian native freshwater fish Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii pellii (Mitchell), currently supports a fledgling inland aquaculture industry, which is thought to have considerable growth potential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of two alternate protein sources [blood meal (BM) and defatted soybean meal (SBM)] as substitutes for fish meal at various levels of inclusion in diets for juvenile Murray cod. The growth performance of juvenile Murray cod in response to nine isonitrogenous and isocalorific diets (50% protein, 14% lipid, 20.2 kJ g?1) consisting of a control diet in which protein was supplied from fish meal, and test diets in which the fish meal protein was substituted at levels of 8%, 16%, 24%, and 32% with BM or SBM was evaluated from a 70‐day growth experiment. The per cent apparent dry matter (% ADCdm) and percentage protein digestibility (% ADCp) of the test diets were also determined using Cr2O3 as a marker. Survival in all the SBM dietary treatments was high but that of fish on the BM dietary treatments was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than in all the other dietary treatments. Specific growth rate (% day?1) of Murray cod fed SBM incorporated diets ranged from 1.63 ±  0.06 to 1.78 ±  0.10 and even at the highest level tested (32% of the dietary protein from SBM) was not significantly different (P > 0.05) from the fish fed the control diet (1.65 ±  0.09). Feed conversion ratios of the SBM dietary treatments ranged from 1.36 ±  0.08 to 1.45 ±  0.07. The protein efficiency ratios and protein conversion efficiencies of Murray cod in the soybean meal treatments were also good and for a majority of the SBM diets were better than those for the control diet. Per cent ADCdm and ADCp of the SBM diets tested ranged from 70.6 ±  1.46 to 72.3 ±  1.81% and 88.6 ±  0.57 to 90.3 ±  0.17%, respectively, and was not significantly different (P > 0.05) from the control diet (% ADCdm 74.3 ±  1.63; % ADCp 91.3 ±  0.55). The reasons for significantly poor survival and growth of Murray cod reared on BM incorporated diets, and relatively poor digestibility of these diets are discussed. The study shows that for Murray cod diets in which fish meal protein is substituted up to 32% performance or carcass composition is not compromised.  相似文献   

Macroscopic- and histological-based assessments of gonad condition were compared with ultrasound images to determine the feasibility of this technology as a non-invasive diagnostic tool for identifying sex and assessing maturation status of Murray cod. Four age-classes (1+, 2+, 3+ and 6+ years), were sub-sampled at monthly intervals throughout their annual reproductive cycle and scanned with a 5 MHz linear transducer. An interpretation of sex was made from the resulting images and maximum cross-sectional gonad diameter and area were recorded. Fish were subsequently dissected to confirm gender, and the weights and maturation status of gonads determined and then compared with their respective image profile. Ovaries of females were usually a distinctive feature in ultrasound images, being particularly obvious in older and/or more developed fish. In contrast, the identification of male testis was more problematic. Nonetheless, identifying sex from ultrasound images was consistently achieved by recording the presence/absence of a female ovary (96% total sexing accuracy). Maximum cross-sectional ovary diameter and area were highly correlated with gonad weight (r2 = 0.90 and 0.89, respectively) suggesting that indices of maturation status, comparable to the gonadosomatic index (GSI), can be obtained non-destructively from ultrasound scans of females. A less distinct relationship occurred between these dimensions and weight of testes (r2 = 0.41). Significant increases (P < 0.05) in mean gonad index (GI, calculated from gonad diameter) occurred for most gonad development stages. However, differences in mean GI between maturation stages were confounded by phenotypic variability, indicating that GI may be limited to population level studies. Nevertheless, ultrasound images of ovaries at each development stage were visually distinctive and enabled qualitative evaluations of maturity, thereby complementing quantitative GI assessments. Repeated serial-monitoring of the same population using ultrasound appears to have great potential for tracking maturation-induced changes in broodfish.  相似文献   

Murray cod, Maccullochella peeli, originally captured from the wild, underwent normal gonadal development in earthen ponds. Handling of broodfish in the 3 months before a breeding season caused atresia and resorption of oocytes in most females. Cod were removed from the ponds when the water temperature reached 20°C during spring, and final oocyte maturation and ovulation were induced in mature females by injecting 1000 or 2000 IU/kg human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) or 2–5 mg/kg of a preparation of the pituitary gland from common carp (CPG). Control treatments and dosages of 100–750 IU/kg HCG did not induce ovulation. Broodfish were held at 21 ± 1°C in 2000-l tanks after injection. The time of stripping and fertilization of Murray cod eggs was an important factor determining their hatchability. There was generally high post-fertilization mortality of eggs stripped within 1 h or between 4 and 6 h of ovulation, but high hatchability of eggs stripped 2–3 h after ovulation. The mean hatchability of eggs stripped 48.5–49.5 h after the injection of 1000 IU/kg HCG was 79.8%, but there were significantly lower mean hatchabilities of eggs stripped after 46–48 h and 50–52 h, as well as after the injection of 2000 IU/kg HCG. Results using CPG were variable. Possible reasons for the high post-fertilization mortality of Murray cod eggs are discussed, and techniques for broodfish handling, injection, stripping and the fertilization and incubation of eggs are presented.  相似文献   

Murray cod is a top‐order carnivore with high culture potential. Currently, there are no commercial diets formulated specifically for Murray cod. In this study, results of two growth trials on Murray cod (80–83.5‐g mean initial weight), conducted in commercial settings, using two laboratory‐formulated diets (DU1 and DU2; 48.9% and 49.1% protein, and 16.9% and 16.1% lipid, respectively, on a dry matter basis), and two commercial diets, formulated for other species (salmon – CD/S and barramundi – CD/B) but used in Murray cod farming are presented. The two commercial diets had less protein (46.6% and 44.4%) but higher lipid (21.7% and 19.5%). The energy content of the feeds tested was similar (about 20–22 kJ g?1). The growth performance and feed utilization of Murray cod did not differ significantly amongst the diets, but the food conversion ratio and % protein efficiency ratio in fish fed the DU1 and DU2 diets were consistently better. There was significantly less carcass and muscle lipid deposition in fish fed with the latter diets. Of the fatty acids in muscle, the lowest amounts (in μg mg lipid?1) of n‐3 (262.5±2.9), n‐6 (39.8±0.9) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) (302.3±3.8) were observed in fish fed CD/S, and the highest in fish fed DU2 and CD/B. Fatty acids 16:0 and 18:0, 18:1n‐9 and 16:1n‐7, and 22:6n‐3, 20:5n‐3, 22:5n‐3 and 18:2n‐6 were the dominant fatty acids amongst the saturates, monoenes and PUFA, respectively, and accounted for 80.8–88.7% of all identified fatty acids (23) in muscle of Murray cod. The study showed that Murray cod could be cultured successfully on a diet (DU2) containing 20% soybean meal without compromising growth and/or carcass quality. Differences in the proximate composition and fatty acid composition of muscle of wild and farmed Murray cod were observed, the most obvious being in the latter. Wild Murray cod had significantly less (P<0.05) saturates (192.6±1.84 vs. 266.3±3.51), monoenes (156.5±8.7 vs. 207.6±6.19), n‐3 (145.2±5.24 vs. 261.8±3.2) but higher n‐6 (144.3±2.73 vs. 48.3±1.38) in muscle (all values are in μg mg lipid?1) than in farmed fish. Wild fish also had a much lower n‐3 to n‐6 ratio (1.0±0.03 vs. 5.4±0.09).  相似文献   

The Australian freshwater fish Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii peelii (Mitchell) is gaining popularity as a suitable species for intensive culture, particularly in closed systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of Murray cod in response to different feeding schedules. Growth, survival, food conversion and a range of other related parameters including carcass proximate composition were evaluated for fish in five feed management regimes. The feeding regimes used in the experiment were hand fed to satiation twice daily (SAT), a pre‐determined ration of 1.2% of the body weight day?1 which was hand fed twice daily (HFR), and belt fed through the day only (B/D), belt fed through the night only (B/N) and belt fed for 24 h (B/DN). Each of the five feeding regimes was randomly allocated to three tanks (triplicates). All of the feeding regimes used a commercially prepared diet formulated specifically for Murray cod, containing ≈50% protein and ≈16% lipid. The experiment was conducted for 84 days. Specific growth rate ranged from 0.89±0.01 to 1.07±0.04% day?1. Food conversion ratio (FCR) ranged from 1.09±0.02 to 0.92±0.03. The fastest growth and greatest final body weight were observed in the SAT treatment; however, the highest FCR, visceral fat index (VFI %) and hepatosomatic index (HSI %) were also observed in this treatment. Significant differences were found in specific growth rate and final mean weight between fish in the B/D and SAT treatments. B/N and B/DN feeding regimes appeared to result in the most favourable fish performance.  相似文献   

The serial discontinuity concept (SDC) proposes that hypolimnetic‐releasing impoundments cause major disruptions to the naturally occurring physical, chemical and biological gradients of rivers but that this impact diminishes with distance downstream. Such a gradient in discharge, flow velocity and temperature regime occurs below a large hypolimnetic‐releasing impoundment, the Hume Dam, on the River Murray in south‐eastern Australia. To examine the effects of this disturbance gradient on a warm‐water large‐bodied freshwater fish, the Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii), a bioenergetics model was developed and calibrated to explore energy expended under differing water velocities and temperature regimes. Model simulations predicted negative growth of juveniles directly downstream of the impoundment, due largely to the energetic costs associated with active and, to a lesser extent, standard metabolism outweighing the achievable energetic gains through food consumption. As flow velocity and temperature regimes became more favourable downstream, so did the simulated growth of the species. It was not until +239 km downstream of the impoundment that the model predicted that flow velocity and temperature regimes were suitable for greater weight gains. The modelled growth responses of juvenile Murray cod are consistent with the predictions of the SDC, emphasising that changes in the bioenergetics of individuals are likely to be reflected in reduced growth rates under the changed flow velocity and temperature regimes imposed by disturbance gradients. This research represents a valuable step in the biological understanding of Murray cod within variable riverine environments and emphasises the urgency required to mitigate impacts associated with hypolimnetic impoundments.  相似文献   

Chronic ulcerative dermatopathy (CUD) also known as chronic erosive dermatopathy, hole-in-the-head, head and lateral line erosion syndrome (HLLE) and lateral line depigmentation (LLD) is a chronic disease of unknown aetiology that affects the lateral line canals of the head and the trunk of various fish species. It has been described only in freshwater species although there are reports that it also affects marine fish. Here, we describe the disease in cultured sharpsnout sea bream using histology and scanning electron microscopy and identify several marine species as CUD sensitive. The results of this study correlate the development of the disease with the use of borehole water, indicating that the aetiology is probably associated with water quality rather than nutritional imbalance or infectious agents.  相似文献   

The efficacy of trout oil (TO), extracted from trout offal from the aquaculture industry, was evaluated in juvenile Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii (25.4±0.81 g) diets in an experiment conducted over 60 days at 23.7±0.8 °C. Five isonitrogenous (48% protein), isolipidic (16%) and isoenergetic (21.8 kJ g?1) diets, in which the fish oil fraction was replaced in increments of 25% (0–100%), were used. The best growth and feed efficiency was observed in fish fed diets containing 50–75% TO. The relationship of specific growth rate (SGR), food conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) to the amount of TO in the diets was described in each case by second‐order polynomial equations (P<0.05), which were: SGR=–0.44TO2+0.52TO+1.23 (r2=0.90, P<0.05); FCR=0.53TO2–0.64TO+1.21 (r2=0.95, P<0.05); and PER=–0.73TO2+0.90TO+1.54 (r2=0.90, P<0.05). Significant differences in carcass and muscle proximate compositions were noted among the different dietary treatments. Less lipid was found in muscle than in carcass. The fatty acids found in highest amounts in Murray cod, irrespective of the dietary treatment, were palmitic acid (16:0), oleic acid (18:1n‐9), linoleic acid (18:2n‐6) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n‐3). The fatty acid composition of the muscle reflected that of the diets. Both the n‐6 fatty acid content and the n‐3 to n‐6 ratio were significantly (P<0.05) related to growth parameters, the relationships being as follows. Percentage of n‐6 in diet (X) to SGR and FCR: SGR=–0.12X2+3.96X–32.51 (r2=0.96) and FCR=0.13X2–4.47X+39.39 (r2=0.98); and n‐3:n‐6 ratio (Z) to SGR, FCR, PER: SGR=–2.02Z2+5.01Z–1.74 (r2=0.88), FCR=2.31Z2–5.70Z+4.54 (r2=0.93) and PER=–3.12Z2–7.56Z+2.80 (r2=0.88) respectively. It is evident from this study that TO could be used effectively in Murray cod diets, and that an n‐3:n‐6 ratio of 1.2 results in the best growth performance in Murray cod.  相似文献   

The dynamics of fatty acid composition modifications were examined in tissues of Murray cod fed diets containing fish oil (FO), canola oil (CO) and linseed oil (LO) for a 25‐week period and subsequently transferred to a FO (finishing/wash‐out) diet for a further 16 weeks. At the commencement of the wash‐out period, following 25 weeks of vegetable oil substitution diets, the fatty acid compositions of Murray cod fillets were reflective of the respective diets. After transfer to the FO diet, differences decreased in quantity and in numerousness, resulting in a revert to the FO fatty acid composition. Changes in percentages of the fatty acids and total accumulation in the fillet could be described by exponential equations and demonstrated that major modifications occurred in the first days of the finishing period. A dilution model was tested to predict fatty acid composition. In spite of a general reliability of the model (Y=0.9234X+0.4260, R2=0.957, P<0.001, where X is the predicted percentage of fatty acid; Y the observed percentage of fatty acid), in some instances the regression comparing observed and predicted values was markedly different from the line of equity, indicating that the rate of change was higher than predicted (i.e. Y=0.4205X+1.191, R2=0.974, P<0.001, where X is the predicted percentage of α‐linolenic acid; Y the observed percentage of α‐linolenic acid). Ultimately, using the coefficient of distance (D), it was shown that the fatty acid composition of fish previously fed the vegetable oil diets returned to the average variability of the fillet fatty acid composition of Murray cod after 70 or 97 days (LO and CO respectively).  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the fish condition (Fulton’s K) of 10 cod stocks in the north Atlantic in relation to the temperature of their habitat, growth rates and their reproductive potential is presented. It is shown that the cod stocks in the north Atlantic display different levels of mean condition, which is partly due to the different temperature regimes of their habitats. Cod living in colder waters, e.g. Greenland, Labrador and Grand Bank stocks, were found to be in poorer condition than cod living in warmer waters, e.g. North Sea and Irish Sea stocks.

Poor condition causes reduced productivity in terms of slow growth and low recruitment potential. Stocks in better condition display significantly higher weights at age 4 than stocks in poor condition. The a coefficients (function’s slopes) obtained from standardised Ricker’s recruitment–spawning stock biomass (SSB) relationships were defined as indicators for the recruitment potential of stocks. These a coefficients were found to be positively correlated with the mean condition factor of the 10 stocks analysed. This indicates that stocks consisting of individuals in poor condition appear to be very susceptible to reduced recruitment at low SSB, while the stocks that consist of fish in good condition seem to behave more robustly with a higher probability of good recruitment at low SSB. The positive effect of the cod condition on their reproductive potential generally implies that the stocks in good condition in the temperate regions of the northeast and west Atlantic can sustain higher exploitation rates than stocks in poor condition in the colder regimes of the northwest Atlantic (Greenland, Labrador and Grand Bank). This is confirmed by the positive relationship established between the estimated biological management reference points Fmed and the mean cod condition factors, as well as by the recent status of these stocks.  相似文献   

This study was performed to determine the efficacy of orally administered florfenicol in the treatment of experimentally induced vibriosis (Listonella anguillarum) in cod, Gadus morhua. The L. anguillarum strain HI-610 was used. This strain has a minimal inhibitory concentration value of 0.5 mg L(-1) against florfenicol. Fifteen groups of 40 fish each were challenged by bath with 1.7 x 10(5) CFU mL(-1) for 1 h. Three days following challenge, medication with florfenicol was introduced in 12 of the groups. The dosages used were 10 mg kg(-1) day(-1) for 10 consecutive days in marine or salmonid pellets, 10 mg kg(-1) day(-1) for five consecutive days in marine pellets or administered at days 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 following initiation of treatment. Among challenged unmedicated fish mortality started at day 3 post-challenge reaching a final cumulative mortality of 77% at day 15. The experiment was terminated at day 26. In the medicated groups, the majority of deaths occurred from days 3-7 post-challenge reaching final cumulative mortalities of 31% and 52%, respectively, for the fish given marine and salmonid pellets for 10 consecutive days. The fish treated with medicated marine pellets for five consecutive days and at days 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 (sequential feeding) following initiation of treatment had cumulative mortalities of 52% and 38%, respectively. Survival of medicated fish in all groups was significantly (P < 0.005) greater than survival of challenged unmedicated fish. Furthermore, a significant difference (P < 0.001) in survival was found between fish treated for 10 consecutive days using marine pellets and the groups using marine pellets for five consecutive days and salmonid pellets for 10 consecutive days. Twenty four hours following last medication, six fish had mean plasma concentrations of 3.3 +/- 1.7 and 3.5 +/- 2.8 microg mL(-1), respectively, in fish treated for 10 consecutive days using marine and salmonid pellets. Corresponding values for fish treated for five consecutive days and by sequential feeding were 2.2 +/- 2.3 and 1.7 +/- 0.7 microg mL(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

Silver perch fingerlings (mean weight 15.3 g) were stocked at densities of 21 000 and 7000 fish/ha in six 0.1-ha earthen ponds and cultured for 10 months. There were three replicate ponds for each density. Ponds were aerated for at least 11 h a day and water was added every 4 weeks to replace that lost by evaporation and seepage. Fish were fed a formulated diet containing 35% crude protein at 4% body weight per day for the first 4 weeks and at rates up to 3% thereafter. The mean annual production rate of 9819 kg/ha of fish stocked at 21 000/ha was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than the annual rate of 3699 kg/ha of fish stocked at 7000/ha. The maximum daily production and growth rates achieved in any pond over a 1-month period during summer were 97.7 kg/ha and 5.1 g/fish, respectively. Stocking density did not significantly (P > 0.05) affect survival rate (treatment means for 21 000 and 7000 fish/ha: 92.8 and 94.7%), daily growth rate (0.2–3.3 and 0.3–3.4 g/fish), weight at harvest (434.9 and 473.2 g), food conversion ratio (1.9:1 and 1.8:1) and cost of feeding ($A1.55 and $A1.47/kg), suggesting that higher stocking densities and production rates are possible. Water temperatures ranged from 11.1 to 30.0 °C. Significantly (P < 0.05) slower growth during December was associated with concentrations of NH3-N up to 0.65 mg/l. The results demonstrate that silver perch is an excellent species for semi-intensive culture in static earthen ponds with the potential to form the basis of a large industry in Australia, based on high-volume, relatively low-cost production.  相似文献   

The effects of feed intake level on energy and nitrogen partitioning were studied in juvenile Atlantic cod (250 g) fed two fish meal based diets differing in protein and lipid content (54:31 and 65:16) at 10 °C. Replicate groups of cod were feed deprived for 32 days or fed one of the two diets at 25, 50, 75 or 100% of group satiation for 60 days. Feed intake and oxygen consumption were measured daily and weights and chemical composition of carcass, liver, viscera and whole body were measured at start and end. Diet digestibilities were assessed in a separate experiment.

The whole body and carcass growth rates at a given feed intake did not differ between dietary groups, but the liver grew faster in the fish fed the low protein diet, resulting in higher hepatosomatic indices at the end of the experiment in the groups fed this diet.

The efficiency of utilisation of digestible nitrogen for growth (kDNg) was higher for the low protein diet (0.73 ± 0.02) than for the high protein diet (0.53 ± 0.05), resulting in higher nitrogen retention at a given nitrogen intake. No difference in percentage nitrogen retention was seen in full-fed fish however (31.2 ± 2.5 and 28.4 ± 1.6% for the low protein and high protein diets, respectively). This can be explained by higher nitrogen intake in the fish fed the high protein diet, resulting in a smaller proportion of the intake being used for maintenance.

There was no difference in energy utilisation between dietary groups. The digestible energy requirement for maintenance (DEmaint) was 53.8 ± 0.9 kJ kg− 1 d− 1 (42.3 ± 0.7 kJ kg− 0.8 d− 1) and the utilisation efficiency for growth (kDEg) was 0.80 ± 0.02. The energy retention in full-fed fish was 31.3 ± 3.5 and 31.7 ± 1.0% for the low protein and high protein diets, respectively. The deposited energy was distributed in approximately equal proportions in the liver and carcass, whereas viscera accounted for a minor proportion. At a given energy intake, the fish fed the high protein diet deposited more energy in the carcass and less in the liver than did those fed the low protein diet.  相似文献   

Populations of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria present in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of healthy Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) fed three different diets, fish meal, standard or a bioprocessed soybean meal (BPSBM), were estimated using the dilution plate technique. A total of 944 isolates were characterised by biochemical and physiological properties and 425 isolates were identified further by sequencing the 16S rRNA genes. Our results showed that gut microbiota were affected by dietary manipulation. The GI tract of fish fed fish meal was dominated by Gram-positive bacteria of the genera Brochothrix and Carnobacterium. The Gram-negative bacteria Chryseobacterium spp. and Psychrobacter glacincola, and Gram-positive bacteria belonging to Carnobacterium, dominated in the digestive tract of fish fed soybean meal. In contrast to these results, genus Psychrobacter dominated in the GI tract when fish were fed BPSBM.Until recently, it was generally suggested that the gut microbiota of fish were less diverse than in homoeothermic animals. However, the present study identified several “new” bacterial species isolated from the alimentary tract of Atlantic cod. These “new” bacterial species are not normally isolated from the GI tract of fish. Based on our finding we suggest that the GI tract microbiota of fish might not be as simple as believed.Antagonistic activity of carnobacteria regarding inhibition of growth of two fish pathogens (Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida and Vibrio anguillarum) was observed. However, some difference in the antibacterial activity of Carnobacterium spp. was observed. Whether this antagonistic activity has any effect in challenge studies will be discussed, especially in relation to the finding that the digestive tract is one of the major infection routes in fish.  相似文献   

头足类是最具开发潜力的渔业种群之一,然而其资源易受环境变化影响,复杂的交互作用致使二者空间关系呈现非均一性。中国枪乌贼 (Uroteuthis chinensis) 是南海北部近海重要的经济物种,且在渔业群落结构中占据优势种地位,故正确理解与掌握该物种资源-环境关系的空间特征,有助于该资源的保护与利用。基于南海北部近海2014年夏季的渔业资源调查数据,构建了地理权重回归模型 (Geographical weighted regression, GWR),探索该海域中国枪乌贼的资源分布与海洋环境关系的空间特征,阐述主要影响因子。模型评价指标结果表明,GWR的最小赤池信息准则 (Akaike Information Criterion, AIC) 和校正决定系数 (Adjusted R-Squared, 相似文献   

This study characterises Perkinsus atlanticus disease prevalence and intensity within the economically important beds of the clam Ruditapes decussatus along the Iberian Atlantic coast. Samples were collected from five different sites along the Portuguese coast (Ria Formosa, Ria do Alvor, V.N. Milfontes, Aveiro, Lagoa de Obidos) and in Galicia (Ria de Arosa) between winter 2000/2001 and 2002/2003. The infection level was evaluated by the Ray Fluid Thioglycollate medium (RFTM) method using the body burden assay. In addition, the measure of the condition index (CI) (percentage between the edible part and the total weight of the clams) was conducted to investigate a possible correlation between this parameter and the intensity of the infection. However, no clear relationship between infection intensity and condition index (CI) could be determined although a significant decline in CI was found for heavily infected clams. Results of a 2-year survey demonstrate the presence of Perkinsus sp. in all sampling sites albeit with different intensities. Sites where human interference was minimal showed the lowest levels of infection. There were no significant differences in Perkinsus sp. infection intensity between samples collected in winter and summer, in contrast with several studies describing higher intensities at the end of the summer. Nevertheless, major differences were observed from year to year and site to site, indicating that factors other than those responsible for seasonal climatic variations might affect the prevalence and the intensity of Perkinsus sp. infection.  相似文献   

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